Why did Republicans nominate Trump? Racism?

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Yup. Nat4900 I agree. Shittingbull is laughable as hell.

...I laugh at YOU for not even realizing that you're full of hate and racism,,,as much as you try to hide it (hypocrite) your red neck comes through loud and clear.....
But you are a dying and losing breed and thank goodness for that.
Yup. Nat4900 I agree. Shittingbull is laughable as hell.

...I laugh at YOU for not even realizing that you're full of hate and racism,,,as much as you try to hide it (hypocrite) your red neck comes through loud and clear.....
But you are a dying and losing breed and thank goodness for that.

Oh another asshole who wouldn't know a real racist if that racist kicked him in the ass.

Oh and thanks for letting me know I'm a racist and full of hate. Last I checked that would be you and idiots like you who think anyone who doesn't agree with them is a racist and hater.

Carry on you fucking idiot. You are just as laughable as Shittingbull. Two assholes together. LMAO
Trump was nominated by a bunch of angry, frustrated, old white folks who, like rats cornered, will stage a last stand yet knowing full well that its over......With their current sick mentality, they'll never see one of their ilk in the oval office until their mindset radically changes......Trump is starting to realize that and such is why he is starting to flip-flop....but its TOO LATE.
Seriously, I don't get it. Although I'm glad they did - Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have had a much better chance of beating Hillary. Thank you!


The far right has been fixated for years on the belief that Republicans only lose elections when they're too moderate. Trump came along and looked like their guy, so they flocked to him.
Seriously, I don't get it. Although I'm glad they did - Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have had a much better chance of beating Hillary. Thank you!


The far right has been fixated for years on the belief that Republicans only lose elections when they're too moderate. Trump came along and looked like their guy, so they flocked to him.

Demagoguery always, ALWAYS works on poorly educated, angry and frustrated nitwits looking for scapegoats to blame for their incompetency.......and Trump is their temporary "salve."
Seriously, I don't get it. Although I'm glad they did - Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have had a much better chance of beating Hillary. Thank you!

You're such a prototypical liberal dumbass.

Liberal 101: Call your opponent a 'racist'.

It happens so often people just shrug it off, much like Hillary's sad campaign ad she put out in hopes of distracting the nation from the Criminal Clinton Crime Syndicate unraveling going on right now.

No, sir - thank YOU...for demonstrating there is a reason for the 'ignore' button. Time should not be wasted on someone with so little to say.

I agree. All that Shittingbull can do is call everyone a racist.

That asshole wouldn't recognize a real racist if one kicked him in the ass.

One has to wonder why the DNC nominated a stupid, careless and incompetent Hitlery to run for POTUS???

Shittingbull will support her no matter how stupid, careless and imcompetant she is which shows how clueless and foolish she is.

Thanks for proving you're a racist. Now, try answering the OP.

How did she prove she's a racist, by pointing out that you're a moron?
Seriously, I don't get it. Although I'm glad they did - Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have had a much better chance of beating Hillary. Thank you!


The far right has been fixated for years on the belief that Republicans only lose elections when they're too moderate. Trump came along and looked like their guy, so they flocked to him.

Demagoguery always, ALWAYS works on poorly educated, angry and frustrated nitwits looking for scapegoats to blame for their incompetency.......and Trump is their temporary "salve."
You just explained the existence of the Democrat party.
Here is what I think.

A common chord in the fabric of conservatism is meanness. When you conserve, you don’t share. Which, like it or not, is a form or meanness. You may have great reasons for not sharing or not have some sinister intent for not sharing but it is rooted in being mean; or stingy if you prefer.

So when a candidate comes along that is mean, it strikes that chord.

Secondly, EVERYONE likes to be entertained. The political arena isn’t the time or the place according to some but apparently a lot of GOP voter have no qualms about mixing their public policy with someone who “mixes hyperbole” into his policies. It speaks to a level of political unsophistication and flat out stupidity that (if you would have asked me a year ago) I would deny existed.

Anyway, Trump was mean in an entertaining way so the campaign had some wind at it’s back.

Trump did some smart things too at the beginning which are politics 101. He made promises that only the most idiotic of his supporters could believe BUT they were not so grandiose that those with a few working brain cells could dismiss as pie in the sky. See the Wall and Deporting 11,000,000 people for examples. He didn’t speak of any sacrifice that would be expected of any American. Instead, he’s promised tax breaks or even zero taxes for many Americans.

Put all together, when you remove the packaging from the Trump platform, the only difference between it and a bucket of shit is the bucket itself. But the packaging has been great.
Seriously, I don't get it. Although I'm glad they did - Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have had a much better chance of beating Hillary. Thank you!


Seriously, I don't get it. Although I'm glad they did - Jeb Bush or John Kasich would have had a much better chance of beating Hillary. Thank you!

You're such a prototypical liberal dumbass.

Liberal 101: Call your opponent a 'racist'.

