Why do Republicans hate Obama

Why do Republicans hate Obama

  • Yes, pretty much all of them hate him because he is black

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • They always vote republican and hate the democratic nominee, no matter who they are

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • They don't like the way the president has run the country

    Votes: 39 60.0%

  • Total voters
For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


That is what you are going with?
If so, Holy shit!
I read the thread on the Chris Matthews again pulling the race card. Just wanted to know if the democrats here actually believe we are all racist.
It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with how he and his Dem. cohorts in Congress keep eroding our constittuional freedoms. They have done more in the past five years than any president and congress since FDR. Don't get all jumpy with the five years thing. I am counting from when Dems took over Congress after the 2006 elections.

This country was founded on freedom and individual responsibility. We do take care of our very poor and disabled, but we are not responsible for those who can work and choose not to. They have become the "takers" in our society and should get a job, any job, after Mitt Romney gets the economy going again.

This country was founded by slave owners and since 1980 that plan is alive and well. If the Republican party gets it's way a worker from what used to be the middle class in America will be working 80 hours a week with no benefits........about the same as a Maylasian day laborer.
Please keep posting. I want everyone to see more examples of postings from the galactically stupid.
Yes, thanks for describing the typical liberal.
I don't know what that is. I'm a liberal and I can tell you specifically why I hated Bush. I waited almost two years before I started protesting his policies. You people, on the other hand, started trashing Obama less than 10 days after his inaugaration, before he had a chance to do anything to protest about. But that didn't stop you guys, you just went ahead and made up these mythical issues that weren't based on reality and ran with them.
Ahh yes. Once again a liberal has to point out that a liberal president "inherited a mess"...
At that point your argument runs out of gas.

Look genius, when the voters elect a president based on the promises he's made during his campaign, the LAST thing they want to hear are excuses.
Obama is full of them. His record is pitiful. Hence the reason why he has to resort to personal attacks vs Romney.
Obama's message is "it's been a tough 4 years and I have not fulfilled my promises. The mess I inherited was much bigger than my advisers told me. If you would not vote for the other guy because he ( fill in the blank) and vote for me, I will show you I was worthy of just one more chance"...
Umm....Nope. Obama had his chance. He failed. Time to let him go.
He not only inherited a mess, he got a fanatically extreme GOP, spending all of its time, derailing anything Obama tried to do to fix this country's problems. There is not one thing in the last 4 years Republican's have done to help this country get out of its hole. All their efforts were designed to keep this country in its hole until the election, with the hope that no one will notice they've done nothing to deserve any votes whatsoever.
For republicans, the 2012 GE is their only chance at redemption, to ‘get rid of Obama’ and ‘prove’ every voter who voted for Obama in 2008 ‘wrong,’ and that conservative dogma is ‘right.’

It’s so important for republicans to be right, in fact, they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

MY GAWD, Romney was a Governor of a STATE at least, Obama was a damn ONE TERM junior Senator in Congress...

now who was unqualified to be the President?

All we want is to get someone in there who at least has a shred of qualifications...and that STILL isn't Obama, the man doesn't have a clue to this day how to be a President
Ahh yes. Once again a liberal has to point out that a liberal president "inherited a mess"...
At that point your argument runs out of gas.

Look genius, when the voters elect a president based on the promises he's made during his campaign, the LAST thing they want to hear are excuses.
Obama is full of them. His record is pitiful. Hence the reason why he has to resort to personal attacks vs Romney.
Obama's message is "it's been a tough 4 years and I have not fulfilled my promises. The mess I inherited was much bigger than my advisers told me. If you would not vote for the other guy because he ( fill in the blank) and vote for me, I will show you I was worthy of just one more chance"...
Umm....Nope. Obama had his chance. He failed. Time to let him go.
He not only inherited a mess, he got a fanatically extreme GOP, spending all of its time, derailing anything Obama tried to do to fix this country's problems. There is not one thing in the last 4 years Republican's have done to help this country get out of its hole. All their efforts were designed to keep this country in its hole until the election, with the hope that no one will notice they've done nothing to deserve any votes whatsoever.

oh yeah, poor Obama couldn't spend us into oblivion with all his VISIONS...WAAA
I guess the monster ObamaCare which we will be PAYING for and that 800BILLION stimulus just wasn't enough
oh yeah, poor Obama couldn't spend us into oblivion with all his VISIONS...WAAA
I guess the monster ObamaCare which we will be PAYING for and that 800BILLION stimulus just wasn't enough
No it wasn't. Not without bi-partisan support. Instead of working with Obama to jump start the economy, Republican's spent all their time trying to make him a "one term" President, just like Mitch McConnell proclaimed. Which proves the GOP doesn't give a shit about this country, just themselves.
MY GAWD, Romney was a Governor of a STATE at least, Obama was a damn ONE TERM junior Senator in Congress...

now who was unqualified to be the President?

