Why did Fauci denounce Hydroxychloroquine?

Rule of thumb, when everyone says it, it says it
You all suffer from the same misinformation.

I was trying to explain that the studies they were quoting had weak evidence and that studies with much stronger methods were all negative. This poster kept bringing up peer review as if that mattered. It doesn't. Peer review doesn't make weak methods better. It just makes sure that the methods are followed as best as they can.

I tried explaining this but the other poster wouldn't listen. As I said in post 294, he kept talking about peer review. I'm talking about methodology. In no way does I say that peer review doesn't look at methodology. I was trying to explain that methodology is what determines the strength of a paper, not peer review.

None of you guys have the slightest inkling of what you're talking about.
1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"

2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably.

3. Don't try to post your opinions and spin again and expect anyone to take you seriously. Nobody does.
then you know you stated Peer review doesn't look at methodology in the quoted piece
In what post do you think I claimed that peer review doesn't look at methodology?
Here is your quote, Clown.

You're talking about peer reviewed. I'm talking about study methodology.
This quote doesn't say what you claim it says.
Sure thing, Clown.
You guys are delusional.

Peer review and study methodology are not the same topic. You didn't want to acknowledge that.

You only see what you want to see. Sad.
Nobody said they were the same thing, Clown.

We correctly pointed out that peer review looks at the methodology.
Which, colfax_m , you said didn’t in post 294
Dumbassfax is trying to spin his way out of that post.
Can you explain why you think that post says what you think?
Mainly, because it does, Clown.
then you know you stated Peer review doesn't look at methodology in the quoted piece
In what post do you think I claimed that peer review doesn't look at methodology?
Post #294
I don't say what you're claiming.
I honestly don’t see how you guys can reach that conclusion based on that post. It doesn’t come close to saying what you’re saying it does.
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
then you know you stated Peer review doesn't look at methodology in the quoted piece
In what post do you think I claimed that peer review doesn't look at methodology?
Here is your quote, Clown.

You're talking about peer reviewed. I'm talking about study methodology.
This quote doesn't say what you claim it says.
Sure thing, Clown.
You guys are delusional.

Peer review and study methodology are not the same topic. You didn't want to acknowledge that.

You only see what you want to see. Sad.
Nobody said they were the same thing, Clown.

We correctly pointed out that peer review looks at the methodology.
Which, colfax_m , you said didn’t in post 294
Dumbassfax is trying to spin his way out of that post.
Can you explain why you think that post says what you think?
Mainly, because it does, Clown.
If that’s the case, you should be able to easily explain it.
Did he hate Trump so much he wanted people to die? Is he just a cold blooded killer? Is he just an ignorant boob? Could he make more money by pushing something else? Personally, i think its all of the above but i want to hear from all of you.

Once Fauci's financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies are disclosed, we'll know exactly why he sought to discredit any treatments he didn't stand to make money from.
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
Yes. Unlike you., Clown.
Fucking hilarious how you edited this out of my post.........I wonder why..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana:

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
Trump had access to the best intelligence services in the world, but hey......let's listen to the 25 year old Factchecker on Politico.
then you know you stated Peer review doesn't look at methodology in the quoted piece
In what post do you think I claimed that peer review doesn't look at methodology?
Here is your quote, Clown.

You're talking about peer reviewed. I'm talking about study methodology.
This quote doesn't say what you claim it says.
Sure thing, Clown.
You guys are delusional.

Peer review and study methodology are not the same topic. You didn't want to acknowledge that.

You only see what you want to see. Sad.
Nobody said they were the same thing, Clown.

We correctly pointed out that peer review looks at the methodology.
Which, colfax_m , you said didn’t in post 294
Dumbassfax is trying to spin his way out of that post.
Can you explain why you think that post says what you think?
Mainly, because it does, Clown.
If that’s the case, you should be able to easily explain it.
Just did, Clown.
Did he hate Trump so much he wanted people to die? Is he just a cold blooded killer? Is he just an ignorant boob? Could he make more money by pushing something else? Personally, i think its all of the above but i want to hear from all of you.
If Hydroxychloroquine had been so effective, why did Trump still get Covid? Remember he went around claiming that he was immune because he was swallowing tons of that stuff?

And when Trump did get Covid, did he reject all other medications in favor of Hydroxychloroquine? Of course, not. That was the last we heard of that wonder drug.

So, the real question is why did Trump push Hydroxychloroquine? Did he want people to die? Is he just a cold-blooded killer or just an ignorant boob? Was Trump making money out of the drug or something else? Personally, I think it's all of the above but I want to hear from all of you.

There is a very big difference between "having Covid" like coughing and running a fever with cv19 in you, having Covid on you but you are immune (83% of humans are immune), being actually sick with something other than Covid, and just flat out being lied to.

These "tests" are fraud. Elon musk proved that. Those tests give whatever answer you want, like the voting machines....

Trump, in his 70s, never showed any symptoms, because the whole thing was a bullshit PR gotcha stunt by those who wanted him out.
Are you really this dumb or are you playing one on this site? Of all equivocations I have heard, this one takes the cake.

Rump never had Covid? The guy was taken (barely walking) to the hospital. Had to stay there for a few days while the docs treated him (all drugs except Hydrochloroquine). Heck, even Rump had to admit that he had Covid and yet...you don't believe he got it?

Gad. You guys really are morons. No wonder people call you trumptards.

Translation - the test is unquestioned truth (even as Elon musk tested himself four times the same day, two said he had covid, two didn't, and he never developed symptoms) and you must parrot it or I'll call you names....

Trump was an unimaginable moron about Covid. That is what enabled your side to engage in massive absentee ballot fraud.....

