Why do the God-haters persist?

You can believe what you want, but Christians believe it is an unforgivable sin to be saved and then reject the God of Abraham. In fact, it is the only unforgivable sin. So....IF I am a Christian who is proclaiming I am not a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin, according to Christianity.

I know that you hide behind Atheism because you are a coward who is afraid to admit you believe in God but hate Him, and I can see how you would imagine me doing the same, but you're not that important to me. If I were a Christian, I would own it... just like every Christian you come across in this thread and elsewhere.
Geez, your being wrong has no limits! :lol: I'm not an atheist, they're just as deluded as you are. I'm agnostic, I see no real proof either way, but am open to changing my mind if I see real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

If you quack like a Christian and walk like a Christian...

Let's be clear, you're not an Atheist OR an agnostic. You are a God-hater who believes in the God of Abraham. You are too much of a coward to admit that you believe in God but hate Him.

As I said, you can believe whatever you wish about me.
wow bossy! are you now claiming to have the ability to mind meld?
you just made two massive false assumptions....when SG just told you what he/she was.
no you're not arrogant at all ..
I'm an agnostic, and believe that I am very respectful of the beliefs of others. Okay, maybe not so much the Muslims, but Christians, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, and Buddhists won't see any negative posts from me.

No one is being disrespectful of anyone's belief in their religion, except perhaps the OP himself. :badgrin:

He is just being given a hard time because he spouts such utter nonsense and then insults those who expose his drivel.

He's handed you your ass multiple times over in this thread, but you're too damn stupid to realize it. Once you're backed into a corner, all you do is spout insults and change the subject, typical of your kind when you have nothing else left.
speaking of spouting nonsense...
We find ZERO evidence that any living organism has EVER invented something imaginary to cope with fears of death or the unknown.

you're saying the Eagle is less Spiritual because it does not fear death ? -

... just maybe, "your" spirituality may in fact be a regression from rather than a pursuit of eternal life that in reality is the pursuit of all other life forms and being fulfilled while humanity is self deluding itself into a downward spiral inexorably leading to extinction.

at any rate Boss, why would God only set such a goal for mankind alone - oh, he loves you so much ?


I didn't see where I said that.

On your second point, you could be right... or humans could have a burden-laden heart to worship because of original sin. For whatever reason, we appear to be the only organisms that worship.

Final point: MY God doesn't "love" ...that's a human emotion. My God is Spiritual Energy.
wow bossy! are you now claiming to have the ability to mind meld?
you just made two massive false assumptions....when SG just told you what he/she was.
no you're not arrogant at all ..

Boss has a point, duhs. I've gone after you myself. IF you truly don't believe, then the ideas of Christians should have no more meaning to you than an episode of Hercules on TV.

But we all know that you lose it at the very mention of Jesus.

One does not hate what one does not believe.
wow bossy! are you now claiming to have the ability to mind meld?
you just made two massive false assumptions....when SG just told you what he/she was.
no you're not arrogant at all ..

Boss has a point, duhs. I've gone after you myself. IF you truly don't believe, then the ideas of Christians should have no more meaning to you than an episode of Hercules on TV.

But we all know that you lose it at the very mention of Jesus.

One does not hate what one does not believe.
like always you'd be wrong...
wow bossy! are you now claiming to have the ability to mind meld?
you just made two massive false assumptions....when SG just told you what he/she was.
no you're not arrogant at all ..

Boss has a point, duhs. I've gone after you myself. IF you truly don't believe, then the ideas of Christians should have no more meaning to you than an episode of Hercules on TV.

But we all know that you lose it at the very mention of Jesus.

One does not hate what one does not believe.
like always you'd be wrong...

About what?

"Christian" is a dog whistle to you; you react every time.
Dogs worship their masters , they grovel, adore, and serve with unquestioning devotion and they believe in the power of barking because every time the scary garbage truck monster stops in front of the house it is turned away by spiritual energy of its awesome sound.

They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.

LOL... that's exactly the point. How are human beings any different? Wild humans don't serve any master and don't love God at all and even eat him in some bizzaro ceremony. And those who think Jesus was God are more than happy to accept his torture and death as a free ticked to paradise even though they also believe his death was a consequence of their sin as if they have no responsibility for themselves and what they do whether good or evil, like some opportunistic garbage eating lily white cur.

And isn't prayer, like barking, a defense reaction? wishful thinking or reacting to the unknown out of fear?

Like you said, nothing spiritual at all.

Maybe you should not underestimate the power of barking or rethink your claims of spiritual forces, powers, and realities unique to humans undetected by science and indistinguishable from any number of known mental illnesses.
Boss has a point, duhs. I've gone after you myself. IF you truly don't believe, then the ideas of Christians should have no more meaning to you than an episode of Hercules on TV.

