Why do so many men online hate women?

There's a secret?

Grits were invented by poor people in the south to stretch the limited amount of food. One egg is not a meal. But one egg and a bowl of grits is a meal. I make a shrimp & grits dish that is absolutely delicious. Even to those who grew up outside the South.

Never had it.

If you ever get to New Orleans (which I highly recommend) it is fairly easy to find on menus all over the city.

Would love to go there.

I don't know how much extended family you have that you spend Thanksgiving or Xmas with, but if you ever find yourself free on either of those holidays, let me know. There is a little bar at the edge of the French Quarter that does a potluck dinner on those days. It is mainly locals, so the food is amazing. If you bring a dish you eat for free. You will NOT lose weight on the trip. Probably won't help your liver either.

Don't need to lose weight, darling.

I'd also like to visit Quebec.

And I've been all around Atlanta, where it seems you are based.
If you looked like Maddy Albright, wouldn't you be a man hatter too?
What's wrong with men's hats?
Lol.45 posts and finally a typo checker.

I will let you inform me before I look. You are a far leftist, right?

How did you end up here, Pinky?
Last time I remember, I was at my farm in Kansas. Then I was here!!

Btw. Have you seen a little lost dog around here?

I was sent here to make you people laugh. Laughter is the anti-dote for the sucky parts of life. If you can't laugh at life or yourself, you're going to end up really unhappy.

I pity those that have little humor. I would put a pistol in my mouth laughing.

lol. You know you're my favourite.

That dog? He's banned.
My lord. You have plus 20,000 compared to 7000 posts. I feel I am in the company of greatness.
Grits were invented by poor people in the south to stretch the limited amount of food. One egg is not a meal. But one egg and a bowl of grits is a meal. I make a shrimp & grits dish that is absolutely delicious. Even to those who grew up outside the South.

Never had it.

If you ever get to New Orleans (which I highly recommend) it is fairly easy to find on menus all over the city.

Would love to go there.

I don't know how much extended family you have that you spend Thanksgiving or Xmas with, but if you ever find yourself free on either of those holidays, let me know. There is a little bar at the edge of the French Quarter that does a potluck dinner on those days. It is mainly locals, so the food is amazing. If you bring a dish you eat for free. You will NOT lose weight on the trip. Probably won't help your liver either.

Don't need to lose weight, darling.

I'd also like to visit Quebec.

And I've been all around Atlanta, where it seems you are based.

I didn't mean to imply you needed to lose weight. Just my way of saying that amazing food is plentiful in Nawlins.

Yes, I have been in Atlanta for about 5 or 6 years now. Other than the traffic, I love the city.
What's wrong with men's hats?
Lol.45 posts and finally a typo checker.

I will let you inform me before I look. You are a far leftist, right?

How did you end up here, Pinky?
Last time I remember, I was at my farm in Kansas. Then I was here!!

Btw. Have you seen a little lost dog around here?

I was sent here to make you people laugh. Laughter is the anti-dote for the sucky parts of life. If you can't laugh at life or yourself, you're going to end up really unhappy.

I pity those that have little humor. I would put a pistol in my mouth laughing.

lol. You know you're my favourite.

That dog? He's banned.
My lord. You have plus 20,000 compared to 7000 posts. I feel I am in the company of greatness.

I was lured into bad ways. Too many laughs.

Are you an accountant, spread sheets and all that, by any chance?
Never had it.

If you ever get to New Orleans (which I highly recommend) it is fairly easy to find on menus all over the city.

Would love to go there.

I don't know how much extended family you have that you spend Thanksgiving or Xmas with, but if you ever find yourself free on either of those holidays, let me know. There is a little bar at the edge of the French Quarter that does a potluck dinner on those days. It is mainly locals, so the food is amazing. If you bring a dish you eat for free. You will NOT lose weight on the trip. Probably won't help your liver either.

Don't need to lose weight, darling.

I'd also like to visit Quebec.

