Why do people hate Jews?

Itā€™s hatred when violence, pogroms ,explosions of Jews from their Countries are conducted Itā€™s hatred when thereā€™s intolerance, and you believe your ā€œ religionā€ should be the only one thatā€™s allowed Ironically, Jews and Christians do believe in the same God . We donā€™t believe in his ā€œsonā€ YOUā€™RE the one who said Jews are hated because they killed ā€œ Jesus ā€œ even though that was his fate Now, thatā€™s HATE
Modern day Jews do not believe in the same God as Christians. Jews abandoned the beliefs and practices of ancient Israelites. They completely reinvented their religion after they had Jesus crucified and their temple was destroyed. They follow the Talmud, not the Tanakh. There are many threads on this topic and in them you will see the so called ā€œJewsā€ here canā€™t ever cite biblical text to back their claims up.
Modern day Jews do not believe in the same God as Christians. Jews abandoned the beliefs and practices of ancient Israelites. They completely reinvented their religion after they had Jesus crucified and their temple was destroyed. They follow the Talmud, not the Tanakh. There are many threads on this topic and in them you will see the so called ā€œJewsā€ here canā€™t ever cite biblical text to back their claims up.
Keep repeating like a parrot the Jews has ā€œ Jesusā€.crucified admitting to the fact your religion is a farce. I thought šŸ’­ your ā€œ religion ā€œ taught that GOD sent his son down to die for our sins? Canā€™t have it both ways The Tanakh has three books; one of them is the Torah. So what? Notice you ignore the Violence, Hate, Suffering, Pogroms,Expulsion from their birth Countries, etc etc your Cult is responsible for
Why do people hate the Jews? Very simple:

Since the other two Abrahamic faiths were based on Judaism, the leaders had to somehow convince people that as exhibited above, the Jews lost their way and no longer following G-dā€™s message. So, praise Judaism and its holy book, because your own faithā€˜s foundation is based upon them, but bash the Jewish people, and call your own faith and its people the ā€œthe true followersā€.

That is why throughout history, antisemitism can be found only among Muslim or Christian nations, but you not will not find anything among the other faiths.

Either way, the bigger fights in history have and will always be between Christians and Muslims, with the grand prize being who controls Jerusalem, Judaismā€™s holiest city.
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People hate Jews for a variety of reasons based in history, religion, geography and culture. Because there are so many reasons, there are many varieties of anti-Semites.

The first (biblically) recorded institutionalized hatred of the Hebrews (those who would become the Jews) was by Pharaoh who was advised that this group, remaining distinct, MIGHT help enemies of Egypt. There was no reason to think that, but it gave justification for slavery. Then add in to this sense of distinctiveness the refusal to accept other religions and their beliefs even though they claim to be a continuation of (and should therefore be valued by) Judaism. Early Christians (and pagans who adopted Christianity), Martin Luther, Mohammed all thought that if they could get the Jews to agree with their ideas, they would be stronger but Jews rejected any move towards adopting a new religion and abandoning their own so these groups/people turned to hatred of Jews and Judaism.

Then branch off from there to the laws limiting Jewish behavior which forced Jews into undesirable jobs in medieval times (jobs which encouraged hatred) and a continued refusal to ditch Judaism and accept other people's beliefs.

While there are some other subtleties, the underlying cause of hatred is the Jews' refusal to capitulate and refusal to lie down and die.
People hate Jews for a variety of reasons based in history, religion, geography and culture. Because there are so many reasons, there are many varieties of anti-Semites.

The first (biblically) recorded institutionalized hatred of the Hebrews (those who would become the Jews) was by Pharaoh who was advised that this group, remaining distinct, MIGHT help enemies of Egypt. There was no reason to think that, but it gave justification for slavery. Then add in to this sense of distinctiveness the refusal to accept other religions and their beliefs even though they claim to be a continuation of (and should therefore be valued by) Judaism. Early Christians (and pagans who adopted Christianity), Martin Luther, Mohammed all thought that if they could get the Jews to agree with their ideas, they would be stronger but Jews rejected any move towards adopting a new religion and abandoning their own so these groups/people turned to hatred of Jews and Judaism.

