Why do the God-haters persist?

Why would their god even let them go through such shit. He doesn't care? Enjoys watching people suffer? Why are prayers not answered? He deaf?

Careful there.... you're getting really close to exposing why you hate God.
how can he /she hate something that does not exist?
that's why this thread is nonsense and an excuse for you to pitch a fit!
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"s a 58 percent chance that an atheist leader will murder a noticeable percentage of the population over which he rules sufficient evidence that atheism does, in fact, provide a systematic influence to do bad things? If that is not deemed to be conclusive, how about the fact that the average atheist crime against humanity is 18.3 million percent worse than the very worst depredation committed by Christians, even though atheists have had less than one-twentieth the number of opportunities with which to commit them. If one considers the statistically significant size of the historical atheist set and contrasts it with the fact that not one in a thousand religious leaders have committed similarly large-scale atrocities, it is impossible to conclude otherwise, even if we do not yet understand exactly why this should be the case. Once might be an accident, even twice could be coincidence, but fifty-two incidents in ninety years reeks of causation![10]"

Atheism and Mass Murder - Conservapedia
Read the top part
Conservapedia is a voluntary, collaborative effort to provide knowledge and information to the public. Like Wikipedia, the structure of this project permits anyone with electronic access to alter the content here. Nothing here has necessarily been reviewed or checked by anyone with expertise to ensure that it is accurate or reliable. USERS RELY ON INFORMATION HERE ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. Conservapedia and its editors, contributors, sponsors, affiliates or anyone associated in any way with this project cannot guarantee the validity of any information found here, and shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any inaccurate or libelous information found here. Content of any given article may have been vandalized or modified by someone who lacks knowledge.
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It is entirely your obligation to independently verify any information that you obtain from this website, and in no event should you rely on any information found on this site except entirely at your own risk.

so, you're saying Solzhenitsyn never said it?.....because Conservapedia quoted him?.....
no I saying you're an asshole for trying to infer that's what I SAID or I've given you too much credit for having more then one live brain cell..

Conservapedia is a self-described conservative, Christian alternative to Wikipedia. While the project began as an attempt to collaboratively develop an online encyclopedia, it has become in recent years a vanity project for its founder Andrew Schlafly, who uses the site as a way to forward his own particular insights on matters political and scientific. The site has a few other regular editors and administrators, most of whom use it to publicize their own projects or to write articles on their own pet causes. There is, in effect, no way to speak of "Conservapedia" as a collective voice or as a reflection of the insights of a larger community; what goes on the site reflects nothing more than the views of Schlafly and the handful of people he trusts with full editing privileges.
The site's administrators see liberals, atheists, "evolutionists" and other logic-loving heathens (plus whoever the "bête noire du jour" is, like Islam) as the direct cause of all society's ills. Attacks on these groups are fueled by their own particular obsessions, notably Barack Obama, Richard Dawkins, video games, and that eternal seductress, homosexuality. To make their arguments appear in any way feasible, liberal (zing!) use is made of ad hominem and other fallacies. Under Conservapedian Admin LogicTM, anyone who ever fails to toe the party line on any given issue, even the use of British spelling, is considered evidence that one is of the liberal flavour flavor.
Conservapedia is far from family friendly. Its front page contains many references to violent video games, homosexuality, abortion and spree shooters.
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Why would their god even let them go through such shit. He doesn't care? Enjoys watching people suffer? Why are prayers not answered? He deaf?

Careful there.... you're getting really close to exposing why you hate God.
how can he /she hate something that does not exist?
that why this thread is nonsense and an excuse for you to pitch a fit!

Well that is my whole point. Why do you people spend hours upon hours trashing, bashing, ridiculing, insulting, refuting, scoffing, badgering, antagonizing, and making fun of something you claim not to believe exists? It seems that anything at all that you do know exists, would be far more important for you to spend your time on.

As someone who has vast experience studying human behavior, this is very strange to me. I think there is a very clear distinction between true Atheists and the people we find here, who are simply God-haters. I think the Atheists don't bother with superfluous arguments like these. Why should they? I believe what we are seeing here, are people who DO believe in God, and they just hate God, for whatever reason. Maybe God let them down? Maybe God didn't answer their prayers? Maybe something traumatic happened in their life that they blame God for? But for whatever reason, they've decided to make it their life's mission to do everything in their power to fight God. The God they claim to not believe in!
Careful there.... you're getting really close to exposing why you hate God.
how can he /she hate something that does not exist?
that why this thread is nonsense and an excuse for you to pitch a fit!

