Why didn't the OJ Simpson verdict...

Because typically white Americans don't protest...anything

this has to be the most ignorant comment ever

So ignorant you have no comeback. Right? Because white people protest all the time don't they?

no race protests all the time. my lord you are one ignorant person.

white americans protest numerous issues, see the tea party...see the boston tea party...see the 60's and 70's

like i said, your comment has to be the most ignorant comment ever
but but that's different!!

so difference doesn't matter?

do explain.

Well is your complaint about protests or national protests? Lets remember there is no "national protest" for this case.

More women than men? Happened on a tues? Daytime vs Nighttime? How many hedges do you want?

what does my OP say? oh that's right...it says "call for national protests"

please learn to read and then get back to me, but first read up on al sharpton's calls for national protests and a national day of mourning
The majority of whites are more inhibited than the majority of blacks. Most blacks only see racism one way, because they see their selves as victims, and the white man as the culprit!

Most blacks are going to root for the black man if there is a shadow of ambivalence. They are certainly not going to get upset if a brother gets off. When they do act indignant, it is for the ulterior purpose of pushing their victim mindset so they can get more free stuff.

They obviously don't give a shit about their own, because there is no outcry about black on black crime; an epidemic! Boo hoo hoo - fuck you!
result in calls for national protests

boycotts of california

charges of racism in the legal system

claims that it is now open season on white people

It did:

"In the Los Angeles neighborhood where Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were slain, scores of people gathered for a candlelight vigil sponsored by the National Organization for Women. Some quietly mourned the victims of violence, others bore signs with such slogans as "We want justice!" and chanted "Stop the Party O.J.!" and "Guilty!" "

CNN - Many women outraged at O.J. verdict - Oct. 4, 1995

Are you old enough to remember the aftermath? Did you fry your memory? Or are you just willfully blotting out memories?

Why do you hate women? I remember those protest, and I remember that there was absolutely no concern from anyone that they would turn violent.
this has to be the most ignorant comment ever

So ignorant you have no comeback. Right? Because white people protest all the time don't they?

no race protests all the time. my lord you are one ignorant person.

white americans protest numerous issues, see the tea party...see the boston tea party...see the 60's and 70's

like i said, your comment has to be the most ignorant comment ever

I didn't say that. See why you cant refute it? Because you aren't reading it or your comprehension is screwy.

I said typically white people don't protest and as a rebuttal you name the corporate assemblies (tea parties) and....wait for it....white people protest so much you said the goddam Boston Tea Party :rofl: Way to prove a point! Thx
so difference doesn't matter?

do explain.

Well is your complaint about protests or national protests? Lets remember there is no "national protest" for this case.

More women than men? Happened on a tues? Daytime vs Nighttime? How many hedges do you want?

what does my OP say? oh that's right...it says "call for national protests"

please learn to read and then get back to me, but first read up on al sharpton's calls for national protests and a national day of mourning

Let me say it again since you have a problem....Lets remember there is no "national protest" for this case.
How many more racist threads is yurt going to start?

Cons say that the Left is always playing the race card and yet on this board, there is thread after thread about race, orginated by Cons. The way they talk you would think this board would be overrun with libs starting threads about race but no 90% of them are started by Cons. Go figure.:cool:
Let me say it again since you have a problem....Lets remember there is no "national protest" for this case.

It is scheduled for this weekend. 100 protests in 100 cities coordinated by Al Sharpton

The Rev. Al Sharpton announced Tuesday that he will lead a national "Justice for Trayvon" day in 100 cities this weekend to press for federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

Rev. Al Sharpton Responds To George Zimmerman's Acquittal With 100-City Rally
So ignorant you have no comeback. Right? Because white people protest all the time don't they?

no race protests all the time. my lord you are one ignorant person.

white americans protest numerous issues, see the tea party...see the boston tea party...see the 60's and 70's

like i said, your comment has to be the most ignorant comment ever

I didn't say that. See why you cant refute it? Because you aren't reading it or your comprehension is screwy.

I said typically white people don't protest and as a rebuttal you name the corporate assemblies (tea parties) and....wait for it....white people protest so much you said the goddam Boston Tea Party :rofl: Way to prove a point! Thx


"Because white people protest all the time don't they?"

you're so dishonest CC...did i only mention the boston tea party? of course not, but the dishonest troll CC would have you believe i did. apparently he doesn't like honest examples that prove his point is flat out wrong.
btw ravi...closedcaption is the first person to bring up race in this thread

why does ravi lie so often?
How many more racist threads is yurt going to start?

Cons say that the Left is always playing the race card and yet on this board, there is thread after thread about race, orginated by Cons. The way they talk you would think this board would be overrun with libs starting threads about race but no 90% of them are started by Cons. Go figure.:cool:

Yep. They repeatedly start threads about black people acting badly as if only black people ever act badly. It would be funny if their kind of thinking didn't lead to teenagers being killed by vigilantes.
why? because Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson didn't get involved...and also this DECEITFUL MEDIA had a little more honor back then

it seems once Obama was elected HONOR in this media flew right out their asses...the most shameful display by our SO CALLED UNBIASED MEDIA and President
result in calls for national protests

boycotts of california

charges of racism in the legal system

claims that it is now open season on white people

The OJ trial became such a circus that I think most people were just glad it was over. There was anger over the decision but the whole thing just had become a bad joke.

Whites don't protest these things very often because they do not have a track record of being discriminated against. Blacks on the other hand have been discriminated against for so long that they lash out when they truly believe they were wronged. With the Zimmerman case, they truly believe a black kid was wronged, so they protest. The problem is that they didn't take the time to look at the evidence and understand that they were not wronged. Emotion got in the way of logic, which unfortunately happens a great deal with those who are constantly discriminated against.
How many more racist threads is yurt going to start?

Cons say that the Left is always playing the race card and yet on this board, there is thread after thread about race, orginated by Cons. The way they talk you would think this board would be overrun with libs starting threads about race but no 90% of them are started by Cons. Go figure.:cool:
Do you post the same shit in every thread?

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