Why do the God-haters persist?

on spirituality as long as the attribute does not hinder survival it would remain.

But it WOULD hinder survival. I am a primate competing with other primates for survival... survival of the fittest... While I am worshiping and practicing spiritual beliefs, the other primates are hunting food and resources I need to survive and killing off my species while we waste time with goofy ceremonies and silly rituals.

If human spirituality was nonsense, we would have abandoned it long ago. Heck, just take a look within our own species.... millions upon millions of humans have been killed and persecuted by other humans over their spiritual beliefs. If that's not directly detrimental to survival, I don't know what would be. Yet the attribute remained, humans didn't discard it. Hundreds of religious wars, millions dead, millions more persecuted for generation after generation, and yet the attribute can't be stomped out of the heart of man. It doesn't matter how hard you try or for how many years you try it... still there... still a strong and present attribute in mankind.
bossy again proves his lack of understanding primate behavior....
most all animals hunt and fight when it's necessary most primates spend most of there time sleeping grooming and making other primates...leaving plenty of time for for myth making to develop...
Anyone interested in science is a God hater.
How dare anyone question the ID/creationist crowd.
They are the same as Democrats that lynch any African American that dare be a conservative.
The nerve of anyone to ever question what a Christian says about their beliefs on what is science and what is not.

Where are these dead blacks???
"The Creator", his words, not mine. He believes in a god

Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.
Just like a good Christian. :clap2:
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

Which gods are you talking about? There is no one "god" if you study history. Gods are based on a time and place throughout history. The "one true god" today wasn't the "one true god" 5,000 years ago and todays one "true god" won't be the same in 5,000 years
Ok, it is now official! You have a serious reading comprehension disorder if that is what you imagine that I wrote. Seek professional help!

I don't think YOU even know what you're writing anymore. It seems you're just emotively responding with random thoughts that contradict each other. You've already jumped the proverbial shark of logic several times and appear to be ready to make another pass.

Oh, the irony coming the illogical babbling of a delusional believer in non existent "spiritual forces" while alleging that they have some imaginary vital survival benefit.

In all fairness there can be a survival benefit for those who pretend to believe in imaginary things. During the inquisition people who did not pretend to be a believer did not survive. There are places all over the world to this day where if you don't gibber about Jesus, you can't get a decent job, or if you don't get on your hands and knees and pray to mecca you don't get to live which is a powerful 'spiritual force' and inspiration to believe. Even Chuck shamelessly cites business contacts and the material support of other believers as a lure and benefit to belief and supports anathema, treating unbelievers like pariah..

That does not mean that I think that cowardice or dishonesty is a spiritual force in reality, but I can see why Boss and other believers do. It serves them well.
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Which gods are you talking about? There is no one "god" if you study history. Gods are based on a time and place throughout history. The "one true god" today wasn't the "one true god" 5,000 years ago and todays one "true god" won't be the same in 5,000 years

It doesn't matter. "God" is a word created by man to define the source of his spiritual connection. Because we lack the ability to comprehend this source (even though we can connect), it creates a variety of ideas as to who/what God is. This doesn't make it LESS real, it makes it MORE real and PROVES we do make a connection to something.
I don't think YOU even know what you're writing anymore. It seems you're just emotively responding with random thoughts that contradict each other. You've already jumped the proverbial shark of logic several times and appear to be ready to make another pass.

Oh, the irony coming the illogical babbling of a delusional believer in non existent "spiritual forces" while alleging that they have some imaginary vital survival benefit.

In all fairness there can be a survival benefit for those who pretend to believe in imaginary things. During the inquisition people who did not pretend to be a believer did not survive. There are places all over the world to this day where if you don't gibber about Jesus, you can't get a decent job, or if you don't get on your hands and knees and pray to mecca you don't get to live which is a powerful 'spiritual force' and inspiration to believe. Even Chuck shamelessly cites business contacts and the material support of other believers as a lure and benefit to belief and supports anathema, treating unbelievers like pariah..

That does not mean that I think that cowardice or dishonesty is a spiritual force in reality, but I can see why Boss and other believers do. It serves them well.

Your examples apply only to the very short period (in evolutionary time frames) that organized religion has existed. The OP is alleging that there was some vital survival benefit when mankind was still competing with other primates for resources long before there was any religion.