Well that is my whole point. Why do you people spend hours upon hours trashing, bashing, ridiculing, insulting, refuting, scoffing, badgering, antagonizing, and making fun of something you claim not to believe exists? It seems that anything at all that you do know exists, would be far more important for you to spend your time on.

As someone who has vast experience studying human behavior, this is very strange to me. I think there is a very clear distinction between true Atheists and the people we find here, who are simply God-haters. I think the Atheists don't bother with superfluous arguments like these. Why should they? I believe what we are seeing here, are people who DO believe in God, and they just hate God, for whatever reason. Maybe God let them down? Maybe God didn't answer their prayers? Maybe something traumatic happened in their life that they blame God for? But for whatever reason, they've decided to make it their life's mission to do everything in their power to fight God. The God they claim to not believe in!
why do you persist in in blatantly lying about your vast experience?
everyone who s ever read your shit knew for the start you don't know your ass from your eyeball let alone anything else..
all you proven is your ego is massive....so stfu already
btw if any one spends an inordinate amount trying to prove something or bashing, ridiculing, insulting, refuting, scoffing, badgering, antagonizing, and making fun of it's you..
it's evidenced by the your insentient, long winded rambling page after page of diarrhea ...
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Why do the God-haters persist?

- and those who are spiritual .... It is omnipresent ... but since I am not a Christian it doesn't work on me.

what could not be more Christian than the belief the Almighty is "Omnipresent" - obviously, acknowledging the Bible is not without a predictable cost - or who is actually doing the hating or is disguised as a lamb while prancing as a wolf ?


Christians believe Jesus Christ was the living son of God. I don't believe this. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity. I don't believe this. Christians believe Jesus died on the cross so you could be forgiven for sin. I don't believe this. There are plenty of other things Christians believe that I don't believe. I'm not claiming they are wrong, I don't know. It's just not my personal belief. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy. I believe the Bible is a great inspirational book that, when fully understood, can be a useful guide for living one's life in harmony with Spiritual nature. I believe Jesus was an inspirational speaker who taught nothing but love and forgiveness, things in harmony with Spiritual nature. I have no problem with organized religions which are in peaceful harmony with Spiritual nature. I do not personally subscribe to any organized religious belief, but I have no issue with those who do.

well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

Read the top part
Conservapedia is a voluntary, collaborative effort to provide knowledge and information to the public. Like Wikipedia, the structure of this project permits anyone with electronic access to alter the content here. Nothing here has necessarily been reviewed or checked by anyone with expertise to ensure that it is accurate or reliable. USERS RELY ON INFORMATION HERE ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. Conservapedia and its editors, contributors, sponsors, affiliates or anyone associated in any way with this project cannot guarantee the validity of any information found here, and shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any inaccurate or libelous information found here. Content of any given article may have been vandalized or modified by someone who lacks knowledge.
This information is being given to you gratuitously. There is no agreement or understanding between you and Conservapedia regarding your use or modification of information here, except that in using this website you fully accept and agree to this disclaimer for all past, present and future use. No one else associated with Conservapedia has any obligation in connection with the material you may contribute or edit to this site. Your contribution of information here irrevocably waives any personal claims to copyright that you may have in that information, except as provided in the Conservapedia:Copyright disclaimer.
Nothing on this site can be deemed to be professional advice in any field. See an appropriate professional, such as an attorney or physician, if you need professional advice. Nothing here has necessarily been reviewed or checked by anyone with expertise to ensure that it is accurate or reliable.
It is entirely your obligation to independently verify any information that you obtain from this website, and in no event should you rely on any information found on this site except entirely at your own risk.

so, you're saying Solzhenitsyn never said it?.....because Conservapedia quoted him?.....
no I saying you're an asshole for trying to infer that's what I SAID or I've given you too much credit for having more then one live brain cell..

so then you admit he said it, but decided to talk about Conservapedia because you felt that would make a better argument than anything you could say about Solzhenitzen?......
well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.
well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.
Otherwise known as god. :lol:
well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.
Otherwise known as god. :lol:

Not exactly. If you read the fine print you will see that Boss compares God to some sort of force or energy that does not care about humans or any life form one way or the other and does not fit the definition of a living being.

His insistence that people are connecting to God and that people are spiritual beings because they worship the unknown and have been deluded or brainwashed into believing the ridiculous, or even if they are having a psychotic experience, is proof of spiritual realities without ever even trying to discern the difference between the truth and a fantasy is patently absurd.