All we want is to get someone in there who at least has a shred of qualifications...and that STILL isn't Obama, the man doesn't have a clue to this day how to be a President
Romney's a sociopath. Who the hell wants that as a President?
Ahh yes. Once again a liberal has to point out that a liberal president "inherited a mess"...
At that point your argument runs out of gas.

Look genius, when the voters elect a president based on the promises he's made during his campaign, the LAST thing they want to hear are excuses.
Obama is full of them. His record is pitiful. Hence the reason why he has to resort to personal attacks vs Romney.
Obama's message is "it's been a tough 4 years and I have not fulfilled my promises. The mess I inherited was much bigger than my advisers told me. If you would not vote for the other guy because he ( fill in the blank) and vote for me, I will show you I was worthy of just one more chance"...
Umm....Nope. Obama had his chance. He failed. Time to let him go.
He not only inherited a mess, he got a fanatically extreme GOP, spending all of its time, derailing anything Obama tried to do to fix this country's problems. There is not one thing in the last 4 years Republican's have done to help this country get out of its hole. All their efforts were designed to keep this country in its hole until the election, with the hope that no one will notice they've done nothing to deserve any votes whatsoever.
More lame excuses. We're done. With logical and sensible people going to the polls one week from Tuesday, Obama is OUT.
We've seen enough inaction. We've endured the broken promises and finger pointing when those goals could not be fulfilled.
The fact is even though the GOP stopped Obama from REALLY going overboard, Obama still found a way to drive up the debt by another $6 trillion.
The most glaring part of this which crushes the GOP blocked Obama argument is the fact that Obama had TWO full years where he had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and an overwhelming majority in the House. Obama could do anything he wanted. So what happened? Two things. Moderate democrats could not see themselves running for re-election bringing Obama's policies back home as a campaign platform. Second, Obama is not a statesman. He is the consummate politician. And as such would do nothing without political cover. So 104 weeks of democrat majority for Obama got wasted.
And you people have the nerve to blame the GOP. Blame yourselves. That's where the fault lies.
Until a few years ago I can say I never Hated any Politician. Now I hate one, But it's not Obama. Nope, Only Pelosi Holds that honor with me.

I don't Hate Obama, never have. I don't like some wack jobs think he is Evil, or out to Destroy America.

I just think he is wrong on to many Core issues for me to ever support him. The Color of his skin is meaningless to me, It's his Big Government, Keynesian, Nanny State ideas I hate.
Until a few years ago I can say I never Hated any Politician. Now I hate one, But it's not Obama. Nope, Only Pelosi Holds that honor with me.

I don't Hate Obama, never have. I don't like some wack jobs think he is Evil, or out to Destroy America.

I just think he is wrong on to many Core issues for me to ever support him. The Color of his skin is meaningless to me, It's his Big Government, Keynesian, Nanny State ideas I hate.
I'm with ya on the Pelosi thing.
they’re even willing to foist a wholly unqualified Mitt Romney on the American people as president.

Wholly unqualified?
What description would you use for the even less qualified Obama?

Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.
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Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.

This one has overdosed on Kool-Aid, I think...

Cammmpbell, what the genius's plan for cutting that deficit in half like he promised?

How's he going to reduce a debt that he's added $6 TRILLION to?
So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.

This one has overdosed on Kool-Aid, I think...

Cammmpbell, what the genius's plan for cutting that deficit in half like he promised?

How's he going to reduce a debt that he's added $6 TRILLION to?

Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that on Sept. 30, 2009 the interest due and payable on the Reagan/Bushes debt was half a trillion dollars? Unlike the debt itself the interest must be paid each year. How 'bout you either getting better informed or keep your right winged pat, Fox News, Lush Rambo answers to yourself.
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Ahem ... Obama has been President for 4 years. That is 4 more years of experience than Romney has.


So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.
That is just asinine.
Obama is supposed to be the expert. That is why he applied for and was hired. Now when he fucks up you question the non-expert? Look, when the guy you hired is getting it done, you let him go. Obama's time to go has arrived.
If Obama was doing as great a job as you claim, he'd be 20 percentage points ahead in the polls and this discussion would be moot.

