Why Blacks Should Vote for Trump

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and don't even count them among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.

How does any of that help a black man on the street who can't get a job because Democrats are importing low wage workers by the million? Inner city black teen unemployment is 50% because of the idiotic minimum wage because no one pays someone what they aren't worth. And the minimum wage kills inner city black business owners too. They can't pay it.

Under Hussein, black wages, unemployment, wealth or any other measure has been abysmal. And you keep shilling for him. But it's because you're black, isn't it?

Police terrorism, you're an idiot. Blacks screw themselves again by not cooperating with police when they try to protect you.

And I've never argued to vote Republican, StupidAsShit. I'm just mocking you for blindly supporting a Democrat party that does nothing but screw black people
How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.

You think Obama has helped blacks? Yeah. What policy was that?
I know Obama has helped Blacks. Dont worry about what policy it is. Just take my word for it or do your own research. You might want to start with the Black farmers or agendas like My Brothers Keepers. I know they say ignorance is bliss. Dont let them fool you. Really its not..

You don't know how he's helped them, but rather than say that you're a condescending ass about it. He's done shit for blacks, don't pretend not being able to back up your crap makes you in any way intelligent or informed. You can't back it up because you're not, you're driven by leftist ideology. You're a leftist before you're a black or before you're a man. It's your religion. Just like the rest of the left
You sound like the loser fool I took you for on your first post. I even gave you some examples and your reply is that he hasnt done anything? Just exactly how stupid are you? You are forbidden from discussing this matter with me further.

"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and doesn't even count us among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.
Kaz is a retarded cave chimpanzee. You can say water is wet and kaz will say its not.

A retarded cave monkey is you two thinking those things that do nothing for the black man on the street are helping blacks.

Black wages, unemployment and wealth say he is not helping blacks
Most blacks aren't oreos like you. Black joblessness, especially among the youth, has skyrocketed under your historic president and median income has dropped precipitously. Not all blacks can sell crack to triple their income.
Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.

Blacks have it way easier than whites in corporate America and have for a long time. If you're black, you have a huge advantage, companies are trying hit targets. If you're white, it's pure competition for a job. If you're black, you just have to prove you can do the job.

But other than the snide attitude, what you are saying is exactly right in a free market. Companies that don't hire the best employees lose out in the long run. If the best ones are passed over, start your own that does hire the best people and eat them for lunch.

Government solutions just end up being never ending quotas and games with government. Free markets are the solution. Embrace that, don't just say it
Yes Blacks have it easier once they get to corporate america simply by virtue of them being way better than the white competition. Its getting there and not giving up when racists try to stop you that is the issue. Once you make it you see the white haters coming from a long distance away and you can set traps and let them screw themselves like I did for the time I worked in the corporate environment. Whats funny is I have had assistance from white women on a number of occasions to make a would be racist obstacle creator step on his own dick.

I wasnt being snide I was just pointing out an obvious fact. If youre a NA or Black or any other melinated person then you are a uncle tom, tonto, or jose if you consider whites to be superior to you and others of your ethnicity..

Blacks are "way better than the white competition?" Again you're a racist. Why is that OK to say but not the reverse? I am not saying the reverse. I just want the best to have the opportunity no matter who they are. But you're still fighting a war you already won. Even in the 50s, government was the problem.

Companies in the deep south wanted green, not white. So government forced them to stop with Jim Crow ... wait for it ... laws. Who enacts laws, Holmes? G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t. Markets almost never discriminate because to do that requires leaving money on the table. The Montgomery bus system opposed forcing their most reliable customers to the back and to stand

Then why the need for Affirmative Action?
The main reason is to make up for the 400 years white males had their own specific affirmative action because they were afraid of competition. There is a reason Blacks, NAs, Asian, women etc were held back legally by white males for over 400 years. They have an inferiority complex the six of Mt Kilimanjaro.

The second reason is because these same inferiority driven white males own the roads to prosperity and will not willingly allow others into the game. So even though white males had exclusive white male AA for over 400 years others now have to share AA among the different groups white males are afraid of.
"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and don't even count them among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.

