Why be a conservative?

I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.
You must be really young. We already know you're really stupid. But I gave you the conservative position, you are ignorant as well.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?

We shouldn't have it......individuals need to keep their own money and save it for their retirement.....and form private groups to provide for their welfare as a back up......the federal government did not keep our money in a special account for our retirement...the politicians have turned it into a panzi scheme, and in the real world, they should be in jail for what they did.
Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.

Yes.....the politicians tell us....we have to raise the age of retirement and increase how much you pay in...so you don't live as long to enjoy the little bit of money that we allow you to keep, which you made your whole life...while we, the politicians use that money to increase our own wealth and power....

That is social security and how it works.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.
You must be really young. We already know you're really stupid. But I gave you the conservative position, you are ignorant as well.
What you gave me was the turn back the clock position. Those are never conservative. It passes right by the "conserve" part.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
SS is a scam where the government takes part of your pay and then dictates when you will be allowed to retire. A free citizen should be able to invest that money how they see fit and take it out when they decide they want it. The worst part about SS though is the keep moving your retirement date further back in the hope that you will die before you get any of it. Then the glorious government gets to keep it all. It reduces the amount you could leave for your wife after you're gone. It reduces what you can leave your kids.

Yes....only a left winger would think that is in anyway a sane, rational thing....
People don't have the choice to be conservative. If you are born with an IQ greater than 80, you are a conservative. If not then you are a leftist. If you have an IQ under 60, you will be a Nazi democrat through no fault of your own.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.

If your money taken over 45 years existed, and most of it didn't disappear in Oct. 2008; the money taken in payroll tax was spent every year on others, and will be there in the future for you, if Wall Street isn't able to get the GOP to make sure it goes broke.

If you planned ahead you would have been able to retire "by now"
I was missing the money they took, dumbfuck. You had a cushy government job with a retirement package.

30 workers supported SS when it was introduced and people didn't live long after on average. Now it's less that 3 workers supporting people that live much longer. So tell us Econ professor, how the math works out unless they tax the shit out of the younger generation?
I think of it as "a return to common sense"
Big fan of common sense. What's the conservative position on say, induced abortion (and keeping the need for that down)?

Abortion is murder. The only time it isn't murder is when the mother will die, or both the mother and baby will die if the baby is carried to term......then the abortion is an act of triage....trying to save one life where both will die.
Right off the bat, not conservative.

Oh...I get it.......if it goes against what you feel...it isn't conservative.....

That is how this thread works....
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.
Who the hell are you to decide that?
A very smart liberal who knows demographics and what is and isn't conservative.
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.
Who the hell are you to decide that?
A very smart liberal who knows demographics and what is and isn't conservative.
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.
I think of it as "a return to common sense"
Big fan of common sense. What's the conservative position on say, induced abortion (and keeping the need for that down)?

Abortion is murder. The only time it isn't murder is when the mother will die, or both the mother and baby will die if the baby is carried to term......then the abortion is an act of triage....trying to save one life where both will die.
Right off the bat, not conservative.

Oh...I get it.......if it goes against what you feel...it isn't conservative.....

That is how this thread works....
Ah, no.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?

We shouldn't have it......individuals need to keep their own money and save it for their retirement.....and form private groups to provide for their welfare as a back up......the federal government did not keep our money in a special account for our retirement...the politicians have turned it into a panzi scheme, and in the real world, they should be in jail for what they did.
Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
Social security, was raided to pay for socialist programs like welfare, and others. Unlike a private retirement fund the government has control over all of the aspects of the contract including how much money of your own you can have. Our government is the only retirement fund administrator I know of that penalizes a retiree for working and improving their retired lifestyle, and ONLY for a certain class of retirees.

No matter what your idea is, The conservative position is STOP as many abortions as possible.

Public education is not a problem for conservatives, it is ONE of THE problems caused by liberals.

So why not state the positions you attest to conservatives including naziisim and all of your other lies.
I'm a conservative because I grew up.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?
Should be up to the people to decide on retirement. If my money taken for 45 years now had been in the market I'd be retired now. Thanks libs! But it will be worse for the young, they won't be able to retire until they are 70 or older.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.

If your money taken over 45 years existed, and most of it didn't disappear in Oct. 2008; the money taken in payroll tax was spent every year on others, and will be there in the future for you, if Wall Street isn't able to get the GOP to make sure it goes broke.

If you planned ahead you would have been able to retire "by now"
I was missing the money they took, dumbfuck. You had a cushy government job with a retirement package.

30 workers supported SS when it was introduced and people didn't live long after on average. Now it's less that 3 workers supporting people that live much longer. So tell us Econ professor, how the math works out unless they tax the shit out of the younger generation?
That, and raise the retirement age, and lower the benefits, and means-test it.
Did you now? Alright, what's the "conservative" position on say, Social Security?

We shouldn't have it......individuals need to keep their own money and save it for their retirement.....and form private groups to provide for their welfare as a back up......the federal government did not keep our money in a special account for our retirement...the politicians have turned it into a panzi scheme, and in the real world, they should be in jail for what they did.
Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
I think of it as "a return to common sense"
Big fan of common sense. What's the conservative position on say, induced abortion (and keeping the need for that down)?

Abortion is murder. The only time it isn't murder is when the mother will die, or both the mother and baby will die if the baby is carried to term......then the abortion is an act of triage....trying to save one life where both will die.
Right off the bat, not conservative.

Oh...I get it.......if it goes against what you feel...it isn't conservative.....

That is how this thread works....
Why are you conservative? And whatever you say I'm just going to tell you that's not conservative. He's not here to learn.
We shouldn't have it......individuals need to keep their own money and save it for their retirement.....and form private groups to provide for their welfare as a back up......the federal government did not keep our money in a special account for our retirement...the politicians have turned it into a panzi scheme, and in the real world, they should be in jail for what they did.
Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
We shouldn't have it......individuals need to keep their own money and save it for their retirement.....and form private groups to provide for their welfare as a back up......the federal government did not keep our money in a special account for our retirement...the politicians have turned it into a panzi scheme, and in the real world, they should be in jail for what they did.
Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?

Wrong....it was sold as a piggy bank........they lied.........it is the biggest ponzi scheme we have ever had....
Social security, was raided to pay for socialist programs like welfare, and others. Unlike a private retirement fund the government has control over all of the aspects of the contract including how much money of your own you can have. Our government is the only retirement fund administrator I know of that penalizes a retiree for working and improving their retired lifestyle, and ONLY for a certain class of retirees.

No matter what your idea is, The conservative position is STOP as many abortions as possible.

Public education is not a problem for conservatives, it is ONE of THE problems caused by liberals.

So why not state the positions you attest to conservatives including naziisim and all of your other lies.
I know the positions the question is, do you?

And how would you like to stop induced abortions? Prayer?
Hmmm, well that would be the reactionary position (turn back the clock based on ideology), what's the conservative position?

And it's Ponzi scheme BTW, and he got rich so, who is getting rich off of Social Security?

It isn't reactionary.......ending a failed program is fixing a problem.......

The politicians who control all the money coming in for social security. They spent all of it, and dole out money coming in for the smallest amount possible......
The most popular, well-respected, and effective social program in the history of the US is a failed program? No. That's why its called the third-rail of American politics, it can't be touched or you die.

It is a failed program.......there is no money in the system and it is failing.....they have to increase the age to make sure more people die before they get the money they put in....and they need to keep raising the taxes on it to keep money in to keep it floating a little longer....

It is a ponzi scheme, run by politicians who have their own retirement system....if SS was in the private sector the politicians would be arrested....
The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

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