Why do the God-haters persist?

lion, death and electrocution is real. These are things we can see everyday. No one has seen the afterlife.
Where is your evidence no one has seen the afterlife? What do you mean by "real"? Part of physical reality in our spacetime continuum caused by the expanding universe? Again, spiritual things are not "real" in a physical sense, and this is where you have trouble comprehending it. You assume that if it's not physically a part of reality, it isn't real. However, you are aware of dreams, thoughts, ideas, and other things that aren't physically real. How do you explain that? How can things exist that aren't physically real?

Your spirit, your soul, the essence of who you are, your personality... these are not components of your physical makeup. What happens to these elements after you die is unknown. You can have the opinion these things "die" with the physical body, but you've not established this is a fact.

Nor have you disproved it. God does not exist, the only reason people think he exist is because they believe it to be true. My 5 year old believe Santa Clause is real and comes to our house Dec 25th each year. That's pretty much what your belief of god is like. As made up as Santa Clause, created by man.

Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.
Where is your evidence no one has seen the afterlife? What do you mean by "real"? Part of physical reality in our spacetime continuum caused by the expanding universe? Again, spiritual things are not "real" in a physical sense, and this is where you have trouble comprehending it. You assume that if it's not physically a part of reality, it isn't real. However, you are aware of dreams, thoughts, ideas, and other things that aren't physically real. How do you explain that? How can things exist that aren't physically real?

Your spirit, your soul, the essence of who you are, your personality... these are not components of your physical makeup. What happens to these elements after you die is unknown. You can have the opinion these things "die" with the physical body, but you've not established this is a fact.

Nor have you disproved it. God does not exist, the only reason people think he exist is because they believe it to be true. My 5 year old believe Santa Clause is real and comes to our house Dec 25th each year. That's pretty much what your belief of god is like. As made up as Santa Clause, created by man.

Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

False equivilancy. We do not know EXACTLY how gravity works. There is clear evidense that something we call gravity is in operation but no "proof" as to what it is. Not believing in a god is not the same as believing in a god. There is no way to put an exact probability on the possibility of the existance of a god. BUT it is certainly very low like one in a billion compared to the likelyhood that there is NO god wich has a certainty upwards of say 99.9999999% or better as understood by most of the revered scientific leaders.

You say that humans have a long history of gravitating towards a spirituality which you claim is based on the "fact" that there must be something god-like in nature which instilled this gravitation in us and not in other animal species.

I underget your observation but it is not unlike most other "faith based religions" in that you CONCEED a "being/god" based on what you have determined is overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

What many atheists dispute is that this so called circumstance is in fact nothing more or less than just that. I have no inherant need to assign worth to a crumb or a pile of crumbs..or a mountain of crumbs. Unless one of these crumbs is stamped "made by god in heaven" I'm gonna look in a billion places before I ASSUME these crumbs have any devine origin.
Where is your evidence no one has seen the afterlife? What do you mean by "real"? Part of physical reality in our spacetime continuum caused by the expanding universe? Again, spiritual things are not "real" in a physical sense, and this is where you have trouble comprehending it. You assume that if it's not physically a part of reality, it isn't real. However, you are aware of dreams, thoughts, ideas, and other things that aren't physically real. How do you explain that? How can things exist that aren't physically real?

Your spirit, your soul, the essence of who you are, your personality... these are not components of your physical makeup. What happens to these elements after you die is unknown. You can have the opinion these things "die" with the physical body, but you've not established this is a fact.

Nor have you disproved it. God does not exist, the only reason people think he exist is because they believe it to be true. My 5 year old believe Santa Clause is real and comes to our house Dec 25th each year. That's pretty much what your belief of god is like. As made up as Santa Clause, created by man.

Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...
Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

proof of physiology on Earth exists - no physiology has been the same from 700 + million years and will not be for all eternity is proof of Spiritualism whether in need of physiology or not, no life exists without it - despite the efforts of religionists (Bossy) to proclaim otherwise.

from whence comes the core is the Everlasting and its guidance by the Almighty.

Nor have you disproved it. God does not exist, the only reason people think he exist is because they believe it to be true. My 5 year old believe Santa Clause is real and comes to our house Dec 25th each year. That's pretty much what your belief of god is like. As made up as Santa Clause, created by man.

Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.
Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.