Whether God exists or not, his speculations and arguments prove nothing but the vanity of certain types of self indulgent people to maintain opinions of themselves that do not correspond to reality.
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All that can be known about God by mankind is reveiled in His Holy Inspired(God breathed) Word. Read it,study it and believe it if you seek truth.
The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.
Otherwise known as god. :lol:

Not exactly. If you read the fine print you will see that Boss compares God to some sort of force or energy that does not care about humans or any life form one way or the other and does not fit the definition of a living being.

His insistence that people are connecting to God and that people are spiritual beings because they worship the unknown and have been deluded or brainwashed into believing the ridiculous, or even if they are having a psychotic experience, is proof of spiritual realities without ever even trying to discern the difference between the truth and a fantasy is patently absurd.

Whether God exists or not, his speculations and arguments prove nothing but the vanity of certain types of self indulgent people to maintain opinions of themselves that do not correspond to reality.

"The Creator", his words, not mine. He believes in a god.

Btw, your second paragraph makes no sense, maybe you should go and lie down.
well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.
Otherwise known as god. :lol:

…a contrivance of man.
well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.

I see that boss has donned his voodoo costume and is prancing around the fire muttering incantations now! "Booga-wooga, this is beyond your comprehension. Worship the mythical jabberwock that only exists in my drug induced halucinations!" :badgrin::badgrin:

No, that isn't "hating god" at all! It is just mocking the absurd stupidity of your baseless claims. And yes, anything that stupid deserves to be ridiculed. At least modern religions have put some thought and effort into what they expect people to believe. You just spout jibberish in the desperate hope that someone will take you seriously.
so, you're saying Solzhenitsyn never said it?.....because Conservapedia quoted him?.....
no I saying you're an asshole for trying to infer that's what I SAID or I've given you too much credit for having more then one live brain cell..

so then you admit he said it, but decided to talk about Conservapedia because you felt that would make a better argument than anything you could say about Solzhenitzen?......

Before you trust Andrew Schlafly too much and quote Conservapedia as though it is gospel, keep in mind that in the past Schlafly and friends have been caught editing entries and banning editors when called on it. That isn't to say that the Solzhenitsyn quote isn't correct, but check the source against what Conservapedia presents.

Trust, but verify kind of a thing.

And for the record, I generally lean Conservative more than anything.
well, all that is not believed above had first to have been purposefully considered and you were then lucky enough to step aside .... knowing its past history beforehand ?

I am a Spiritualist. I believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent Spiritual energy.

why would the ruler of the universe have to be everywhere at the same time - if that were true there would be no need for Judgement, as being everywhere would preclude spiritual "freedom" presumably acquired with admission rather than death ... the Everlasting is Omnipresent, its ruler is not and Spirits are free to roam.

what freed spirit would not be omnipotent ?

The Creator is a spiritual force beyond anything our human minds can comprehend. We have a very limited scope of comprehension, mostly confined to our five limited senses. In order to imagine anything, we must imagine it within the parameters of our senses and what we understand. Our rationalizations are made on the basis of perception, what we commonly define as 'reality.' The Creator and Spiritual nature are in a dimension beyond reality as we perceive it. There is no way to explain any of it, we don't have words to describe it or the ability to rationalize it. It's like asking a dog to explain nuclear physics.

Omnipotent, omnipresent, everlasting... words we have come up with to help us comprehend something we are unable to understand. Most people would agree they were born. Do you remember the moment of your birth? Surely this is one of the most profound days of your existence as a human, you should be able to remember it. Does the fact you can't remember it mean it never happened? No, it simply means it is something beyond your ability to remember. It does not change the fact that you were born. Even if your parents died and there was never anyone there who could confirm that you were born, you would still understand that you were born, even though you can't remember it.

Humans are spiritually connected, we always have been. There is a reason we have this connection. It's not something we made up, it's not our wild imaginations. Even though it can't be explained or proved with science, it's just as real as our birth. Our minds can't rationalize it, our words are inadequate to define it, we're like our dogs licking their balls instead of comprehending nuclear physics. It does not make it any less real.

I see that boss has donned his voodoo costume and is prancing around the fire muttering incantations now! "Booga-wooga, this is beyond your comprehension. Worship the mythical jabberwock that only exists in my drug induced halucinations!" :badgrin::badgrin:

No, that isn't "hating god" at all! It is just mocking the absurd stupidity of your baseless claims. And yes, anything that stupid deserves to be ridiculed. At least modern religions have put some thought and effort into what they expect people to believe. You just spout jibberish in the desperate hope that someone will take you seriously.


One can’t ‘hate’ something that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

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