Why do the God-haters persist?

You made the erroneous allegation that only homo sapiens showed any signs of spirituality which was proven absolutely wrong by the evidence of neanderthal spirituality. That you lack the ability to comprehend when your claims have been exposed as utter falsehoods is just another of your many shortcomings.

Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.
You made the erroneous allegation that only homo sapiens showed any signs of spirituality which was proven absolutely wrong by the evidence of neanderthal spirituality. That you lack the ability to comprehend when your claims have been exposed as utter falsehoods is just another of your many shortcomings.

Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.

You never made that qualification when you spouted your original canard, and you are wrong as far as neanderthals being extinct is concerned. Homo sapiens have 2.5% neanderthal DNA which means that there was interbreeding. Therefore they are not extinct since their DNA is still alive and being reproduced on a regular basis.

Homo sapien DNA is 96% identical chimpanzee DNA so the odds are that neanderthals had a similar match up. In which case it is perfectly possible that the percentage of neanderthal DNA is far greater than 2.5%. We have only identified that small amount as being "uniquely" neanderthal.
You made the erroneous allegation that only homo sapiens showed any signs of spirituality which was proven absolutely wrong by the evidence of neanderthal spirituality. That you lack the ability to comprehend when your claims have been exposed as utter falsehoods is just another of your many shortcomings.

Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.

You never made that qualification when you spouted your original canard, and you are wrong as far as neanderthals being extinct is concerned. Homo sapiens have 2.5% neanderthal DNA which means that there was interbreeding. Therefore they are not extinct since their DNA is still alive and being reproduced on a regular basis.

Homo sapien DNA is 96% identical chimpanzee DNA so the odds are that neanderthals had a similar match up. In which case it is perfectly possible that the percentage of neanderthal DNA is far greater than 2.5%. We have only identified that small amount as being "uniquely" neanderthal.

So Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are essentially one-in-the-same now, and your rebuttal to my argument that homo sapiens are the only species who worship is that Neanderthals prove this false? Too funny!

And chimps do have similar DNA... it's NOT identical. There is no such thing as "96% identical" when it comes to DNA... it is either identical or it's not. If the DNA is just .00001% different, it is NOT human. Please try to educate yourself on genetics before you make a fool of yourself.
Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.

You never made that qualification when you spouted your original canard, and you are wrong as far as neanderthals being extinct is concerned. Homo sapiens have 2.5% neanderthal DNA which means that there was interbreeding. Therefore they are not extinct since their DNA is still alive and being reproduced on a regular basis.

Homo sapien DNA is 96% identical chimpanzee DNA so the odds are that neanderthals had a similar match up. In which case it is perfectly possible that the percentage of neanderthal DNA is far greater than 2.5%. We have only identified that small amount as being "uniquely" neanderthal.

So Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are essentially one-in-the-same now, and your rebuttal to my argument that homo sapiens are the only species who worship is that Neanderthals prove this false? Too funny!

And chimps do have similar DNA... it's NOT identical. There is no such thing as "96% identical" when it comes to DNA... it is either identical or it's not. If the DNA is just .00001% different, it is NOT human. Please try to educate yourself on genetics before you make a fool of yourself.

Your ignorance regarding DNA is on a par with your ignorance of "spiritual energy". DNA is DNA. You can take a piece of DNA from one species and graft it into another. They have been successfully doing this with plants to create genetically modified foods which you have probably eaten without even knowing it. So trying to pretend that you are an expert on genetics is just downright laughable.
You never made that qualification when you spouted your original canard, and you are wrong as far as neanderthals being extinct is concerned. Homo sapiens have 2.5% neanderthal DNA which means that there was interbreeding. Therefore they are not extinct since their DNA is still alive and being reproduced on a regular basis.

Homo sapien DNA is 96% identical chimpanzee DNA so the odds are that neanderthals had a similar match up. In which case it is perfectly possible that the percentage of neanderthal DNA is far greater than 2.5%. We have only identified that small amount as being "uniquely" neanderthal.

So Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are essentially one-in-the-same now, and your rebuttal to my argument that homo sapiens are the only species who worship is that Neanderthals prove this false? Too funny!

And chimps do have similar DNA... it's NOT identical. There is no such thing as "96% identical" when it comes to DNA... it is either identical or it's not. If the DNA is just .00001% different, it is NOT human. Please try to educate yourself on genetics before you make a fool of yourself.

