Why do catholic priests wear dresses with doilies around the edges

Jeremiah is obviously a fundamentalist, long ago we were invited to services at a fundie church and the pastor started railing on Catholics during the service....my husband told me "well isn't this awkward

She is mostly certainly unhinged. I usually try to avoid her anti-Catholic nonsense b/c one would have better luck reaching a house plant. Jeremiah just wants to spew her hate and then act godly when someone checks her.

Probably talks in tongues, writhers on the floor and has a bunch of snakes
You think this is a debate!? How rich. Your anti-Catholic horseshit is well known around here. The only person you're fooling is yourself.
I believe you have accused me of something that is not true. You cannot provide a post, a link, or a thread. I called you on it and now you are trying to deflect. The truth that people who cannot back up their accusations against others will resort to personal attacks because they are incapable of backing up their false claims. As for the debate? You cannot even address the subject of Catholicism being a cult without coming unglued. Very telling.

Unglued!? Hardly. I enjoy watching you twist yourself into sanctimonious knots.

You have called two Popes and a priest 'demon possessed' in the past. Are they not Catholics? You have also said nuns and priests are wicked and that is why children and animals shun them. What does Proverbs 12:22 say about lying lips? lol.

Catholicism being a cult a isn't the debate in this thread. It is about doilies. Naturally you've taken it to place b/c you're a one trick pony.
The Doctrine they teach identifies them. Now if you cannot find a thread or a post or link to my having stated that all Catholic people are demon possessed here on USMB you'll have to retract your statement or be recognized for the liar you are.

I don't have to prove anything to you. I've read these posts by you and I don't care if you believe me or not. I never said you claimed 'all' Catholics are demon possessed. That is you attempt to move the goal posts in a lame attempt to save face. The only thing that needs retracting around here is your head from your ass. lol
If you had read them here on USMB you would be able to post the title of the thread, the number of the post, yet you are unable to do it. Why? Because you are not being honest. Then again, when have you been honest? You're angry because I called you on it.

I am not playing fetch for you. I know this dumb game. I provide the posts and you spend the next 10 explaining how it was somehow different or taken out of context. This godly act of yours doesn't fly. Sorry.
Jeremiah is obviously a fundamentalist, long ago we were invited to services at a fundie church and the pastor started railing on Catholics during the service....my husband told me "well isn't this awkward

She is mostly certainly unhinged. I usually try to avoid her anti-Catholic nonsense b/c one would have better luck reaching a house plant. Jeremiah just wants to spew her hate and then act godly when someone checks her.
Speaking the truth is not hatred. It's Calvary love to speak the truth. The truth is the Roman Catholic Church is based on the occult Bablyonian religion of Nimrod and Semiramis (she was called the Queen of Heaven and she was a witch).
I believe you have accused me of something that is not true. You cannot provide a post, a link, or a thread. I called you on it and now you are trying to deflect. The truth that people who cannot back up their accusations against others will resort to personal attacks because they are incapable of backing up their false claims. As for the debate? You cannot even address the subject of Catholicism being a cult without coming unglued. Very telling.

Unglued!? Hardly. I enjoy watching you twist yourself into sanctimonious knots.

You have called two Popes and a priest 'demon possessed' in the past. Are they not Catholics? You have also said nuns and priests are wicked and that is why children and animals shun them. What does Proverbs 12:22 say about lying lips? lol.

Catholicism being a cult a isn't the debate in this thread. It is about doilies. Naturally you've taken it to place b/c you're a one trick pony.
The Doctrine they teach identifies them. Now if you cannot find a thread or a post or link to my having stated that all Catholic people are demon possessed here on USMB you'll have to retract your statement or be recognized for the liar you are.

I don't have to prove anything to you. I've read these posts by you and I don't care if you believe me or not. I never said you claimed 'all' Catholics are demon possessed. That is you attempt to move the goal posts in a lame attempt to save face. The only thing that needs retracting around here is your head from your ass. lol
If you had read them here on USMB you would be able to post the title of the thread, the number of the post, yet you are unable to do it. Why? Because you are not being honest. Then again, when have you been honest? You're angry because I called you on it.

