Why do Republicans hate Obama

Why do Republicans hate Obama

  • Yes, pretty much all of them hate him because he is black

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • They always vote republican and hate the democratic nominee, no matter who they are

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • They don't like the way the president has run the country

    Votes: 39 60.0%

  • Total voters
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occured.

They things they s hould have been INCENSED about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.
You mean to tell me you hate the 4.5% unemployment average during the Bush years, which was better than Clinton's years and much better than the 31 months of unemployment above 8%, which has only gone down to 7.8% under Obama? Why don't you just admit that you are a yellow dog democrat and leave it at that. FREEDOM above all else!
For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.
For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?
For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.

For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


so that works for obama but when obama had no experience than he was just the best darn candidante why?
I read the thread on the Chris Matthews again pulling the race card. Just wanted to know if the democrats here actually believe we are all racist.
It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with how he and his Dem. cohorts in Congress keep eroding our constittuional freedoms. They have done more in the past five years than any president and congress since FDR. Don't get all jumpy with the five years thing. I am counting from when Dems took over Congress after the 2006 elections.

This country was founded on freedom and individual responsibility. We do take care of our very poor and disabled, but we are not responsible for those who can work and choose not to. They have become the "takers" in our society and should get a job, any job, after Mitt Romney gets the economy going again.

This country was founded by slave owners and since 1980 that plan is alive and well. If the Republican party gets it's way a worker from what used to be the middle class in America will be working 80 hours a week with no benefits........about the same as a Maylasian day laborer.
I read the thread on the Chris Matthews again pulling the race card. Just wanted to know if the democrats here actually believe we are all racist.
It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with how he and his Dem. cohorts in Congress keep eroding our constittuional freedoms. They have done more in the past five years than any president and congress since FDR. Don't get all jumpy with the five years thing. I am counting from when Dems took over Congress after the 2006 elections.

This country was founded on freedom and individual responsibility. We do take care of our very poor and disabled, but we are not responsible for those who can work and choose not to. They have become the "takers" in our society and should get a job, any job, after Mitt Romney gets the economy going again.

This country was founded by slave owners and since 1980 that plan is alive and well. If the Republican party gets it's way a worker from what used to be the middle class in America will be working 80 hours a week with no benefits........about the same as a Maylasian day laborer.

the stupid is strong in this one.
For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.
they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


so that works for obama but when obama had no experience than he was just the best darn candidante why?

:laugh2: Hey moron, Dante did NOT vote for Obama in 2008. Part of the principled reason was - gulp -- experience

now go away
Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


so that works for obama but when obama had no experience than he was just the best darn candidante why?

:laugh2: Hey moron, Dante did NOT vote for Obama in 2008. Part of the principled reason was - gulp -- experience

now go away

im having a hard time buying that.
they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

Dante did not like Carter and Dante did not vote for Obama in 2008.

:lol: gawd, you people are dense. :eusa_shifty:
so that works for obama but when obama had no experience than he was just the best darn candidante why?

:laugh2: Hey moron, Dante did NOT vote for Obama in 2008. Part of the principled reason was - gulp -- experience

now go away

im having a hard time buying that.

that shows how pathetic you are. :clap2:

it is well known by the hard left here that Dante was NOT with Obama.

people like you will never be able to persuade people who possess critical thinking skills of anything, because you are incapable of listening to people.

I bet most people who know you run away when you get to talking. After all, anything you disagree with you'll claim is untrue or a lie.

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

Dante did not like Carter and Dante did not vote for Obama in 2008.

:lol: gawd, you people are dense. :eusa_shifty:

So you're not as dumb as you look.
On the other hand, you think his 4 years of failure make Obama more qualified than Romney.
Why do republican's hate Obama?

Because they're told too.

Republican's hate anything that isn't them. Compromise and diplomacy to them, is "fuck you" and "eat shit". And just like spoiled little babies, anytime they don't get their way, they go ballistic.

They hate Obama and most of them don't even know why.
You have your head so far up your ass!!

