Why be a conservative?

The system is a pay as you go. It was never supposed to be a piggy bank.

And if it's a Ponzi scheme, who is Ponzi and getting rich?
The welfare rats, and socialist.
Not seeing a persons name on who is getting rich? In a Ponzi scheme there is a guy at the very top getting rich. If you don't have then it isn't - a Ponzi scheme.

Then you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is do you. It does not actually have to be a person, it can be any entity, group or single person. GUESS WHO?? now as for the SELF induced abortion, there is a difference you know, like self induced death is suicide, and then assisted, or external entity induced death is MURDER. your points and your little BS thread are simply the product of your inflated sense of intellect when you are sorely lacking in the resource.
A Ponzi scheme takes in money and pays out that cash to investor at amazing rates. As long as new investors come it it stays afloat and the guy (Ponzi) gets rich. When the money dries up it falls apart. That is nothing like Social Security, a pay as you go system.
Man-made global warming is a Ponzi scheme… Fact
Nothing like a fact, and nothing like a Ponzi scheme.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
A Ponzi scheme takes in money and pays out that cash to investor at amazing rates. As long as new investors come it it stays afloat and the guy (Ponzi) gets rich. When the money dries up it falls apart. That is nothing like Social Security, a pay as you go system.

Close, but not exactly. You are missing a very important point the money isn't and never was there.

Social Security is just like a Ponzi scheme since the money isn't there.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
The above works for nearly everyone. We have the science to prove it.

Oh, and not too many choices. Those only confuse people and make them anxious.
A Ponzi scheme takes in money and pays out that cash to investor at amazing rates. As long as new investors come it it stays afloat and the guy (Ponzi) gets rich. When the money dries up it falls apart. That is nothing like Social Security, a pay as you go system.

Close, but not exactly. You are missing a very important point the money isn't and never was there.

Social Security is just like a Ponzi scheme since the money isn't there.
In a Ponzi scheme money is there, lots of it but not all of it. It's not just money in and money out like Social Security was made to be.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
The above works for nearly everyone. We have the science to prove it.

Oh, and not too many choices. Those only confuse people and make them anxious.
You're basically talking about socialism, I would rather die than live in another purely socialist system. I grew up on one it's called the Indian reservation.
There is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom in a socialist society. fact
I would rather die than live in a socialist society… Millions of other people feel the same
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
The above works for nearly everyone. We have the science to prove it.

Oh, and not too many choices. Those only confuse people and make them anxious.
You're basically talking about socialism, I would rather die than live in another purely socialist system. I grew up on one it's called the Indian reservation.
There is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom in a socialist society. fact
I would rather die than live in a socialist society… Millions of other people feel the same
Socialism rules all over the world. If the Swedes can survive it so can you, Rez boy.
Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
The above works for nearly everyone. We have the science to prove it.

Oh, and not too many choices. Those only confuse people and make them anxious.
You're basically talking about socialism, I would rather die than live in another purely socialist system. I grew up on one it's called the Indian reservation.
There is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom in a socialist society. fact
I would rather die than live in a socialist society… Millions of other people feel the same
Socialism rules all over the world. If the Swedes can survive it so can you, Rez boy.
Socialism kills the spirit, there is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom with such hell… Why don't you go to Sweden? I know why don't why I don't I won't even last a month over there.
It must be relatively easy to run for office as a liberal. You don't have those pesky moral and family values to contend with. You can never call a liberal a hypocrite because they claim no respect for family, religion or the Flag or especially tradition. Liberals thrive on bigotry and they don't even realize it.
Tell us all about what we need and what makes us happy.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
The above works for nearly everyone. We have the science to prove it.

Oh, and not too many choices. Those only confuse people and make them anxious.
You're basically talking about socialism, I would rather die than live in another purely socialist system. I grew up on one it's called the Indian reservation.
There is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom in a socialist society. fact
I would rather die than live in a socialist society… Millions of other people feel the same
Socialism rules all over the world. If the Swedes can survive it so can you, Rez boy.

So funny. Liberals always tell us how great it is in other places around the world, but never once packed a bag to live in one of those countries.

There are plenty of utopias for liberals, but there is only one USA. One you ruin this place, there are no other USA's to run to.

If you want a place where there are no wealthy except the government, want a place where nobody but government has guns, want a place with socialized healthcare, want a place where everybody is equal, try Cuba. Everybody is equal there......equally poor.
Not a conservative position and the retirement age should be almost 80 now.

If your money taken over 45 years existed, and most of it didn't disappear in Oct. 2008; the money taken in payroll tax was spent every year on others, and will be there in the future for you, if Wall Street isn't able to get the GOP to make sure it goes broke.

If you planned ahead you would have been able to retire "by now"
I was missing the money they took, dumbfuck. You had a cushy government job with a retirement package.

30 workers supported SS when it was introduced and people didn't live long after on average. Now it's less that 3 workers supporting people that live much longer. So tell us Econ professor, how the math works out unless they tax the shit out of the younger generation?
That, and raise the retirement age, and lower the benefits, and means-test it.

Is that what was done with public employee retirement systems?

Nope, hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars were given to bail them out.

$224 billion to Cal-PERS

Civil Servants: The New Unlikely 'Fat Cats'?