But we all know that you lose it at the very mention of Jesus.

One does not hate what one does not believe.
like always you'd be wrong...

About what?

"Christian" is a dog whistle to you; you react every time.
where to start?
if you mean the cino's that populate this site (not every Christian on it) then yes I do...and make or need to make any kind of apology for it...
Dogs worship their masters , they grovel, adore, and serve with unquestioning devotion and they believe in the power of barking because every time the scary garbage truck monster stops in front of the house it is turned away by spiritual energy of its awesome sound.

They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.

LOL... that's exactly the point. How are human beings any different? Wild humans don't serve any master and don't love God at all and even eat him in some bizzaro ceremony. And those who think Jesus was God are more than happy to accept his torture and death as a free ticked to paradise even though they also believe his death was a consequence of their sin as if they have no responsibility for themselves and what they do whether good or evil, like some opportunistic garbage eating lily white cur.

And isn't prayer, like barking, a defense reaction? wishful thinking or reacting to the unknown out of fear?

Like you said, nothing spiritual at all.

Maybe you should not underestimate the power of barking or rethink your claims of spiritual forces, powers, and realities unique to humans undetected by science and indistinguishable from any number of known mental illnesses.
They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.

Utter nonsense.

Humans and wolves/dogs have a relationship that goes back tens of thousands of years. Wolves found that by hanging around camps of humans, they could find scraps and leftover food. Humans found that barking alerted them of danger, Thus, they encouraged the wolves to follow. Aggressive wolves were driven away, passive ones were fed.

Along the line, something magical happened, these two species of hunters figured out that they were far more effective hunting together, than either was alone. And that was that, the bond between man and dog was cemented, forever. We have manipulated those wolves by breeding in every imaginable way, but the bond is innate.

The dog in my avatar is a Dingo, a "wild dog." She adores me, and I adore her. Once bond of trust is established, most humans and most dogs, including wolves, will form a strong bond. We evolved a symbiosis between our species.
Dogs worship their masters , they grovel, adore, and serve with unquestioning devotion and they believe in the power of barking because every time the scary garbage truck monster stops in front of the house it is turned away by spiritual energy of its awesome sound.

They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.

LOL... that's exactly the point. How are human beings any different? Wild humans don't serve any master and don't love God at all and even eat him in some bizzaro ceremony. And those who think Jesus was God are more than happy to accept his torture and death as a free ticked to paradise even though they also believe his death was a consequence of their sin as if they have no responsibility for themselves and what they do whether good or evil, like some opportunistic garbage eating lily white cur.

And isn't prayer, like barking, a defense reaction? wishful thinking or reacting to the unknown out of fear?

Like you said, nothing spiritual at all.

Maybe you should not underestimate the power of barking or rethink your claims of spiritual forces, powers, and realities unique to humans undetected by science and indistinguishable from any number of known mental illnesses.

Human beings are different because they are making spiritual connection to spiritual nature, and have been doing so for as long as humans have been civilized. If it were a superficial attribute, humans would have abandoned it at some point, probably when there were millions of them being killed for their loyalty to spiritual faith. Unless, of course, Darwin was wrong and species retain superficial attributes detrimental to survival.

Science can't evaluate spiritual nature, it's beyond it's capability at this time. It's like asking your dog about nuclear physics and determining that nuclear physics must be impossible because Fido couldn't explain it. Now you understand that science can't evaluate spiritual nature, yet you continue to demand that spiritual nature must be explained by science before you can believe it. You've constructed a logical dichotomy.
They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.

Utter nonsense.

Humans and wolves/dogs have a relationship that goes back tens of thousands of years. Wolves found that by hanging around camps of humans, they could find scraps and leftover food. Humans found that barking alerted them of danger, Thus, they encouraged the wolves to follow. Aggressive wolves were driven away, passive ones were fed.

Along the line, something magical happened, these two species of hunters figured out that they were far more effective hunting together, than either was alone. And that was that, the bond between man and dog was cemented, forever. We have manipulated those wolves by breeding in every imaginable way, but the bond is innate.

The dog in my avatar is a Dingo, a "wild dog." She adores me, and I adore her. Once bond of trust is established, most humans and most dogs, including wolves, will form a strong bond. We evolved a symbiosis between our species.

I don't understand why you think what I posted was "utter nonsense" because it's essentially the same thing you posted. We domesticated dogs, that's why they 'adore' us. Your dog is a breed considered to be wild, but your particular dog is domesticated. Dogs have no natural or spiritual inclination to worship humans as their deities, that was the argument presented as I understood it, and I refuted it. You seem to be making my exact same point, yet you thought my response was nonsense... I am confused.
They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.

