Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?

Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
You obviously don't make enough money to realize how much the government takes from some people.

A single dollar of a person's income is taxed over and over again via income tax, social security tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, state and federally.

Then when you die they take 40% of your lifetime earnings from you.

It's bullshit.
let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system
To use a simple analogy...if you had a bucket that had gaping holes in it...how long would you pour water into that bucket trying to keep it filled before you got wise and fixed the leaks?

As for "progressive taxation"? My biggest problem with it is that if people don't have skin in the game...then they have no incentive to make their representatives spend those taxes in a responsible way. It's not my money...so who cares if it's being wasted! That's the mindset you get when large portions of the population don't have to pay taxes.

Let's tax the poor, is that your gripe? The working poor are subjected to a constant barrage of attacks for working hard and falling further behind; now the callous conservative set wants them to pay taxes, presumably because the well to do carry to much of the burden.

The middle class have skin in the game, and have zero ability to influence the Congress, only the special interests, power elite, corporation and industry have their ear because they fill their pocket books.

All I'm doing is pointing out the what happens when people who don't pay taxes have the ability to vote for politicians who promise them "freebies". If you don't have skin in the game then you don't care how taxes are spent...because it's not money out of YOUR pocket! Why shouldn't the poor pay a percentage of what they make in taxes like everyone else?

The OP asked why so many Americans were so "sensitive" about being asked to pay more in taxes and my answer addressed that. If you've worked extremely hard to become successful it's only natural that you're going to resent having your hard earned money going to support people who have no desire to work.

If you truly have concerns over the "working poor" then how about we address where it is that they DO pay taxes? So called "sin taxes" on cigarettes, alcohol, and gambling hit poor people far harder than any progressive income tax ever has. The same liberal politicians that scream bloody murder about the rich not paying enough in taxes quietly increase taxes on the things that poor people purchase as well as the "fees" that they pay.
To me taxation is thievery.

I don't mind being shaken down when the money is being used for necessary minimal government services like defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind pooling money to pay for roads.

What is unacceptable is to have government bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, take the money that I earned and give it to somebody else that didn't earn it.

That is thievery any way you look at it.
To me taxation is thievery.

I don't mind being shaken down when the money is being used for necessary minimal government services like defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind pooling money to pay for roads.

What is unacceptable is to have government bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, take the money that I earned and give it to somebody else that didn't earn it.

That is thievery any way you look at it.

Reminds me of a piece Walter E Williams wrote a couple of years ago.

He asked if he were to go into his neighbors home, take money from their dresser drawer, and then give that money to an elderly lady down the street for healthcare she didn't have the money for, would he have broken the law?

Of course I broke the law he said. I would get arrested, have to appear in court, and likely spend some time in jail even though my thoughts were of benevolence. Yet when government does the exact same thing, they are not only not held accountable, but applauded.
To me taxation is thievery.

I don't mind being shaken down when the money is being used for necessary minimal government services like defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind pooling money to pay for roads.

What is unacceptable is to have government bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, take the money that I earned and give it to somebody else that didn't earn it.

That is thievery any way you look at it.

Reminds me of a piece Walter E Williams wrote a couple of years ago.

He asked if he were to go into his neighbors home, take money from their dresser drawer, and then give that money to an elderly lady down the street for healthcare she didn't have the money for, would he have broken the law?

Of course I broke the law he said. I would get arrested, have to appear in court, and likely spend some time in jail even though my thoughts were of benevolence. Yet when government does the exact same thing, they are not only not held accountable, but applauded.

Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.
To many of you are young and stupid because you see America as the problem not the ignorant progressive policies. It isn't that we have fought wars or defense is funded because that is what the government is supposed to do it isn't suppose to feed the poor or house them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is; it is called promoting the general welfare.

it is our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror that are the problem.
No it isn't because now the government is going broke and making more poor so they are harming the general welfare you ignorant child

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
To many of you are young and stupid because you see America as the problem not the ignorant progressive policies. It isn't that we have fought wars or defense is funded because that is what the government is supposed to do it isn't suppose to feed the poor or house them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is; it is called promoting the general welfare.

it is our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror that are the problem.

YES LOON; fighting drugs/crime, poverty and terror are our problems.

you say say the dumbest shit
why only complain about social spending on the least wealthy, Person on the Right? social spending is social spending. don't you believe in Individual Liberty?