I am not playing fetch for you. I know this dumb game. I provide the posts and you spend the next 10 explaining how it was somehow different or taken out of context. This godly act of yours doesn't fly. Sorry.
You have yet to provide a single post or thread, mdk. I think the reason is obvious. It would prove what a liar you are. You need to repent and be saved.
View attachment 73772 View attachment 73773 The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Although we disagree on who Jesus Christ is, HaShev, I appreciate your understanding of the Bablyonian Catholic religion because you are right on target. It is a great blessing to me (and comfort) to know that no Jew is going to be duped with you around to fill them in on the facts. I thank God that He has given you eyes to see the truth about that satanic church - The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's greatest masterpiece.

How sad it is to see Catholics who would rather stay in this cult then to listen to the truth and get out while they can?

I think if you could somehow find out what kind of temple was called the synogogue of Satan(adversary) in the NT, that might help.
Just as messianic synogogues are made of pretending to be and fake Jews perhaps Rome was already pulling that same scam to convert Jews to Baal or perhaps it was a temple to Mithra which they took over.
It's also possible one of the Luciferous teaching christ cults were claiming to be Jews yet teaching their God as a physical mystical light between the earth and sun and death cultism. And of course Rome could have changed the wording to displace and subvert. So there is a lot of possibilities and since John of Patmos was saying the false prophet being promoted by Rome was in his era then this synogogue could be the Hanotzrim cult conflicting with the Nazarene one if they are seperate flocks from seperate eras.

We learn from similarity and enulations and the arguments from Christians with each other show a disagreement on what type of christ or which christ each is teaching, hence understand the same conflicts between James and Paul who swore each was teaching another christ.
Food for thought!
The Synagogue of Satan is what it is - literally. Not every Jew is a Jew, HaShev. It shouldn't surprise you. Not every Christian is a Christian either. You shall know them by their fruits. Jesus Christ is God. He is the Messiah and he has nothing to do with Catholicism. They worship a false Christ. Not the Jesus Christ of the King James Holy Bible.

Hypothetical example: Someone shows up on a website you visit and announces they are a married Christian. Then they proceed to mar the name of Jesus Christ by writing the most obscene posts that even an unbeliever (with a conscience left) would blush to write. They spend all of their time seducing men, talking about having affairs, and making filthy comments. When anyone questions them about it they say they are questioning their faith, they are depressed, they are just going through a phase........etc. They never repent of their behavior (turn from it) They go right back to their evil behavior and continue to tell others they are a Christian. Is that person a Christian? Absolutely not! That is an enemy of Christ, a tare that has come in - in order to shame the name of Jesus Christ and confuse people who are looking for the evidence of Jesus Christ in someone's life. Witches do it all the time. How do you think they infiltrate churches? They pretend to be Christians.

You don't have the first fucking clue what you're babbling about. If anyone is a false Christian it would be you. Jesus reads your comments and has a face palm
Your filthy language is evidence of the condition of your soul. You are lost and if you do not repent and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you (and get out of the Roman Catholic Cult) you will spend eternity in hell wishing you had listened, Sassy.

It is written:

Colossians 3:7-9King James Version (KJV)
7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

And again it is written:

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
James 1:26
somebody oughta tweet Trump
I love this unholy alliance between Guno and Jeri. He thinks her faith is just as foolish and wacky, but he doesn't have a problem using her as a tool to attack Cathloics. Too funny.
Jeremiah is obviously a fundamentalist, long ago we were invited to services at a fundie church and the pastor started railing on Catholics during the service....my husband told me "well isn't this awkward

She is mostly certainly unhinged. I usually try to avoid her anti-Catholic nonsense b/c one would have better luck reaching a house plant. Jeremiah just wants to spew her hate and then act godly when someone checks her.

Probably talks in tongues, writhers on the floor and has a bunch of snakes
If Jesus Christ were here in the flesh your Roman pope would crucify him. The Romans have a history of persecuting Jesus Christ - they have always persecuted the real Christians and Jews. It's no secret. Your cult murdered approximately 56 million people during the Inquisitions because they refused to convert to the Roman Babylonian Occult Religion. Christians and Jews alike were burned at the stake for rejecting Catholicism.
Off topic Question.

How does the RCC think of gay Catholics? Is gay catholic an oxymoron?


Here is the situation in a nutshell: The American Catholic Church is largely controlled by homosexual clergy and their allies. Those not in the network are powerless to confront it owing to its vast influence and fear factor, as well as not really understanding how it operates. The Catholic establishment media won't get within a million miles of this issue of the homosexual collective because they too are scared.

