Why do Republicans hate Obama

Why do Republicans hate Obama

  • Yes, pretty much all of them hate him because he is black

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • They always vote republican and hate the democratic nominee, no matter who they are

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • They don't like the way the president has run the country

    Votes: 39 60.0%

  • Total voters
Why do some Democrats seem to hate anyone who is not a Democrat?

Actually, we hate your misinformed, destructive politics. It's the angry old white dupes who hate gays, minorities, and DEMS- thay can't seem to discern the difference between people and their politics, or nations' gov'ts and their people either. Not too smart really, or maybe just brainwashed haters- note the way they think we're all on welfare LOL. Ah well- they are dying off.... See sig, last pp.

Frankie.....where i live i dont see much difference between the destructive politics of the Republicans or the Democrats....they are both Destructive....
This is a President who BRAGGED for weeks, "I GOT BIN LADEN," "I MADE THE CALL GOVERNOR ROMNEY." We all watched this egomaniac narcassist take credit for what SEAL TEAM 6 did.. HALF OF SEAL TEAM 6 ARE DEAD.. THIS PRESIDENT OUTTED THEM..

Benghazi.. WH emails prove this PRESIDENT knows our people are under attack, TERRORIST ATTACK.. What call did you make Mr. President? Fighter jets and special forces are less than 480 miles away in Scillia Italy.. 1200 to 1600 mph.. WHAT CALL DID YOU MAKE TO PROTECT OUR PEOPLE???

Mr. President went back to bed....................... AMERICANS DIED.

Let me jog your memory a little here. Or....if you're a youngster maybe you can read a little history. In 1983 while Ronald Reagan was president the terrorist group Hezbollah, dynamited a marine barracks in Beruit, Lebanon and killed 241 of our marines. In the next few days Reagan was given the exact coordinates where the terrorists had holed up and our military was set on ready to annialate the whole nest. What did Mr. Reagan decide? To Retreat. He pulled the marines out of Lebanon totally. That was the first major terrorist attack against American forces which went unanswered and for all we know if we had blown their asses to bits all these acts of terrorism since then might have never happened. Get your shit together man......you're talking about the only thing Mitt Romney has to hang is hat on and it damn sure ain't much.
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pubpots hate President Obama because he gave tax breaks to the middle class, lowered payroll taxes, gave tax breaks to small businesses, wants to give tax breaks to any business who brings their business home from over seas, same for any business who hires Americans, wants our vets to get food health care, get jobs, get medical care they need and deserve, produced more jobs in one term than booosh did in two terms, wants to close gitmo, wants congress to pass jobs bills, got financial help for people who will lose their homes without it, wants to put money into our infrastructure, into education, got ACA passed, giving us the same health care insurance that our taxes buy for congress -

gawd, the list goes on and on but there is a lot for the R to hate in President Obama.


How you can tell you've hit a nerve with a homophobic rw who is scared to death they might be gay ...

They make really stupid insults.

I'm not afraid.

It seems odd that where one of you is on this board the other follows and makes even more stupid posts
Did you have a chance to think about it?

"In 1983 while Ronald Reagan was president the terrorist group Hezbollah, dynamited a marine barracks in Beruit, Lebanon and killed 241 of our marines. In the next few days Reagan was given the exact coordinates where the terrorists had holed up and our military was set on ready to annialate the whole nest. Mr. Reagan decided to retreat. He pulled the marines out of Lebanon totally. That was the first major terrorist attack against American forces which went unanswered and for all we know if we had blown their asses to bits all these acts of terrorism since then might have never happened."
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Plenty of hatred on both whacked-out ends of the political spectrum.

Plenty of racism on both intolerant ends of the political spectrum.

Point the finger at "the other guys" all you want. Clean your own fucking house first, then get back to me.

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pubpots hate President Obama because he gave tax breaks to the middle class, lowered payroll taxes, gave tax breaks to small businesses, wants to give tax breaks to any business who brings their business home from over seas, same for any business who hires Americans, wants our vets to get food health care, get jobs, get medical care they need and deserve, produced more jobs in one term than booosh did in two terms, wants to close gitmo, wants congress to pass jobs bills, got financial help for people who will lose their homes without it, wants to put money into our infrastructure, into education, got ACA passed, giving us the same health care insurance that our taxes buy for congress -

gawd, the list goes on and on but there is a lot for the R to hate in President Obama.

