Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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This is a stupid argument for abortion. Most OBGYN's will go out of their way to talk a woman out of a cesarean. Why???

A cesarean section poses documented medical risks to the mother's health, including infections, hemorrhaging, possible injury to other organs, complications due to anesthesia and possible death.

Death stats for the mother are two to four times greater than that for a vaginal birth.

Not to mention some babies do survive the c- section and then are discarded and left to die,when they would actually survive with medical treatment. :cuckoo:

We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?
All they're sure about is that they want to kill their babies and not get in trouble.

Beyond that, they just make it up as they go
We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?
All they're sure about is that they want to kill their babies and not get in trouble.

Beyond that, they just make it up as they go

Right...who cares if the mother gets sepsis (total body infections) as a result and dies. :cuckoo:
This is a stupid argument for abortion. Most OBGYN's will go out of their way to talk a woman out of a cesarean. Why???

A cesarean section poses documented medical risks to the mother's health, including infections, hemorrhaging, possible injury to other organs, complications due to anesthesia and possible death.

Death stats for the mother are two to four times greater than that for a vaginal birth.

Not to mention some babies do survive the c- section and then are discarded and left to die,when they would actually survive with medical treatment. :cuckoo:

We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.
Zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus, infant, baby, toddler, child, teen, adult.

ALL are stages of human development. One stage isn't more human or less human than another stage. The stage of development isn't what makes them human; the FACT that humans beget humans does. How fucking hard is this to understand?

The pro-choice side goes to great lengths to insist that "it's not really a human just yet". Give it a rest. If you're going to claim 'choice' as your argument at least have the balls to admit that your 'choice' (which includes abortion and yeah, that makes you pro-abortion no matter how much you cry that it doesn't) ends the life of another human being. It doesn't end a blob of tissue or some other nonsense, it stops a beating human heart, it ends an individual human life. Stop dancing around that fact. Too bad you don't like it, too bad you find it distasteful. Coming up with bullshit arguments (acorns and fetuses? really??) are nothing more than your way of rationalizing/justifying the killing of a human being. For crying out loud at least own up to what abortion does.
We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

So until a child is old enough to leave the table without falling and cracking its head, find a kitchen, and make a fucking sandwich... kill it anytime, it;s cool with you?

Does she have to get a job and buy her own bread, or is it okay if we give her table scraps?
What he is stomping his feet about is where you draw the line of "life"

No, that's a question of biology that was settled a long time ago. Why can't you people ever be honest?
My threshold of where life in and of itself begins, for a baby,

There is not room for opinion. You can't just decide that the earth is flat- it's round whether you like it or not.

You need to understand what is deemed as living tissue in terms of biology.

Blood cells are human, and they are living tissue, they do not have "life"
Skin cells are human, they are living tissue, they do not have "life"
Muscle cells are human, they are living tissue, they do not have "life"

The same applies to zygotes and embryos. They are living tissue and they do not have "life"
Speaking of hearbeats... is Dick Cheney human?

After all, there's no detectable heartbeat anymore... in fact, there's no heartbeat at all...
We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

Yes...I know what your abortion "script" says. I've read it all before. It's still a stupid argument for abortion rights,since it goes against your main reason for wanting them in the first place. :cuckoo:

Yes...lets just "c-section" the hell out of everyone...to see a "what if" senario :lol:
Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

So until a child is old enough to leave the table without falling and cracking its head, find a kitchen, and make a fucking sandwich... kill it anytime, it;s cool with you?

Does she have to get a job and buy her own bread, or is it okay if we give her table scraps?

Don't be ridiculous.
What he is stomping his feet about is where you draw the line of "life"

No, that's a question of biology that was settled a long time ago. Why can't you people ever be honest?
My threshold of where life in and of itself begins, for a baby,
There is not room for opinion. You can't just decide that the earth is flat- it's round whether you like it or not.

You need to understand what is deemed as living tissue in terms of biology.

Blood cells are human, and they are living tissue, they do not have "life"
Skin cells are human, they are living tissue, they do not have "life"
Muscle cells are human, they are living tissue, they do not have "life"

The same applies to zygotes and embryos. They are living tissue and they do not have "life"

Go to the library. Ask for a biology book.

Here are your vocabulary words for today:
organ system
human being/homo sapien sapien

This is homework and is due back tomorrow.
We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

So that's your criteria for whether it's human or not? Of course it has life and that life will cease to exist within minutes of being taken from it's environment. And?

What if you were taken, as you are right now, and plopped down in the middle of Siberia. Ill-equipped and ill-prepared. You'd be dead within the hour. But your reasoning of a 4 week old fetus is "c-section it out and if it lives then . . . .peachy"? I don't even understand your logic on this.

