Why Blacks Should Vote for Trump

Of course you ignored his point, but why should blacks for for someone who wants to import illegals to fire them? Are you man enough to once in your life stand up to a real question? I'm thinking no, you can't
He is a retarded cave chimp at best. No need to take anything he says seriously. He is just here for me to use as I see fit.

I called that one, you aren't. He's right on the point that Democrats are screwing blacks by importing the low wages you attack businesses of wanting in China. Why on earth would you support Democrats bringing it here? Jobs is where it all starts, and no one is harmed more by the importation of slave wage labor rates than blacks are. How can you possibly go along with that?

I missed this and it has all kinds of issues with logic IMO. Jobs are a security blanket and a tool to learn how to stop working for someone else.. If your main objective is to work to make someone else a profit then you will remain a wage slave. If your objective is to learn from your job and then strike out on your own then and only then are jobs important. Once I learned that simple truth I stopped worrying about getting fired, being late, and all that silly stressful crap people go through just to pay the bills. i cant stand the thought of someone telling me when I can go on vacation, be sick, attend my childs boring but important recital etc. The days of working 40 years for a company then retiring with benefits is long gone. Todays people need to be flexible, adaptable, mobile, and have a "fuck you system" attitude. Once i got rid of that type of thinking I literally exploded with success. I remember i told one my managers i was leaving early to see my daughters play and he said I couldnt leave. I laughed and walked out and that was the last time I worked for someone else.
Selling crack isn't going to get you on the Forbes Fortune 500, no matter how you dress it up.
I agree. Stop selling crack if you want to be on Forbes. Stay away from the meth too. It blows up houses.

You're on a playground run there. Are you actually an eight year old or do you just play one on message boards? Seriously? Playground insults? Pathetic
How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.

You think Obama has helped blacks? Yeah. What policy was that?
I know Obama has helped Blacks. Dont worry about what policy it is. Just take my word for it or do your own research. You might want to start with the Black farmers or agendas like My Brothers Keepers. I know they say ignorance is bliss. Dont let them fool you. Really its not..

You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left

Racism is your religion .. and your all white party is headed for the garbage dump where confederate flags are stinking it up.

What has republicans done for Black people? When Black voted for them, republicans didn't do shit for Black people.

Republicans govern 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the country and have lost virtually every social isue they care about.

Why should anyone book a trip on the Titanic?

Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?
Most blacks aren't oreos like you. Black joblessness, especially among the youth, has skyrocketed under your historic president and median income has dropped precipitously. Not all blacks can sell crack to triple their income.
Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.

Blacks have it way easier than whites in corporate America and have for a long time. If you're black, you have a huge advantage, companies are trying hit targets. If you're white, it's pure competition for a job. If you're black, you just have to prove you can do the job.

But other than the snide attitude, what you are saying is exactly right in a free market. Companies that don't hire the best employees lose out in the long run. If the best ones are passed over, start your own that does hire the best people and eat them for lunch.

Government solutions just end up being never ending quotas and games with government. Free markets are the solution. Embrace that, don't just say it
Yes Blacks have it easier once they get to corporate america simply by virtue of them being way better than the white competition. Its getting there and not giving up when racists try to stop you that is the issue. Once you make it you see the white haters coming from a long distance away and you can set traps and let them screw themselves like I did for the time I worked in the corporate environment. Whats funny is I have had assistance from white women on a number of occasions to make a would be racist obstacle creator step on his own dick.

I wasnt being snide I was just pointing out an obvious fact. If youre a NA or Black or any other melinated person then you are a uncle tom, tonto, or jose if you consider whites to be superior to you and others of your ethnicity..

Blacks are "way better than the white competition?" Again you're a racist. Why is that OK to say but not the reverse? I am not saying the reverse. I just want the best to have the opportunity no matter who they are. But you're still fighting a war you already won. Even in the 50s, government was the problem.

Companies in the deep south wanted green, not white. So government forced them to stop with Jim Crow ... wait for it ... laws. Who enacts laws, Holmes? G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t. Markets almost never discriminate because to do that requires leaving money on the table. The Montgomery bus system opposed forcing their most reliable customers to the back and to stand

Then why the need for Affirmative Action?

I don't think that question was to me, was it? It makes no sense in regard to what I said
Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.