With an list like that, I'm sure the economy is the last thing people are concerned with in this election cycle. Hell, I'm sure President Obama is doing what he can to keep the issue of the economy front and center throughout all these debates. The Republicans actually were wrong, the liberal Dems really got it all together this time around during their first two years they controlled Congress and the White House, and pushed for JOBS as their number one priority. All this talk of Americans requiring more food stamps, and millions more dropping out of the workforce must be blatant "conspiracies" and lies in an effort to throw this man out of the White House. There was no need for Obama to throw a bone, like free contraception, to attract the women voters to his cause.
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Being from the deep heart of America I have learned if you don't have republican friends, you may not have any friends.

I am only speaking from my personal experience. Many of my friends who are ardent Limbaugh/OReilly fan often refers to Obama and other people of color in negative racial terms. More so when other like minded people are around. It seems to be infectious.

I really hope this is not the case nation wide so I am hesitant to say all republicans are racist.
I read the thread on the Chris Matthews again pulling the race card. Just wanted to know if the democrats here actually believe we are all racist.

Nah, not all are racists but the odds individual Republicans are racist goes up as their economic status and IQ go down. Hence, if we are to judge all Republicans by the comments of the Obama haters who post on this venue it is easy to conclude that racism is rampant within the GOP.

We know - well, we being those who are honest - that the GOP tried to convince the nation that they are a big tent party and their membership was compassionate. They no longer pretend any of this is true which is a step toward honesty, but only a small one.

Birthers, racists and liars seem to be the face of the GOP and anyone who doesn't support their opinions must be a RINO or a Commie in the small mind of these mouth breathers.
You need to go get a bed in a mental institution. The allegations you make are way beyond rational. Your hatred for Obama is way too crazy to be explained away. Seek mental health help. You clearly desperately need it.



She’s a very well disciplined liberal troll.

Either way, she’s doing a great job of many the right look crazy.

Ain't that the truth.

but, she's got plenty of help.

If information that's being leaked says that Obama received reliable information that this was the result of a terrorist attack within hours of the killings at Benghazi, Libya ... then why not acknowledge it was a terrorist attack? Why did the Obama Administration try to hide, and blame what happened, behind a video?

September 14 (3 days after the attack on our Embassy)
Jay Carney at a White House Press briefing“We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack. The unrest we’ve seen around the region has been in reaction to a video that Muslims, many Muslims find offensive. And while the violence is reprehensible and unjustified, it is not a reaction to the 9/11 anniversary that we know of, or to U.S. policy. … The unrest around the region has been in response to this video. We do not, at this moment, have information to suggest or to tell you that would indicate that any of this unrest was preplanned.”

So the "initial" speech that President Obama delivered at the Rose Garden, and tried walking backwards at the second debate to make the claim they KNEW it was an act of a terrorist attack, was a flat out lie. Or ..... did Jay Carney who delivered the White House Briefing, mislead the media?

Later that same day .....
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the transfer of remains ceremony
“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable,”

September 16
Yusuf al-Magariaf, President of Libya’s General National Congress
“The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” – NPR

“The way these perpetrators acted and moved, and their choosing the specific date for this so-called demonstration, this leaves us with no doubt that this was preplanned, predetermined.” – CBS Face the Nation

Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice went on five Sunday talk shows and said:
“The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today is that in fact this was not a preplanned, premeditated attack. That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video.”

“Based on the best information we have to date … it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video.”- Face the Nation

Looks like President Obama lied at that second debate, and was initially trying to hide behind a video to coverup a successful organized, pre-planned terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11. He looked so PROUD and cocky spiking the football on the death of Osama Bin Laden, touting that "Within a matter of months, al Qaeda was scattered and many of its operatives were killed" .... now he's trying to manipulate the facts in a desperate attempt at damage control that resulted in the death of 3 Americans at a US Embassy.