How does any of that help a black man on the street who can't get a job because Democrats are importing low wage workers by the million? Inner city black teen unemployment is 50% because of the idiotic minimum wage because no one pays someone what they aren't worth. And the minimum wage kills inner city black business owners too. They can't pay it.

Under Hussein, black wages, unemployment, wealth or any other measure has been abysmal. And you keep shilling for him. But it's because you're black, isn't it?

Police terrorism, you're an idiot. Blacks screw themselves again by not cooperating with police when they try to protect you.

And I've never argued to vote Republican, StupidAsShit. I'm just mocking you for blindly supporting a Democrat party that does nothing but screw black people

In other words you're just as dumb as the rest of the RW morons on this site .. don't have an answer for a damn thing. :0) Not that any of that is a surprise.

Who cares what you think of the terrorism of police? That issue will get effectively addressed without you. We don't need republicans to do that. You are not needed and will soon be fading away mainstream politics. Even many republicans run from you.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of all the people you hate. :lol:

AND, Blacks aren't the only people disgusted by your idiot party.
"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and don't even count them among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.

How does any of that help a black man on the street who can't get a job because Democrats are importing low wage workers by the million? Inner city black teen unemployment is 50% because of the idiotic minimum wage because no one pays someone what they aren't worth. And the minimum wage kills inner city black business owners too. They can't pay it.

Under Hussein, black wages, unemployment, wealth or any other measure has been abysmal. And you keep shilling for him. But it's because you're black, isn't it?

Police terrorism, you're an idiot. Blacks screw themselves again by not cooperating with police when they try to protect you.

And I've never argued to vote Republican, StupidAsShit. I'm just mocking you for blindly supporting a Democrat party that does nothing but screw black people
When did the GOP ever stop illegal immigration?
"There are jobs that just simply aren't getting done because Americans won't do them. And yet, if you're making 50 cents an hour in Mexico, and you can make a lot more in America, and you've got mouths to feed, you're going to come and try to find the work. It's a big border, across which people are coming to provide for their families." GW Bush(2006)
The thing that lets you know Drumpf supporters are brain damanged idots when they expect Blacks to want to vote for Drumpf is the fact that racists such as the KKK, Aryans, etc etc all support Drumpf. That alone is enough to stay away from the soon to be loser by itself.
Back in the day I once had a high school history teacher who told our class why blacks were often seen driving Caddy's. His statement, "They say, 'You won't allow me to buy the house I want but have no issue selling me the car I want'."

NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available. A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

I believe a sincere apology by Trump decades ago would have gone a long way. Don't believe that ever came and now we'll see how well his 'trust me' stance flies.

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it
The thing that lets you know Drumpf supporters are brain damanged idots when they expect Blacks to want to vote for Drumpf is the fact that racists such as the KKK, Aryans, etc etc all support Drumpf. That alone is enough to stay away from the soon to be loser by itself.
So you go for the candidate endorsed by the COMMUNIST PARTY USA, and is an unindicted FELON!

And you wonder why you never make progress.
The thing that lets you know Drumpf supporters are brain damanged idots when they expect Blacks to want to vote for Drumpf is the fact that racists such as the KKK, Aryans, etc etc all support Drumpf. That alone is enough to stay away from the soon to be loser by itself.
So you go for the candidate endorsed by the COMMUNIST PARTY USA, and is an unindicted FELON!

And you wonder why you never make progress.
I think communism is a great thing provided its not practiced to the extreme. You do too because you use our public roads and parks.

You sound like you are an ignorant cave baboon since you dont seem to know that you cant be a felon until you are found guilty in a court of law and that process involves being indicted. Please tell me you havent bred?
The thing that lets you know Drumpf supporters are brain damanged idots when they expect Blacks to want to vote for Drumpf is the fact that racists such as the KKK, Aryans, etc etc all support Drumpf. That alone is enough to stay away from the soon to be loser by itself.
So you go for the candidate endorsed by the COMMUNIST PARTY USA, and is an unindicted FELON!