Blacks have it way easier than whites in corporate America and have for a long time. If you're black, you have a huge advantage, companies are trying hit targets. If you're white, it's pure competition for a job. If you're black, you just have to prove you can do the job.

But other than the snide attitude, what you are saying is exactly right in a free market. Companies that don't hire the best employees lose out in the long run. If the best ones are passed over, start your own that does hire the best people and eat them for lunch.

Government solutions just end up being never ending quotas and games with government. Free markets are the solution. Embrace that, don't just say it
Yes Blacks have it easier once they get to corporate america simply by virtue of them being way better than the white competition. Its getting there and not giving up when racists try to stop you that is the issue. Once you make it you see the white haters coming from a long distance away and you can set traps and let them screw themselves like I did for the time I worked in the corporate environment. Whats funny is I have had assistance from white women on a number of occasions to make a would be racist obstacle creator step on his own dick.

I wasnt being snide I was just pointing out an obvious fact. If youre a NA or Black or any other melinated person then you are a uncle tom, tonto, or jose if you consider whites to be superior to you and others of your ethnicity..

Blacks are "way better than the white competition?" Again you're a racist. Why is that OK to say but not the reverse? I am not saying the reverse. I just want the best to have the opportunity no matter who they are. But you're still fighting a war you already won. Even in the 50s, government was the problem.

Companies in the deep south wanted green, not white. So government forced them to stop with Jim Crow ... wait for it ... laws. Who enacts laws, Holmes? G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t. Markets almost never discriminate because to do that requires leaving money on the table. The Montgomery bus system opposed forcing their most reliable customers to the back and to stand

Then why the need for Affirmative Action?

I don't think that question was to me, was it? It makes no sense in regard to what I said

Nope. See statement Blacks are "way better than the white competition?"
Blacks have it way easier than whites in corporate America and have for a long time. If you're black, you have a huge advantage, companies are trying hit targets. If you're white, it's pure competition for a job. If you're black, you just have to prove you can do the job.

But other than the snide attitude, what you are saying is exactly right in a free market. Companies that don't hire the best employees lose out in the long run. If the best ones are passed over, start your own that does hire the best people and eat them for lunch.

Government solutions just end up being never ending quotas and games with government. Free markets are the solution. Embrace that, don't just say it
Yes Blacks have it easier once they get to corporate america simply by virtue of them being way better than the white competition. Its getting there and not giving up when racists try to stop you that is the issue. Once you make it you see the white haters coming from a long distance away and you can set traps and let them screw themselves like I did for the time I worked in the corporate environment. Whats funny is I have had assistance from white women on a number of occasions to make a would be racist obstacle creator step on his own dick.

I wasnt being snide I was just pointing out an obvious fact. If youre a NA or Black or any other melinated person then you are a uncle tom, tonto, or jose if you consider whites to be superior to you and others of your ethnicity..

Blacks are "way better than the white competition?" Again you're a racist. Why is that OK to say but not the reverse? I am not saying the reverse. I just want the best to have the opportunity no matter who they are. But you're still fighting a war you already won. Even in the 50s, government was the problem.

Companies in the deep south wanted green, not white. So government forced them to stop with Jim Crow ... wait for it ... laws. Who enacts laws, Holmes? G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t. Markets almost never discriminate because to do that requires leaving money on the table. The Montgomery bus system opposed forcing their most reliable customers to the back and to stand

Then why the need for Affirmative Action?

I don't think that question was to me, was it? It makes no sense in regard to what I said

Nope. See statement Blacks are "way better than the white competition?"

I thought so, but you responded to my post, not his
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.

You think Obama has helped blacks? Yeah. What policy was that?
I know Obama has helped Blacks. Dont worry about what policy it is. Just take my word for it or do your own research. You might want to start with the Black farmers or agendas like My Brothers Keepers. I know they say ignorance is bliss. Dont let them fool you. Really its not..

You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left

Racism is your religion .. and your all white party is headed for the garbage dump where confederate flags are stinking it up.

What has republicans done for Black people? When Black voted for them, republicans didn't do shit for Black people.

Republicans govern 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the country and have lost virtually every social isue they care about.

Why should anyone book a trip on the Titanic?

Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.
You think Obama has helped blacks? Yeah. What policy was that?
I know Obama has helped Blacks. Dont worry about what policy it is. Just take my word for it or do your own research. You might want to start with the Black farmers or agendas like My Brothers Keepers. I know they say ignorance is bliss. Dont let them fool you. Really its not..

You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left

Racism is your religion .. and your all white party is headed for the garbage dump where confederate flags are stinking it up.

What has republicans done for Black people? When Black voted for them, republicans didn't do shit for Black people.

Republicans govern 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the country and have lost virtually every social isue they care about.

Why should anyone book a trip on the Titanic?

Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine
I know Obama has helped Blacks. Dont worry about what policy it is. Just take my word for it or do your own research. You might want to start with the Black farmers or agendas like My Brothers Keepers. I know they say ignorance is bliss. Dont let them fool you. Really its not..

You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left

Racism is your religion .. and your all white party is headed for the garbage dump where confederate flags are stinking it up.

What has republicans done for Black people? When Black voted for them, republicans didn't do shit for Black people.

Republicans govern 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the country and have lost virtually every social isue they care about.

Why should anyone book a trip on the Titanic?

Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion.

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
.. why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?
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Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

Of course you ignored his point, but why should blacks for for someone who wants to import illegals to fire them? Are you man enough to once in your life stand up to a real question? I'm thinking no, you can't
He is a retarded cave chimp at best. No need to take anything he says seriously. He is just here for me to use as I see fit.

I called that one, you aren't. He's right on the point that Democrats are screwing blacks by importing the low wages you attack businesses of wanting in China. Why on earth would you support Democrats bringing it here? Jobs is where it all starts, and no one is harmed more by the importation of slave wage labor rates than blacks are. How can you possibly go along with that?

I missed this and it has all kinds of issues with logic IMO. Jobs are a security blanket and a tool to learn how to stop working for someone else.. If your main objective is to work to make someone else a profit then you will remain a wage slave. If your objective is to learn from your job and then strike out on your own then and only then are jobs important. Once I learned that simple truth I stopped worrying about getting fired, being late, and all that silly stressful crap people go through just to pay the bills. i cant stand the thought of someone telling me when I can go on vacation, be sick, attend my childs boring but important recital etc. The days of working 40 years for a company then retiring with benefits is long gone. Todays people need to be flexible, adaptable, mobile, and have a "fuck you system" attitude. Once i got rid of that type of thinking I literally exploded with success. I remember i told one my managers i was leaving early to see my daughters play and he said I couldnt leave. I laughed and walked out and that was the last time I worked for someone else.

My post has issues with logic? WTF? Most people are not trying to work for themselves. And as you said, even if they are, they need to work first. I worked doing grunt work as a kid and to put myself through college. Then as a project manager, then management, then management consulting, then I started buying my own businesses.

How do blacks get started on the rung even if they are on that track when they can't get jobs to start their skills because Mexicans and other Latino groups come and work for less than they can live on?

Seriously, you think most people at the bottom rungs want to work for themselves of any color? You know nothing of the real world. Most of them want no more than to be wage slaves. An entirely difference thing that working for slave wages.

So you completely skirted the question. Who does illegal immigration harm then more than blacks? Liberalism is a religion to leftists, you gladly martyr yourself for the cause. Just like leftist women, gays and other groups do. It's sad
Kaz...your speaking common sense to a blithering idiot.
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You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left

Racism is your religion .. and your all white party is headed for the garbage dump where confederate flags are stinking it up.

What has republicans done for Black people? When Black voted for them, republicans didn't do shit for Black people.

Republicans govern 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the country and have lost virtually every social isue they care about.

Why should anyone book a trip on the Titanic?

Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion.

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
.. why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?
But blacks who vote Republican are labeled "Uncle Tom's" and shunned. You vote Socialist Party?
Racism is your religion .. and your all white party is headed for the garbage dump where confederate flags are stinking it up.

What has republicans done for Black people? When Black voted for them, republicans didn't do shit for Black people.

Republicans govern 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the country and have lost virtually every social isue they care about.

Why should anyone book a trip on the Titanic?

Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion.

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
.. why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?
But blacks who vote Republican are labeled "Uncle Tom's" and shunned. You vote Socialist Party?

They are Uncle Toms and shunned like dog shit at a picnic .. that is, what FEW of them there are.