If you c-section that fetus out and it dies (which it will as you took it from it's environment when it was ill-equipped and ill-prepared to survive in a different environment) that is murder. How do you not get this?

Abortion = the killing/ending/taking of another human life.
Well he has a point. Babies at 9 months are likely to die if you sit them on the table without any sort of intervention.

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

So until a child is old enough to leave the table without falling and cracking its head, find a kitchen, and make a fucking sandwich... kill it anytime, it;s cool with you?

Does she have to get a job and buy her own bread, or is it okay if we give her table scraps?

Don't be ridiculous.
If I put a newborn on a table and leave her there for four weeks, she dies of starvation.

You must be a Spartan- they, too, believed in leaving unwanted babies to starve to death on a mountain.
Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

So that's your criteria for whether it's human or not? Of course it has life and that life will cease to exist within minutes of being taken from it's environment. And?

What if you were taken, as you are right now, and plopped down in the middle of Siberia. Ill-equipped and ill-prepared. You'd be dead within the hour. But your reasoning of a 4 week old fetus is "c-section it out and if it lives then . . . .peachy"? I don't even understand your logic on this.
There is no logic to it
Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

Yes...I know what your abortion "script" says. I've read it all before. It's still a stupid argument for abortion rights,since it goes against your main reason for wanting them in the first place. :cuckoo:

Yes...lets just "c-section" the hell out of everyone...to see a "what if" senario :lol:

You cant argue with that can you? It is not a stupid argument as C-sections throws the whole " 'life' from fertilization" crap in the garbage.

I don't care how it comes out of a woman if a woman wants it out. If the anti abortion crowd, pro life people want 4 week old tissue...fine. Pleas feel free to adopt what is handed to them after the c- section.
Abortion: the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

* my note: the 'removal'. Oh don't they make that sound all clean and non-violent?

Pregnancy: 1. the state or condition of being pregnant 2. the period from conception to childbirth

Abortion | Define Abortion at Dictionary.com
Pregnancy | Define Pregnancy at Dictionary.com

Abortion ends/kills/destroys an individual human being's life.

Stop dancing around the facts.
but i am being honest. Its not of your business what my family does.

oh no? Try that line when you're in court for domestic violence and let us know how that works out for yaAnother human being is not your body

Why can't you people ever be honest?

You abort an attempt to copy a file. You don't 'abort' a human life- you kill a human being. People don't 'expire' like a newspaper subscription. They die. It's still fucking shell shock.
That is your choice and should remain so
Like the choice to 'make a deposit' in an 'unwilling sperm recipient'?

ah but your flaw again is using something that is illegal and after birth.
which seems to be a massive failure of pro-life people. /they consider these thing equal and they are not.

i am being honest.My wife who is 7 months right now as a baby inside her. notice how its inside her? You kind of need the female to have the baby..thats how it works till science can take over. we are not there yet.

you cant escape the fact the fetus comes after the woman.Your logic fails again. Your argument fails again over and over because pro-life people cant handle the simple concept of the facts.

i know exactly what is being aborted. i know exactly the choices that are being made. But i feel it is none of your business and i do not nor ever will need to consult you or anyone else on the matter with how i run my family and life.

Now you need to go and try to use rape to justify your argument? I guess if you flail wildly something might land eventually.

This is just sad.

Murderers always feel it's nobody else's business who or why they kill. It's a TRAIT OF ALL MURDERERS.

And I can certainly escape the "fact" that the woman comes before the fetus. Maybe she will choose to come before the fetus..but I know of women who choose to stop cancer treatments because they are pregnant, knowing their time is very limited if they do. They choose to put the "fetus" before themselves. Usually when the "fetus" isn't even a fetus yet.

What were you saying about flailing wildly? Because that post is a really good example of it.
We have argued this before. An abortion carries the same medical risks of all of those things.

This is not about the mother, this is about where you draw the line of where that "life" begins.

Really?? I thought the main argument to keep abortions legal was to protect the mother's health?

Thats not the aspect that JB is stomping around about. He is all up in arms about where life begins and if the mother has the right to "end" that "life" Abortion=murder

Again, c-sections it out and set it on the table at 4 weeks. See if it has life.

Oh, WELL, by the same token, if you take a fish out of water and set it on the table, it'll die too. I guess that means fish aren't alive in the first place.

Somehow, I think this "brilliant" standard of "if it dies under the right circumstances, it must not have been alive in the first place" is going to be a bit problematic.
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