Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

With how fast the middle class is shrinking you should be concerned for everyone. I don't hear real answers from either party.

what??? Republicans want to eliminate taxes regulations unions illegals to bring back 40 million jobs that liberals offshored. Now do you understand?

We've trIed that. It all goes to the rich. Taxes are at historic lows. Unions are in deep decline. The middle class shrinks. The rich sent jobs to china. The rich hire immigrants. How dumb are you?

Make American great again? We need strong unions.
I had a friend and he asked me who I voted for, I told him Trump, and HE LOST it had to explain that Washington,Democrats and Progressives have been in power a long time. and only time I got a good job was under Reagan. Next my pay went from 5000 dollars a year to 14 K in about three years in a non union job;;;I had to show pay stubs before he believed me.>Told him Hilly was a Progressive which she stated publicly, Sanders is a known socialist almost like Hilly . So I had only one choice who to vote for....I realy like another candidate but Trump won.
However this is not the story everywhere. Other wealthy countries have considerably lower poverty rates than the United States. There are a variety of factors that affect poverty rates but one that stands out is the power of unions. There is a very strong inverse relationship between the percentage of workers who are covered by a union contract and the poverty rate as measured by the OECD.[1]

Unions: The Best Fix to Poverty
No they don't have to foot the Military to protect themselves we do that for them therefore they can help more poor family s.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

Hold on. You think the republicans are for black families!? Lol!

There's a reason the GOP sucks with minorities. It's because you are the party of racists . And that's a deal breaker .
Got news for you WRONG the bros vote for who ever the best man is. We do it without the race thing. Go back with your deck of card and find a new one to play.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

Since there are far more whites than blacks on welfare in America, why are you going the racist angle?
Some black people are a lot smarter than you think and don't follow the Progressive line of crap notice the Republicans have more upfront than the Progressives.
So Redfish you want the black babies to be born, but don't want to feed, or cloth them until they are able to themselves..I am a pro life democrat who also believes in what happens after the baby is born..

Maybe you can throw them a crumb every now and then..

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Maybe you people should stop the layers bureaucracy, unions, and cronies that need to be paid before the poor get their money.

When unions were strong people did get paid.

Why are you shifting the goal posts to people getting paid? I thought you were talking about taking care of the poor?
The union Idea that a diesal engine needed a fireman never sounded right

Unions: The Best Fix to Poverty

Again, you are trying to shift the conversation. I am not anti-union. However, when the unions start mandating twinkies and cupcakes on the same distribution route be handled by two different trucks, you've reached the egregious overreaching zone and ALL jobs go away. Learn about optimization and stop worshiping the absolute.

Again, you are trying to shift the conversation. I am not anti-union. However, when the unions start mandating twinkies and cupcakes on the same distribution route be handled by two different trucks, you've reached the egregious overreaching zone and ALL jobs go away. Learn about optimization and stop worshiping the absolute.

I'm not saying they are perfect. But they have proven to be necessary for a strong middle class. If we want to fix poverty, we need to bring them back strong.

First let's eliminate all government unions.
To understand it you first must read a book and try to understand that the world is ran by union,.. I should mention that I dont thinik that is the case/ You have to have the manufacuring back bone to make job....Not make unions and the jobs will com.

Yes eliminate all the good paying jobs. Great idea. Lets throw money at private schools where teachers make less. Let's promote right to work for less so non union auto workers can make less than union workers. Republicans can't promote lower wages enough.

Yes eliminate all the good paying jobs.

Government employees need unions to have good paying jobs?
Please explain that logic.
Yes republicans have been saying that since the 80's as the middle class declines. Working out real well.

You've never owned or ran a business, you don't know shit. Typical Lefty, you need a Gov or a Union to do what you can't do.

It seems you don't know shit. For 40 years republicans been preaching against unions. That has crushed the middle class. Now that is a fact.

Nope. Sorry, you worry about clocking out or in one minute early. The fact is this kid, lazy people need/want unions. They want to as little as they can do and make as much as they can make. Industrious people work hard, get ahead, and make more because they earn it. You are Leftwing ,lazy excrement.