So put your mask on, because you are not Chinese,and fuhrer fauXI told you to wear one (even as his own emails now document he told the Chinese the masks were useless)....
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
Yes. Unlike you., Clown.
Fucking hilarious how you edited this out of my post.........I wonder why..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana:

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think that there’s a way to “cite” a peer review making any claim?
then you know you stated Peer review doesn't look at methodology in the quoted piece
In what post do you think I claimed that peer review doesn't look at methodology?
Here is your quote, Clown.

You're talking about peer reviewed. I'm talking about study methodology.
This quote doesn't say what you claim it says.
Sure thing, Clown.
You guys are delusional.

Peer review and study methodology are not the same topic. You didn't want to acknowledge that.

You only see what you want to see. Sad.
Nobody said they were the same thing, Clown.

We correctly pointed out that peer review looks at the methodology.
Which, colfax_m , you said didn’t in post 294
Dumbassfax is trying to spin his way out of that post.
Can you explain why you think that post says what you think?
Mainly, because it does, Clown.
If that’s the case, you should be able to easily explain it.
Just did, Clown.
“Because it does” isn’t an explanation. It’s an assertion unsupported by any argument.

Because it doesn’t. There I’ve just made the identically strong argument.
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
Yes. Unlike you., Clown.
Fucking hilarious how you edited this out of my post.........I wonder why..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana:

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think that there’s a way to “cite” a peer review making any claim?

ClimateGate documented what your side means by "peer review," the peers being only those involved with the fraud...
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
Yes. Unlike you., Clown.
Fucking hilarious how you edited this out of my post.........I wonder why..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana:

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think that there’s a way to “cite” a peer review making any claim?
1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
then you know you stated Peer review doesn't look at methodology in the quoted piece
In what post do you think I claimed that peer review doesn't look at methodology?
Here is your quote, Clown.

You're talking about peer reviewed. I'm talking about study methodology.
This quote doesn't say what you claim it says.
Sure thing, Clown.
You guys are delusional.

Peer review and study methodology are not the same topic. You didn't want to acknowledge that.

You only see what you want to see. Sad.
Nobody said they were the same thing, Clown.

We correctly pointed out that peer review looks at the methodology.
Which, colfax_m , you said didn’t in post 294
Dumbassfax is trying to spin his way out of that post.
Can you explain why you think that post says what you think?
Mainly, because it does, Clown.
If that’s the case, you should be able to easily explain it.
Just did, Clown.
“Because it does” isn’t an explanation. It’s an assertion unsupported by any argument.

Because it doesn’t. There I’ve just made the identically strong argument.
Unfortunately for you, we have your original post that backs me up.

All you have is scrambling trying to cover your own bullshit.
Did he hate Trump so much he wanted people to die? Is he just a cold blooded killer? Is he just an ignorant boob? Could he make more money by pushing something else? Personally, i think its all of the above but i want to hear from all of you.
If Hydroxychloroquine had been so effective, why did Trump still get Covid? Remember he went around claiming that he was immune because he was swallowing tons of that stuff?

And when Trump did get Covid, did he reject all other medications in favor of Hydroxychloroquine? Of course, not. That was the last we heard of that wonder drug.

So, the real question is why did Trump push Hydroxychloroquine? Did he want people to die? Is he just a cold-blooded killer or just an ignorant boob? Was Trump making money out of the drug or something else? Personally, I think it's all of the above but I want to hear from all of you.

There is a very big difference between "having Covid" like coughing and running a fever with cv19 in you, having Covid on you but you are immune (83% of humans are immune), being actually sick with something other than Covid, and just flat out being lied to.

These "tests" are fraud. Elon musk proved that. Those tests give whatever answer you want, like the voting machines....

Trump, in his 70s, never showed any symptoms, because the whole thing was a bullshit PR gotcha stunt by those who wanted him out.
Are you really this dumb or are you playing one on this site? Of all equivocations I have heard, this one takes the cake.

Rump never had Covid? The guy was taken (barely walking) to the hospital. Had to stay there for a few days while the docs treated him (all drugs except Hydrochloroquine). Heck, even Rump had to admit that he had Covid and yet...you don't believe he got it?

Gad. You guys really are morons. No wonder people call you trumptards.

Translation - the test is unquestioned truth (even as Elon musk tested himself four times the same day, two said he had covid, two didn't, and he never developed symptoms) and you must parrot it or I'll call you names....

Trump was an unimaginable moron about Covid. That is what enabled your side to engage in massive absentee ballot fraud.....

So put your mask on, because you are not Chinese,and fuhrer fauXI told you to wear one (even as his own emails now document he told the Chinese the masks were useless)....
My bad. Should have known I was replying to a total kook. I will know to avoid you next time.
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
Yes. Unlike you., Clown.
Fucking hilarious how you edited this out of my post.........I wonder why..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana:

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think that there’s a way to “cite” a peer review making any claim?
1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think there’s a way to “cite” a peer review?

Go on. Tell me. Supposedly you know how peer review works.
2. Since you admit peer review looks at methodology, I will ask you again to show us the studies out of the 219 referenced where the peer review cited "weak evidence". So far you have failed miserably
Do you understand how peer review works?
Yes. Unlike you., Clown.
Fucking hilarious how you edited this out of my post.........I wonder why..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana:

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think that there’s a way to “cite” a peer review making any claim?
1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"
And why do you think there’s a way to “cite” a peer review?

Go on. Tell me. Supposedly you know how peer review works.
Until you can address your claim of "weak evidence" in the 219 studies cited, you are a Clown.

1. You have yet to offer anything.............ANYTHING..........to back up your claim of "weak evidence"

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