Your ignorance regarding DNA is on a par with your ignorance of "spiritual energy". DNA is DNA. You can take a piece of DNA from one species and graft it into another. They have been successfully doing this with plants to create genetically modified foods which you have probably eaten without even knowing it. So trying to pretend that you are an expert on genetics is just downright laughable.

Fuck you're dense. Genetic cloning and DNA manipulation in the lab have ZERO to do with nature, and actually PROVE my point! Show where they have ever caused a natural change in DNA to create a superior organism, and you have an argument. It does not happen because as you say, DNA is DNA.

And YOU are the one who is "ignorant of spiritual energy" because you keep refuting it exists. Jeesh, you are dumb!
So Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are essentially one-in-the-same now, and your rebuttal to my argument that homo sapiens are the only species who worship is that Neanderthals prove this false? Too funny!

And chimps do have similar DNA... it's NOT identical. There is no such thing as "96% identical" when it comes to DNA... it is either identical or it's not. If the DNA is just .00001% different, it is NOT human. Please try to educate yourself on genetics before you make a fool of yourself.

Your ignorance regarding DNA is on a par with your ignorance of "spiritual energy". DNA is DNA. You can take a piece of DNA from one species and graft it into another. They have been successfully doing this with plants to create genetically modified foods which you have probably eaten without even knowing it. So trying to pretend that you are an expert on genetics is just downright laughable.

Fuck you're dense. Genetic cloning and DNA manipulation in the lab have ZERO to do with nature, and actually PROVE my point! Show where they have ever caused a natural change in DNA to create a superior organism, and you have an argument. It does not happen because as you say, DNA is DNA.

And YOU are the one who is "ignorant of spiritual energy" because you keep refuting it exists. Jeesh, you are dumb!

BZZZZT Wrong again on multiple counts!

Your DNA strawman has nothing to do with the FACTS. DNA can and is manipulated to improve plant strains. Prior to that mankind used cross breeding to improve strains. When french vineyards were threatened with root rot they used American Concorde grape vines as the root stock and grafted the french vines onto them.

I am not refuting anything. You still haven't proven that your delusional "spiritual energy" exists. The onus remains on you to prove it first. So far you have failed miserably.
Humans are not "pretending" as this would completely contradict and defy Darwin. Inherent traits that are not conducive to the survival of the species are discarded over time. Not a single example exists of any animal ever adopting an attribute of imaginary consequence, to console fear or explain it's reality. It's a completely implausible argument. It defies nature, it defies science, it defies Darwin.

Humans are not "pretending" ...

if there is any species on earth guilty of a pretentious existence, it is humanity and plausibly humanity alone, at least in the extreme -

... as exampled by a contention by some (Christians) or individuals, Boss that they are the sole recipients of a spiritual existence all other forms of "Life" created by God are lacking !!!

and who're the Haters ???

Your ignorance regarding DNA is on a par with your ignorance of "spiritual energy". DNA is DNA. You can take a piece of DNA from one species and graft it into another. They have been successfully doing this with plants to create genetically modified foods which you have probably eaten without even knowing it. So trying to pretend that you are an expert on genetics is just downright laughable.

Fuck you're dense. Genetic cloning and DNA manipulation in the lab have ZERO to do with nature, and actually PROVE my point! Show where they have ever caused a natural change in DNA to create a superior organism, and you have an argument. It does not happen because as you say, DNA is DNA.

And YOU are the one who is "ignorant of spiritual energy" because you keep refuting it exists. Jeesh, you are dumb!

BZZZZT Wrong again on multiple counts!

Your DNA strawman has nothing to do with the FACTS. DNA can and is manipulated to improve plant strains. Prior to that mankind used cross breeding to improve strains. When french vineyards were threatened with root rot they used American Concorde grape vines as the root stock and grafted the french vines onto them.

I am not refuting anything. You still haven't proven that your delusional "spiritual energy" exists. The onus remains on you to prove it first. So far you have failed miserably.

Keword, dimwit... MANIPULATED. I said show where they naturally caused DNA to change, you haven't done that. Cross-breeding has gone on for centuries, it doesn't involve changing the DNA. They never end up with anything superior to the DNA they begin with.