And the middle class disappears. As does our greatness.
You got it almost right. lazy is the word in most cases. The Gov has to be trimed and the States given back states right to start with. (More to come)

Our problem is not the deunionization of the workforce. Our problem is your kind who think that everybody else owes you something. Yes our middle class is disappearing, but you aren't smart enough to know that your side has been in charge just as much as our side and it's still happening. You've swallowed their bullshit and just keep coming back for more. Me? When I need more I make changes. When I want more I earn it. I'd never hire a man like you, you're lazy.
You've never owned or ran a business, you don't know shit. Typical Lefty, you need a Gov or a Union to do what you can't do.

It seems you don't know shit. For 40 years republicans been preaching against unions. That has crushed the middle class. Now that is a fact.

Nope. Sorry, you worry about clocking out or in one minute early. The fact is this kid, lazy people need/want unions. They want to as little as they can do and make as much as they can make. Industrious people work hard, get ahead, and make more because they earn it. You are Leftwing ,lazy excrement.

And the middle class disappears. As does our greatness.

Our problem is not the deunionization of the workforce. Our problem is your kind who think that everybody else owes you something. Yes our middle class is disappearing, but you aren't smart enough to know that your side has been in charge just as much as our side and it's still happening. You've swallowed their bullshit and just keep coming back for more. Me? When I need more I make changes. When I want more I earn it. I'd never hire a man like you, you're lazy.

haha I work more than you could ever imagine. But you aren't very bright, you talk out of your ass.

Your policies have slowed our economy greatly.

....and yet I'm semi-retired and having a great time. You're dismissed kid.
Nope. Sorry, you worry about clocking out or in one minute early. The fact is this kid, lazy people need/want unions. They want to as little as they can do and make as much as they can make. Industrious people work hard, get ahead, and make more because they earn it. You are Leftwing ,lazy excrement.

Killing the middle class has been great for economic growth and increasing the debt. Bravo!

But enough about Obama's 8 years.

Start with Reagan.

Massive growth in the economy, huge increase in jobs, massive tax cuts and big increases in income, across the board. That was Reagan.No the largest tax hike in the U>S history was under Bush Sr, Demo Senate and Demo Congress. This is fact in 1992. As reported in the Wall Street Journal.

How many of those things did Obama give us?
I mean he did have the weakest recovery since, forever practically.

And Reagan began the decline of the middle class while greatly increasing the debt. Not a good combo.
Only in dupe world, dupe. Of course we're discussing the government program called welfare.

When you purchase healthcare and you qualify for a subsidy, the government pays the part of the healthcare you can't, that is welfare stupid dupe! Please quit trying to spin it, you look dumber and dumber, if that is even possible.

Welfare is the government subsidizing cost for a person that could not ordinarily afford.

Now, I don't really care if more people are receiving welfare but please quit making totally fucking stupid statements that aren't remotely true. Man you are one dumb bitch!
My argument regarding poverty still stands. And, your quibbling is relatively moot, unless you have an actual point to make.

I have no clue what your argument is, you are not very articulate when it comes to communicating on this board.

You and Franco are trying to claim that ACA is not welfare and I have proved you wrong, not sure what else there is.
Your argument is a joke. ACA doesn't put people on the "welfare rolls"- you go back and forth between definitions, dupe.. Do you get EITC? Then you're on welfare too according to your stupid, hateful, insulting argument.

So you are equating a tax credit as welfare, you are a thick headed hater, that's for sure! Lol!
Wealth redistribution, is simply that.
Why did oil prices collapse in 2008-9, Einstein?
Because the little kenyan muslim in the white house put a blanket on new exploration.
Yup, the corrupt Booosh Real Estate bubble world depression never happened. At least here and the modern world because we put about 20 trilllion into bail outs and welfare etc...GOP dupes!!
You're a broken record of bull shit with your dupe garbage. I don't take anything you say seriously. Anyone with such a narrow vocabulary that uses the same old moronic, sophomoric quip for years and years is a compete moron... in other words... you.
That's your problem and all GOPers' problem. You're totally duped by a gigantic GOP propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. To not know about the corrupt GOP depression is ridiculous.