What adults choose to say is also not evidence and useless as argument in this conversation.
99% sure????? No where near worth the risk as to lose is eternal hell and you will lose 100% sure!

100% sure your god isn't real.:d

Well share your proof that God is not real and the proof you risk all your eternity on!!!

Your bogus religion is my proof. Lets talk rationally here. Pretend I'm standing right in front of you. Assume we've known each other for years, you know me to be a nice kind good neighbor and after all this time you find out I'm an atheist. You do know a lot of atheists are good people, right? We just don't believe there is a god. Why does that have to be evil? Why do we have to have an alterior motive? You guys have a motive in having blind faith. You think it'll cost you heaven or hell. We don't believe that. Has nothing to do with being evil or wanting to sin without repercussions. In fact, you guys are the ones who think you have a get out of hell free card on sin, right? You can sin all you want as long as you believe in Jesus. That allows you guys to be horrible humans. This is why your religion came up with that bullshit. Otherwise once you sinned after being born again, you'd go to hell. So they made it up that sin doesn't exclude you from hell. How convienent.

Can't you see if we believed your story even a little we would be open to the idea? We are not close minded. We are just unconvinced. You are convinced, so who's close minded?

If there was a god he would not punish modern people for not believing an unbelievable ancient fable passed on by corrupt churches and ignorant people. Do you believe everything you read? Apparently you do if it is written in the bible.
Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.

The evidence of god not existing is all over the place. I do have science behind me, science has not proven that god exist. I highly suggest you read the book God: The Failed Hypothesis-How Science Shows God Does Not Exist.

Where is your support for this 90% number from...I'm interested in seeing that poll.

Also 90% of children believe Santa Clause exist
Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.

Just think about how uneducated people were 2000 years ago. They didn't even know what science was back then.

“What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.” – Christopher Hitchens
Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.

There is no evidence god doesn’t exist, so belief is as justified or as valid as non-belief.

Argument from ignorance.

A common attempt to shift the burden of proof or ‘make room’ for a god. Represents a type of false dichotomy that excludes the fact that there is insufficient investigation and the proposition has not yet been proven either true or false.

The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Note: It is possible to gather evidence of absence and disprove specific claims about and definitions of a god. [Video]

See also: Putting faith in its place (a must watch), A Lack of Belief in Gods, Critical Thinking.

Why there is no god
Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.

Atheists should prove god doesn’t exist.

Russell’s teapot.

The burden of proof is on the person or party asserting the claim; in this case, the theist.

See also: The Dragon in my Garage by Carl Sagan, Invisible Pink Unicorn and Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Nor have you disproved it. God does not exist, the only reason people think he exist is because they believe it to be true. My 5 year old believe Santa Clause is real and comes to our house Dec 25th each year. That's pretty much what your belief of god is like. As made up as Santa Clause, created by man.

Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

False equivilancy. We do not know EXACTLY how gravity works. There is clear evidense that something we call gravity is in operation but no "proof" as to what it is. Not believing in a god is not the same as believing in a god. There is no way to put an exact probability on the possibility of the existance of a god. BUT it is certainly very low like one in a billion compared to the likelyhood that there is NO god wich has a certainty upwards of say 99.9999999% or better as understood by most of the revered scientific leaders.

You say that humans have a long history of gravitating towards a spirituality which you claim is based on the "fact" that there must be something god-like in nature which instilled this gravitation in us and not in other animal species.

I underget your observation but it is not unlike most other "faith based religions" in that you CONCEED a "being/god" based on what you have determined is overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

What many atheists dispute is that this so called circumstance is in fact nothing more or less than just that. I have no inherant need to assign worth to a crumb or a pile of crumbs..or a mountain of crumbs. Unless one of these crumbs is stamped "made by god in heaven" I'm gonna look in a billion places before I ASSUME these crumbs have any devine origin.

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

The argument ignores the fact that our everyday understanding of causality has been arrived at via a posteriori inductive reasoning – which means it might not apply to everything. Time, for instance, appears to have begun with the Big Bang, so there might not have been any ’cause’ for the Universe to be an ‘effect’ of since there was probably no time for a ’cause’ to exist in. Applying concepts like time and causality to the Big Bang might be comparable to asking “What is north of the North Pole?” – ultimately nonsensical and incoherent. Furthermore, even if causality could be established it would not immediately imply the existence of a god, much less any particular one, as the properties and nature of the ’cause’ could forever remain a mystery or be naturalistic.