LOL... that's exactly the point. How are human beings any different? Wild humans don't serve any master and don't love God at all and even eat him in some bizzaro ceremony. And those who think Jesus was God are more than happy to accept his torture and death as a free ticked to paradise even though they also believe his death was a consequence of their sin as if they have no responsibility for themselves and what they do whether good or evil, like some opportunistic garbage eating lily white cur.

And isn't prayer, like barking, a defense reaction? wishful thinking or reacting to the unknown out of fear?

Like you said, nothing spiritual at all.

Maybe you should not underestimate the power of barking or rethink your claims of spiritual forces, powers, and realities unique to humans undetected by science and indistinguishable from any number of known mental illnesses.

Human beings are different because they are making spiritual connection to spiritual nature, and have been doing so for as long as humans have been civilized. If it were a superficial attribute, humans would have abandoned it at some point, probably when there were millions of them being killed for their loyalty to spiritual faith. Unless, of course, Darwin was wrong and species retain superficial attributes detrimental to survival.

Science can't evaluate spiritual nature, it's beyond it's capability at this time. It's like asking your dog about nuclear physics and determining that nuclear physics must be impossible because Fido couldn't explain it. Now you understand that science can't evaluate spiritual nature, yet you continue to demand that spiritual nature must be explained by science before you can believe it. You've constructed a logical dichotomy.
the spiritual connection you're always blathering about is not detectable ,not because science is not to the task but because there is nothing there to evaluate..and you say you don't misrepresent..
We find ZERO evidence that any living organism has EVER invented something imaginary to cope with fears of death or the unknown.

you're saying the Eagle is less Spiritual because it does not fear death ? -

... just maybe, "your" spirituality may in fact be a regression from rather than a pursuit of eternal life that in reality is the pursuit of all other life forms and being fulfilled while humanity is self deluding itself into a downward spiral inexorably leading to extinction.

at any rate Boss, why would God only set such a goal for mankind alone - oh, he loves you so much ?


I didn't see where I said that.

On your second point, you could be right... or humans could have a burden-laden heart to worship because of original sin. For whatever reason, we appear to be the only organisms that worship.

Final point: MY God doesn't "love" ...that's a human emotion. My God is Spiritual Energy.

Why do the God-haters persist?

Boss: I didn't see where I said that.

Boss: We find ZERO evidence that any living organism has EVER invented something imaginary to cope with fears of death or the unknown.

??? - Boss, how do you explain who is more freighted when left in a room together, the man or the Tiger ?

Boss: MY God doesn't "love" ...that's a human emotion. My God is Spiritual Energy.

MY God doesn't "love" ...

I'm not sure you have answered the exclusivity of your belief only mankind connects to the Almighty - or "why would God only set such a goal for mankind alone" - with the absurd notion, God is without emotion ?

what connection does mankind have that is not based on emotion and is not shared by all other living creatures, having all evolved from the same origin ?

does it really make a difference - building an airplane no other species on earth is capable of, relates to an exclusive spiritual affinity to God by Gods design ... ?

Boss, how do you explain who is more freighted when left in a room together, the man or the Tiger ?

Boss: MY God doesn't "love" ...that's a human emotion. My God is Spiritual Energy.

MY God doesn't "love" ...

I'm not sure you have answered the exclusivity of your belief only mankind connects to the Almighty - or "why would God only set such a goal for mankind alone" - with the absurd notion, God is without emotion ?

what connection does mankind have that is not based on emotion and is not shared by all other living creatures, having all evolved from the same origin ?

does it really make a difference - building an airplane no other species on earth is capable of, relates to an exclusive spiritual affinity to God by Gods design ... ?


First, you need to stop talking in riddles and chopping my comments up into parts you infer meaning to that isn't there. It's annoying, but it also makes it difficult for me to respond to you. My words are what I mean, there is no hidden meaning or mysterious values to read into them.

A tiger is much more fearsome than a human for obvious reasons, you know this, which is why you give the example. Let me just answer you by saying this... I know humans who have such a profound spiritual connection, they would have no fear in the midst of a tiger. Their faith is that strong. So your question, while it may seem to have an obvious answer, does not. It depends on the human in question and how strong their faith is.

I am not clear on what you mean by God "setting goals for mankind alone" and I've not indicated that I believe God sets goals. I also don't believe that everything evolved from the same origin. Spiritual connection of humans is not an emotion of God.

You're simply jumping all over the board with emotive assumptions of what I believe. It's as if you are trying to back me into a corner of contradiction by using profoundly distorted examples of what you think I have said. If we can't have an honest dialogue, there is no point in a dialogue.
I'm an agnostic, and believe that I am very respectful of the beliefs of others. Okay, maybe not so much the Muslims, but Christians, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, and Buddhists won't see any negative posts from me.