The latest intelligence suggests the core group of suspects from the first wave of the attack on the Benghazi mission numbered between 35 to 40. Around a dozen of the attackers are believed to be connected to either al Qaeda in Iraq or al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the government official said.

The attack had two waves: The first targeted the main compound where Stevens and another diplomatic official were believed killed. A second stage a few hours later involved an annex building approximately a mile away.

According to the official, others in the core group are suspected of having ties to the Libyan group Ansar al-Sharia, and many of them are believed to be Egyptian jihadis.

Looks like it bothers you that LadyGunSlinger was right, and President Obama dropped the ball in entrusting the safety and security of an American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya.
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Some people refuse to accept a black president no matter what. A lot of these people are Republicans, conservaties, extremist right wingers, whatever you want to call them.

Stick your racism .

why she is right.....there are people in this Country who dont like Obama just because he is black......i work with one.....everytime he sees the guy or is talking about him.....he calls him a ******.....and he means it.....

I personally have only encountered those individuals who disagree with Obama's policies and don't care a flip about his skin color. However that being said, if you happen to be voting in this election strickly on the basis of supporting what color the man is, and not by any policies or decisions they happen to be standing for, then you are indeed viewing this election from a racist point of view.
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wow...according to this poll, nearly 18% of the people are wrapped up in the color of our presidents skin.

Ironically, all of those 18% are likely on the left.

pubpots hate President Obama because he gave tax breaks to the middle class, lowered payroll taxes, gave tax breaks to small businesses, wants to give tax breaks to any business who brings their business home from over seas, same for any business who hires Americans, wants our vets to get food health care, get jobs, get medical care they need and deserve, produced more jobs in one term than booosh did in two terms, wants to close gitmo, wants congress to pass jobs bills, got financial help for people who will lose their homes without it, wants to put money into our infrastructure, into education, got ACA passed, giving us the same health care insurance that our taxes buy for congress -

gawd, the list goes on and on but there is a lot for the R to hate in President Obama.

menedenz here in NJ is saying the middle class is shrinking, well if thats the case why give them tax breaks?
you cant keep giving finacial breaks to everyone who did something stupid. sometimes uhave to learn to live with those mistakes

congress and reid chose not to pass a jobs bill.

did obama close gitmo yet? to double that what is happening with KSM? is he going to be trialed in civial or tribune?

when was obamas deal for pulling out the troops in Iraq?

Deficiet anyone?

The jobs bills Reid stopped were useless, pure Pub propaganda, not designed to pass. The ones Pubs stopped would have lowered UE by 1%+, added 2% to growth, maybe gotten us out of this- can't have that! After the election maybe, the swine.

Do you have a list of jobs bills that Senator Harry Reid passed since 2010 and sent over to the house?
I think they (and I ) hate him because of his leftist and especially his redistributive policies. Im pretty comfortable that if the same stuff was comnig out of his mouth as came from Reagan's id be all for him -- even as compared to Romney (who im not wild about), Cant speak for anyone else on that.

Now does race come in to play for some? Sure. There are those who will oppose him just because he is half black (or a Mulato as they used to say). But lets be frank, there are a lot of guilt ridden types who think the fact that he black is a plus and that makes them more supportive. And of course there is the black vote a good chunk of which is clearly race driven. The black vote historically is about 85% Dem. like clockwork. All of a sudden a half black guy (or a Mulato as they used to say) is on the ballot and it goes to something like 99% in 2008. Got an explanation for that other than race? Even a guy like colin Powell votes for him (say what you want about rush Limbaugh but when he asked in response to Powell's support for Obama) - name one other far left liberal hes ever supported -- he hit the nail right on the head. Maybe it ok, but it was pure race.

finally there is the more subtle racial aspect to this. For all the diversions that Obama tries to use to make himself different -- he is a garden variety Democratic liberal -- who's heart and soul is about welfare and governemtn spreading it around. this is nothing new - although when this comes from a half black president (or a Mulato as they used to say) it probablt helps to intensify the opposition who sees a guy who at least physically embodies one of the stereotypes about where they see the welfare going.