Trump polls at 1% among black voters .. where the fuck are all your "blacks who vote republican?"

YOU are a prime example of why we hate republicans.

Oh yeah .. ATLANTA .. you ran like a sissy from that. :lol:
"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?

According to Dem's these are jobs Americans won't do

"There are jobs that just simply aren't getting done because Americans won't do them." (Pres. Bush, Cleveland, Ohio, March 20, 2006)
Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion.

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
.. why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?
But blacks who vote Republican are labeled "Uncle Tom's" and shunned. You vote Socialist Party?

They are Uncle Toms and shunned like dog shit at a picnic .. that is, what FEW of them there are.

Trump polls at 1% among black voters .. where the fuck are all your "blacks who vote republican?"

YOU are a prime example of why we hate republicans.

Oh yeah .. ATLANTA .. you ran like a sissy from that. :lol:
So you hate economic opportunity? No I think you are afraid. You are afraid of a society where people take responsibility for their own economic condition and stop playing a race card.
Yes, I think blacks should be treated exactly the same as whites because blacks are just as capable as whites, that is so racist.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?

I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion.

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
.. why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?
But blacks who vote Republican are labeled "Uncle Tom's" and shunned. You vote Socialist Party?

They are Uncle Toms and shunned like dog shit at a picnic .. that is, what FEW of them there are.

Trump polls at 1% among black voters .. where the fuck are all your "blacks who vote republican?"

YOU are a prime example of why we hate republicans.

Oh yeah .. ATLANTA .. you ran like a sissy from that. :lol:

Sacrificing yourself on the alter of Democrat politics once again.

You don't even think blacks who disagree with you should be free. You're proud of slamming them down. It's pathetic.

Let me introduce you to a quote by a great man of any color:

"No man is free until all are free." Know who said that?

"They are Uncle Toms and shunned like dog shit at a picnic."

Know who said that?

They are two people who have nothing in common. I'd say two men, but ... well ... you're not ...
Anytime who have a demographic that has 98% voting for one party rule...something is wrong. Free will and free thought is not allowed and not flowering within that demographic.
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I imagine that you're just too dumb to know that you've contradicted yourself.

No matter .. I'm not the dummy sitting on a message board whining about why my enemy doesn't vote for my side. I don't give a fuck about who you vote for.

After all the whining, Blacks will vote for Hillary .. she will win .. and racist motherfuckers like you will be left to whining on a message board.

Damn you're a stupid man. I didn't insult blacks, I insulted YOU.

So you're saying I can't think you're a dick unless I think all blacks are dicks? I think YOU are a dick. There are blacks who are dicks and whites who are dicks. Lakhota's an Indian who's a dick.

That you think being a dick is related to race is your racism, not mine

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion.

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
.. why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?
But blacks who vote Republican are labeled "Uncle Tom's" and shunned. You vote Socialist Party?

They are Uncle Toms and shunned like dog shit at a picnic .. that is, what FEW of them there are.

Trump polls at 1% among black voters .. where the fuck are all your "blacks who vote republican?"

YOU are a prime example of why we hate republicans.

Oh yeah .. ATLANTA .. you ran like a sissy from that. :lol:
So you hate economic opportunity? No I think you are afraid. You are afraid of a society where people take responsibility for their own economic condition and stop playing a race card.

The race card is his only card. That's why he keeps playing it.

If he stops playing the race card, he has to come face to face with that is failure isn't his skin color, it's him. He can't handle that. So, the race card it is.

My favorite is how my thinking blacks are as capable as whites is racist
"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and doesn't even count us among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

SHORTLY after becoming democrats, the Civil Rights legislation was passed and republicans ran for refuge behind racists.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.
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Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.

You think Obama has helped blacks? Yeah. What policy was that?
I know Obama has helped Blacks. Dont worry about what policy it is. Just take my word for it or do your own research. You might want to start with the Black farmers or agendas like My Brothers Keepers. I know they say ignorance is bliss. Dont let them fool you. Really its not..

You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left
You sound like the loser fool I took you for on your first post. I even gave you some examples and your reply is that he hasnt done anything? Just exactly how stupid are you? You are forbidden from discussing this matter with me further.
"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and doesn't even count us among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.
Kaz is a retarded cave chimpanzee. You can say water is wet and kaz will say its not.

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