Theists often state “God is outside of time”. This claim does not actually make their speculation correct. Instead, it brings with it a whole host of problems and may be immediately dismissed as being without basis and a type fallacy known as special pleading.
Again, for the hard headed... you cannot say God does not exist. You can say that you don't believe God exists, but you have no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. Whenever you believe something without evidence it is called "faith" and you have faith in your belief that God doesn't exist.

We've been through the comparisons with Santa Claus... humans would not have endured thousands of years of persecution and death for the sake of believing in Santa. Since the very inception of "Santa Claus" everyone knew it was not a real entity. So you are drawing a parallel with something that simply doesn't belong in this conversation.

False equivilancy. We do not know EXACTLY how gravity works. There is clear evidense that something we call gravity is in operation but no "proof" as to what it is. Not believing in a god is not the same as believing in a god. There is no way to put an exact probability on the possibility of the existance of a god. BUT it is certainly very low like one in a billion compared to the likelyhood that there is NO god wich has a certainty upwards of say 99.9999999% or better as understood by most of the revered scientific leaders.

You say that humans have a long history of gravitating towards a spirituality which you claim is based on the "fact" that there must be something god-like in nature which instilled this gravitation in us and not in other animal species.

I underget your observation but it is not unlike most other "faith based religions" in that you CONCEED a "being/god" based on what you have determined is overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

What many atheists dispute is that this so called circumstance is in fact nothing more or less than just that. I have no inherant need to assign worth to a crumb or a pile of crumbs..or a mountain of crumbs. Unless one of these crumbs is stamped "made by god in heaven" I'm gonna look in a billion places before I ASSUME these crumbs have any devine origin.

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

The argument ignores the fact that our everyday understanding of causality has been arrived at via a posteriori inductive reasoning – which means it might not apply to everything. Time, for instance, appears to have begun with the Big Bang, so there might not have been any ’cause’ for the Universe to be an ‘effect’ of since there was probably no time for a ’cause’ to exist in. Applying concepts like time and causality to the Big Bang might be comparable to asking “What is north of the North Pole?” – ultimately nonsensical and incoherent. Furthermore, even if causality could be established it would not immediately imply the existence of a god, much less any particular one, as the properties and nature of the ’cause’ could forever remain a mystery or be naturalistic.

Theists often state “God is outside of time”. This claim does not actually make their speculation correct. Instead, it brings with it a whole host of problems and may be immediately dismissed as being without basis and a type fallacy known as special pleading.

False equivilancy. We do not know EXACTLY how gravity works. There is clear evidense that something we call gravity is in operation but no "proof" as to what it is. Not believing in a god is not the same as believing in a god. There is no way to put an exact probability on the possibility of the existance of a god. BUT it is certainly very low like one in a billion compared to the likelyhood that there is NO god wich has a certainty upwards of say 99.9999999% or better as understood by most of the revered scientific leaders.

You say that humans have a long history of gravitating towards a spirituality which you claim is based on the "fact" that there must be something god-like in nature which instilled this gravitation in us and not in other animal species.

I underget your observation but it is not unlike most other "faith based religions" in that you CONCEED a "being/god" based on what you have determined is overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

What many atheists dispute is that this so called circumstance is in fact nothing more or less than just that. I have no inherant need to assign worth to a crumb or a pile of crumbs..or a mountain of crumbs. Unless one of these crumbs is stamped "made by god in heaven" I'm gonna look in a billion places before I ASSUME these crumbs have any devine origin.

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

The argument ignores the fact that our everyday understanding of causality has been arrived at via a posteriori inductive reasoning – which means it might not apply to everything. Time, for instance, appears to have begun with the Big Bang, so there might not have been any ’cause’ for the Universe to be an ‘effect’ of since there was probably no time for a ’cause’ to exist in. Applying concepts like time and causality to the Big Bang might be comparable to asking “What is north of the North Pole?” – ultimately nonsensical and incoherent. Furthermore, even if causality could be established it would not immediately imply the existence of a god, much less any particular one, as the properties and nature of the ’cause’ could forever remain a mystery or be naturalistic.

Theists often state “God is outside of time”. This claim does not actually make their speculation correct. Instead, it brings with it a whole host of problems and may be immediately dismissed as being without basis and a type fallacy known as special pleading.