Now, you will be put to the test.
Name 5 things Obama has done well, have been effective in improving the economy, increasing employment, engaging the private sector, lowering taxes on small business, reducing government regulations, encouraging and supporting freedom and liberty, reduced the size of government.
Where would the United States stand in the world if there were no "big business" here?
Without the creation of wealth and the continuing freedom to do so, the United States would be a_________________?
The fact is Obama has accomplished nothing. His crowning achievement is ramming socialized medicine down our throats.
Other than that, it's been one contradiction after another. And little else.
Obama has all but admitted and accepted defeat on his issues.
The most glaring....Promised to cut the debt in half...Increased it by $6 trillion.
said he would crate jobs and grow the middle class. FAIL...It shrunk.
Put people back to work...FAIL....23 million still unemployed or underemployed.
Price of gasoline has doubled under his watch. Chased away gulf oil rigs, vetoed Keystone.
Monetary policy tragic. Increased debt and deficit causing the US Credit rating to fall.
Also has devalued the dollar vs major currencies to 30 years lows.
For example....In 1985 it took over 100 Yen to buy One US Dollar. Today, it takes only 75..
In 2000, it took 1.6 CDN Dollars to buy on US Dollar...Today the US Dollar is a deficit currency....The exchange rate is 5% in CANADA's favor.
And I haven't the time to go through Obama's foreign policy failures and international gaffes.

If this Obama guy has done as good a job as you say, then I would not want to see a bad job without first building an underground survival shelter.
If you can explain away the reason why Obama who you claim is doing such a wonderful job is not leading the polls by 20+ pct points, I am all ears.
So it was okay to elect a completely unqualified assclown 4 years ago but it's a bad idea to elect someone more qualified than that now?

And for all his "experience", Obama's success rate is incredibly low.
He's as "qualified" as Carter was in 1980.

Maybe you should avoid using the word unqualified?
It reminds us of all the failures of Obama.

What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.
That is just asinine.
Obama is supposed to be the expert. That is why he applied for and was hired. Now when he fucks up you question the non-expert? Look, when the guy you hired is getting it done, you let him go. Obama's time to go has arrived.
If Obama was doing as great a job as you claim, he'd be 20 percentage points ahead in the polls and this discussion would be moot.

Now, you will be put to the test.
Name 5 things Obama has done well, have been effective in improving the economy, increasing employment, engaging the private sector, lowering taxes on small business, reducing government regulations, encouraging and supporting freedom and liberty, reduced the size of government.
Where would the United States stand in the world if there were no "big business" here?
Without the creation of wealth and the continuing freedom to do so, the United States would be a_________________?
The fact is Obama has accomplished nothing. His crowning achievement is ramming socialized medicine down our throats.
Other than that, it's been one contradiction after another. And little else.
Obama has all but admitted and accepted defeat on his issues.
The most glaring....Promised to cut the debt in half...Increased it by $6 trillion.
said he would crate jobs and grow the middle class. FAIL...It shrunk.
Put people back to work...FAIL....23 million still unemployed or underemployed.
Price of gasoline has doubled under his watch. Chased away gulf oil rigs, vetoed Keystone.
Monetary policy tragic. Increased debt and deficit causing the US Credit rating to fall.
Also has devalued the dollar vs major currencies to 30 years lows.
For example....In 1985 it took over 100 Yen to buy One US Dollar. Today, it takes only 75..
In 2000, it took 1.6 CDN Dollars to buy on US Dollar...Today the US Dollar is a deficit currency....The exchange rate is 5% in CANADA's favor.
And I haven't the time to go through Obama's foreign policy failures and international gaffes.

If this Obama guy has done as good a job as you say, then I would not want to see a bad job without first building an underground survival shelter.
If you can explain away the reason why Obama who you claim is doing such a wonderful job is not leading the polls by 20+ pct points, I am all ears.

It's easy....Obama and the rest of the world didn't have a clue about the size of the mess the United States had right then. The only other one which was (possibly) worse was after the major Republican fuck up in the early 30's.
What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.

This one has overdosed on Kool-Aid, I think...

Cammmpbell, what the genius's plan for cutting that deficit in half like he promised?

How's he going to reduce a debt that he's added $6 TRILLION to?

Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that on Sept. 30, 2009 the interest due and payable on the Reagan/Bushes debt was half a trillion dollars? Unlike the debt itself the interest must be paid each year. How 'bout you either getting better informed or keep your right winged pat, Fox News, Lush Rambo answers to yourself.