This is what the OP alleged in post #311;
Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

The hilarity here is that the OP claims that there was an "inception" of the "species" of mankind while attempting to use an evolutionary argument at the same time. Furthermore he conveniently ignores the millions of years where no signs of any religion have been "unearthed".
"The Creator", his words, not mine. He believes in a god

Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.
Just like a good Christian. :clap2:

You can believe what you want, but Christians believe it is an unforgivable sin to be saved and then reject the God of Abraham. In fact, it is the only unforgivable sin. So....IF I am a Christian who is proclaiming I am not a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin, according to Christianity.

I know that you hide behind Atheism because you are a coward who is afraid to admit you believe in God but hate Him, and I can see how you would imagine me doing the same, but you're not that important to me. If I were a Christian, I would own it... just like every Christian you come across in this thread and elsewhere.
Oh, the irony coming the illogical babbling of a delusional believer in non existent "spiritual forces" while alleging that they have some imaginary vital survival benefit.

In all fairness there can be a survival benefit for those who pretend to believe in imaginary things. During the inquisition people who did not pretend to be a believer did not survive. There are places all over the world to this day where if you don't gibber about Jesus, you can't get a decent job, or if you don't get on your hands and knees and pray to mecca you don't get to live which is a powerful 'spiritual force' and inspiration to believe. Even Chuck shamelessly cites business contacts and the material support of other believers as a lure and benefit to belief and supports anathema, treating unbelievers like pariah..

That does not mean that I think that cowardice or dishonesty is a spiritual force in reality, but I can see why Boss and other believers do. It serves them well.

Your examples apply only to the very short period (in evolutionary time frames) that organized religion has existed. The OP is alleging that there was some vital survival benefit when mankind was still competing with other primates for resources long before there was any religion.

This is what the OP alleged in post #311;
Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

The hilarity here is that the OP claims that there was an "inception" of the "species" of mankind while attempting to use an evolutionary argument at the same time. Furthermore he conveniently ignores the millions of years where no signs of any religion have been "unearthed".

You seem to be confusing spirituality with religious faith. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand the difference, but it's really not my problem. There has never been a 'civilization' of homo sapiens unearthed that did not show signs of spirituality. In every case, without fault, they exhibit some indication of some form of spirituality.

I've never made any argument supporting religion or religious belief. Religions are manifestations of human spirituality and proof that humans are spiritually connecting. That's about all I have to say for them, I can tolerate and accept religions if they are in harmony and peace with spiritual nature.

What's fascinating is how you expose your true animosity toward religion without even thinking about it. You just automatically associated spirituality with religion, as if they are one in the same.
Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.
Just like a good Christian. :clap2:

You can believe what you want, but Christians believe it is an unforgivable sin to be saved and then reject the God of Abraham. In fact, it is the only unforgivable sin. So....IF I am a Christian who is proclaiming I am not a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin, according to Christianity.

I know that you hide behind Atheism because you are a coward who is afraid to admit you believe in God but hate Him, and I can see how you would imagine me doing the same, but you're not that important to me. If I were a Christian, I would own it... just like every Christian you come across in this thread and elsewhere.
Geez, your being wrong has no limits! :lol: I'm not an atheist, they're just as deluded as you are. I'm agnostic, I see no real proof either way, but am open to changing my mind if I see real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

If you quack like a Christian and walk like a Christian...
In all fairness there can be a survival benefit for those who pretend to believe in imaginary things. During the inquisition people who did not pretend to be a believer did not survive. There are places all over the world to this day where if you don't gibber about Jesus, you can't get a decent job, or if you don't get on your hands and knees and pray to mecca you don't get to live which is a powerful 'spiritual force' and inspiration to believe. Even Chuck shamelessly cites business contacts and the material support of other believers as a lure and benefit to belief and supports anathema, treating unbelievers like pariah..

That does not mean that I think that cowardice or dishonesty is a spiritual force in reality, but I can see why Boss and other believers do. It serves them well.

Your examples apply only to the very short period (in evolutionary time frames) that organized religion has existed. The OP is alleging that there was some vital survival benefit when mankind was still competing with other primates for resources long before there was any religion.

This is what the OP alleged in post #311;
Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

The hilarity here is that the OP claims that there was an "inception" of the "species" of mankind while attempting to use an evolutionary argument at the same time. Furthermore he conveniently ignores the millions of years where no signs of any religion have been "unearthed".

You seem to be confusing spirituality with religious faith. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand the difference, but it's really not my problem. There has never been a 'civilization' of homo sapiens unearthed that did not show signs of spirituality. In every case, without fault, they exhibit some indication of some form of spirituality.

