Why do Republicans hate Obama

Why do Republicans hate Obama

  • Yes, pretty much all of them hate him because he is black

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • They always vote republican and hate the democratic nominee, no matter who they are

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • They don't like the way the president has run the country

    Votes: 39 60.0%

  • Total voters
This is a President who BRAGGED for weeks, "I GOT BIN LADEN," "I MADE THE CALL GOVERNOR ROMNEY." We all watched this egomaniac narcassist take credit for what SEAL TEAM 6 did.. HALF OF SEAL TEAM 6 ARE DEAD.. THIS PRESIDENT OUTTED THEM..

Benghazi.. WH emails prove this PRESIDENT knows our people are under attack, TERRORIST ATTACK.. What call did you make Mr. President? Fighter jets and special forces are less than 480 miles away in Scillia Italy.. 1200 to 1600 mph.. WHAT CALL DID YOU MAKE TO PROTECT OUR PEOPLE???

Mr. President went back to bed....................... AMERICANS DIED.

You don't even realize how transparent you are, do you??
Why do repubs hate Obama?

Why do dogs bark and snakes slither on their belly?

It's what they (Repubs) do. Born and bred to hate. Color only has a little to do with it.
Except for some. Then color is all.

Every rethug I know personally is a hater of someone. Gotta be feeling they are better than someone. Even when they don't have a pot to piss in, they act this way.

Weird. Why is that you think?

and what group of people do you hate Zeke?......look at your posts and what you say about Republicans.....so how are you any better?.....you say stuff even worse about them, then what you say, they say....
Some people refuse to accept a black president no matter what. A lot of these people are Republicans, conservaties, extremist right wingers, whatever you want to call them.

Stick your racism .

why she is right.....there are people in this Country who dont like Obama just because he is black......i work with one.....everytime he sees the guy or is talking about him.....he calls him a ******.....and he means it.....

I may have told this one here before......but I actually have more than one customer who has refused to accept one of my promotional calendars ( swimsuit ) expressly because one of the months featured a black model.

This shit is learned and it runs deep. Deeper than "denial" as they say.
Why do Republicans hate Obama'


Oh, I see. The prez should have hit them with water balloons. Instead he was polite and respected their tradition. Of course that means he is a traitor or something. Silly me for not seeing that. :rolleyes:
Some people refuse to accept a black president no matter what. A lot of these people are Republicans, conservaties, extremist right wingers, whatever you want to call them.

its uniformed people that keep scream racisim that gets annoying, you are on that list.

Sorry the truth hurts. And you know what you can do with your list.

How's the diet doing?
TRuth? What truth?
You libs create your own reality, run around screaming at anyone who will listen that what you say is the truth. This is the hopes that if you pile enough bullshit into a barn it will no longer stink..
"Some people"....That's your basis for painting the Conservative movement with a broad brush?
Libs claim to be opposed to generalizations. Better watch out sunshine. You may lose your membership card.
pubpots hate President Obama because he gave tax breaks to the middle class, lowered payroll taxes, gave tax breaks to small businesses, wants to give tax breaks to any business who brings their business home from over seas, same for any business who hires Americans, wants our vets to get food health care, get jobs, get medical care they need and deserve, produced more jobs in one term than booosh did in two terms, wants to close gitmo, wants congress to pass jobs bills, got financial help for people who will lose their homes without it, wants to put money into our infrastructure, into education, got ACA passed, giving us the same health care insurance that our taxes buy for congress -

gawd, the list goes on and on but there is a lot for the R to hate in President Obama.

menedenz here in NJ is saying the middle class is shrinking, well if thats the case why give them tax breaks?
you cant keep giving finacial breaks to everyone who did something stupid. sometimes uhave to learn to live with those mistakes

congress and reid chose not to pass a jobs bill.

did obama close gitmo yet? to double that what is happening with KSM? is he going to be trialed in civial or tribune?

when was obamas deal for pulling out the troops in Iraq?

Deficiet anyone?

The jobs bills Reid stopped were useless, pure Pub propaganda, not designed to pass. The ones Pubs stopped would have lowered UE by 1%+, added 2% to growth, maybe gotten us out of this- can't have that! After the election maybe, the swine.
I'm not.
He isn't even close.
Still not.
No it isn't

Only a low life would support a murder cover up.

THAT is a true story

There has been no cover up. You really need to get a grip.

Maybe we should let up on them. After all that's the only thing they have to hang their hat on. Governor Romney knows about as much about foreign policy as I do jerking off a camel.
well you have been jerking off since WW1.....so maybe you know what your talking about....
One and two.

They hate him because he's a black democrat.

For conservatives it's party before country. Notice how they put Israel and Netanyahu ahead of Obama and America.