It happens so often people just shrug it off, much like Hillary's sad campaign ad she put out in hopes of distracting the nation from the Criminal Clinton Crime Syndicate unraveling going on right now.

No, sir - thank YOU...for demonstrating there is a reason for the 'ignore' button. Time should not be wasted on someone with so little to say.

I agree. All that Shittingbull can do is call everyone a racist.

That asshole wouldn't recognize a real racist if one kicked him in the ass.

One has to wonder why the DNC nominated a stupid, careless and incompetent Hitlery to run for POTUS???

Shittingbull will support her no matter how stupid, careless and imcompetant she is which shows how clueless and foolish she is.

Thanks for proving you're a racist. Now, try answering the OP.

How did she prove she's a racist, by pointing out that you're a moron?

All the proof she needs is for someone to disagree with her and Presto you have a racist.

Oh and anyone who supports Trump is a racist as well.

Just shows what a biased POS moron Shittingbull is.

What a POS.
Trump supporters must be real proud.


I truly don't know why any Trump supporter brings up the man's minority hiring/employment. I mean really....is one or two black senior execs here and there over the course of decades indicative of one's racial rectitude? I don't think so.
  • Few if any minority senior execs in Trump's empire

    Former executives say they cannot recall a single black vice president-level executive at Trump's headquarters during their combined tenures at the Trump Organization LLC, which ranged from 1980 to late in the past decade. Reviews of social media postings by Trump and his family and Trump's acknowledgements thanking executives in his books also fail to identify any senior black employees past or present.

    The AP's review found two Trump executives whose surnames could potentially indicate Hispanic or Middle Eastern backgrounds but did not draw any conclusions given the lack of cooperation by the Trump Organization.

    Some black former employees said the absence of minorities among Trump's top lieutenants was striking.

    "It was quite commonplace for me to be the only person of color in the room for meetings at the executive level," said Randal Pinkett, who in December 2005 won on "The Apprentice," Trump's reality show competition. That earned Pinkett a temporary vice president title within Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc., not the Trump Organization directly.

    "And when I had the opportunity to meet with the heads of affiliate companies, as I did often, not once did I encounter a person of color," Pinkett said.

    The apparent lack of diversity among Trump's senior staff undermines an image portrayed in a recent online campaign advertisement, in which Lynne Patton, who described herself as a black, female executive at the Trump Organization, praised Trump for "hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked."

    Patton is Eric Trump's longtime personal assistant. After the AP questioned the campaign's citation of her as a Trump Organization executive, her title on the Eric Trump Foundation's website and her profile on the LinkedIn service was changed to "vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation." That position did not appear on the foundation's most recent tax filing for 2014, which said Patton was one of 16 unpaid directors who devote approximately one hour per week to the charity.

    Paige Scardigli, the executive director of the Eric Trump Foundation, said that those filings understated Patton's role. Patton did not respond to inquiries from the AP through email, a message to her LinkedIn account and requests to a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization.
Trump supporters must be real proud.


I truly don't know why any Trump supporter brings up the man's minority hiring/employment. I mean really....is one or two black senior execs here and there over the course of decades indicative of one's racial rectitude? I don't think so.
  • Few if any minority senior execs in Trump's empire

    Former executives say they cannot recall a single black vice president-level executive at Trump's headquarters during their combined tenures at the Trump Organization LLC, which ranged from 1980 to late in the past decade. Reviews of social media postings by Trump and his family and Trump's acknowledgements thanking executives in his books also fail to identify any senior black employees past or present.

    The AP's review found two Trump executives whose surnames could potentially indicate Hispanic or Middle Eastern backgrounds but did not draw any conclusions given the lack of cooperation by the Trump Organization.

    Some black former employees said the absence of minorities among Trump's top lieutenants was striking.

    "It was quite commonplace for me to be the only person of color in the room for meetings at the executive level," said Randal Pinkett, who in December 2005 won on "The Apprentice," Trump's reality show competition. That earned Pinkett a temporary vice president title within Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc., not the Trump Organization directly.

    "And when I had the opportunity to meet with the heads of affiliate companies, as I did often, not once did I encounter a person of color," Pinkett said.

    The apparent lack of diversity among Trump's senior staff undermines an image portrayed in a recent online campaign advertisement, in which Lynne Patton, who described herself as a black, female executive at the Trump Organization, praised Trump for "hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I've ever worked."

    Patton is Eric Trump's longtime personal assistant. After the AP questioned the campaign's citation of her as a Trump Organization executive, her title on the Eric Trump Foundation's website and her profile on the LinkedIn service was changed to "vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation." That position did not appear on the foundation's most recent tax filing for 2014, which said Patton was one of 16 unpaid directors who devote approximately one hour per week to the charity.

    Paige Scardigli, the executive director of the Eric Trump Foundation, said that those filings understated Patton's role. Patton did not respond to inquiries from the AP through email, a message to her LinkedIn account and requests to a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization.
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