Half of Priests and Bishops Are Gay
To be honest, what do you expect when you insist their priests never have sex?
Unglued!? Hardly. I enjoy watching you twist yourself into sanctimonious knots.

You have called two Popes and a priest 'demon possessed' in the past. Are they not Catholics? You have also said nuns and priests are wicked and that is why children and animals shun them. What does Proverbs 12:22 say about lying lips? lol.

Catholicism being a cult a isn't the debate in this thread. It is about doilies. Naturally you've taken it to place b/c you're a one trick pony.
The Doctrine they teach identifies them. Now if you cannot find a thread or a post or link to my having stated that all Catholic people are demon possessed here on USMB you'll have to retract your statement or be recognized for the liar you are.

I don't have to prove anything to you. I've read these posts by you and I don't care if you believe me or not. I never said you claimed 'all' Catholics are demon possessed. That is you attempt to move the goal posts in a lame attempt to save face. The only thing that needs retracting around here is your head from your ass. lol
If you had read them here on USMB you would be able to post the title of the thread, the number of the post, yet you are unable to do it. Why? Because you are not being honest. Then again, when have you been honest? You're angry because I called you on it.

I am not playing fetch for you. I know this dumb game. I provide the posts and you spend the next 10 explaining how it was somehow different or taken out of context. This godly act of yours doesn't fly. Sorry.
You have yet to provide a single post or thread, mdk. I think the reason is obvious. It would prove what a liar you are. You need to repent and be saved.

And I am not going to as well. What part of that don't you understand? Anyone can use the search function and read you stating Catholics are demon possessed and nuns/priests are so wicked that animals/children shun them.
Off topic Question.

How does the RCC think of gay Catholics? Is gay catholic an oxymoron?


Here is the situation in a nutshell: The American Catholic Church is largely controlled by homosexual clergy and their allies. Those not in the network are powerless to confront it owing to its vast influence and fear factor, as well as not really understanding how it operates. The Catholic establishment media won't get within a million miles of this issue of the homosexual collective because they too are scared.

Half of Priests and Bishops Are Gay
To be honest, what do you expect when you insist their priests never have sex?
That is true, OL. The King James Bible is clear that those who teach others not to marry, not to eat meat (can anyone say "Good Friday"?) are teaching Doctrines of demons.

This is why the Catholic leadership despises the King James Holy Bible. It exposes the truth about their cult:

It is written:

1 Timothy 4:1-8King James Version (KJV)
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

6 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.

7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
Strange how they speak out against themselves, then behind closed doors its a much different story

Tales of gays in the Vatican have been told for more than a thousand years. Pope John XII, who reigned from 955 to 964, was accused of having sex with men and boys and turning the papal palace “into a whorehouse.” While trying to persuade a cobbler’s apprentice to have sex with him, Pope Boniface VIII, who reigned from 1294 to 1303, was said to have assured the boy that two men having sex was “no more a sin than rubbing your hands together.” After Paul II, who reigned from 1464 to 1471, died of a heart attack—while in flagrante delicto with a page, according to one rumor—he was succeeded by Sixtus IV, who kept a nephew as his lover (and made the nephew a cardinal at age 17). Some such stories are better substantiated than others. Even while their reliability is questionable, they demonstrate that playing the gay card (even if you yourself are gay) is an ancient Curial tactic. “There are closeted gay priests who are vipers,” observes the theologian Mark D. Jordan, the author of The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism. “

The Secret Lives of the Vatican’s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
The Doctrine they teach identifies them. Now if you cannot find a thread or a post or link to my having stated that all Catholic people are demon possessed here on USMB you'll have to retract your statement or be recognized for the liar you are.

I don't have to prove anything to you. I've read these posts by you and I don't care if you believe me or not. I never said you claimed 'all' Catholics are demon possessed. That is you attempt to move the goal posts in a lame attempt to save face. The only thing that needs retracting around here is your head from your ass. lol
If you had read them here on USMB you would be able to post the title of the thread, the number of the post, yet you are unable to do it. Why? Because you are not being honest. Then again, when have you been honest? You're angry because I called you on it.

I am not playing fetch for you. I know this dumb game. I provide the posts and you spend the next 10 explaining how it was somehow different or taken out of context. This godly act of yours doesn't fly. Sorry.
You have yet to provide a single post or thread, mdk. I think the reason is obvious. It would prove what a liar you are. You need to repent and be saved.