Individual liberty and social spending are mutually exclusive. The later required the government to use force against individuals and shake them down for cash. How is that consistent with individual liberty?
Unfunded liabilities are what are killing us and we can that teddy Wilson and fdr for most of it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
let's end our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
No. I unlike you don't see cops ad evil pigs so I like them there protecting my family as well as they can . Unlike you I don't see men like my brother in law who is in our fine military as a baby killer and am proud to pay for them to protect my children from the terrorists Obama wants to fund. You see I love my country where you do not

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
To me taxation is thievery.

I don't mind being shaken down when the money is being used for necessary minimal government services like defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind pooling money to pay for roads.

What is unacceptable is to have government bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, take the money that I earned and give it to somebody else that didn't earn it.

That is thievery any way you look at it.

Reminds me of a piece Walter E Williams wrote a couple of years ago.

He asked if he were to go into his neighbors home, take money from their dresser drawer, and then give that money to an elderly lady down the street for healthcare she didn't have the money for, would he have broken the law?

Of course I broke the law he said. I would get arrested, have to appear in court, and likely spend some time in jail even though my thoughts were of benevolence. Yet when government does the exact same thing, they are not only not held accountable, but applauded.

Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.

What is stupid about obvious facts?
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
You obviously don't make enough money to realize how much the government takes from some people.

A single dollar of a person's income is taxed over and over again via income tax, social security tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, state and federally.

Then when you die they take 40% of your lifetime earnings from you.

It's bullshit.
let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
To me taxation is thievery.

I don't mind being shaken down when the money is being used for necessary minimal government services like defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind pooling money to pay for roads.

What is unacceptable is to have government bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, take the money that I earned and give it to somebody else that didn't earn it.

That is thievery any way you look at it.

Reminds me of a piece Walter E Williams wrote a couple of years ago.

He asked if he were to go into his neighbors home, take money from their dresser drawer, and then give that money to an elderly lady down the street for healthcare she didn't have the money for, would he have broken the law?

Of course I broke the law he said. I would get arrested, have to appear in court, and likely spend some time in jail even though my thoughts were of benevolence. Yet when government does the exact same thing, they are not only not held accountable, but applauded.

Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.

What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.
I have no problem with paying my taxes under a few simple conditions......

1. The monies are used for ONLY legitimate, Constitutional purposes.

2. Tax rates are equal across the entire spectrum and there are no deductions.

3. Only NEW income is taxed. Proceeds of previously taxed income should not be taxed.
To many of you are young and stupid because you see America as the problem not the ignorant progressive policies. It isn't that we have fought wars or defense is funded because that is what the government is supposed to do it isn't suppose to feed the poor or house them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is; it is called promoting the general welfare.

it is our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror that are the problem.

YES LOON; fighting drugs/crime, poverty and terror are our problems.

you say say the dumbest shit
why only complain about social spending on the least wealthy, Person on the Right? social spending is social spending. don't you believe in Individual Liberty?

Individual liberty and social spending are mutually exclusive. The later required the government to use force against individuals and shake them down for cash. How is that consistent with individual liberty?

It's not a shakedown numskull, it's the law.
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
You obviously don't make enough money to realize how much the government takes from some people.

A single dollar of a person's income is taxed over and over again via income tax, social security tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, state and federally.

Then when you die they take 40% of your lifetime earnings from you.

It's bullshit.
let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Nothing could be as costly as this drug war.
I have no problem with paying my taxes under a few simple conditions......

1. The monies are used for ONLY legitimate, Constitutional purposes.

2. Tax rates are equal across the entire spectrum and there are no deductions.

3. Only NEW income is taxed. Proceeds of previously taxed income should not be taxed.

Good thing you're impotent. We'd really be in a mess if you had any authority.
To many of you are young and stupid because you see America as the problem not the ignorant progressive policies. It isn't that we have fought wars or defense is funded because that is what the government is supposed to do it isn't suppose to feed the poor or house them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is; it is called promoting the general welfare.

it is our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror that are the problem.

YES LOON; fighting drugs/crime, poverty and terror are our problems.

you say say the dumbest shit
why only complain about social spending on the least wealthy, Person on the Right? social spending is social spending. don't you believe in Individual Liberty?

Individual liberty and social spending are mutually exclusive. The later required the government to use force against individuals and shake them down for cash. How is that consistent with individual liberty?

It's not a shakedown numskull, it's the law.

How does that preclude it from being a shakedown?
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
You're a dunce.
Federal taxes do not go for police or water.
We had roads, water, police, firefighters etc etc etc long before 1913. Another lib argument blown to shit.

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