Doesn't matter...Obama said he could take care of that... "Well we didn't know at the time is was this big" is NOT a valid reason for not doing your job. It is an EXCUSE.

Reagan and Bush 43 had ZERO connection to each other. So stop the lie.
Reagan's last year in office was 1987. Bush 43's first year in office was 2001.
You cannot even prove your postings. You just throw mud against a wall to see what will stick.
The time for excuses is OVER....Obama applied for the job. He told the American people he could get things done. He failed. And for this failure we get " it's someone else's fault".
Ya know what..If Obama was running on a platform of " we did not get it done and the reasons are immaterial. It happened on my watch. With your help I will institute THIS plan".. he may have had MY vote if the plan looked like a winner to me.
But, no. Obama decided to take the low road and blame everyone else but the guy in charge. His campaign has been "yes I did not accomplish what I set out to do, but my opponent is WORSE. So vote for me"..
That just does not cut it in the real world. We want results. Obama did not deliver. He must go. OVER!
What do you know about running the front office of the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

What do you know about being the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world?

The only thing I know is that Obama has done a job which runs second only to Bill Clinton since 1980. Reagan and the Bushes were goddamed big business sympathizers and spokesmen for the wealthy who destroyed the middle class of this country and left a national debt which was unsustainable. Blow it out your right winged ass.
That is just asinine.
Obama is supposed to be the expert. That is why he applied for and was hired. Now when he fucks up you question the non-expert? Look, when the guy you hired is getting it done, you let him go. Obama's time to go has arrived.
If Obama was doing as great a job as you claim, he'd be 20 percentage points ahead in the polls and this discussion would be moot.

Now, you will be put to the test.
Name 5 things Obama has done well, have been effective in improving the economy, increasing employment, engaging the private sector, lowering taxes on small business, reducing government regulations, encouraging and supporting freedom and liberty, reduced the size of government.
Where would the United States stand in the world if there were no "big business" here?
Without the creation of wealth and the continuing freedom to do so, the United States would be a_________________?
The fact is Obama has accomplished nothing. His crowning achievement is ramming socialized medicine down our throats.
Other than that, it's been one contradiction after another. And little else.
Obama has all but admitted and accepted defeat on his issues.
The most glaring....Promised to cut the debt in half...Increased it by $6 trillion.
said he would crate jobs and grow the middle class. FAIL...It shrunk.
Put people back to work...FAIL....23 million still unemployed or underemployed.
Price of gasoline has doubled under his watch. Chased away gulf oil rigs, vetoed Keystone.
Monetary policy tragic. Increased debt and deficit causing the US Credit rating to fall.
Also has devalued the dollar vs major currencies to 30 years lows.
For example....In 1985 it took over 100 Yen to buy One US Dollar. Today, it takes only 75..
In 2000, it took 1.6 CDN Dollars to buy on US Dollar...Today the US Dollar is a deficit currency....The exchange rate is 5% in CANADA's favor.
And I haven't the time to go through Obama's foreign policy failures and international gaffes.

If this Obama guy has done as good a job as you say, then I would not want to see a bad job without first building an underground survival shelter.
If you can explain away the reason why Obama who you claim is doing such a wonderful job is not leading the polls by 20+ pct points, I am all ears.

It's easy....Obama and the rest of the world didn't have a clue about the size of the mess the United States had right then. The only other one which was (possibly) worse was after the major Republican fuck up in the early 30's.
Answer the request. Did you really think I was going to allow you to tell this board Obama is doing a great job and then not give examples of this greatness?
Remember Obama said to the American people "I can do this job"....It's the same thing as any candidate for employment who interviews and says he can do the job. If after 4 years the worker's contract ends, he cannot go to the employer and say " well the job was much harder than I thought. I want another chance because the guy in the waiting room isn't as good as I am"....It doesn't work that way.
And what the fuck the rest of the world have to do with anything? The 1930's? FDR was the President.
You've reduced yourself to a typical lib partisan hack. You are an Obama sycophant and nothing else.
You refuse to back up your claims. You will not provide examples or specifics of any kind when asked.
MY GAWD, Romney was a Governor of a STATE at least, Obama was a damn ONE TERM junior Senator in Congress...

now who was unqualified to be the President?

All we want is to get someone in there who at least has a shred of qualifications...and that STILL isn't Obama, the man doesn't have a clue to this day how to be a President
Romney's a sociopath. Who the hell wants that as a President?

And you call OBAMA SANE?
He is the perfect example of a sociopath..must be why you all love him so much...sheesh

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