Why be a conservative?

Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?

Wrong....it was sold as a piggy bank........they lied.........it is the biggest ponzi scheme we have ever had....
No, it was never sold as a piggy bank. That's why you earn credits.
It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

The politicians ....moron.....they take the money we give them and use it to buy influence and power...... they go to washington without money, and leave rich......
Conservative save things, preserve things, even God-forbid, reform things at times. Not seeing much of that so far?

What part of preserving the founding principals did you not get.....as codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....?
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

The politicians ....moron.....they take the money we give them and use it to buy influence and power...... they go to washington without money, and leave rich......
And they do that on the Social Security funds which come in and then go right back out? You might want to work on that one.
Conservative save things, preserve things, even God-forbid, reform things at times. Not seeing much of that so far?

What part of preserving the founding principals did you not get.....as codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....?
Founding "principles", and only the BoR and the Constitution matter. The DoI is purely historical, it has no legal standing.

And that said, you are all good with religious freedom then?
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Conservative save things, preserve things, even God-forbid, reform things at times. Not seeing much of that so far?

What part of preserving the founding principals did you not get.....as codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....?
Founding "principles", and only the BoR and the Constitution matter. The DoI is purely history, it has no legal standing.

And that said, you are all good with religious freedom then?

Yep.....freedom of Religion.......you know...in the Constitution under "Bill of Rights" it pre existed the Constitution, simply codified so that left wingers can be shown it in writing.......
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

Didn't you claim to be a mal-educator? Turning out kids from public schools with high school diplomas who could neither read nor write, babbled in ebonics and unable to add a column of 5 numbers, even if using a calculator.
Conservative save things, preserve things, even God-forbid, reform things at times. Not seeing much of that so far?

What part of preserving the founding principals did you not get.....as codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....?
Founding "principles", and only the BoR and the Constitution matter. The DoI is purely history, it has no legal standing.

And that said, you are all good with religious freedom then?

Yep.....freedom of Religion.......you know...in the Constitution under "Bill of Rights" it pre existed the Constitution, simply codified so that left wingers can be shown it in writing.......
Great. Glad to see you defending the burka.
Just for fun, I wish I were a conservative so that...
  • I'd think Dennis Miller was funny
  • enjoy gun shows and tractor pulls
  • could blame half the world's problems on the MSM, 100% on the liberals, 20% on the New Deal and all the rest on blacks, Muslims and Jews
  • could bitch about singers not singing the national anthem the right way
  • would wonder who these non-denominational churches are trying to fool?
  • think that Mexicans flying their flag have no heritage
  • be a war hawk although I never served
  • see soccer as an attack on masculinity
  • only drive a Ford F150
  • think Ronald Reagan should be sanctified
  • think Donald Trump is on his way to becoming sanctified
  • Happy Holidays, my ass
  • look back fondly at CB radios and truck driving movies
  • speak expertly about the dangers behind the Trilateral Commission
It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.
Hey mentally slow. The person at the top taking all of the money is the government.
Conservative save things, preserve things, even God-forbid, reform things at times. Not seeing much of that so far?

What part of preserving the founding principals did you not get.....as codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....?
Founding "principles", and only the BoR and the Constitution matter. The DoI is purely history, it has no legal standing.

And that said, you are all good with religious freedom then?

Yep.....freedom of Religion.......you know...in the Constitution under "Bill of Rights" it pre existed the Constitution, simply codified so that left wingers can be shown it in writing.......
Great. Glad to see you defending the burka.

Yep......if they want to wear a burka, more power to them......and if our left wing weren't insane, they would start a movement to free women of the burka.....also a Right in this country......

That the left wing champions the burka is insane...it is the most dramatic symbol of female oppression you can actually see............and for femisists who at one point burned their bras as an act against male dominated society....it is insane the way they embrce the hijab and the burka........
I am neither Conservative nor Liberal. I realized BOTH ideologies won't do what's required to save America and those it was intended for so its pointless.
Your race-based religion will save America?
For those white race which is who our founders intended America for yes. Even if someone isn't a Racial Socialist like me being a conservative/liberal is just dumb. 2 sides of the same coin.
Just for fun, I wish I were a conservative so that...
  • I'd think Dennis Miller was funny
  • enjoy gun shows and tractor pulls
  • could blame half the world's problems on the MSM, 100% on the liberals, 20% on the New Deal and all the rest on blacks, Muslims and Jews
  • could bitch about singers not singing the national anthem the right way
  • would wonder who these non-denominational churches are trying to fool?
  • think that Mexicans flying their flag have no heritage
  • be a war hawk although I never served
  • see soccer as an attack on masculinity
  • only drive a Ford F150
  • think Ronald Reagan should be sanctified
  • think Donald Trump is on his way to becoming sanctified
  • Happy Holidays, my ass
  • look back fondly at CB radios and truck driving movies
  • speak expertly about the dangers behind the Trilateral Commission

And you are exactly why Trump won and hilary lost........please...keep it up...we need to vote out as many of you assholes as we can if we are to save this country....
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.

If your money taken over 45 years existed, and most of it didn't disappear in Oct. 2008; the money taken in payroll tax was spent every year on others, and will be there in the future for you, if Wall Street isn't able to get the GOP to make sure it goes broke.

If you planned ahead you would have been able to retire "by now"
I was missing the money they took, dumbfuck. You had a cushy government job with a retirement package.

30 workers supported SS when it was introduced and people didn't live long after on average. Now it's less that 3 workers supporting people that live much longer. So tell us Econ professor, how the math works out unless they tax the shit out of the younger generation?
That, and raise the retirement age, and lower the benefits, and means-test it.

Is that what was done with public employee retirement systems?

Nope, hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars were given to bail them out.

$224 billion to Cal-PERS

Civil Servants: The New Unlikely 'Fat Cats'?
Just for fun, I wish I were a conservative so that...
  • I'd think Dennis Miller was funny
  • enjoy gun shows and tractor pulls
  • could blame half the world's problems on the MSM, 100% on the liberals, 20% on the New Deal and all the rest on blacks, Muslims and Jews
  • could bitch about singers not singing the national anthem the right way
  • would wonder who these non-denominational churches are trying to fool?
  • think that Mexicans flying their flag have no heritage
  • be a war hawk although I never served
  • see soccer as an attack on masculinity
  • only drive a Ford F150
  • think Ronald Reagan should be sanctified
  • think Donald Trump is on his way to becoming sanctified
  • Happy Holidays, my ass
  • look back fondly at CB radios and truck driving movies
  • speak expertly about the dangers behind the Trilateral Commission
Just the top three.

Miller is funny.

You desperately need a day at any Motorsport event.

Your math skills prove beyond a doubt you're a liberal.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

Didn't you claim to be a mal-educator? Turning out kids from public schools with high school diplomas who could neither read nor write, babbled in ebonics and unable to add a column of 5 numbers, even if using a calculator.

I'm glade to hear that. Sadly there are many that have a second grade education as you do who ARE corrupting the minds of children in the socialized schools.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.

If your money taken over 45 years existed, and most of it didn't disappear in Oct. 2008; the money taken in payroll tax was spent every year on others, and will be there in the future for you, if Wall Street isn't able to get the GOP to make sure it goes broke.

If you planned ahead you would have been able to retire "by now"
Retirement = death. I will die with a hammer in my hand I hope.

That will change. There are books to read, places to go, dogs to play ball with and grand kids to spoil. You can have pancakes for dinner and grill a steak for breakfast, drive on highways during all but commute hours, ski midweek or surf when the hot doggers are in school.

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