I don't need to prove spiritual energy, I know it exists, so do countless billions of others who have experienced it. If you don't want to believe that, I can't help you there.
Humans are not "pretending" as this would completely contradict and defy Darwin. Inherent traits that are not conducive to the survival of the species are discarded over time. Not a single example exists of any animal ever adopting an attribute of imaginary consequence, to console fear or explain it's reality. It's a completely implausible argument. It defies nature, it defies science, it defies Darwin.

Humans are not "pretending" ...

if there is any species on earth guilty of a pretentious existence, it is humanity and plausibly humanity alone, at least in the extreme -

... as exampled by a contention by some (Christians) or individuals, Boss that they are the sole recipients of a spiritual existence all other forms of "Life" created by God are lacking !!!

and who're the Haters ???


I never have said that humans are "sole recipients" to spiritual energy or existence. Other forms of life seem to lack spiritual awareness and connection. If you have evidence to suggest otherwise, present it. I am not claiming it's not so, just that it doesn't appear to be that way in nature. We don't see other living things worshiping or practicing spirituality. Maybe they do and we don't recognize it? I don't know for sure. I personally don't believe they do, and if you want to believe they do, that's fine. Spiritual nature does exist and humans do connect to it. That's what I do know.
Fuck you're dense. Genetic cloning and DNA manipulation in the lab have ZERO to do with nature, and actually PROVE my point! Show where they have ever caused a natural change in DNA to create a superior organism, and you have an argument. It does not happen because as you say, DNA is DNA.

And YOU are the one who is "ignorant of spiritual energy" because you keep refuting it exists. Jeesh, you are dumb!

BZZZZT Wrong again on multiple counts!

Your DNA strawman has nothing to do with the FACTS. DNA can and is manipulated to improve plant strains. Prior to that mankind used cross breeding to improve strains. When french vineyards were threatened with root rot they used American Concorde grape vines as the root stock and grafted the french vines onto them.

I am not refuting anything. You still haven't proven that your delusional "spiritual energy" exists. The onus remains on you to prove it first. So far you have failed miserably.

Keword, dimwit... MANIPULATED. I said show where they naturally caused DNA to change, you haven't done that. Cross-breeding has gone on for centuries, it doesn't involve changing the DNA. They never end up with anything superior to the DNA they begin with.

I don't need to prove spiritual energy, I know it exists, so do countless billions of others who have experienced it. If you don't want to believe that, I can't help you there.


The sheer irony of you calling anyone else a dimwit when you post such ignorant codswallop!

And yes, you do need to prove your BS "spiritual energy" exists. All that you have experienced is the perfectly normal trance mental state that has nothing whatsoever to do with your utterly bogus "spiritual energy".

So far this thread of yours have been an epic failure. You can't prove your "spiritual energy" exists and you can't prove that "god haters" exist either!

No wonder you have zero credibility around here!

Still :lmao: @ you!
I'm an agnostic, and believe that I am very respectful of the beliefs of others. Okay, maybe not so much the Muslims, but Christians, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, and Buddhists won't see any negative posts from me.
I'm an agnostic, and believe that I am very respectful of the beliefs of others. Okay, maybe not so much the Muslims, but Christians, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, and Buddhists won't see any negative posts from me.

No one is being disrespectful of anyone's belief in their religion, except perhaps the OP himself. :badgrin:

He is just being given a hard time because he spouts such utter nonsense and then insults those who expose his drivel.
You made the erroneous allegation that only homo sapiens showed any signs of spirituality which was proven absolutely wrong by the evidence of neanderthal spirituality. That you lack the ability to comprehend when your claims have been exposed as utter falsehoods is just another of your many shortcomings.

Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.

You don’t understand:

Solecki’s pioneering studies of the Shanidar skeletons and their burials suggested complex socialization skills. From pollen found in one of the Shanidar graves, Solecki hypothesized that flowers had been buried with the Neanderthal dead—until then, such burials had been associated only with Cro-Magnons, the earliest known H. sapiens in Europe. “Someone in the last Ice Age,” Solecki wrote, “must have ranged the mountainside in the mournful task of collecting flowers for the dead.” Furthermore, Solecki continued, “It seems logical to us today that pretty things like flowers should be placed with the cherished dead, but to find flowers in a Neanderthal burial that took place about 60,000 years ago is another matter.” Skeletons showed evidence of injuries tended and healed—indications that the sick and wounded had been cared for.