Right...And in 1985 Gorbachev was more popular with libs than Reagan..
BTW, Netanyahu would make no hesitation defending and protecting his fellow countrymen.
Obama goes on world apology tours....
And you fuckers don't place party first...Got any more lounge act one liners?
Ya know what...This is gonna stick in the liberal gut..Obama is a politician.
Netanyahu is a Statesman.
OP: None of the above- The hater dupes are half racists who'll never vote for a black, and ALL brainwashed chumps of the greedy rich and corps who love screwing working families, the poor and the environment.
what the hell is a "Half Racist" Frankie?..........
pubpots hate President Obama because he gave tax breaks to the middle class, lowered payroll taxes, gave tax breaks to small businesses, wants to give tax breaks to any business who brings their business home from over seas, same for any business who hires Americans, wants our vets to get food health care, get jobs, get medical care they need and deserve, produced more jobs in one term than booosh did in two terms, wants to close gitmo, wants congress to pass jobs bills, got financial help for people who will lose their homes without it, wants to put money into our infrastructure, into education, got ACA passed, giving us the same health care insurance that our taxes buy for congress -

gawd, the list goes on and on but there is a lot for the R to hate in President Obama.

how come your not saying what you have said before?.....because he is Black?....
pubpots hate President Obama because he gave tax breaks to the middle class, lowered payroll taxes, gave tax breaks to small businesses, wants to give tax breaks to any business who brings their business home from over seas, same for any business who hires Americans, wants our vets to get food health care, get jobs, get medical care they need and deserve, produced more jobs in one term than booosh did in two terms, wants to close gitmo, wants congress to pass jobs bills, got financial help for people who will lose their homes without it, wants to put money into our infrastructure, into education, got ACA passed, giving us the same health care insurance that our taxes buy for congress -

gawd, the list goes on and on but there is a lot for the R to hate in President Obama.


not that there is anything wrong with that......:eusa_eh:
I read the thread on the Chris Matthews again pulling the race card. Just wanted to know if the democrats here actually believe we are all racist.

It's a good question to ask. The race card gets played at every turn and they never catch on that it's merely a difference in ideology and which path our country should take. Maybe some don't understand the difference in parties and the race card always works to get them riled up.

There has always been a sharp contrast in how each party approaches problems. It's nothing new and has nothing to do with race. Herman Cain is the exact opposite of Obama. Of course, the left shows racism when they assume that no black man can possibly be a Republican and they attack them, calling them puppets, Uncle Tom or worse. When it's assumed how a person should think, based on race, that is the very definition of racism. I think the reason they try to paint the Republicans as racist is to cover their own racism. How else could they get away with grouping people and assuming how they should stand on issues based on their color or ethnicity?

When any person steps outside of their assigned group, it surprises, or even angers some people. They refuse to take people seriously if they have what they feel is the inappropriate mindset and they belittle the person. Blacks who want smaller government and Hispanics who want secure borders don't really exist unless they've been been brainwashed. That attitude belittles some very intelligent people, such as Herman Cain or Thomas Sowell. I hate to see good people dismissed because they don't fit a certain mold.

Reps on the way!!
He's failed at his job, doesn't deserve a second term.

Only the desperate will pull the race card, when that happens it truely is party over country, Sallow. :eusa_whistle:

Race card?

Romney talked about people wanting Free Stuff, Food Stamps, and 47% of the American people seeing themselves as "victims".

Well either he was referring to half of America..or minorities.

Looks bad either way Meister.
Sure...You libs are creative. You seem to have this uncanny ability to take any English word and turn it into a politically incorrect term.
NYT's Kantor Implies Obama Victim of Racist Attacks From Tea Party, Newt Gingrich, Rep. Joe Wilson | NewsBusters.org
Chris Matthews said last week the word "apartment" was racist..
Ann Coulter - October 10, 2012 - GOT RACISM?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzwfruYzvJg&feature=related]Newt Gingrich Takes on Chris Matthews on 'Racist' Remarks - YouTube[/ame]
How you people can live in such fear is amazing.
Why do Republicans hate Obama?

Press Secretary Jay Carney, on September 14th:

“This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to United States policy, obviously not to the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting — that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it.”

Carney went on to repeat this point at least two more times during his daily press briefing with reporters.

“But this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, but it is in response to video that is offensive to Muslims,” said Carney.

“The unrest we’ve seen is in reaction to a film in which the United States government had no involvement,”he added.'

Jay Carney: ‘This Is Not a Case of Protest Directed the United States’ | Video | TheBlaze.com
That means half the dupes are racist, but they're ALL dupes.

Gorby ended the Soviet Union, not Raygun, a disaster whose legacy is Boooosh, stupid wars and the ruin of the nonrich and the country..
Republicans hate Obama because:

Power lost privilege in 08 and wants it back.
Losing in 08 nullified a belief of superiority.
Obama is painted with negative brushes of all sorts and kinds.
Big money and corporations want total control and no oversight.
Many republicans are racist and homophobes.
The Black image is ingrained in the minds of many republicans.
Myths and other assorted nonsense from the propaganda machine is accepted as factual.
Neocons want power and fear to manage America's dialog.
Feelings of superiority locally and nationally.
Dislike of change as change means acceptance of other people and ideas.
Fear of an imaginary lost world because time moves forward.
Failure to accept prices are controlled by markets of conglomerates in a global world.
The need of scapegoat. This is a critical one. Need is vague.
etc etc etc etc

Shit, do you REALLY believe all that? If you think that's how Conservatives 'feel', you're NUTZ! Is it too much to ask that you not psychoanalyze 40% of Americans based on YOUR PERCEPTION of someone else's political ideology?

Takes a lot of BALLS to try that one. Not a lot of brains, but DEFINITELY a lot of balls.
Liberals will defend Obamination to the end because he is black. They have this false belief that blacks like Obamination should be the standard for blacks, not those like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, etc.....so they are willing to burn in hell for Obamination while calling us racists in a lame dick attempt to defend him.

Chris Matthews is a mental midget with mental problems, so he relies on the race card as a crutch. His ass should be locked up in a rubber room.

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