And I've been all around Atlanta, where it seems you are based.

I didn't mean to imply you needed to lose weight. Just my way of saying that amazing food is plentiful in Nawlins.

Yes, I have been in Atlanta for about 5 or 6 years now. Other than the traffic, I love the city.

Traffic is pretty awful. DC is worse.
I wouldn't cook for you. I've heard how much American men like their stomachs. Never could understand grits.

Every society has a carb that really doesn't have an independent taste, but depends entirely on what is dumped on it: grits, rice, potatoes, polenta, fufu, pasta.

I don't like andouille sausage, but this recipe makes grits look good:
Old Charleston Style Shrimp and Grits Recipe

I'm not from the south, and the first time I was served grits with a breakfast in North Carolina when I was a teenager, I thought that they were lumpy mashed potatoes and wondered why. The aunt with whom I was traveling said "they're grits. Shut up and eat them."

I saw them for breakfast in NC. Had no idea what they were, so they got the chef out of the kitchen to explain them to me. A northerner, he recommended oats.
Thank god that there was someone there who understood your plight. I am a native of the NYC area, so I never knew anything about the south at all. Food funny story: I was in Wells, Somerset, UK, once, and requested sour cream for my "jacketed" potato. I drove the poor waitress crazy. She tried so hard to figure out what I was requesting and brought me everything but the kitchen sink! I felt so sorry for her and asked that she stop. Another time, I asked a bartender for a Rusty Nail. He eyed me funny and asked me whether this simply meant a nail in my coffin. I had to explain that it was a mix of scotch and drambuie.

If you have never seen the movie My Cousin Vinnie, see it. In it, and Italian guy from Brooklyn, finding himself in the south, declares that he likes his grits "al dente."

Wasn't the South based on English people?

Actually, the original US was divided between 2 main cultures. The Welsh (Anglo-Saxons) settled more of the northern part, while the Irish & Scots (Celts) settled more of the southern part. I read a thesis many years ago that talked about the differences in the cultures, and that it was a contributing factor in the Civil War.
Very interesting and worth more study on my part. I have always been fascinated by the difference of cultures in this, our huge, continent-wide country. My father's family arrived in the "coffin ships" to the port of New York in the 1840's, part of the exodus from Ireland that stemmed from the efforts of the British to starve the Irish out of Ireland. I have no doubt that they each had only one suitcase. "No dogs or Irish welcome." My great-grandfather married and had a family in NYC in the 1860's during the Civil War and somehow got his family out of the ghetto in NYC, crossed the Hudson, and was a property owner in Jersey City by 1870, when i found him on the Census. I finally found his grave one day in a driving rain storm, stood over it as his descendant, "Old Tom" to me, and asked him how he did it. He did not appear to tell me and I went back to my car through the mud. My feeling is that he used his fists in the service of Tammany Hall. Everybody's story is different. When I was in New Mexico, and asked whether I wanted my enchiladas "red" or "green," I felt like I was in a foreign land. But, however we got here, we are all the same.
sorry baby, this is politics.

So I'd noticed.:gay:
nothing but deflection?

where can I find nice girls who enjoy helping their friends get really really good at full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work?

In other words, where do you find women with self-esteem low enough that they will submit to anything in order to have a friend?
I am not lying to them. It is a moral difference you wouldn't understand.

I understand openness and honesty in relationships better than most. I didn't say you were lying to them.
the only way your ad hominems will work, is if I were lying to them.
guys wouldn't hesitate for a free full body massage with happy ending, why do women?

Depends on the guy.

And, as a reminder, equality does not mean women act like men.
means nothing. Guys wouldn't hesitate for free. And they would have no problem making appointments.

Of course it means something. The fact that guys will make an appointment for a massage and a handjob has no bearing on women not wanting to submit to your offer of the same. Men & women are not the same, and never will be.
women don't want to, "get off", just as much as men?