I've never made any argument supporting religion or religious belief. Religions are manifestations of human spirituality and proof that humans are spiritually connecting. That's about all I have to say for them, I can tolerate and accept religions if they are in harmony and peace with spiritual nature.

What's fascinating is how you expose your true animosity toward religion without even thinking about it. You just automatically associated spirituality with religion, as if they are one in the same.

Yet another pathetic failure to defend your nonsensical allegation that only "homo sapiens" "show signs of spirituality". There is evidence that Neanderthals also "showed signs of spirituality" in their burials and artifacts. Are you going to claim that is why they were wiped out by homo sapiens?
Just like a good Christian. :clap2:

You can believe what you want, but Christians believe it is an unforgivable sin to be saved and then reject the God of Abraham. In fact, it is the only unforgivable sin. So....IF I am a Christian who is proclaiming I am not a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin, according to Christianity.

I know that you hide behind Atheism because you are a coward who is afraid to admit you believe in God but hate Him, and I can see how you would imagine me doing the same, but you're not that important to me. If I were a Christian, I would own it... just like every Christian you come across in this thread and elsewhere.
Geez, your being wrong has no limits! :lol: I'm not an atheist, they're just as deluded as you are. I'm agnostic, I see no real proof either way, but am open to changing my mind if I see real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

If you quack like a Christian and walk like a Christian...

Let's be clear, you're not an Atheist OR an agnostic. You are a God-hater who believes in the God of Abraham. You are too much of a coward to admit that you believe in God but hate Him.

As I said, you can believe whatever you wish about me.
You can believe what you want, but Christians believe it is an unforgivable sin to be saved and then reject the God of Abraham. In fact, it is the only unforgivable sin. So....IF I am a Christian who is proclaiming I am not a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin, according to Christianity.

I know that you hide behind Atheism because you are a coward who is afraid to admit you believe in God but hate Him, and I can see how you would imagine me doing the same, but you're not that important to me. If I were a Christian, I would own it... just like every Christian you come across in this thread and elsewhere.
Geez, your being wrong has no limits! :lol: I'm not an atheist, they're just as deluded as you are. I'm agnostic, I see no real proof either way, but am open to changing my mind if I see real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

If you quack like a Christian and walk like a Christian...

Let's be clear, you're not an Atheist OR an agnostic. You are a God-hater who believes in the God of Abraham. You are too much of a coward to admit that you believe in God but hate Him.

As I said, you can believe whatever you wish about me.

Well, since you believe in a creator god, I guess it's not too far a stretch to believe that I hate the god of Abraham. Does it even matter that I don't even know who Abraham is? :D
Yet another pathetic failure to defend your nonsensical allegation that only "homo sapiens" "show signs of spirituality". There is evidence that Neanderthals also "showed signs of spirituality" in their burials and artifacts. Are you going to claim that is why they were wiped out by homo sapiens?

The fact is, the only evidence of Neanderthal spirituality is rare and limited, and mostly seems to be in their final throes as a species. It is believed they may have attempted to be spiritual like their homo sapien counterparts, but it was too little-too late.

So how do YOU explain Neanderthal extinction? Same genus and family as humans, so they had (ostensibly) the same capacities for thought, etc. We know they were considerably stronger and heartier as a species. According to 'natural selection' they should have eliminated the stupid homo sapiens who wasted their time practicing silly rituals and ceremonies. So why did natural selection fail?
Yet another pathetic failure to defend your nonsensical allegation that only "homo sapiens" "show signs of spirituality". There is evidence that Neanderthals also "showed signs of spirituality" in their burials and artifacts. Are you going to claim that is why they were wiped out by homo sapiens?

The fact is, the only evidence of Neanderthal spirituality is rare and limited, and mostly seems to be in their final throes as a species. It is believed they may have attempted to be spiritual like their homo sapien counterparts, but it was too little-too late.

So how do YOU explain Neanderthal extinction? Same genus and family as humans, so they had (ostensibly) the same capacities for thought, etc. We know they were considerably stronger and heartier as a species. According to 'natural selection' they should have eliminated the stupid homo sapiens who wasted their time practicing silly rituals and ceremonies. So why did natural selection fail?

:lmao: at your attempt to disparage the hard evidence that you were just proven 100% wrong yet again. Obviously you lack the honesty and integrity necessary to admit when you are wrong. Instead you just lie about others and call them "god haters" because they expose the fact that your OP is FOS!
Oh, the irony coming the illogical babbling of a delusional believer in non existent "spiritual forces" while alleging that they have some imaginary vital survival benefit.