And you wonder why you never make progress.
Can't be a felon unless you are convicted...
I think communism is a great thing provided its not practiced to the extreme. You do too because you use our public roads and parks.
Logic isn't your strong point is it.

As for the felon Hillary, Comedy already said she committed felonies.

Unindicted" means your case is waiting to be indicted or accused. It doesn't mean that the case is done AT ALL. All felony cases start off as unindicted. If you are smart, you'll get an attorney to help you with the case while it's still unindicted - BEFORE it gets indicted or accused.

And OJ is STILL a MURDERER even though ignorant Africans used it as an opportunity to "get back at whitey."
I think communism is a great thing provided its not practiced to the extreme. You do too because you use our public roads and parks.
Logic isn't your strong point is it.

As for the felon Hillary, Comedy already said she committed felonies.

And OJ is STILL a MURDERER even though ignorant Africans used it as an opportunity to "get back at whitey."
However strong my logic may be its much stronger than yours

Dissolving into ignorant ranting doesn't really help you build a strong case as an intelligent interlocutor. You are excused from further participation cave chimp.
Why Blacks should vote for Trump .. tell that stupid shit to Asian-Americans :0)

Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Only 19 percent of Asian Americans hold a favorable view of the presumptive Republican nominee, according to a survey of more than 1,000 registered Asian Americans conducted by three Asian-American NGOs, while 61 percent view him unfavorably.

That's nearly the opposite of Hillary Clinton, who is viewed favorably by 62 percent of Asian Americans — one of the fastest-growing minority populations in the country — and unfavorably by 26 percent. Clinton also scores 14 percentage points higher than her Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders, who earns a 48 percent favorability rating.


In 2012, Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney 73 percent to 26 percent — and they've moved even further toward the Democratic Party since then. While just 35 percent of Asian Americans identified as Democrats in 2012, 47 percent do so today; those identifying as Republicans have declined slightly from 18 percent in 2012 to 15 percent in 2016, within the survey's margin of error.
Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans

Let me guess .. they're all looking for handouts :0) Except their income is higher than any other demographic in the country .. including white people.

EVERYBODY except angry old white men REJECT the Republican Party.

I wonder what Hispanics think about them? :0)
I think communism is a great thing provided its not practiced to the extreme. You do too because you use our public roads and parks.
Logic isn't your strong point is it.

As for the felon Hillary, Comedy already said she committed felonies.

And OJ is STILL a MURDERER even though ignorant Africans used it as an opportunity to "get back at whitey."

:0) You've got to be the dumbest motherfucker on this board .. even surpassing the mindless ignorance of Bush92.

OJ???? :lol:


Of course you're a Trump supporter. Your level of ignorance proves it.
Amazing how after all their bullshit and inferiority complex driven actions towards Blacks, racists have been reduced to begging, pleading, browbeating, threatening, and whimpering for help from Black people. This is how you know the feral whites are coming to an end. You saw a lot of this same behavior after the enslaved were freed. They were outraged that the enslaved people actually left the plantations and the ones that stayed demanded to be paid for their work.
Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.

Blacks have it way easier than whites in corporate America and have for a long time. If you're black, you have a huge advantage, companies are trying hit targets. If you're white, it's pure competition for a job. If you're black, you just have to prove you can do the job.

But other than the snide attitude, what you are saying is exactly right in a free market. Companies that don't hire the best employees lose out in the long run. If the best ones are passed over, start your own that does hire the best people and eat them for lunch.

Government solutions just end up being never ending quotas and games with government. Free markets are the solution. Embrace that, don't just say it
Yes Blacks have it easier once they get to corporate america simply by virtue of them being way better than the white competition. Its getting there and not giving up when racists try to stop you that is the issue. Once you make it you see the white haters coming from a long distance away and you can set traps and let them screw themselves like I did for the time I worked in the corporate environment. Whats funny is I have had assistance from white women on a number of occasions to make a would be racist obstacle creator step on his own dick.

I wasnt being snide I was just pointing out an obvious fact. If youre a NA or Black or any other melinated person then you are a uncle tom, tonto, or jose if you consider whites to be superior to you and others of your ethnicity..

