why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Why do Liberals ignore the mass murder of our innocent children yet have a hissy fit when we put a criminal out of our misery?
A good question , I don't care if a woman wants to kill her fetus or the state kills murders .
What ever

I kind of think it is different when a fetus is in a womans womb and she ends it then some one On death row who was poor and had a crappy lawyer

Don't you think ?

No, its not a "good question".

A fetus is not a child and saying that "liberals ignore the mass murder of innocent children" is hiding behind emotion instead of addressing facts.

It also ignores the core of the question - no one has the right to deny the basic right of men and women to control their own reproduction.
All then main stream versions of the Bible never mention abortion or the words fetus

It's always babes in the womb

You read it all through

So it seems to me liberal mad scientist coined the Generic term "fetus"

Just to dumb down human life

Don't you think? To justify it?
Why do Liberals ignore the mass murder of our innocent children yet have a hissy fit when we put a criminal out of our misery?
A good question , I don't care if a woman wants to kill her fetus or the state kills murders .
What ever

I kind of think it is different when a fetus is in a womans womb and she ends it then some one On death row who was poor and had a crappy lawyer

Don't you think ?

No, its not a "good question".

A fetus is not a child and saying that "liberals ignore the mass murder of innocent children" is hiding behind emotion instead of addressing facts.

It also ignores the core of the question - no one has the right to deny the basic right of men and women to control their own reproduction.
All then main stream versions of the Bible never mention abortion or the words fetus

It's always babes in the womb

You read it all through

So it seems to me liberal mad scientist coined the Generic term "fetus"

Just to dumb down human life

Don't you think? To justify it?

"Lord of the Rings" doesn't mention fetuses, either. What's your point?
Wow that blows my mind away you liberal women think that way of conservatives it is your opinion, but I didn't realize that


"Wow. It blows my mind away that you liberal women think that way of conservatives. It is your opinion, but I didn't realize that."

Its not just "liberal women". Its people who believe that the Constitution does not exclude women (and others) from equal rights.

Abortion rights is nowhere in the constitution

Why can't you ever answer honestly? Why must you always lie? You're just like Vigilante in that you refuse to address what was actually said.

Wow that blows my mind away you liberal women think that way of conservatives it is your opinion, but I didn't realize that


"Wow. It blows my mind away that you liberal women think that way of conservatives. It is your opinion, but I didn't realize that."

Its not just "liberal women". Its people who believe that the Constitution does not exclude women (and others) from equal rights.

Abortion rights is nowhere in the constitution

Why can't you ever answer honestly? Why must you always lie? You're just like Vigilante in that you refuse to address what was actually said.
Rove vs. Wade is a legal opinion, not a right granted in the bill of rights.

Same with the separation of church and state. it doesn't exist.

Tell it to the SCOTUS.


They know it better than anyone. Judicial activism.

The law is simply opinion anyway. Obama claims prosecutorial discretion when he refuses to enforce immigration laws on the books. We have to take him to court over it. Roe v Wade....same same.

He did not "form the kkk" but he DID denounce them.


He wasn't implying Byrd formed the KKK, although he was a recruiter. The KKK was created by the democrats as the strong arm of the democratic party.

Then why do you, a Republican, support the message of the KKK?

Tell me what the message is and I'll tell you if I support it.

Basically, the KKK's message is: black people are inferior.


The democrats obviously still feel that way. But I don't support that notion.

So you think black people are equal to white people?

On that picture it reads "Former Klansman". Former. I guess he saw the error of his ways. Now, shouldn't you?

Is a FORMER MURDERER still a murderer?

Do you support what the KKK does? Do you want to live seperate from black people? I tell you what, stop being racist and I'll stop being skeptical that you sincerely denounce the KKK.

So you won't answer the question, it figures you'd try to divert from that! BUt to answer your question, the Democratic KKK is a racist and horrible organization, BUT under our Constitution, is unfortunately legally acceptable! Now dumbass, is that murderer still a murderer?

Did he murder somebody? Who? When was he convicted?