The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian

That Neanderthals are extinct isn’t the point, what is the point is that hominids began the process of contriving religious beliefs from the very beginning of human evolutionary history, that man in fact invented religion and made it a fundamental social component. And as human society and civilization developed and evolved, so too did religion develop and evolve, where man eventually created deities, and later created ‘god.’
Humans are not "pretending" as this would completely contradict and defy Darwin. Inherent traits that are not conducive to the survival of the species are discarded over time. Not a single example exists of any animal ever adopting an attribute of imaginary consequence, to console fear or explain it's reality. It's a completely implausible argument. It defies nature, it defies science, it defies Darwin.

Humans are not "pretending" ...

if there is any species on earth guilty of a pretentious existence, it is humanity and plausibly humanity alone, at least in the extreme -

... as exampled by a contention by some (Christians) or individuals, Boss that they are the sole recipients of a spiritual existence all other forms of "Life" created by God are lacking !!!

and who're the Haters ???


I never have said that humans are "sole recipients" to spiritual energy or existence. Other forms of life seem to lack spiritual awareness and connection. If you have evidence to suggest otherwise, present it. I am not claiming it's not so, just that it doesn't appear to be that way in nature. We don't see other living things worshiping or practicing spirituality. Maybe they do and we don't recognize it? I don't know for sure. I personally don't believe they do, and if you want to believe they do, that's fine. Spiritual nature does exist and humans do connect to it. That's what I do know.

Dogs worship their masters , they grovel, adore, and serve with unquestioning devotion and they believe in the power of barking because every time the scary garbage truck monster stops in front of the house it is turned away by spiritual energy of its awesome sound.
You made the erroneous allegation that only homo sapiens showed any signs of spirituality which was proven absolutely wrong by the evidence of neanderthal spirituality. That you lack the ability to comprehend when your claims have been exposed as utter falsehoods is just another of your many shortcomings.

Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.

You don’t understand:

Solecki’s pioneering studies of the Shanidar skeletons and their burials suggested complex socialization skills. From pollen found in one of the Shanidar graves, Solecki hypothesized that flowers had been buried with the Neanderthal dead—until then, such burials had been associated only with Cro-Magnons, the earliest known H. sapiens in Europe. “Someone in the last Ice Age,” Solecki wrote, “must have ranged the mountainside in the mournful task of collecting flowers for the dead.” Furthermore, Solecki continued, “It seems logical to us today that pretty things like flowers should be placed with the cherished dead, but to find flowers in a Neanderthal burial that took place about 60,000 years ago is another matter.” Skeletons showed evidence of injuries tended and healed—indications that the sick and wounded had been cared for.

The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian

That Neanderthals are extinct isn’t the point, what is the point is that hominids began the process of contriving religious beliefs from the very beginning of human evolutionary history, that man in fact invented religion and made it a fundamental social component. And as human society and civilization developed and evolved, so too did religion develop and evolve, where man eventually created deities, and later created ‘god.’

I've never disputed that humans invented religion. Again, for about the millionth time, religion is a manifestation of human spiritual connection, our ability to connect spiritually. Try to get this point through that Cro-Magnon-thick cranium of yours. I'm getting tired of typing it.

Neanderthal spirituality is rare and isolated. Most discovery of Neanderthal remains show no signs of any type of spiritual behavior, and honestly, flowers for the dead or caring for the sick is rudimentary spirituality at best. As I correctly stated, it is believed the Neanderthals were 'mimicking' what they observed in homo sapien counterparts as their populations declined... a typical behavior in natural selection. They were largely non-spiritual, but it wouldn't matter if there had been Neanderthal POPES! They are of the same genus as humans, many argue they are the same species.

Back on the subject of spirituality vs. religion... while there are signs that humans invented religion, there is no sign that humans invented spiritual connection. In fact, that contradicts nature, science, biological behavior in animals, and Darwin's natural selection. I have explained how, I shouldn't have to keep re-typing it over and over again. We find ZERO evidence that any living organism has EVER invented something imaginary to cope with fears of death or the unknown. Now humans have certainly set some precedents for being the first at numerous things, this particular attribute could not have been retained unless it had benefit to the survival of the species. Had it been 'figment of imagination' it would have been long discarded as a behavioral attribute. Certainly, when thousands and millions of the species were being slaughtered and killed for practicing the behavior. OR... Darwin was completely WRONG!
Dogs worship their masters , they grovel, adore, and serve with unquestioning devotion and they believe in the power of barking because every time the scary garbage truck monster stops in front of the house it is turned away by spiritual energy of its awesome sound.