Then branch off from there to the laws limiting Jewish behavior which forced Jews into undesirable jobs in medieval times (jobs which encouraged hatred) and a continued refusal to ditch Judaism and accept other people's beliefs.

While there are some other subtleties, the underlying cause of hatred is the Jews' refusal to capitulate and refusal to lie down and die.
Or..to parse it more closely, the refusal to assimilate.
Add to that the deliberate decision to demonize Jews by the Catholic church.....mostly to keep the masses from thinking on just how badly they were being totally screwed by the feudal aristocracy with the full and knowing support of the Catholic church--and there you have it~
Keep repeating like a parrot the Jews has ā€œ Jesusā€.crucified admitting to the fact your religion is a farce. I thought šŸ’­ your ā€œ religion ā€œ taught that GOD sent his son down to die for our sins? Canā€™t have it both ways The Tanakh has three books; one of them is the Torah. So what? Notice you ignore the Violence, Hate, Suffering, Pogroms,Expulsion from their birth Countries, etc etc your Cult is responsible for
What is contradictory about it? In the Old Testament God used the Assyrians and Babylonians to kill and purge the Israelites because they lost their way. It doesnā€™t change the fact those leaders and cultures were terrible people that did much evil.

Jews are hardly the only people to be kicked out of their ā€œbirth countriesā€. Just ask the Palestinians. Talk about having it ā€œboth ways.ā€ :auiqs.jpg:
Why do people hate the Jews? Very simple:

Since the other two Abrahamic faiths were based on Judaism, the leaders had to somehow convince people that as exhibited above, the Jews lost their way and no longer following G-dā€™s message. So, praise Judaism and its holy book, because your own faithā€˜s foundation is based upon them, but bash the Jewish people, and call your own faith and its people the ā€œthe true followersā€.

That is why throughout history, antisemitism can be found only among Muslim or Christian nations, but you not will not find anything among the other faiths.

Either way, the bigger fights in history have and will always be between Christians and Muslims, with the grand prize being who controls Jerusalem, Judaismā€™s holiest city.

Jews did lose their way, a long time ago. Jesus told their leaders that they did not know God because they were so corrupt and had been for a very long time.

Can you explain why Jews donā€™t even follow Mosaic Law anymore? Why there are no more prophets? Who the messiah is supposed to be if it isnā€™t Jesus?
What is contradictory about it? In the Old Testament God used the Assyrians and Babylonians to kill and purge the Israelites because they lost their way. It doesnā€™t change the fact those leaders and cultures were terrible people that did much evil.

Jews are hardly the only people to be kicked out of their ā€œbirth countriesā€. Just ask the Palestinians. Talk about having it ā€œboth ways.ā€ :auiqs.jpg:
As usual; you ignore the pogroms, violence, killings and the fact that Jews were expelled from their Birth Countries because of their religion. Canā€™t accept your ā€œ religion ā€œ is one of a Cult who spreads Hate accusing Jews of being Christ Killers while your ā€œ church ā€œ teaches he was put on earth to die for our sins? Canā€™t have it both ways
BTW; Off topic but the Palestinians could have had their ā€œ stateā€ long ago If you want to pursue this start another thread šŸ‘
I'm not talking about the Muslim thing, that's something I've read all about.

It's still stupid and I was talking about people not muslims.

I'm talking mostly about euroweenies and the democrooks. According to the shit I've heard from Hitler, his beef was because they invented communism and controlled all the banks. Not sure why socialists would hate communists that much, but I suppose that if you're struggling for the support of a country's bed wetters, you don't want the competition.

I can only guess the bed wetter inclination to hate and envy strong and prosperous people transcends time and cultures. It's just some sort of retarded chromosome string.

BTW , just because of everyone's sensitivities, I was being snarky about the moose limb thing. It sucks so many people are caught up in a war they would rather not be in. They're being victimized on both sides.

