Why do the God-haters persist?

so, you're saying Solzhenitsyn never said it?.....because Conservapedia quoted him?.....
no I saying you're an asshole for trying to infer that's what I SAID or I've given you too much credit for having more then one live brain cell..

so then you admit he said it, but decided to talk about Conservapedia because you felt that would make a better argument than anything you could say about Solzhenitzen?......
wrong again!
All that can be known about God by mankind is reveiled in His Holy Inspired(God breathed) Word. Read it,study it and believe it if you seek truth.

The Koran?

Why would any thinking person want to know the FALSE god of the koran???
ahh jism...the god of the Quran IS THE SAME GOD THAT'S IN THE BIBLE...
the Jews Muslims and Christians all worship the same god ...the god of Abraham.
"The Creator", his words, not mine. He believes in a god

Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.

One can’t ‘hate’ something that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

And yet we see evidence that hate abounds for the theists and God. How can that be explained rationally?
Atheists don't hate God

Just the pompous judgemental simpletons who follow him
no I saying you're an asshole for trying to infer that's what I SAID or I've given you too much credit for having more then one live brain cell..

so then you admit he said it, but decided to talk about Conservapedia because you felt that would make a better argument than anything you could say about Solzhenitzen?......

Before you trust Andrew Schlafly too much and quote Conservapedia as though it is gospel, keep in mind that in the past Schlafly and friends have been caught editing entries and banning editors when called on it. That isn't to say that the Solzhenitsyn quote isn't correct, but check the source against what Conservapedia presents.

Trust, but verify kind of a thing.

And for the record, I generally lean Conservative more than anything.

Sure it has a conservative slant and is open about it.

But that doesn't mean that they falsely attribute quotes to people, or fail to source their articles. Their citations and their sources are 100 percent...and they certainly do NOT falsely attribute quotes that were never made.

The fact of the matter is, they share information that the progressive media and the even less knowledgeable progressive loons on here ignore and bury, or don't even know exist. Becuase those lunatics get their information second and third hand from talk show hosts, history channel 30 - minute propaganda blurbs, celebrities, and wack a doodle cult leaders who outright LIE to you. Read the actual works of the people that are cited and referenced, instead of getting all worked up over the fact that the word "conservative" is used in the site title.

Conservatives are typically a lot more honest about their motivation...and also a lot more truthful in their sourcing, than any progressive propagandist site out there...even when those sites disguise themselves as being "journalistic" or "objective". Do your own research. Research what the quoted people said. The sources are listed right in the article. It's not that hard.

But of course, you have no interest in educating yourself, or actually accessing the truth...so you won't. Hurry over to Democrative Underground and get your propaganda fix for the day, and run with it.

One can’t ‘hate’ something that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

And yet we see evidence that hate abounds for the theists and God. How can that be explained rationally?

Once again the boss pretends that this imaginary "evidence" exists even though he has never produced anything that isn't either anecdotal or flat out wrong!
"The Creator", his words, not mine. He believes in a god

Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.

This ‘religion as philosophy’ motif is just the most recent manifestation of man’s contrivance of a belief system.

Indeed, we’ve almost come full-circle to the belief systems that existed prior to the advent of civilization, but all created by man nonetheless.
Atheists don't hate God

Just the pompous judgemental simpletons who follow him

Atheists don't, God-haters do. There is a difference. God-haters pretend to be Atheists because they think it gives them more credibility. There are actually some God-haters who believe in God more strongly than some Christians I know.

Insults like "sky daddy" and "invisible friend" are outright hate from God-haters. Atheists don't hate what they don't believe exists. What we see here are God-hating frauds who cling to the label 'Atheist' because they are cowards, afraid to admit they believe in God and hate Him.
so then you admit he said it, but decided to talk about Conservapedia because you felt that would make a better argument than anything you could say about Solzhenitzen?......

Before you trust Andrew Schlafly too much and quote Conservapedia as though it is gospel, keep in mind that in the past Schlafly and friends have been caught editing entries and banning editors when called on it. That isn't to say that the Solzhenitsyn quote isn't correct, but check the source against what Conservapedia presents.

Trust, but verify kind of a thing.

And for the record, I generally lean Conservative more than anything.

Sure it has a conservative slant and is open about it.

Which renders it subjective, prone to error, and invalid as a ‘source.’
"The Creator", his words, not mine. He believes in a god

Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.

This ‘religion as philosophy’ motif is just the most recent manifestation of man’s contrivance of a belief system.

Indeed, we’ve almost come full-circle to the belief systems that existed prior to the advent of civilization, but all created by man nonetheless.

Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.
Yes, I do believe in a God. No, it's not the traditional Christian incarnation of God. I believe God is a spiritual energy force that is present all over the universe at the same time. This energy force doesn't have humanistic attributes. It doesn't "care" or "feel" things. Our souls or spirits are the spiritual aspects of who we are. We can connect to this spiritual energy which is positive, or we can choose to not connect and deny it. We were created by this positive spiritual energy along with a material physical universe.

Now personally, I believe the physical universe we realize is a temporary stop for our souls. Perhaps it is a test or training for what lies ahead, I don't know for certain. I believe there could be many other dimensions beyond this physical dimension we comprehend, and our souls will ascend or descend to one of these other dimensions when our physical body dies.