You must be the biggest loser. I sometimes come here in the am and sometimes in the pm and you are always on. Get a fucking life. You know what? You need jesus. I'll stop ruining it for you. I feel sorry for you. You're probably a 600 lb woman who can't even leave the house. I'll pray for you. :eusa_pray:
Thanks for telling me what I can and not not say. God does not exist. there is no physical proof of his existence, nor can you give any physical proof that he does exist.

I do not have faith, I have science behind me. Religious folks have faith, because they have no evidence for their claims.

Adults know that Santa is not real. Ask a child that's around age 5 if Santa is real...

You're welcome, someone needs to correct you when you're wrong. You can't say God does not exist, you have no evidence that God does not exist. You do not have science behind you. You've presented ZERO scientific evidence to support your FAITH that God doesn't exist. 90% of adults say God is real, and they've been saying this for all of human existence.

The evidence of god not existing is all over the place. I do have science behind me, science has not proven that god exist. I highly suggest you read the book God: The Failed Hypothesis-How Science Shows God Does Not Exist.

Where is your support for this 90% number from...I'm interested in seeing that poll.

Also 90% of children believe Santa Clause exist

Well, IF you have some evidence, show it motherfucker! Or shut your piehole. Science has not proven God doesn't exist. A book you want me to read is not going to prove God doesn't exist any more than your opinion.

It doesn't matter how many children believe in Santa, us adults who created Santa know he doesn't exist, and we've always known he didn't exist. 90% of humans believe in something greater than self. About 5% are Nihilists who believe in nothing and the rest are Atheists. Go research the worldwide data and see for yourself, if I am off by more than 5%, I'll apologize, but I am pretty sure this is accurate. Not only that, but this trend follows man back to his beginnings. Humans have ALWAYS been spiritually connected. A scant few miscreants such as yourself, CLAIM you don't believe in God. There are more fucking gay people on the planet than people like you.

Now you can sit here and run your fucking trash mouth all day and night, it's not going to change the fact that you have ZERO evidence that God does not exist. What YOU have is a FAITH-BASED belief that God doesn't exist. You are no different than some fucking holy roller. Find yourself a funny looking hat and develop a hymnal, and you'll have a religious cult!
Just think about how uneducated people were 2000 years ago. They didn't even know what science was back then.

Yes, and isn't it fucking astonishing that humans, by-and-large, still believe in something greater than self?

Science has not disproved God, it can't disprove God. There are more humans believing in God on the planet today than anytime before in history. Per capita, the numbers are overwhelming, and they always have been... always will be. No civilization has ever managed to survive more than 50 years without spirituality.
Well, IF you have some evidence, show it motherfucker! Or shut your piehole. Science has not proven God doesn't exist. A book you want me to read is not going to prove God doesn't exist any more than your opinion.

Typical nonsense where boss stumbles over his own argument.

Science has not proven The Easterbunny, Tarzan, Bigfoot, Nessie and any number of other entities don't exist. Therefore, The Easterbunny, Tarzan, Bigfoot, Nessie and any number of other entities are just as likely to exist as your gods.
Just think about how uneducated people were 2000 years ago. They didn't even know what science was back then.

Yes, and isn't it fucking astonishing that humans, by-and-large, still believe in something greater than self?

Science has not disproved God, it can't disprove God. There are more humans believing in God on the planet today than anytime before in history. Per capita, the numbers are overwhelming, and they always have been... always will be. No civilization has ever managed to survive more than 50 years without spirituality.

And at one time, virtually all people believed the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. Per capita, the numbers were overwhelming.

Thanks. As long as most people believe it, it must be true.

Thanks again,
Just think about how uneducated people were 2000 years ago. They didn't even know what science was back then.

Yes, and isn't it fucking astonishing that humans, by-and-large, still believe in something greater than self?

Science has not disproved God, it can't disprove God. There are more humans believing in God on the planet today than anytime before in history. Per capita, the numbers are overwhelming, and they always have been... always will be. No civilization has ever managed to survive more than 50 years without spirituality.

And at one time, virtually all people believed the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. Per capita, the numbers were overwhelming.

Thanks. As long as most people believe it, it must be true.

Thanks again,
GOD'S WORD TOLD US THE EARTH WAS NOT FLAT FROM ETERNITY!!!===GOD=It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. ISAIAH 40:22

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