Glad I live in the US. That's why I don't want it fucked up by bed wetters

Did you see what they pulled out of the tunnels in NYC last month?
I'm not talking about the Muslim thing, that's something I've read all about.

It's still stupid and I was talking about people not muslims.

I'm talking mostly about euroweenies and the democrooks. According to the shit I've heard from Hitler, his beef was because they invented communism and controlled all the banks. Not sure why socialists would hate communists that much, but I suppose that if you're struggling for the support of a country's bed wetters, you don't want the competition.

I can only guess the bed wetter inclination to hate and envy strong and prosperous people transcends time and cultures. It's just some sort of retarded chromosome string.

BTW , just because of everyone's sensitivities, I was being snarky about the moose limb thing. It sucks so many people are caught up in a war they would rather not be in. They're being victimized on both sides.

Glad I live in the US. That's why I don't want it fucked up by bed wetters

Oh, I see. You're one of those tards who bleevs Nazis are left wing. :lol:

Or were you being satirical?


Can you explain why Jews donā€™t even follow Mosaic Law anymore?
we do. You just don't understand Mosaic law.
Why there are no more prophets?
because the era of prophecy ended 300 years before the Common Era. That was a teaching that Jesus was aware of.
Who the messiah is supposed to be if it isnā€™t Jesus?
a pious (and fully human) Jew of the proper lineage

these are very basic questions. I can send you a bunch of resources so you can try to learn something to address all the stuff you don't know. Let me know how I can help.
Jews did lose their way, a long time ago. Jesus told their leaders that they did not know God because they were so corrupt and had been for a very long time.

Can you explain why Jews donā€™t even follow Mosaic Law anymore? Why there are no more prophets? Who the messiah is supposed to be if it isnā€™t Jesus?

First you say Jews aren't liked because they killed " Jesus" even though your " religion" teaches His Father sent him down to die for our sins;
Then you claim HE is the Messiah ! LOL! Please; Go to your shrink and get your story straight

Just ONE of many examples your Cult is guilty of
Jews did lose their way, a long time ago. Jesus told their leaders that they did not know God because they were so corrupt and had been for a very long time.

Can you explain why Jews donā€™t even follow Mosaic Law anymore? Why there are no more prophets? Who the messiah is supposed to be if it isnā€™t Jesus?
You are confirming what I just said. Bash the Jews not the religion to elevate your own. According to Judaism, the Messiah has not appeared yet, his appearance will end all wars and bring peace to the world. Certainly not what has happened in the last 2024 years. Some people think G-d had a son. Other Christians worship a man that sits in the Vatican, their churches filled with statues, which they bow to and kiss. And you think the Jews lost their way?

First you say Jews aren't liked because they killed " Jesus" even though your " religion" teaches His Father sent him down to die for our sins;
Then you claim HE is the Messiah ! LOL! Please; Go to your shrink and get your story straight

Just ONE of many examples your Cult is guilty of
The Jews somehow managed to outsmart the Son of G-d! Fake news that has circulated the last 2000 years.
You are confirming what I just said. Bash the Jews not the religion to elevate your own. According to Judaism, the Messiah has not appeared yet, his appearance will end all wars and bring peace to the world. Certainly not what has happened in the last 2024 years. Some people think G-d had a son. Other Christians worship a man that sits in the Vatican, their churches filled with statues, which they bow to and kiss. And you think the Jews lost their way?

So how is a mere man going to bring about eternal world peace?

Those things will happen when Heaven (the presence of God in full) comes down on Earth.

Nobody worships a man in the Vatican or statues, more lies and slander about Christians. And you wonder why people call you liars and donā€™t like you.
You are confirming what I just said. Bash the Jews not the religion to elevate your own. According to Judaism, the Messiah has not appeared yet, his appearance will end all wars and bring peace to the world. Certainly not what has happened in the last 2024 years. Some people think G-d had a son. Other Christians worship a man that sits in the Vatican, their churches filled with statues, which they bow to and kiss. And you think the Jews lost their way?
He knows his ā€œ religion ā€œ is false, based on fairy tales and lies To make himself feel better he has to bash other religions

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