You run more fucking lies and hate than anyone on this board, your stupidity ranks up there with shootspeeders, can't tell which of is dumber, hell you are probably the same person, hater.
Those lies are called facts, dupe. How bout those Yankees? How's the Hillary special prosecutor coming?
Because the little kenyan muslim in the white house put a blanket on new exploration.
Yup, the corrupt Booosh Real Estate bubble world depression never happened. At least here and the modern world because we put about 20 trilllion into bail outs and welfare etc...GOP dupes!!
You're a broken record of bull shit with your dupe garbage. I don't take anything you say seriously. Anyone with such a narrow vocabulary that uses the same old moronic, sophomoric quip for years and years is a compete moron... in other words... you.
That's your problem and all GOPers' problem. You're totally duped by a gigantic GOP propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. To not know about the corrupt GOP depression is ridiculous.

You run more fucking lies and hate than anyone on this board, your stupidity ranks up there with shootspeeders, can't tell which of is dumber, hell you are probably the same person, hater.
Those lies are called facts, dupe. How bout those Yankees? How's the Hillary special prosecutor coming?

Don't follow the Yankees and don't care about an old has been politician, lying hater dupe.
Yup, the corrupt Booosh Real Estate bubble world depression never happened. At least here and the modern world because we put about 20 trilllion into bail outs and welfare etc...GOP dupes!!
You're a broken record of bull shit with your dupe garbage. I don't take anything you say seriously. Anyone with such a narrow vocabulary that uses the same old moronic, sophomoric quip for years and years is a compete moron... in other words... you.
That's your problem and all GOPers' problem. You're totally duped by a gigantic GOP propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. To not know about the corrupt GOP depression is ridiculous.

You run more fucking lies and hate than anyone on this board, your stupidity ranks up there with shootspeeders, can't tell which of is dumber, hell you are probably the same person, hater.
Those lies are called facts, dupe. How bout those Yankees? How's the Hillary special prosecutor coming?

Don't follow the Yankees and don't care about an old has been politician, lying hater dupe.
She's younger than Trump. Soorry about the lock her up TOTAL BS, dupe.
When you purchase healthcare and you qualify for a subsidy, the government pays the part of the healthcare you can't, that is welfare stupid dupe! Please quit trying to spin it, you look dumber and dumber, if that is even possible.

Welfare is the government subsidizing cost for a person that could not ordinarily afford.

Now, I don't really care if more people are receiving welfare but please quit making totally fucking stupid statements that aren't remotely true. Man you are one dumb bitch!
My argument regarding poverty still stands. And, your quibbling is relatively moot, unless you have an actual point to make.

I have no clue what your argument is, you are not very articulate when it comes to communicating on this board.

You and Franco are trying to claim that ACA is not welfare and I have proved you wrong, not sure what else there is.
Your argument is a joke. ACA doesn't put people on the "welfare rolls"- you go back and forth between definitions, dupe.. Do you get EITC? Then you're on welfare too according to your stupid, hateful, insulting argument.

So you are equating a tax credit as welfare, you are a thick headed hater, that's for sure! Lol!
Wealth redistribution, is simply that.
It's a gov't subsidy, welfare rat. Papa so brainwashed...And the rich doubling their wealth their last 35 years. No deal there.. lol. I know, end ACA (take away 700 billion from the poor) and 700 billion tax cut for the richest. That's fair and balanced.
Yup, the corrupt Booosh Real Estate bubble world depression never happened. At least here and the modern world because we put about 20 trilllion into bail outs and welfare etc...GOP dupes!!
You're a broken record of bull shit with your dupe garbage. I don't take anything you say seriously. Anyone with such a narrow vocabulary that uses the same old moronic, sophomoric quip for years and years is a compete moron... in other words... you.
That's your problem and all GOPers' problem. You're totally duped by a gigantic GOP propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. To not know about the corrupt GOP depression is ridiculous.

