Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

And now that the big bang could be rejected for the multiverse theory. you'll have to revise and amend your Catholic beliefs again.
Why? They are one and the same. Can't believe you didn't know that. Just kidding, I knew you didn't.
You didn't answer my question. If I don't believe Joseph Smith is a prophet of God can I be a member of your church? Yes or no.
Why not? It seems weird but do you believe Jesus Christ is your Savior from your sins? Have you repented? If so, then our Baptism is with proper authority of God. Then, maybe you will receive the Holy Ghost and know.
Because I asked God with real intent and with real faith. The Holy Ghost bore witness to me it’s true. Joe has been dead for a long time. Weird questions you ask.
So what did God tell you about not being able to create matter?
So what did God tell you about not being able to create matter?
Didn’t ask him. I asked him how I could be a better servant of His and help other people in need.
What I do know is he had no need to create matter since it was already to be organized into our universe. And Bang! It was!
Why not? It seems weird but do you believe Jesus Christ is your Savior from your sins? Have you repented? If so, then our Baptism is with proper authority of God. Then, maybe you will receive the Holy Ghost and know.
So again, you can't give me a definite yes or no. Typical religious cultic noncommittal to hide the truth. I've been dealing with Mormons and JWs for 40 years. I have the Holy Spirit. I also don't believe that the Mormon religion would accept me as a member if I refuse to believe Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. That makes you a liar. They might let me come to church, but I certainly wouldn't be allowed to teach. Isn't that true?
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Didn’t ask him. I asked him how I could be a better servant of His and help other people in need.
What I do know is he had no need to create matter since it was already to be organized into our universe. And Bang! It was!
It's pretty clear you worked backwards from what Joe said - which was and still is incorrect - and then latched on to anything you could to rationalize what Joe said.
Well, most christians believe that we are born with original sin on our souls. Oh, wait.. that's not exactly whatCatholics believe (not sure of others). We are born with the stain of original sin on our souls. That means that when our ancestors fell, our very nature fell... Sin is egregious (libs say something else but they can go back to Politics and be libs all they want...)

Anyhow, baptism washes away that stain.

And even then we see how evil people can be, even after being baptized. :( We are born LOST. Only Jesus can help us to find our way... by following HIS way.

Jesus is God

"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father"

"I and the Father are one"

Original sin wasn't doctrine until the 3rd century.
Churches that practice infant baptism often hold that baptism is how a person receives the Holy Spirit. They base this belief on Peter’s words in Acts 2:38: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” According to many paedobaptists, baptism sets the child apart and secures salvation. They also cite household baptisms in the New Testament as evidence that whole families were saved and baptized (assuming that children and babies were included), and not just adults (see Acts 11:14; 16:15, 33; 18:8; 1 Corinthians 1:16). But this assumption goes beyond what the text of the Bible says.

Neither infant baptism nor adult baptism can save a person. We are saved by grace through faith and not by works (Romans 3:28; 4:5; 5:1; Ephesians 1:13; 2:8–9; Galatians 2:16; 3:24; Philippians 3:9). It does not matter if you were baptized by immersion, pouring, or sprinkling—if you have not first trusted in Christ for salvation, baptism (no matter the method) is insufficient to save.

If Christian parents wish to dedicate their child to Christ, a baby dedication service is appropriate, but there is no biblical mandate or example of baptizing a baby. Whether an infant is dedicated or baptized or both, he or she will, at some point in the future, still have to make a personal decision to repent of sin and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.

So you are the last word for all Christians.
So again, you can't give me a definite yes or no. Typical religious cultic noncommittal to hide the truth. I've been dealing with Mormons and JWs for 40 years. I have the Holy Spirit. I also don't believe that the Mormon religion would accept me as a member if I refuse to believe Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. That makes you a liar. They might let me come to church, but I certainly wouldn't be allowed to teach. Isn't that true?
You actually prove to be the liar. I’m the member. I’ve been in Bishoprics and Elder Quorum and High Priest Group leader and leaderships. For you to tell me what is and what isn’t is the typical lying so-called Christian. You have no Holy Spirit with you. JWs may not let you join but we will. It’s still stupid. Why would you want to? Dumb bigoted question.

Now, whether you get a calling in a Ward or not is a different question. Callings come from God to those whom God chooses to lead. You saying that you can just be a teacher in your Church without approval from your minister is a big lie. With you guys, you have to go to divinity schools and get a man approved degree from a college. Talk about a cult. Pay thousands of dollars to get the degree to preach. LOL! We have a lay ministry and are called of God. You are puffed up and lack humility to have the Holy Ghost with you. Even the light of Christ is very dim.
It's pretty clear you worked backwards from what Joe said - which was and still is incorrect - and then latched on to anything you could to rationalize what Joe said.
Funny how you try to tell me about my faith. This is what atheist do. They lack humility. No, everything I’ve stated is true.
You actually prove to be the liar. I’m the member. I’ve been in Bishoprics and Elder Quorum and High Priest Group leader and leaderships. For you to tell me what is and what isn’t is the typical lying so-called Christian. You have no Holy Spirit with you. JWs may not let you join but we will. It’s still stupid. Why would you want to? Dumb bigoted question.

Now, whether you get a calling in a Ward or not is a different question. Callings come from God to those whom God chooses to lead. You saying that you can just be a teacher in your Church without approval from your minister is a big lie. With you guys, you have to go to divinity schools and get a man approved degree from a college. Talk about a cult. Pay thousands of dollars to get the degree to preach. LOL! We have a lay ministry and are called of God. You are puffed up and lack humility to have the Holy Ghost with you. Even the light of Christ is very dim.
Jesus is my high priest. That's what Scripture says. I attend nondenominational church. You're not my judge. I have not judged you. I judge your church and it isn't according to Scripture.
a baby dont know anything he/she cant repent- just more made up bs catholics believe- why do they constantly add to the scripture- do you know what Jesus said about anyone adding to the Bible?
Revelation 22:18-19

I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.

Source: 9 Bible verses about Adding To The Bible
Jesus is my high priest. That's what Scripture says. I attend nondenominational church. You're not my judge. I have not judged you. I judge your church and it isn't according to Scripture.
Is Hebrews in your Bible? If so, the Melchizedek Priesthood is after the order of the Son of God. Melchizedek is used to name this Priesthood so as not to use the Lord’s name too often and make it vain. Unfortunately, your Church doesn’t have that authority. This, cannot decide what is doctrine and what isn’t. Therefore, you cannot judge the Lord’s official Church.
Funny how you try to tell me about my faith. This is what atheist do. They lack humility. No, everything I’ve stated is true.
Am I telling you about your faith or am I telling you that you are molding science to match your religious dogma? Are you more beholding to Joseph Smith or to God?
Is Hebrews in your Bible? If so, the Melchizedek Priesthood is after the order of the Son of God. Melchizedek is used to name this Priesthood so as not to use the Lord’s name too often and make it vain. Unfortunately, your Church doesn’t have that authority. This, cannot decide what is doctrine and what isn’t. Therefore, you cannot judge the Lord’s official Church.
There is no Melchizedek priesthood in the New Testament. It wasn't in the church of Jesus Christ.
Why? They are one and the same. Can't believe you didn't know that. Just kidding, I knew you didn't.
No they're not.

You and/or your church jumped ahead of science and now you find yourself in a no-mans land. Not unlike the I.D ers who tried to invent their own science.
if jesus is god....who was he praying to in the garden that night?....

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

When Jesus was in the flesh like US, he likely didn't have all the... whatever you call it... power and etc that He had in Heaven. He gave up a lot to come to Earth and be like us

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