You of course couldn't meet the MQ's to secure a good job with benefits. As for a cushy job, you, as usual don't know a damn thing about what a government job entails. The employees are no different in the private sector than those in the public. And many gov't jobs mirror the private sector jobs.

Being stupid, and an asshole, are problems for you normal people don't experience.
I've worked for many government agencies and many of those I dealt with were not employable in the private sector.
Conservative means taking personal responsibility and good values. Including traditional values.

Liberal, at least today means the desire that responsibility is shifted toward the government and poor values. Add snowflakes and you have a liberal.

So to answer your question, that's why.
i'm Conservative mainly because i believe in a strongest military possible even at great expense , strong exclusionary borders , USA Sovereignty and Independence and the smallest amount of laws , rules and regulations on the American person RTighty !!

I find it interesting that the military was your first pick. Explain how the expansion of a government force touts conservatism.

/---- because national defense is the primary role of the Government, you tool.

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i'm Conservative mainly because i believe in a strongest military possible even at great expense , strong exclusionary borders , USA Sovereignty and Independence and the smallest amount of laws , rules and regulations on the American person RTighty !!

I find it interesting that the military was your first pick. Explain how the expansion of a government force touts conservatism.
----------------------------------------- without the military America would be easy pickings for other nations friend or foe AAron .
Being a conservative means having to listen to pointed questions from liberals, such as “would you fully support the candidate that wins the election". It means being chastised and diminished if you don’t agree. And it means finding out all along that they never planned on supporting the opposing candidate if/when they lose…and have to listen to their BS excuses afterwards.
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.
Your "village" does and can not work for millions of other people, why force them into such a shit hole?
The above works for nearly everyone. We have the science to prove it.

Oh, and not too many choices. Those only confuse people and make them anxious.
You're basically talking about socialism, I would rather die than live in another purely socialist system. I grew up on one it's called the Indian reservation.
There is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom in a socialist society. fact
I would rather die than live in a socialist society… Millions of other people feel the same
Socialism rules all over the world. If the Swedes can survive it so can you, Rez boy.

So funny. Liberals always tell us how great it is in other places around the world, but never once packed a bag to live in one of those countries.

There are plenty of utopias for liberals, but there is only one USA. One you ruin this place, there are no other USA's to run to.

If you want a place where there are no wealthy except the government, want a place where nobody but government has guns, want a place with socialized healthcare, want a place where everybody is equal, try Cuba. Everybody is equal there......equally poor.
----------------------------------- very important and as Rays says , there are no other USA's !!
Since we had so much fun with why be a liberal, let's have a bit of fairness doctrine. So, why be a conservative and just what are you conserving?

"Why be a conservative?"
This is sooo simple. Because "live and let live on other people's money" is plain retarded and because there is no way in hell you want to associate with this:

Or this:


Or this:



Or this:


Or this:


You Loonies should be so proud....hahaha
And you are why I'm conservative and hate liberals. Some moron who thinks he's smart but I wouldn't trust to not hurt himself with a sharp stick thinks he has all the answers for everyone else.
I have nearly all of them, for folks like you. They aren't that hard to work out.

LoL @ you thinking you know better than someone else, you're just another cog in the wheel, you shnook.

Oh yeah, and you're not very bright, either.
I do know better, in nearly all cases. It's not hard to figure out what makes normal people happy and how they should live.

Did you know people with an attitude such as yours helped Trump win? :D
He didn't win, actually, so that must not have mattered much. And if you have to become a moron to win or appeal to them, don't.

Oh? Who's the current president of the United States?
Start with love, affection, decent health, comfort, enough money to live on, family, friends, religion (for most), connection to a like-minded community, and being maybe just a little bit better off than the guy next door but not too high or too low. Human beings are rather simple creatures, in nearly all cases.

That sounds like being content. Everyone I have ever meet there definition of happiness is different. Hell my wife's and my definition is completely different. Same thing about needs.

People are all unique. My cousin needs a big house with a fancy car and to travel all around the world to be happy. Her Grandfather needs a chair, tv with sports and a six pack and he would be in Heaven.
If your money taken over 45 years existed, and most of it didn't disappear in Oct. 2008; the money taken in payroll tax was spent every year on others, and will be there in the future for you, if Wall Street isn't able to get the GOP to make sure it goes broke.

If you planned ahead you would have been able to retire "by now"
I was missing the money they took, dumbfuck. You had a cushy government job with a retirement package.

30 workers supported SS when it was introduced and people didn't live long after on average. Now it's less that 3 workers supporting people that live much longer. So tell us Econ professor, how the math works out unless they tax the shit out of the younger generation?
That, and raise the retirement age, and lower the benefits, and means-test it.

Is that what was done with public employee retirement systems?

Nope, hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars were given to bail them out.

$224 billion to Cal-PERS

Civil Servants: The New Unlikely 'Fat Cats'?

You of course couldn't meet the MQ's to secure a good job with benefits. As for a cushy job, you, as usual don't know a damn thing about what a government job entails. The employees are no different in the private sector than those in the public. And many gov't jobs mirror the private sector jobs.

Being stupid, and an asshole, are problems for you normal people don't experience.
I've worked for many government agencies and many of those I dealt with were not employable in the private sector.

Sure you did. What agencies and in what capacity.

I provided technical assistance to both the State and Federal Dept of Justice and collaborated with the FBI on training our officers in interviewing and interrogations.

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