They adore their masters because we've bred the attribute in them over time, they are what we call "domesticated" animals. Wild dogs do not adore you, in fact, if they are hungry, they EAT you! Barking is a defense reaction, nothing 'spiritual' at all.
Uhm... Neanderthals are extinct.

You don’t understand:

Solecki’s pioneering studies of the Shanidar skeletons and their burials suggested complex socialization skills. From pollen found in one of the Shanidar graves, Solecki hypothesized that flowers had been buried with the Neanderthal dead—until then, such burials had been associated only with Cro-Magnons, the earliest known H. sapiens in Europe. “Someone in the last Ice Age,” Solecki wrote, “must have ranged the mountainside in the mournful task of collecting flowers for the dead.” Furthermore, Solecki continued, “It seems logical to us today that pretty things like flowers should be placed with the cherished dead, but to find flowers in a Neanderthal burial that took place about 60,000 years ago is another matter.” Skeletons showed evidence of injuries tended and healed—indications that the sick and wounded had been cared for.

The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian

That Neanderthals are extinct isn’t the point, what is the point is that hominids began the process of contriving religious beliefs from the very beginning of human evolutionary history, that man in fact invented religion and made it a fundamental social component. And as human society and civilization developed and evolved, so too did religion develop and evolve, where man eventually created deities, and later created ‘god.’

I've never disputed that humans invented religion. Again, for about the millionth time, religion is a manifestation of human spiritual connection, our ability to connect spiritually. Try to get this point through that Cro-Magnon-thick cranium of yours. I'm getting tired of typing it.

Neanderthal spirituality is rare and isolated. Most discovery of Neanderthal remains show no signs of any type of spiritual behavior, and honestly, flowers for the dead or caring for the sick is rudimentary spirituality at best. As I correctly stated, it is believed the Neanderthals were 'mimicking' what they observed in homo sapien counterparts as their populations declined... a typical behavior in natural selection. They were largely non-spiritual, but it wouldn't matter if there had been Neanderthal POPES! They are of the same genus as humans, many argue they are the same species.

Back on the subject of spirituality vs. religion... while there are signs that humans invented religion, there is no sign that humans invented spiritual connection. In fact, that contradicts nature, science, biological behavior in animals, and Darwin's natural selection. I have explained how, I shouldn't have to keep re-typing it over and over again. We find ZERO evidence that any living organism has EVER invented something imaginary to cope with fears of death or the unknown. Now humans have certainly set some precedents for being the first at numerous things, this particular attribute could not have been retained unless it had benefit to the survival of the species. Had it been 'figment of imagination' it would have been long discarded as a behavioral attribute. Certainly, when thousands and millions of the species were being slaughtered and killed for practicing the behavior. OR... Darwin was completely WRONG!
Says the guy who went apeshit when I didn't post a link backing up a statement of mine. Fuck, what a noob! :lol:
I'm an agnostic, and believe that I am very respectful of the beliefs of others. Okay, maybe not so much the Muslims, but Christians, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, and Buddhists won't see any negative posts from me.

No one is being disrespectful of anyone's belief in their religion, except perhaps the OP himself. :badgrin:

He is just being given a hard time because he spouts such utter nonsense and then insults those who expose his drivel.

He's handed you your ass multiple times over in this thread, but you're too damn stupid to realize it. Once you're backed into a corner, all you do is spout insults and change the subject, typical of your kind when you have nothing else left.
We find ZERO evidence that any living organism has EVER invented something imaginary to cope with fears of death or the unknown.

you're saying the Eagle is less Spiritual because it does not fear death ? -

... just maybe, "your" spirituality may in fact be a regression from rather than a pursuit of eternal life that in reality is the pursuit of all other life forms and being fulfilled while humanity is self deluding itself into a downward spiral inexorably leading to extinction.

at any rate Boss, why would God only set such a goal for mankind alone - oh, he loves you so much ?


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