Why do catholic priests wear dresses with doilies around the edges

Off topic Question.

How does the RCC think of gay Catholics? Is gay catholic an oxymoron?


Here is the situation in a nutshell: The American Catholic Church is largely controlled by homosexual clergy and their allies. Those not in the network are powerless to confront it owing to its vast influence and fear factor, as well as not really understanding how it operates. The Catholic establishment media won't get within a million miles of this issue of the homosexual collective because they too are scared.

Half of Priests and Bishops Are Gay
Here's a brain teaser. If you take a vow of chastity, does it matter at all what your attraction is, as long as you keep your vow?
Pope Francis drops F-bomb

This was no accident. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The Pope uses the F Word because he is a false prophet and his religion is useless. Following this man is no different from following Hitler (faithful son of the Roman Catholic Cult).

Therefore judge nothing before the proper time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
-Corinthians 4:5

(If you believe that the apostolic church, i.e. The Catholic Church, i.e. RCC is a cult, then you believe that the Peter and the other apostles of Jesus Christ were a cult.)
You are misinterpreting Scripture.

It is written:
Ephesians 5:10-11King James Version (KJV)
10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

We are to expose false doctrine. Not remain silent about it.
Strange how they speak out against themselves, then behind closed doors its a much different story

Tales of gays in the Vatican have been told for more than a thousand years. Pope John XII, who reigned from 955 to 964, was accused of having sex with men and boys and turning the papal palace “into a whorehouse.” While trying to persuade a cobbler’s apprentice to have sex with him, Pope Boniface VIII, who reigned from 1294 to 1303, was said to have assured the boy that two men having sex was “no more a sin than rubbing your hands together.” After Paul II, who reigned from 1464 to 1471, died of a heart attack—while in flagrante delicto with a page, according to one rumor—he was succeeded by Sixtus IV, who kept a nephew as his lover (and made the nephew a cardinal at age 17). Some such stories are better substantiated than others. Even while their reliability is questionable, they demonstrate that playing the gay card (even if you yourself are gay) is an ancient Curial tactic. “There are closeted gay priests who are vipers,” observes the theologian Mark D. Jordan, the author of The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism. “

The Secret Lives of the Vatican’s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
Did you know that the Vatican will allow men to buy the position of Cardinal even when they have never been a priest? According to ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera - if you have enough money and are willing to play their game? You can become a Cardinal. How about those apples?

according to you all a person has to do is "just believe" that a trinue god diddled a virgin to became a man, then, after they are 'saved' and start gibbering incoherently about judgment day and hell, thats when you pick their pockets.

You rob the dead, Jeremiah, and spend your days and nights stark naked shrieking among the tombstones, cutting yourself on the rocks..

You should probably start praying that God doesn't exist.
God does exist and He is going to pour out his judgment on America. Are you ready?
Off topic Question.

How does the RCC think of gay Catholics? Is gay catholic an oxymoron?


Here is the situation in a nutshell: The American Catholic Church is largely controlled by homosexual clergy and their allies. Those not in the network are powerless to confront it owing to its vast influence and fear factor, as well as not really understanding how it operates. The Catholic establishment media won't get within a million miles of this issue of the homosexual collective because they too are scared.

Half of Priests and Bishops Are Gay
Here's a brain teaser. If you take a vow of chastity, does it matter at all what your attraction is, as long as you keep your vow?

If it doesn't matter at all what your attraction is if you take a vow, then it doesn't matter at all what your attraction is if you don't take a vow.

