Why do catholic priests wear dresses with doilies around the edges

Break out the wiffle bats. It's time to play bash the Catholics.

Where is Jeremiah? That one loves bashing Catholics.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. If you are going to write about me please be accurate in your complaints. Thank you.

You said Catholics are demon possessed. How is that not bashing Catholics? lol. I find your chiding about accuracy to be hysterical considering your post history.
Post the thread and the post # so everyone can see what you are quoting, mdk. Thank you.
Break out the wiffle bats. It's time to play bash the Catholics.

Where is Jeremiah? That one loves bashing Catholics.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. If you are going to write about me please be accurate in your complaints. Thank you.

You said Catholics are demon possessed. How is that not bashing Catholics? lol. I find your chiding about accuracy to be hysterical considering your post history.
Post the thread and the post # so everyone can see what you are quoting, mdk. Thank you.

Eat me. I don't take orders from you. Thank you.
Nothing to do with Dagon , but with the intelligence of the RCC, making hates that weight little and fold when not worn. They have changed over the years as well.
Wrong again. HaShev is right on target. You should listen to what he has to say about the history of the Roman Catholic Cult.
Break out the wiffle bats. It's time to play bash the Catholics.

Where is Jeremiah? That one loves bashing Catholics.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. If you are going to write about me please be accurate in your complaints. Thank you.

You said Catholics are demon possessed. How is that not bashing Catholics? lol. I find your chiding about accuracy to be hysterical considering your post history.
Post the thread and the post # so everyone can see what you are quoting, mdk. Thank you.

Eat me. I don't take orders from you. Thank you.
Then you'll admit you made this up as you usually make things up because you cannot deal with facts and win a debate. Typical.
Where is Jeremiah? That one loves bashing Catholics.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. If you are going to write about me please be accurate in your complaints. Thank you.

You said Catholics are demon possessed. How is that not bashing Catholics? lol. I find your chiding about accuracy to be hysterical considering your post history.
Post the thread and the post # so everyone can see what you are quoting, mdk. Thank you.

Eat me. I don't take orders from you. Thank you.
Then you'll admit you made this up as you usually make things up because you cannot deal with facts and win a debate. Typical.

You think this is a debate!? How rich. Your anti-Catholic horseshit is well known around here. The only person you're fooling is yourself.
Break out the wiffle bats. It's time to play bash the Catholics.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. It's a valid question, if you don't have an answer - move on!

It's not a valid question. It's a jumping point to bash Catholics and right on cue your simple self shows up.

By the way, I'll post in any thread I please. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Off topic Question.

How does the RCC think of gay Catholics? Is gay catholic an oxymoron?
Strangely, nobody is mandated to attend any Catholic religious service.

Does that make you sad?
View attachment 73772 View attachment 73773 The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Although we disagree on who Jesus Christ is, HaShev, I appreciate your understanding of the Bablyonian Catholic religion because you are right on target. It is a great blessing to me (and comfort) to know that no Jew is going to be duped with you around to fill them in on the facts. I thank God that He has given you eyes to see the truth about that satanic church - The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's greatest masterpiece.

How sad it is to see Catholics who would rather stay in this cult then to listen to the truth and get out while they can?

I think if you could somehow find out what kind of temple was called the synogogue of Satan(adversary) in the NT, that might help.
Just as messianic synogogues are made of pretending to be and fake Jews perhaps Rome was already pulling that same scam to convert Jews to Baal or perhaps it was a temple to Mithra which they took over.
It's also possible one of the Luciferous teaching christ cults were claiming to be Jews yet teaching their God as a physical mystical light between the earth and sun and death cultism. And of course Rome could have changed the wording to displace and subvert. So there is a lot of possibilities and since John of Patmos was saying the false prophet being promoted by Rome was in his era then this synogogue could be the Hanotzrim cult conflicting with the Nazarene one if they are seperate flocks from seperate eras.