And I am not going to as well. What part of that don't you understand? Anyone can use the search function and read you stating Catholics are demon possessed and nuns/priests are so wicked that animals/children shun them.
You are not going to repent and be saved? When you are in hell you'll regret that decision for all eternity. My prayer for you is that God will open your eyes and reveal the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to you so that you may be able to discern between good and evil. It is a sin to call that which is evil good and that which is good evil. The Catholic Cult has a history of canonizing mass murderers as "saints." That ought to tell you something.

It is written:
Isaiah 5:20-21King James Version (KJV)
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Isaiah 5:20-21
Strange how they speak out against themselves, then behind closed doors its a much different story

Tales of gays in the Vatican have been told for more than a thousand years. Pope John XII, who reigned from 955 to 964, was accused of having sex with men and boys and turning the papal palace “into a whorehouse.” While trying to persuade a cobbler’s apprentice to have sex with him, Pope Boniface VIII, who reigned from 1294 to 1303, was said to have assured the boy that two men having sex was “no more a sin than rubbing your hands together.” After Paul II, who reigned from 1464 to 1471, died of a heart attack—while in flagrante delicto with a page, according to one rumor—he was succeeded by Sixtus IV, who kept a nephew as his lover (and made the nephew a cardinal at age 17). Some such stories are better substantiated than others. Even while their reliability is questionable, they demonstrate that playing the gay card (even if you yourself are gay) is an ancient Curial tactic. “There are closeted gay priests who are vipers,” observes the theologian Mark D. Jordan, the author of The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism. “

The Secret Lives of the Vatican’s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
Did you know that the Vatican will allow men to buy the position of Cardinal even when they have never been a priest? According to ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera - if you have enough money and are willing to play their game? You can become a Cardinal. How about those apples?
The man in this video met a Jesuit who told him that the Roman Catholic Church will rule the world again. He is a member of the LDS which is a false church but the people who he interviewed in this video have shared some shocking information that people need to hear about Jesuit infiltration. Alberto Rivera is one of the people who exposes the Roman Catholic Institution.

The woman who unknowingly married a Catholic priest (and Jesuit) and gives her testimony and it is shocking. You'll be amazed at what she has to say! Her "husband" told her that Hitler was a very good Catholic and so was Mussolini! You've got to hear what she has to say! Truly amazing!
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Strange how they speak out against themselves, then behind closed doors its a much different story

Tales of gays in the Vatican have been told for more than a thousand years. Pope John XII, who reigned from 955 to 964, was accused of having sex with men and boys and turning the papal palace “into a whorehouse.” While trying to persuade a cobbler’s apprentice to have sex with him, Pope Boniface VIII, who reigned from 1294 to 1303, was said to have assured the boy that two men having sex was “no more a sin than rubbing your hands together.” After Paul II, who reigned from 1464 to 1471, died of a heart attack—while in flagrante delicto with a page, according to one rumor—he was succeeded by Sixtus IV, who kept a nephew as his lover (and made the nephew a cardinal at age 17). Some such stories are better substantiated than others. Even while their reliability is questionable, they demonstrate that playing the gay card (even if you yourself are gay) is an ancient Curial tactic. “There are closeted gay priests who are vipers,” observes the theologian Mark D. Jordan, the author of The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism. “

The Secret Lives of the Vatican’s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
Did you know that the Vatican will allow men to buy the position of Cardinal even when they have never been a priest? According to ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera - if you have enough money and are willing to play their game? You can become a Cardinal. How about those apples?

according to you all a person has to do is "just believe" that a trinue god diddled a virgin to became a man, then, after they are 'saved' and start gibbering incoherently about judgment day and hell, thats when you pick their pockets.

You rob the dead, Jeremiah, and spend your days and nights stark naked shrieking among the tombstones, cutting yourself on the rocks..

You should probably start praying that God doesn't exist.
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Pope Francis drops F-bomb

This was no accident. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The Pope uses the F Word because he is a false prophet and his religion is useless. Following this man is no different from following Hitler (faithful son of the Roman Catholic Cult).

Therefore judge nothing before the proper time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
-Corinthians 4:5

(If you believe that the apostolic church, i.e. The Catholic Church, i.e. RCC is a cult, then you believe that the Peter and the other apostles of Jesus Christ were a cult.)

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