That's beside the point. The KKK may have been formed by the Democratic party 150 years ago, and used by them up to 50 years ago, but many Republicans agree with the KKK now.

So you refuse AHAIN to state about murder, which has nothing to do with Byrd, except to show, once you ARE SOMETHING, you are what you were, and now supposition about Republican's and the KKK... want to become a little more dishonest in your replies?

If a murderer never murders again, wouldn't that mean they aren't a murderer? Doesn't Christ forgive?

People can change, Vigilante. What someone once was does not mean they are that now.

Are you suggesting that members of the KKK voted for Obama, think that black people aren't inferior, think that institutional racial bias is a problem that needs reform, and think that diversity is important?l to our society?
The lack of birth control is the cause of most of the world's poverty.

That's why Islam, the Catholic Church, and the Republican Party are three of the greatest evils in the world.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

I'm pro-choice, but how do you not grasp if they see it as murder they view it like any other murder? Why do you care if one guy shoots another guy at a gas station? I don't see it as the same either, but if you grasp they do, that answers your question. I don't get how the left doesn't get basic, simple logic.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

:wtf: Right leaning? How far left are you? Wow.
What if we ended all federal funding for Planned Eugenics Parenthood?

Can we start there and not make us pay for it?
They don't. They care about forcing women back into the kitchen and bedroom. That's it.

Omgawd, YAWN. get some new lines. I'm a woman and that find that crap offensive

Actually, abortion provides men with a thriving sex industry and women who are never hampered by children, thus making them sexually available to any man at any time..with no need for him to worry about bothersome child support payments.
Why do Liberals ignore the mass murder of our innocent children yet have a hissy fit when we put a criminal out of our misery?
A good question , I don't care if a woman wants to kill her fetus or the state kills murders .
What ever

I kind of think it is different when a fetus is in a womans womb and she ends it then some one On death row who was poor and had a crappy lawyer

Don't you think ?

No, its not a "good question".

A fetus is not a child and saying that "liberals ignore the mass murder of innocent children" is hiding behind emotion instead of addressing facts.

It also ignores the core of the question - no one has the right to deny the basic right of men and women to control their own reproduction.

Pulling out, using protection, or obstaining isn't control?
They don't. They care about forcing women back into the kitchen and bedroom. That's it.

Omgawd, YAWN. get some new lines. I'm a woman and that find that crap offensive

Actually, abortion provides men with a thriving sex industry and women who are never hampered by children, thus making them sexually available to any man at any time..with no need for him to worry about bothersome child support payments.
Must be why when you call them you get a male receptionist half the time. And they are rude also.
It comes down to believing that a fetus is human!

Liberals like to boil down their arguments to platitudes too.

The baby does not have a legal right to someone else's body. That's the problem. Government has no business instructing a woman that she will carry a baby to term. And no woman is going to do that who doesn't agree with you. I guess what it comes down to is what you want. If you want to stop abortions, support birth control, give women counseling, advice, and options if they will carry the baby to term. If you just want to put it on the legal record you're against abortions while throwing it over the fence and making it someone else's problem all while actually accomplishing nothing then ignore this, you're doing just fine.

Morality like charity is not a job for government force.
They don't. They care about forcing women back into the kitchen and bedroom. That's it.

Omgawd, YAWN. get some new lines. I'm a woman and that find that crap offensive. No one CAN FORCE me to do anything. so who is forcing you to be parrot?
Being a woman doesn't make you any less capable of misogyny. Your internalized oppression causes you to hate women. You should really get a therapist and work through that.
They don't. They care about forcing women back into the kitchen and bedroom. That's it.

Omgawd, YAWN. get some new lines. I'm a woman and that find that crap offensive

Actually, abortion provides men with a thriving sex industry and women who are never hampered by children, thus making them sexually available to any man at any time..with no need for him to worry about bothersome child support payments.

I never thought of it that way, but makes sense to me. When a Society cares more about an animal, then they do with the wiping out of millions of potential human beings through abortions. You know we're are headed for doom

this is why they are fighting so hard to prevent having a sonogram done before having one. they don't want women to see the child/their offspring they will be KILLING

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