Oh they do. But they have more options for partners.
Yes, they have a "wealth of human sexuality" at their disposal, "under our form of Capitalism".

If Only we could find nice girls for free.
I just thought I would lump all men together since a lot of them do that to women online. :p
You know what? This has been a challenging thread for me by far.

Things are really complicated when you are a lezo stuck in a dude's bod man.

I hope I don't run into any more of these types of threads....Whew!!!!
Lol.45 posts and finally a typo checker.

I will let you inform me before I look. You are a far leftist, right?

How did you end up here, Pinky?
Last time I remember, I was at my farm in Kansas. Then I was here!!

Btw. Have you seen a little lost dog around here?

I was sent here to make you people laugh. Laughter is the anti-dote for the sucky parts of life. If you can't laugh at life or yourself, you're going to end up really unhappy.

I pity those that have little humor. I would put a pistol in my mouth laughing.

lol. You know you're my favourite.

That dog? He's banned.
My lord. You have plus 20,000 compared to 7000 posts. I feel I am in the company of greatness.

I was lured into bad ways. Too many laughs.

Are you an accountant, spread sheets and all that, by any chance?
no, but I still love spread sheets.
How did you end up here, Pinky?
Last time I remember, I was at my farm in Kansas. Then I was here!!

Btw. Have you seen a little lost dog around here?

I was sent here to make you people laugh. Laughter is the anti-dote for the sucky parts of life. If you can't laugh at life or yourself, you're going to end up really unhappy.

I pity those that have little humor. I would put a pistol in my mouth laughing.

lol. You know you're my favourite.

That dog? He's banned.
My lord. You have plus 20,000 compared to 7000 posts. I feel I am in the company of greatness.

I was lured into bad ways. Too many laughs.

Are you an accountant, spread sheets and all that, by any chance?
no, but I still love spread sheets.

I was going to say, but I won't.
I just thought I would lump all men together since a lot of them do that to women online. :p
You know what? This has been a challenging thread for me by far.

Things are really complicated when you are a lezo stuck in a dude's bod man.

I hope I don't run into any more of these types of threads....Whew!!!!
Was that supposed to make me laugh? Just checking..
Many people do things to benefit others. Whether they are rules or not is not the point.

And most people are in favor of some sort of safety net for those in need. That does not benefit them.

Most men are in favor of equality between the genders.

Those who choose to do things for others, at their own expense are Fools in my book. Those who accept the Government providing a safety net for others with their money, doubly so.

Most men think that Feminists seek equality. They don't. Like all affirmative action proponents, Feminists seek to advance themselves at the expense of those opposing them and society as a whole is hurt by it.
Never had it.

If you ever get to New Orleans (which I highly recommend) it is fairly easy to find on menus all over the city.

Would love to go there.

I don't know how much extended family you have that you spend Thanksgiving or Xmas with, but if you ever find yourself free on either of those holidays, let me know. There is a little bar at the edge of the French Quarter that does a potluck dinner on those days. It is mainly locals, so the food is amazing. If you bring a dish you eat for free. You will NOT lose weight on the trip. Probably won't help your liver either.

Don't need to lose weight, darling.

I'd also like to visit Quebec.

And I've been all around Atlanta, where it seems you are based.

I didn't mean to imply you needed to lose weight. Just my way of saying that amazing food is plentiful in Nawlins.

Yes, I have been in Atlanta for about 5 or 6 years now. Other than the traffic, I love the city.

I always tell people that are coming here, if the restaurant has New Orleans or Nawlins in the name, don't go there, it's a tourist trap.
If you ever get to New Orleans (which I highly recommend) it is fairly easy to find on menus all over the city.

Would love to go there.

I don't know how much extended family you have that you spend Thanksgiving or Xmas with, but if you ever find yourself free on either of those holidays, let me know. There is a little bar at the edge of the French Quarter that does a potluck dinner on those days. It is mainly locals, so the food is amazing. If you bring a dish you eat for free. You will NOT lose weight on the trip. Probably won't help your liver either.