For all of this -- at the end of the day, there wouldnt be this divisiveness right now if he would drop his clearly idealogically driven obsession with a meaningless tax increase on the so-called rich -- a tax the revenues from which will account for all of 6 days of federal spending each year (based on current levels -- it will be less days in the future as spending increases)
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This is a President who BRAGGED for weeks, "I GOT BIN LADEN," "I MADE THE CALL GOVERNOR ROMNEY." We all watched this egomaniac narcassist take credit for what SEAL TEAM 6 did.. HALF OF SEAL TEAM 6 ARE DEAD.. THIS PRESIDENT OUTTED THEM..

Benghazi.. WH emails prove this PRESIDENT knows our people are under attack, TERRORIST ATTACK.. What call did you make Mr. President? Fighter jets and special forces are less than 480 miles away in Scillia Italy.. 1200 to 1600 mph.. WHAT CALL DID YOU MAKE TO PROTECT OUR PEOPLE???

Mr. President went back to bed....................... AMERICANS DIED.

Let me jog your memory a little here. Or....if you're a youngster maybe you can read a little history. In 1983 while Ronald Reagan was president the terrorist group Hezbollah, dynamited a marine barracks in Beruit, Lebanon and killed 241 of our marines. In the next few days Reagan was given the exact coordinates where the terrorists had holed up and our military was set on ready to annialate the whole nest. What did Mr. Reagan decide? To Retreat. He pulled the marines out of Lebanon totally. That was the first major terrorist attack against American forces which went unanswered and for all we know if we had blown their asses to bits all these acts of terrorism since then might have never happened. Get your shit together man......you're talking about the only thing Mitt Romney has to hang is hat on and it damn sure ain't much.

let me give you a little history.....Mr. Reagan wanted to bomb the fuck out of the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek....Defense Sec. Casper Weinberger talked him out of it telling him there was no proof Iran was behind the Bombing...... and it would hurt our relations with a few Countries in the Middle East if we did......a bad move?.....i agree it was.....
Liberals will defend Obamination to the end because he is black. They have this false belief that blacks like Obamination should be the standard for blacks, not those like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, etc.....so they are willing to burn in hell for Obamination while calling us racists in a lame dick attempt to defend him.

Chris Matthews is a mental midget with mental problems, so he relies on the race card as a crutch. His ass should be locked up in a rubber room.

You are confused. Americans support Obama for a variety of reasons. You hate Obama because he has dark skin. You hate him because he is living proof that many people of color are not just better at sports but that they are much smarter than you also. You hate Obama because he is not the angry "******" that you fear. He confuses you because what makes him better than you ..you cannot defend against. As much as you hate Obama you are not going to get any smarter.

Then what do you have against them when they happen to be successful, intelligent, and choose to be a Republican?

Edward Brooke -- former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, first African American elected by popular vote to the U.S. Senate

Blanche Bruce -- former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate

Norris Wright Cuney -- Chairman of the Texas Republican Party (1886-1896)

Artur Davis -- former Democratic Alabama Congressman, speaker at 2012 Republican National Convention, potential Republican candidate

Amy Holmes -- CNN political commentator and independent social conservative

Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson -- first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School; pro-life movement leader; Republican candidate for U.S. House and U.S. Senate

James Weldon Johnson -- first Black manager of the NAACP, president of the Colored Republican Club

E. Frederic Morrow -- first African-American to hold an executive position at the White House. He served under President Dwight D. Eisenhower as Administrative Officer for Special Projects from 1955 to 1961

Condeleezza Rice -- 66th United States Secretary of State

Joe Rogers -- former Lieutenant Governor of Colorado, youngest Lieutenant Governor in Colorado history

Michael S. Steele -- political commentator, former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, former candidate for the U.S. Senate and elected chairman of the Republican National Committee

Ida B. Wells -- civil rights advocate, co-founder of the NAACP

William F. Yardley -- anti-segregation advocate, first African American candidate for governor of Tennessee (1876)

Are they not capable of having a difference of opinion (or point of view) without someone from the left starting off by resorting to some childhood immature antics, simply because they don't happen to believe as the left does?

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