You run more fucking lies and hate than anyone on this board, your stupidity ranks up there with shootspeeders, can't tell which of is dumber, hell you are probably the same person, hater.
Those lies are called facts, dupe. How bout those Yankees? How's the Hillary special prosecutor coming?

Don't follow the Yankees and don't care about an old has been politician, lying hater dupe.
What lie, superdupe?
You're a broken record of bull shit with your dupe garbage. I don't take anything you say seriously. Anyone with such a narrow vocabulary that uses the same old moronic, sophomoric quip for years and years is a compete moron... in other words... you.
That's your problem and all GOPers' problem. You're totally duped by a gigantic GOP propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. To not know about the corrupt GOP depression is ridiculous.

You run more fucking lies and hate than anyone on this board, your stupidity ranks up there with shootspeeders, can't tell which of is dumber, hell you are probably the same person, hater.
Those lies are called facts, dupe. How bout those Yankees? How's the Hillary special prosecutor coming?

Don't follow the Yankees and don't care about an old has been politician, lying hater dupe.
She's younger than Trump. Soorry about the lock her up TOTAL BS, dupe.

They are both older than me and I don't care about Trump, not my candidate, hater dupe.
My argument regarding poverty still stands. And, your quibbling is relatively moot, unless you have an actual point to make.

I have no clue what your argument is, you are not very articulate when it comes to communicating on this board.

You and Franco are trying to claim that ACA is not welfare and I have proved you wrong, not sure what else there is.
Your argument is a joke. ACA doesn't put people on the "welfare rolls"- you go back and forth between definitions, dupe.. Do you get EITC? Then you're on welfare too according to your stupid, hateful, insulting argument.

So you are equating a tax credit as welfare, you are a thick headed hater, that's for sure! Lol!
Wealth redistribution, is simply that.
It's a gov't subsidy, welfare rat. Papa so brainwashed...And the rich doubling their wealth their last 35 years. No deal there.. lol. I know, end ACA (take away 700 billion from the poor) and 700 billion tax cut for the richest. That's fair and balanced.

Dumb dumb, end corporate welfare, oh wait according to you their is none, dupe! I say end it anyway!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My argument regarding poverty still stands. And, your quibbling is relatively moot, unless you have an actual point to make.

I have no clue what your argument is, you are not very articulate when it comes to communicating on this board.

You and Franco are trying to claim that ACA is not welfare and I have proved you wrong, not sure what else there is.
Your argument is a joke. ACA doesn't put people on the "welfare rolls"- you go back and forth between definitions, dupe.. Do you get EITC? Then you're on welfare too according to your stupid, hateful, insulting argument.

So you are equating a tax credit as welfare, you are a thick headed hater, that's for sure! Lol!
Wealth redistribution, is simply that.
It's a gov't subsidy, welfare rat. Papa so brainwashed...And the rich doubling their wealth their last 35 years. No deal there.. lol. I know, end ACA (take away 700 billion from the poor) and 700 billion tax cut for the richest. That's fair and balanced.

Dumb dumb, end corporate welfare, oh wait according to you their is none, dupe! I say end it anyway!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're a broken record of bull shit with your dupe garbage. I don't take anything you say seriously. Anyone with such a narrow vocabulary that uses the same old moronic, sophomoric quip for years and years is a compete moron... in other words... you.
That's your problem and all GOPers' problem. You're totally duped by a gigantic GOP propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. To not know about the corrupt GOP depression is ridiculous.

You run more fucking lies and hate than anyone on this board, your stupidity ranks up there with shootspeeders, can't tell which of is dumber, hell you are probably the same person, hater.
Those lies are called facts, dupe. How bout those Yankees? How's the Hillary special prosecutor coming?

Don't follow the Yankees and don't care about an old has been politician, lying hater dupe.
What lie, superdupe?

Lots of them hater dupe, you hater dupes lie all the time. You and shootspeeders having nothing but hate and lies.

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