In all fairness there can be a survival benefit for those who pretend to believe in imaginary things. During the inquisition people who did not pretend to be a believer did not survive. There are places all over the world to this day where if you don't gibber about Jesus, you can't get a decent job, or if you don't get on your hands and knees and pray to mecca you don't get to live which is a powerful 'spiritual force' and inspiration to believe. Even Chuck shamelessly cites business contacts and the material support of other believers as a lure and benefit to belief and supports anathema, treating unbelievers like pariah..

That does not mean that I think that cowardice or dishonesty is a spiritual force in reality, but I can see why Boss and other believers do. It serves them well.

Your examples apply only to the very short period (in evolutionary time frames) that organized religion has existed. The OP is alleging that there was some vital survival benefit when mankind was still competing with other primates for resources long before there was any religion.

This is what the OP alleged in post #311;
Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

The hilarity here is that the OP claims that there was an "inception" of the "species" of mankind while attempting to use an evolutionary argument at the same time. Furthermore he conveniently ignores the millions of years where no signs of any religion have been "unearthed".

I do realize that and agree, not to mention that Boss always likes to ask why people are still not like monkeys swinging from the trees without seeming to understand the difference between monkeys and great apes.

What I pointed out was to address 'the force' he says is evidence of spiritual realities that remains undefined which in many cases is nothing more than people pretending to believe to save their own assess.
Yet another pathetic failure to defend your nonsensical allegation that only "homo sapiens" "show signs of spirituality". There is evidence that Neanderthals also "showed signs of spirituality" in their burials and artifacts. Are you going to claim that is why they were wiped out by homo sapiens?

The fact is, the only evidence of Neanderthal spirituality is rare and limited, and mostly seems to be in their final throes as a species. It is believed they may have attempted to be spiritual like their homo sapien counterparts, but it was too little-too late.

So how do YOU explain Neanderthal extinction? Same genus and family as humans, so they had (ostensibly) the same capacities for thought, etc. We know they were considerably stronger and heartier as a species. According to 'natural selection' they should have eliminated the stupid homo sapiens who wasted their time practicing silly rituals and ceremonies. So why did natural selection fail?

:lmao: at your attempt to disparage the hard evidence that you were just proven 100% wrong yet again. Obviously you lack the honesty and integrity necessary to admit when you are wrong. Instead you just lie about others and call them "god haters" because they expose the fact that your OP is FOS!

Well, sorry, but I don't see where you've proven a damn thing wrong. I asked you questions and you declined to answer. I guess you don't really have an answer?
The fact is, the only evidence of Neanderthal spirituality is rare and limited, and mostly seems to be in their final throes as a species. It is believed they may have attempted to be spiritual like their homo sapien counterparts, but it was too little-too late.

So how do YOU explain Neanderthal extinction? Same genus and family as humans, so they had (ostensibly) the same capacities for thought, etc. We know they were considerably stronger and heartier as a species. According to 'natural selection' they should have eliminated the stupid homo sapiens who wasted their time practicing silly rituals and ceremonies. So why did natural selection fail?

:lmao: at your attempt to disparage the hard evidence that you were just proven 100% wrong yet again. Obviously you lack the honesty and integrity necessary to admit when you are wrong. Instead you just lie about others and call them "god haters" because they expose the fact that your OP is FOS!

Well, sorry, but I don't see where you've proven a damn thing wrong. I asked you questions and you declined to answer. I guess you don't really have an answer?

You made the erroneous allegation that only homo sapiens showed any signs of spirituality which was proven absolutely wrong by the evidence of neanderthal spirituality. That you lack the ability to comprehend when your claims have been exposed as utter falsehoods is just another of your many shortcomings.
I do realize that and agree, not to mention that Boss always likes to ask why people are still not like monkeys swinging from the trees without seeming to understand the difference between monkeys and great apes.

What I pointed out was to address 'the force' he says is evidence of spiritual realities that remains undefined which in many cases is nothing more than people pretending to believe to save their own assess.

I've never asked why we're not like monkeys. Like the great ape, they are a different genus, and we know that it's not possible for cross-genus evolution to happen. Science, bitch!

Humans are not "pretending" as this would completely contradict and defy Darwin. Inherent traits that are not conducive to the survival of the species are discarded over time. Not a single example exists of any animal ever adopting an attribute of imaginary consequence, to console fear or explain it's reality. It's a completely implausible argument. It defies nature, it defies science, it defies Darwin.

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