What difference does it make if a person took a vow of chastity and never had sex in their entire lives if they instead screwed thousands of people daily with a false message of a false salvation of a false Jesus and a false god?
Strange how they speak out against themselves, then behind closed doors its a much different story

Tales of gays in the Vatican have been told for more than a thousand years. Pope John XII, who reigned from 955 to 964, was accused of having sex with men and boys and turning the papal palace “into a whorehouse.” While trying to persuade a cobbler’s apprentice to have sex with him, Pope Boniface VIII, who reigned from 1294 to 1303, was said to have assured the boy that two men having sex was “no more a sin than rubbing your hands together.” After Paul II, who reigned from 1464 to 1471, died of a heart attack—while in flagrante delicto with a page, according to one rumor—he was succeeded by Sixtus IV, who kept a nephew as his lover (and made the nephew a cardinal at age 17). Some such stories are better substantiated than others. Even while their reliability is questionable, they demonstrate that playing the gay card (even if you yourself are gay) is an ancient Curial tactic. “There are closeted gay priests who are vipers,” observes the theologian Mark D. Jordan, the author of The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism. “

The Secret Lives of the Vatican’s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
Did you know that the Vatican will allow men to buy the position of Cardinal even when they have never been a priest? According to ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera - if you have enough money and are willing to play their game? You can become a Cardinal. How about those apples?

according to you all a person has to do is "just believe" that a trinue god diddled a virgin to became a man, then, after they are 'saved' and start gibbering incoherently about judgment day and hell, thats when you pick their pockets.

You rob the dead, Jeremiah, and spend your days and nights stark naked shrieking among the tombstones, cutting yourself on the rocks..

You should probably start praying that God doesn't exist.
God does exist and He is going to pour out his judgment on America. Are you ready?

Will you stop with the hysterics already?

There is nothing that God is going to do to anyone that he hasn't already done to you. God's judgments have been revealed from the beginning. If a person does what is right they are accepted. Its actually very simple.

There is only one God, not two or three, who has no visible shape or material form.

You teach people to set aside the divine commands and you worship Jesus, a human being, as if he was a three in one god. You believe in lies, you spread lies, and you have become a completely false person. You love God so much that you perjure yourself in his name, you love Jesus so much that you desecrate his teachings, and you love everyone else so much that you would have them throw away their lives and join you in your descent into oblivion. What a gal!

You waste away your life consumed by guilt, confusion, and fear that you project on everything and everyone else except yourself.

You have your reward already.

unless YOU repent YOU will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.
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It's at best a guess, but I was wondering what Jesus might advise all of us if he were here to gather us around him. I can imagine him mildly advising all of us, "Before we attempt to remove that speck of sawdust from another's eye, let's first take care of that wooden beam in our own..."
Pope Francis drops F-bomb

This was no accident. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The Pope uses the F Word because he is a false prophet and his religion is useless. Following this man is no different from following Hitler (faithful son of the Roman Catholic Cult).

Therefore judge nothing before the proper time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
-Corinthians 4:5

(If you believe that the apostolic church, i.e. The Catholic Church, i.e. RCC is a cult, then you believe that the Peter and the other apostles of Jesus Christ were a cult.)
You are misinterpreting Scripture.

It is written:
Ephesians 5:10-11King James Version (KJV)
10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

We are to expose false doctrine. Not remain silent about it.
No. I don't think so. You are claiming to see into other people's hearts -as Paul warns against.

Your sweeping condemnation of the Catholic Church is not exposing anything but your virulent disapproval of Catholics. Perhaps Catholic fellowship irks you? Consider praying on that.
It's at best a guess, but I was wondering what Jesus might advise all of us if he were here to gather us around him. I can imagine him mildly advising all of us, "Before we attempt to remove that speck of sawdust from another's eye, let's first take care of that wooden beam in our own..."

Its at best a guess and you were wondering what Jesus might mildly advise 'us' if he was here?

Sheesh. You really need to sober up man......and that's not a guess.

you reek of cheap wine and vomit.
Its at best a guess and you were wondering what Jesus might mildly advise 'us' if he was here?

Yes. Other people, wondering what Jesus might wish to say to us, could have a different verse in mind. Each one of us is different and unique--and we come from varying perspectives.
Its at best a guess and you were wondering what Jesus might mildly advise 'us' if he was here?