Don't need to lose weight, darling.

I'd also like to visit Quebec.

And I've been all around Atlanta, where it seems you are based.

I didn't mean to imply you needed to lose weight. Just my way of saying that amazing food is plentiful in Nawlins.

Yes, I have been in Atlanta for about 5 or 6 years now. Other than the traffic, I love the city.

I always tell people that are coming here, if the restaurant has New Orleans or Nawlins in the name, don't go there, it's a tourist trap.

"The Tipsy Crawdad" sounds good to me. :badgrin:
So I'd noticed.:gay:
nothing but deflection?

where can I find nice girls who enjoy helping their friends get really really good at full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work?

In other words, where do you find women with self-esteem low enough that they will submit to anything in order to have a friend?
I am not lying to them. It is a moral difference you wouldn't understand.

I understand openness and honesty in relationships better than most. I didn't say you were lying to them.
the only way your ad hominems will work, is if I were lying to them.

Manipulations, especially of women with very low self esteem, does not require lying.
If you ever get to New Orleans (which I highly recommend) it is fairly easy to find on menus all over the city.

Would love to go there.

I don't know how much extended family you have that you spend Thanksgiving or Xmas with, but if you ever find yourself free on either of those holidays, let me know. There is a little bar at the edge of the French Quarter that does a potluck dinner on those days. It is mainly locals, so the food is amazing. If you bring a dish you eat for free. You will NOT lose weight on the trip. Probably won't help your liver either.

Don't need to lose weight, darling.

I'd also like to visit Quebec.

And I've been all around Atlanta, where it seems you are based.

I didn't mean to imply you needed to lose weight. Just my way of saying that amazing food is plentiful in Nawlins.

Yes, I have been in Atlanta for about 5 or 6 years now. Other than the traffic, I love the city.

I always tell people that are coming here, if the restaurant has New Orleans or Nawlins in the name, don't go there, it's a tourist trap.

Yeah, good point. I simply use "Nawlins" as shorthand. It started when I was talking to one of my best friends (a New Orleans native).

The tourist traps are not the best. But even the tourist traps have delicious food.
I couldn't care any less what other people think of me.

You're one of the few then who understands the benefits of being around old fashioned Men.

I wouldn't cook for you. I've heard how much American men like their stomachs. Never could understand grits.

Every society has a carb that really doesn't have an independent taste, but depends entirely on what is dumped on it: grits, rice, potatoes, polenta, fufu, pasta.

I don't like andouille sausage, but this recipe makes grits look good:
Old Charleston Style Shrimp and Grits Recipe

I'm not from the south, and the first time I was served grits with a breakfast in North Carolina when I was a teenager, I thought that they were lumpy mashed potatoes and wondered why. The aunt with whom I was traveling said "they're grits. Shut up and eat them."

I saw them for breakfast in NC. Had no idea what they were, so they got the chef out of the kitchen to explain them to me. A northerner, he recommended oats.
Thank god that there was someone there who understood your plight. I am a native of the NYC area, so I never knew anything about the south at all. Food funny story: I was in Wells, Somerset, UK, once, and requested sour cream for my "jacketed" potato. I drove the poor waitress crazy. She tried so hard to figure out what I was requesting and brought me everything but the kitchen sink! I felt so sorry for her and asked that she stop. Another time, I asked a bartender for a Rusty Nail. He eyed me funny and asked me whether this simply meant a nail in my coffin. I had to explain that it was a mix of scotch and drambuie.

If you have never seen the movie My Cousin Vinnie, see it. In it, and Italian guy from Brooklyn, finding himself in the south, declares that he likes his grits "al dente."

Wasn't the South based on English people?

I think that it was a mixture of English, Scots, and Irish. In Gone With the Wind, Scarlett's father was Irish, and she grew up on a plantation named "Tara." Lest we not forget, the French also settled down there.

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