This ‘religion as philosophy’ motif is just the most recent manifestation of man’s contrivance of a belief system.

Indeed, we’ve almost come full-circle to the belief systems that existed prior to the advent of civilization, but all created by man nonetheless.

Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

Oh brother! Now the boss is pretending that he understands how natural selection works and making idiotic assumptions that his delusions about "spiritual energy" played a significant role somehow! :lol:
Atheists don't hate God

Just the pompous judgemental simpletons who follow him

Atheists don't, God-haters do. There is a difference. God-haters pretend to be Atheists because they think it gives them more credibility. There are actually some God-haters who believe in God more strongly than some Christians I know.

Insults like "sky daddy" and "invisible friend" are outright hate from God-haters. Atheists don't hate what they don't believe exists. What we see here are God-hating frauds who cling to the label 'Atheist' because they are cowards, afraid to admit they believe in God and hate Him.

Atheists do not hate a God they do not believe exists. Why would they

However, those pompus, judgemental simpletons who use his name to push their self rightous agenda are a different story
This ‘religion as philosophy’ motif is just the most recent manifestation of man’s contrivance of a belief system.

Indeed, we’ve almost come full-circle to the belief systems that existed prior to the advent of civilization, but all created by man nonetheless.

Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

Oh brother! Now the boss is pretending that he understands how natural selection works and making idiotic assumptions that his delusions about "spiritual energy" played a significant role somehow! :lol:

It DID play a significant role, there is no other way to explain it if you believe in Darwin's theories.

“The question of whether there exists a Creator and Ruler of the Universe has been answered in the affirmative by some of the highest intellects that have ever existed.”
― Charles Darwin
Well it's not a 'motif' it's just what I personally believe. I reject your idea that human spirituality is 'contrived' by man because it defies nature. It would actually be a contradiction to Darwin's theory of natural selection. Religions may be contrived, I can accept that, but human spirituality predates religion. It's an attribute our species has had since it's inception, this according to every unearthed archaeological human civilization.

If the attribute were purely academic, contrived in our minds, imaginary... then other upper primates would have enjoyed a distinct advantage over homo sapiens and we would have become extinct through natural selection. Other upper primates who are much stronger than us, competing for the same resources, would not have been hindered by silly superstitions and ritual ceremonies. Their lack of this unnecessary attribute would have given them a tremendous advantage over us. That's clearly not what happened.

Oh brother! Now the boss is pretending that he understands how natural selection works and making idiotic assumptions that his delusions about "spiritual energy" played a significant role somehow! :lol:

It DID play a significant role, there is no other way to explain it if you believe in Darwin's theories.

“The question of whether there exists a Creator and Ruler of the Universe has been answered in the affirmative by some of the highest intellects that have ever existed.”
― Charles Darwin

Once again your grasp of Darwin is superficial at best.

For starters Darwin based Evolution on a book about Capitalism and market forces controlling which businesses thrive and which fail. Yes, Capitalism is proof of Evolution. Furthermore the writer of that book on Capitalism was an ordained minister and a friend of Darwin.

Secondly, Darwin's personal beliefs have absolutely no bearing whatsoever on his scientific findings. Newton was an ordained minister of religion because that was a job requirement at the time.

Finally your quote from Darwin in no way negates your profound ignorance when it comes to how natural selection actually works. If anything it proves that you have no clue whatsoever.
so then you admit he said it, but decided to talk about Conservapedia because you felt that would make a better argument than anything you could say about Solzhenitzen?......

Before you trust Andrew Schlafly too much and quote Conservapedia as though it is gospel, keep in mind that in the past Schlafly and friends have been caught editing entries and banning editors when called on it. That isn't to say that the Solzhenitsyn quote isn't correct, but check the source against what Conservapedia presents.

Trust, but verify kind of a thing.

And for the record, I generally lean Conservative more than anything.

Sure it has a conservative slant and is open about it.

But that doesn't mean that they falsely attribute quotes to people, or fail to source their articles. Their citations and their sources are 100 percent...and they certainly do NOT falsely attribute quotes that were never made.

The fact of the matter is, they share information that the progressive media and the even less knowledgeable progressive loons on here ignore and bury, or don't even know exist. Becuase those lunatics get their information second and third hand from talk show hosts, history channel 30 - minute propaganda blurbs, celebrities, and wack a doodle cult leaders who outright LIE to you. Read the actual works of the people that are cited and referenced, instead of getting all worked up over the fact that the word "conservative" is used in the site title.

Conservatives are typically a lot more honest about their motivation...and also a lot more truthful in their sourcing, than any progressive propagandist site out there...even when those sites disguise themselves as being "journalistic" or "objective". Do your own research. Research what the quoted people said. The sources are listed right in the article. It's not that hard.

But of course, you have no interest in educating yourself, or actually accessing the truth...so you won't. Hurry over to Democrative Underground and get your propaganda fix for the day, and run with it.

Go look at Schlafly and Conservepedia's actions during the Lenski Affair. Make sure you look at some outside sources describing the whole episode and then come back and tell us how Schlafly gets it right.

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