FDR brought this nation back from a failed Republican administration and it's collaboration with the banks, Harry S. Truman made the decision to use the only nuclear bombs that has ever been used in this nation's history. John F. Kennedy stood toe to toe with the Soviet Union till they backed down and removed nuclear weapons from Cuba then as an encore pledged to send men to the moon and return them safely to the earth....which did indeed happen. Bill Clinton took over a failing economy, raised taxes on the wealthy, created 22 million new jobs and not only balanced the federal budget but actually bought back about $400 billion of the national debt and had the nation on a fiscal path to completely eliminate the debt. Then Along Came Slow Walkin' Slow Talkin George.

Blow it out your ranctum there right wing numb nuts living in a hermetically sealed bubble.

FDR did not do any such thing. He created make work policies that with today's welfare entitlement types would NEVER accept. The fact is that the Great Depression lasted well after the New Deal and WPA spending were done. But for our entry into WWII, our economy may have taken another 10 or 15 years to recover. In fact FDR was against US involvement in WWII even though our allies were being slaughtered and their cities over run by the Nazi's...FDR's hand was FORCED by the Japanese.
So please, enough with the revisionist history.
As for Truman, he was not a liberal demagogue similar to the democrats of the last 40 years. Truman was a statesman. With his decision to use atomic bombs on the Japanese Empire saved the lives of an estimated one million US soldiers.
JFK was a left leaning moderate. he was also a pragmatist. He knew what was good for the country. He LOWERED taxes for one reason. To stimulate the economy. It WORKED like a charm.
Clinton had NO expertise in economics. What he did was to hire and take the advise of very smart people. They told him to leave the economy alone. They advised him the economy left to it's own devices, would fix itself. Government kept out of the way of the private sector is precisely what Clinton did. Period. Obama on the other hand believes government is the pathway to economic success. Obama is an adversary to the private sector.
Government does not create jobs in the private sector. Never has. Never will.
The only method by which government can create jobs in the private sector is by getting the hell out of the way.

Your argument is full of holes. FDR inheirited the worst mess this country's ever experienced and that goes back about 236 years. Guess who made the goddam mess? The same political party who doubled down on bullshit and did the same thing again in 2008. It's OK.....most of the people in this country have better sense than to hand the wheel back to the same old worn out "Trickle Down" theory which never worked and never will work. If Reagan and G.H.W. Bush hadn't borrowed $3 trillion from foreign banks to cover their "tax cuts" the whole economy would have fallen on it's ass. Same thing for George Bush....He borrowed nearly $6 trillion to cover his TWO tax cuts and two wars. Oh well.....Blackwater and Halliburton have to eat too.

You folks are headed in the wrong direction and thank goodness most voters in this country know that.

History will prove that even with the entire GOP trying to remove him from office for eight years Bill Clinton was the most effective politician in this nation's history. Even after Ken Starr and the GOP nagged, charged, impeached, spent $75 million etc. Bill Clinton left office with a better than 60% approval rating. Right now the GOP's congress is hovering between 8% and 15%. LOL

Ahh yes. Once again a liberal has to point out that a liberal president "inherited a mess"...
At that point your argument runs out of gas.

Look genius, when the voters elect a president based on the promises he's made during his campaign, the LAST thing they want to hear are excuses.
Obama is full of them. His record is pitiful. Hence the reason why he has to resort to personal attacks vs Romney.
Obama's message is "it's been a tough 4 years and I have not fulfilled my promises. The mess I inherited was much bigger than my advisers told me. If you would not vote for the other guy because he ( fill in the blank) and vote for me, I will show you I was worthy of just one more chance"...
Umm....Nope. Obama had his chance. He failed. Time to let him go.
Why do republican's hate Obama?

Because they're told too.

Republican's hate anything that isn't them. Compromise and diplomacy to them, is "fuck you" and "eat shit". And just like spoiled little babies, anytime they don't get their way, they go ballistic.

They hate Obama and most of them don't even know why.

Yes, thanks for describing the typical liberal.

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