We learn from similarity and enulations and the arguments from Christians with each other show a disagreement on what type of christ or which christ each is teaching, hence understand the same conflicts between James and Paul who swore each was teaching another christ.
Food for thought!
Capirote are pointed hoods worn by Catholics in Spain that inspired the design of the KKK uniform


Who do they dress like (in that photograph)? The KKK. The Jesuits infiltrated some the Protestant denominations early on and were behind the formation of the KKK. If you will read Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimony about his assignments inside the RCC - you will see that he gave the history of the secret military arm of the RCC (Jesuits) that created the KKK, Freemasonry and much, much more. The Jesuits were behind the assassination of Lincoln as well. A book written in the 1800's called, Washington in the Lap of Rome warns of the evil the Jesuits were involved in and warned that they were trying to infiltrate Washington. Our founding fathers warned us about the Jesuits. Of course, today - we see that this has already happened. It is rare to find a politician who didn't have a Jesuit education.
Catholicism. Not Catholics. If you are going to write about me please be accurate in your complaints. Thank you.

You said Catholics are demon possessed. How is that not bashing Catholics? lol. I find your chiding about accuracy to be hysterical considering your post history.
Post the thread and the post # so everyone can see what you are quoting, mdk. Thank you.

Eat me. I don't take orders from you. Thank you.
Then you'll admit you made this up as you usually make things up because you cannot deal with facts and win a debate. Typical.

You think this is a debate!? How rich. Your anti-Catholic horseshit is well known around here. The only person you're fooling is yourself.
I believe you have accused me of something that is not true. You cannot provide a post, a link, or a thread. I called you on it and now you are trying to deflect. The truth that people who cannot back up their accusations against others will resort to personal attacks because they are incapable of backing up their false claims. As for the debate? You cannot even address the subject of Catholicism being a cult without coming unglued. Very telling.
View attachment 73772 View attachment 73773 The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Although we disagree on who Jesus Christ is, HaShev, I appreciate your understanding of the Bablyonian Catholic religion because you are right on target. It is a great blessing to me (and comfort) to know that no Jew is going to be duped with you around to fill them in on the facts. I thank God that He has given you eyes to see the truth about that satanic church - The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's greatest masterpiece.

How sad it is to see Catholics who would rather stay in this cult then to listen to the truth and get out while they can?

I think if you could somehow find out what kind of temple was called the synogogue of Satan(adversary) in the NT, that might help.
Just as messianic synogogues are made of pretending to be and fake Jews perhaps Rome was already pulling that same scam to convert Jews to Baal or perhaps it was a temple to Mithra which they took over.
It's also possible one of the Luciferous teaching christ cults were claiming to be Jews yet teaching their God as a physical mystical light between the earth and sun and death cultism. And of course Rome could have changed the wording to displace and subvert. So there is a lot of possibilities and since John of Patmos was saying the false prophet being promoted by Rome was in his era then this synogogue could be the Hanotzrim cult conflicting with the Nazarene one if they are seperate flocks from seperate eras.

We learn from similarity and enulations and the arguments from Christians with each other show a disagreement on what type of christ or which christ each is teaching, hence understand the same conflicts between James and Paul who swore each was teaching another christ.
Food for thought!
The Synagogue of Satan is what it is - literally. Not every Jew is a Jew, HaShev. It shouldn't surprise you. Not every Christian is a Christian either. You shall know them by their fruits. Jesus Christ is God. He is the Messiah and he has nothing to do with Catholicism. They worship a false Christ. Not the Jesus Christ of the King James Holy Bible.

Hypothetical example: Someone shows up on a website you visit and announces they are a married Christian. Then they proceed to mar the name of Jesus Christ by writing the most obscene posts that even an unbeliever (with a conscience left) would blush to write. They spend all of their time seducing men, talking about having affairs, and making filthy comments. When anyone questions them about it they say they are questioning their faith, they are depressed, they are just going through a phase........etc. They never repent of their behavior (turn from it) They go right back to their evil behavior and continue to tell others they are a Christian. Is that person a Christian? Absolutely not! That is an enemy of Christ, a tare that has come in - in order to shame the name of Jesus Christ and confuse people who are looking for the evidence of Jesus Christ in someone's life. Witches do it all the time. How do you think they infiltrate churches? They pretend to be Christians.
Last edited:
The Jesuits were not evil storm troopers burning crosses and assassinating presidents. Here is a sane explanation of the group St. Ignatius founded.