No one is being disrespectful of anyone's belief in their religion, except perhaps the OP himself. :badgrin:

He is just being given a hard time because he spouts such utter nonsense and then insults those who expose his drivel.

He's handed you your ass multiple times over in this thread, but you're too damn stupid to realize it. Once you're backed into a corner, all you do is spout insults and change the subject, typical of your kind when you have nothing else left.
Nonsense, there’s no evidence of that – as is also the case with your ‘god’; in fact the opposite is true, as the OP has failed to prove anyone can ‘hate’ something that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.
LOL... that's exactly the point. How are human beings any different? Wild humans don't serve any master and don't love God at all and even eat him in some bizzaro ceremony. And those who think Jesus was God are more than happy to accept his torture and death as a free ticked to paradise even though they also believe his death was a consequence of their sin as if they have no responsibility for themselves and what they do whether good or evil, like some opportunistic garbage eating lily white cur.

And isn't prayer, like barking, a defense reaction? wishful thinking or reacting to the unknown out of fear?

Like you said, nothing spiritual at all.

Maybe you should not underestimate the power of barking or rethink your claims of spiritual forces, powers, and realities unique to humans undetected by science and indistinguishable from any number of known mental illnesses.

Human beings are different because they are making spiritual connection to spiritual nature, and have been doing so for as long as humans have been civilized. If it were a superficial attribute, humans would have abandoned it at some point, probably when there were millions of them being killed for their loyalty to spiritual faith. Unless, of course, Darwin was wrong and species retain superficial attributes detrimental to survival.

Science can't evaluate spiritual nature, it's beyond it's capability at this time. It's like asking your dog about nuclear physics and determining that nuclear physics must be impossible because Fido couldn't explain it. Now you understand that science can't evaluate spiritual nature, yet you continue to demand that spiritual nature must be explained by science before you can believe it. You've constructed a logical dichotomy.
the spiritual connection you're always blathering about is not detectable ,not because science is not to the task but because there is nothing there to evaluate..and you say you don't misrepresent..


It ‘exists’ in the same manner as a subjective opinion or life philosophy, impossible to ‘prove,’ and no more or less valid than any other subjective opinion or life philosophy.
the OP has failed to prove anyone can ‘hate’ something that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

The OP is based on that precise point. God-haters can't be Atheists. You're lying. If you were truly an Atheist, you wouldn't be bothered enough to hurl insults and denigration in thread after thread after thread. You can't hate what you don't believe in. This is what distinguishes "God-haters" from "Atheists" and what the OP is pointing out.

God-haters persist because they believe in God and hate Him. This prompts the mean and nasty comments, the surly and snarky retorts, the continued incessant ridicule. You can't help it, you HATE God. As clever as you think you are with your smart-ass remarks an insulting names like "sky daddy" and "spaghetti monsters," you are demonstrating that you believe in God and hate Him.
the spiritual connection you're always blathering about is not detectable ,not because science is not to the task but because there is nothing there to evaluate..and you say you don't misrepresent..

Most rational people will agree that science is the examination of the physical universe. How can it evaluate the spiritual? This would defy logic. If physical sciences could evaluate the spiritual, they would no longer be spiritual, by definition. So we see here who is doing the misrepresenting, and it is you. Once again, you want to irrationally demand that science of physical nature offer some evidence to support spiritual nature, which it can't do. Then you want to take that fact and parlay it into an argument that spiritual nature must not exist.

It is the rational equivalent of asking your dog to explain nuclear physics and when he can't, proclaiming nuclear physics must certainly not be real... the dog couldn't explain it.
the spiritual connection you're always blathering about is not detectable ,not because science is not to the task but because there is nothing there to evaluate..and you say you don't misrepresent..

Most rational people will agree that science is the examination of the physical universe. How can it evaluate the spiritual? This would defy logic. If physical sciences could evaluate the spiritual, they would no longer be spiritual, by definition. So we see here who is doing the misrepresenting, and it is you. Once again, you want to irrationally demand that science of physical nature offer some evidence to support spiritual nature, which it can't do. Then you want to take that fact and parlay it into an argument that spiritual nature must not exist.

It is the rational equivalent of asking your dog to explain nuclear physics and when he can't, proclaiming nuclear physics must certainly not be real... the dog couldn't explain it.

More BS from the OP. Science can measure the spiritual trance state of mind quite easily. What is irrational is the delusion that "spiritual energy" exists.

There is as much evidence for the existence of "spiritual energy" as there is for the Easter Bunny, fairies, hobgoblins and pixie dust. The OP should believe in the Easter Bunny too.

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