Blacks are "way better than the white competition?" Again you're a racist. Why is that OK to say but not the reverse? I am not saying the reverse. I just want the best to have the opportunity no matter who they are. But you're still fighting a war you already won. Even in the 50s, government was the problem.

Companies in the deep south wanted green, not white. So government forced them to stop with Jim Crow ... wait for it ... laws. Who enacts laws, Holmes? G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t. Markets almost never discriminate because to do that requires leaving money on the table. The Montgomery bus system opposed forcing their most reliable customers to the back and to stand

Then why the need for Affirmative Action?
The main reason is to make up for the 400 years white males had their own specific affirmative action because they were afraid of competition. There is a reason Blacks, NAs, Asian, women etc were held back legally by white males for over 400 years. They have an inferiority complex the six of Mt Kilimanjaro.

The second reason is because these same inferiority driven white males own the roads to prosperity and will not willingly allow others into the game. So even though white males had exclusive white male AA for over 400 years others now have to share AA among the different groups white males are afraid of.

You know nothing about the country you live in.

1) You were never a slave
2) No one alive ever owned slaves.

Grow up and get over it. Jobs in this country are based on skill, we don't live in old Europe.

You claim to be self employed, you are obviously lying about that because if it were true, you'd know how full of crap you are
"So how's being Bojangles for the Democrats working out for you? Fifty years of race whoring. Making lots of progress?"

You think blacks voting for democrats makes us "Bojangles" I'm not a democrat moron .. but I can quite EASILY demonstrate why we vote for democrats .. and quite EASILY demonstrate the progress .. but you'll just run away, incapable of intellectual discussion
Democrats have done 50 years of race whoring, what has it gotten you? Explain.

And I called YOU "Bojangles," damn you're stupid. I already told you that. You're on this site every day saying the bar needs to be lowered, blacks need more handouts, and I'm a racist because I keep saying blacks are as capable as anyone else.

I guess you have your defense mechanisms set up for why you're a failure, that it is on you isn't something that you're ready to handle

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. Black people don't give a fuck about who you vote for
why do you care about who we vote for .. beyond the fact that republicans need our votes?


Let's do this AGAIN ..

Black president .. thousands of elected Black democrats all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues and legislation to support those issues .. compared to your all white party that doesn't do shit for Black people and don't even count them among their ranks.

THAT plus the FACT that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when we were voting for them .. we didn't even have basic human rights .. and republicans did nothing about the atrocities suffered by black people who were voting for them.

When Clinton wins, she will address the issue of police terrorism .. AND, she will appoint non-conservative Supreme Court Justices to the Court .. perhaps even Obama.

Let's hear your intellectual argument against that .. or just run away as all your ilk does.

.. and maybe you can explain why the fuck you care about who we vote for.

How does any of that help a black man on the street who can't get a job because Democrats are importing low wage workers by the million? Inner city black teen unemployment is 50% because of the idiotic minimum wage because no one pays someone what they aren't worth. And the minimum wage kills inner city black business owners too. They can't pay it.

Under Hussein, black wages, unemployment, wealth or any other measure has been abysmal. And you keep shilling for him. But it's because you're black, isn't it?

Police terrorism, you're an idiot. Blacks screw themselves again by not cooperating with police when they try to protect you.

And I've never argued to vote Republican, StupidAsShit. I'm just mocking you for blindly supporting a Democrat party that does nothing but screw black people

In other words you're just as dumb as the rest of the RW morons on this site .. don't have an answer for a damn thing. :0) Not that any of that is a surprise.

Who cares what you think of the terrorism of police? That issue will get effectively addressed without you. We don't need republicans to do that. You are not needed and will soon be fading away mainstream politics. Even many republicans run from you.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of all the people you hate. :lol:

AND, Blacks aren't the only people disgusted by your idiot party.

So I'm "dumb" because I think blacks are as capable as whites. Got it. Thanks for that worthless contribution to the conversation, but you're a worthless member of society

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