Sept. 27, 1540, the Society of Jesus–a Roman Catholic missionary organization–receives its charter from Pope Paul III. The Jesuit order played an important role in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting millions around the world to Catholicism.

The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier turned priest, in August 1534. The first Jesuits–Ignatius and six of his students–took vows of poverty and chastity and made plans to work for the conversion of Muslims. If travel to the Holy Land was not possible, they vowed to offer themselves to the pope for apostolic work. Unable to travel to Jerusalem because of the Turkish wars, they went to Rome instead to meet with the pope and request permission to form a new religious order. In September 1540, Pope Paul III approved Ignatius’ outline of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit order was born.

Under Ignatius’ charismatic leadership, the Society of Jesus grew quickly. Jesuit missionaries played a leading role in the Counter-Reformation and won back many of the European faithful who had been lost to Protestantism. In Ignatius’ lifetime, Jesuits were also dispatched to India, Brazil, the Congo region, and Ethiopia. Education was of utmost importance to the Jesuits, and in Rome Ignatius founded the Roman College (later called the Gregorian University) and the Germanicum, a school for German priests. The Jesuits also ran several charitable organizations, such as one for former prostitutes and one for converted Jews. When Ignatius de Loyola died in July 1556, there were more than 1,000 Jesuit priests.

During the next century, the Jesuits set up ministries around the globe. The “Black-Robes,” as they were known in Native America, often preceded other Europeans in their infiltration of foreign lands and societies. The life of a Jesuit was one of immense risk, and thousands of priests were persecuted or killed by foreign authorities hostile to their mission of conversion. However, in some nations, such as India and China, the Jesuits were welcomed as men of wisdom and science.

With the rise of nationalism in the 18th century, most European countries suppressed the Jesuits, and in 1773 Pope Clement XIV dissolved the order under pressure from the Bourbon monarchs. However, in 1814, Pope Pius VII gave in to popular demand and reestablished the Jesuits as an order, and they continue their missionary work to this day. Ignatius de Loyola was canonized a Catholic saint in 1622.

Jesuit order established - Sep 27, 1540 - HISTORY.com
View attachment 73772 View attachment 73773 The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Although we disagree on who Jesus Christ is, HaShev, I appreciate your understanding of the Bablyonian Catholic religion because you are right on target. It is a great blessing to me (and comfort) to know that no Jew is going to be duped with you around to fill them in on the facts. I thank God that He has given you eyes to see the truth about that satanic church - The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's greatest masterpiece.

How sad it is to see Catholics who would rather stay in this cult then to listen to the truth and get out while they can?

I think if you could somehow find out what kind of temple was called the synogogue of Satan(adversary) in the NT, that might help.
Just as messianic synogogues are made of pretending to be and fake Jews perhaps Rome was already pulling that same scam to convert Jews to Baal or perhaps it was a temple to Mithra which they took over.
It's also possible one of the Luciferous teaching christ cults were claiming to be Jews yet teaching their God as a physical mystical light between the earth and sun and death cultism. And of course Rome could have changed the wording to displace and subvert. So there is a lot of possibilities and since John of Patmos was saying the false prophet being promoted by Rome was in his era then this synogogue could be the Hanotzrim cult conflicting with the Nazarene one if they are seperate flocks from seperate eras.

We learn from similarity and enulations and the arguments from Christians with each other show a disagreement on what type of christ or which christ each is teaching, hence understand the same conflicts between James and Paul who swore each was teaching another christ.
Food for thought!
The Synagogue of Satan is what it is - literally. Not every Jew is a Jew, HaShev. It shouldn't surprise you. Not every Christian is a Christian either. You shall know them by their fruits. Jesus Christ is God. He is the Messiah and he has nothing to do with Catholicism. They worship a false Christ. Not the Jesus Christ of the King James Holy Bible.

