Why do catholic priests wear dresses with doilies around the edges

I want to know why I used to have to wear something over my head when I went to the Catholic Church with my friend after sleeping over her house on Saturday night. Her mother would pin a fancy hanky on my head 'cuz I didn't have a hat.
I notice that's no longer a rule. What was THAT all about? Kinda like a hijab?

Again, this has to do with the styles of the time. There was a time (still observed in the last century) that women (and men as well) didn't go out without wearing a hat. Watch a 50s sitcom (such as I Love Lucy) and you will notice this. Even after this practice changed in the 60s, wearing a hat to church was the last bastion of hats (you might say). It went back to the tradition that women covered their heads. The veil was a sign of respect and also signaled a woman was protected. A woman without a veil was announcing her, umm, availability, you might say.

Even today, some women elect to stay with tradition and wear a simple lace veil.
Just as I said. It has tainted him, if that's the case.
Maybe guno was a victim? His hatred seems to run deeep. If so, I am sorry and sick that it happened to you , guno. And sadly, it has colored your image of all religion, rather than just the predator, if that is the case.
I dont think he cares for cross grovelers of any stripe
Maybe guno was a victim? His hatred seems to run deeep. If so, I am sorry and sick that it happened to you , guno. And sadly, it has colored your image of all religion, rather than just the predator, if that is the case.
nice try, but no. Just get a kick out of the bizarre-o rituals and wonder where they came from
wizard of oz?



Santa clause?


If you can make a montage of those pics to this song on youtube then that will be an instant hit.


If you aren't a Catholic, do you really care what they wear?
During their rituals

whats up with that?

The real question is why don't jews have Priests anymore who dress the way God told them:

EXO 28

2 For the glorious adornment of your brother Aaron you shall have sacred vestments made. 3 Therefore, tell the various artisans whom I have endowed with skills to make vestments for Aaron to consecrate him as my priest. 4 These are the vestments they shall make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a brocade tunic, a turban, and a sash. In making these sacred vestments which your brother Aaron and his sons are to wear in serving as my priests, 5 they shall use gold, violet, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen.
wizard of oz?



Santa clause?


If you can make a montage of those pics to this song on youtube then that will be an instant hit.

During their rituals

whats up with that?
I want to know why I used to have to wear something over my head when I went to the Catholic Church with my friend after sleeping over her house on Saturday night. Her mother would pin a fancy hanky on my head 'cuz I didn't have a hat.
I notice that's no longer a rule. What was THAT all about? Kinda like a hijab?

Yes we use to wear veils (not cover the face) , then doilies then nothing. In the RCC women were to cover their heads and men were to bare their heads. I'm quite sure Protestant churches use to be that way as well.
I want to know why I used to have to wear something over my head when I went to the Catholic Church with my friend after sleeping over her house on Saturday night. Her mother would pin a fancy hanky on my head 'cuz I didn't have a hat.
I notice that's no longer a rule. What was THAT all about? Kinda like a hijab?

Again, this has to do with the styles of the time. There was a time (still observed in the last century) that women (and men as well) didn't go out without wearing a hat. Watch a 50s sitcom (such as I Love Lucy) and you will notice this. Even after this practice changed in the 60s, wearing a hat to church was the last bastion of hats (you might say). It went back to the tradition that women covered their heads. The veil was a sign of respect and also signaled a woman was protected. A woman without a veil was announcing her, umm, availability, you might say.

Even today, some women elect to stay with tradition and wear a simple lace veil.
I noticed that when the Pope visited Mexico. All the women who were there to see him had on lace veils. Thanks for explaining the 'protection' thing. Now it makes sense.
wizard of oz?



Santa clause?


If you can make a montage of those pics to this song on youtube then that will be an instant hit.

During their rituals

whats up with that?
I want to know why I used to have to wear something over my head when I went to the Catholic Church with my friend after sleeping over her house on Saturday night. Her mother would pin a fancy hanky on my head 'cuz I didn't have a hat.
I notice that's no longer a rule. What was THAT all about? Kinda like a hijab?

Yes we use to wear veils (not cover the face) , then doilies then nothing. In the RCC women were to cover their heads and men were to bare their heads. I'm quite sure Protestant churches use to be that way as well.

Maybe, but not in my time. I think covering your head went out with the Goodwife's bonnet. Good excuse to have a few hats, though, if you like them. Where else can you wear them anymore?
The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Nothing to do with Dagon , but with the intelligence of the RCC, making hates that weight little and fold when not worn. They have changed over the years as well.
Capirote are pointed hoods worn by Catholics in Spain that inspired the design of the KKK uniform



Hmmm. What was the profession of at least four of Jesus' Apostles? Oh, right. Fishermen. With what did Jesus feed the crowd? Fish. In times of persecution, a Christian would draw or trace an upper arc is dirt or dust. If he had met up with a fellow Christian, that person would complete the fish, drawing the lower arc.

How odd, right, that two different countries whose living relied on fish would use a fish symbol. What are the odds? Even eerier: Tribes on the opposite side of the planet had fish symbols as well. Who would have guessed?

Hmmm. What was the profession of at least four of Jesus' Apostles? Oh, right. Fishermen. With what did Jesus feed the crowd? Fish. In times of persecution, a Christian would draw or trace an upper arc is dirt or dust. If he had met up with a fellow Christian, that person would complete the fish, drawing the lower arc.

How odd, right, that two different countries whose living relied on fish would use a fish symbol. What are the odds? Even eerier: Tribes on the opposite side of the planet had fish symbols as well. Who would have guessed?

I believe the figure with the apostles who were martyrs was Theudas by the Jordan, however the RCC figure son of Mary was a carpenter with his guardian father Joseph.
Theudas was most likely the figure from Capernaum which was a port fishing town liken to San Francisco.
The Nt figure has 2 hometowns, 2 professions, 2 blames, 2 sentencing techniques, 3 eras, new name, new birthdate, adjusted birth year, 2 ages lasted till death 33 &closer to 50 says John, 2 descriptions of appearances, and all these occur when combining figures into a new image based on many.
Why is this guy crying about the feminization of the catholic church while wearing a red dress adorned with doilies ?
Tell us, guno. Does your fascination with doilies mean you are feminine?
Break out the wiffle bats. It's time to play bash the Catholics.

Where is Jeremiah? That one loves bashing Catholics.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. If you are going to write about me please be accurate in your complaints. Thank you.

You said Catholics are demon possessed. How is that not bashing Catholics? lol. I find your chiding about accuracy to be hysterical considering your post history.
View attachment 73772 View attachment 73773 The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Although we disagree on who Jesus Christ is, HaShev, I appreciate your understanding of the Bablyonian Catholic religion because you are right on target. It is a great blessing to me (and comfort) to know that no Jew is going to be duped with you around to fill them in on the facts. I thank God that He has given you eyes to see the truth about that satanic church - The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's greatest masterpiece.

How sad it is to see Catholics who would rather stay in this cult then to listen to the truth and get out while they can?

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