Yes. Other people, wondering what Jesus might wish to say to us, could have a different verse in mind. Each one of us is different and unique--and we come from varying perspectives.

Awww. That is so sweet...... in a maudlin kind of way.

While your imagination is fumbling around, what do you think that Jesus might mildly say to those of 'us' who seek eternal life from a lifeless cracker?
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Snipped to focus:

... what do you think that Jesus might mildly say....

"I am your peace..." (See Ephesians 2:14 where Paul notes Christ is our peace.) Paul goes on to say that Christ broke down the dividing wall of enmity.
Its at best a guess and you were wondering what Jesus might mildly advise 'us' if he was here?

Yes. Other people, wondering what Jesus might wish to say to us, could have a different verse in mind. Each one of us is different and unique--and we come from varying perspectives.

Awww. That is so sweet...... in a maudlin kind of way.

While your imagination is fumbling around, what do you think that Jesus might mildly say to those of 'us' who seek eternal life from a lifeless cracker?
So what's YOUR problem? Good grief. I'd sure rather have a discussion with Meriweather than someone as mean spirited as you.
Snipped to focus:

... what do you think that Jesus might mildly say....

"I am your peace..." (See Ephesians 2:14 where Paul notes Christ is our peace.) Paul goes on to say that Christ broke down the dividing wall of enmity.

There will always be enmity between those who love and practice deceit with those who have a love for truth until the final age where the works of perversity will be forever put to shame.

No one who sets aside the divine commands and teaches others to do the same will ever find peace.

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."
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Its at best a guess and you were wondering what Jesus might mildly advise 'us' if he was here?

Yes. Other people, wondering what Jesus might wish to say to us, could have a different verse in mind. Each one of us is different and unique--and we come from varying perspectives.

Awww. That is so sweet...... in a maudlin kind of way.

While your imagination is fumbling around, what do you think that Jesus might mildly say to those of 'us' who seek eternal life from a lifeless cracker?
So what's YOUR problem? Good grief. I'd sure rather have a discussion with Meriweather than someone as mean spirited as you.

Mean spirited? lol... I'm just being neighborly...

If I was going to be really mean spirited I would just let him babble on incoherently on his way to certain destruction and tell him what a wonderful belief system he has.
Are you asking me that question? Why? I'm not a Catholic. I think there may be gay Catholics who post on the thread and I am asking them my question. You are rude.

Of course I am rude. It's the only thing that people understand anymore. Thank you for the compliment.

I wold opine, however, that since you are unable to comprehend that an undirected (nobody specified to respond) applies to any who care to reply.....assuming that you and only you are being asked....well, narcissism DOES spring to mind.

You seem to wear it well; I do hope you find it comfortable.
Are you asking me that question? Why? I'm not a Catholic. I think there may be gay Catholics who post on the thread and I am asking them my question. You are rude.

Of course I am rude. It's the only thing that people understand anymore. Thank you for the compliment.

I wold opine, however, that since you are unable to comprehend that an undirected (nobody specified to respond) applies to any who care to reply.....assuming that you and only you are being asked....well, narcissism DOES spring to mind.

You seem to wear it well; I do hope you find it comfortable.
See you next lifetime.
I love this unholy alliance between Guno and Jeri. He thinks her faith is just as foolish and wacky, but he doesn't have a problem using her as a tool to attack Cathloics. Too funny.

Lol. Or . . . he finds it amusing (as do I) when all the religious wackos come out of the woodwork on these threads . . . "my religion is better . . . no my religion . . ." :eusa_doh:
Not one of you follow Jesus. You are the antithesis of Jesus. What would Jesus do? Turn the other cheek. :D
Not one of you follow Jesus. You are the antithesis of Jesus. What would Jesus do? Turn the other cheek. :D

The funny thing is I am not even a Catholic. lol. Most of my family are Catholics, though.

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