Hypothetical example: Someone shows up on a website you visit and announces they are a married Christian. Then they proceed to mar the name of Jesus Christ by writing the most obscene posts that even an unbeliever (with a conscience left) would blush to write. They spend all of their time seducing men, talking about having affairs, and making filthy comments. When anyone questions them about it they say they are questioning their faith, they are depressed, they are just going through a phase........etc. They never repent of their behavior (turn from it) They go right back to their evil behavior and continue to tell others they are a Christian. Is that person a Christian? Absolutely not! That is an enemy of Christ, a tare that has come in - in order to shame the name of Jesus Christ and confuse people who are looking for the evidence of Jesus Christ in someone's life. Witches do it all the time. How do you think they infiltrate churches? They pretend to be Christians.

You don't have the first fucking clue what you're babbling about. If anyone is a false Christian it would be you. Jesus reads your comments and has a face palm
View attachment 73772 View attachment 73773 The question should be why do they dress like the priests of Dagon (father of Baal)?
Fishead hats(Mitre) sprinkling fish tank water, wearing the fishman ring.
Although we disagree on who Jesus Christ is, HaShev, I appreciate your understanding of the Bablyonian Catholic religion because you are right on target. It is a great blessing to me (and comfort) to know that no Jew is going to be duped with you around to fill them in on the facts. I thank God that He has given you eyes to see the truth about that satanic church - The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's greatest masterpiece.

How sad it is to see Catholics who would rather stay in this cult then to listen to the truth and get out while they can?

I think if you could somehow find out what kind of temple was called the synogogue of Satan(adversary) in the NT, that might help.
Just as messianic synogogues are made of pretending to be and fake Jews perhaps Rome was already pulling that same scam to convert Jews to Baal or perhaps it was a temple to Mithra which they took over.
It's also possible one of the Luciferous teaching christ cults were claiming to be Jews yet teaching their God as a physical mystical light between the earth and sun and death cultism. And of course Rome could have changed the wording to displace and subvert. So there is a lot of possibilities and since John of Patmos was saying the false prophet being promoted by Rome was in his era then this synogogue could be the Hanotzrim cult conflicting with the Nazarene one if they are seperate flocks from seperate eras.

We learn from similarity and enulations and the arguments from Christians with each other show a disagreement on what type of christ or which christ each is teaching, hence understand the same conflicts between James and Paul who swore each was teaching another christ.
Food for thought!
The Synagogue of Satan is what it is - literally. Not every Jew is a Jew, HaShev. It shouldn't surprise you. Not every Christian is a Christian either. You shall know them by their fruits. Jesus Christ is God. He is the Messiah and he has nothing to do with Catholicism. They worship a false Christ. Not the Jesus Christ of the King James Holy Bible.

Hypothetical example: Someone shows up on a website you visit and announces they are a married Christian. Then they proceed to mar the name of Jesus Christ by writing the most obscene posts that even an unbeliever (with a conscience left) would blush to write. They spend all of their time seducing men, talking about having affairs, and making filthy comments. When anyone questions them about it they say they are questioning their faith, they are depressed, they are just going through a phase........etc. They never repent of their behavior (turn from it) They go right back to their evil behavior and continue to tell others they are a Christian. Is that person a Christian? Absolutely not! That is an enemy of Christ, a tare that has come in - in order to shame the name of Jesus Christ and confuse people who are looking for the evidence of Jesus Christ in someone's life. Witches do it all the time. How do you think they infiltrate churches? They pretend to be Christians.

You don't have the first fucking clue what you're babbling about. If anyone is a false Christian it would be you. Jesus reads your comments and has a face palm
Your filthy language is evidence of the condition of your soul. You are lost and if you do not repent and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you (and get out of the Roman Catholic Cult) you will spend eternity in hell wishing you had listened, Sassy.

It is written:

Colossians 3:7-9King James Version (KJV)
7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

And again it is written:

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
James 1:26

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