Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

The problem with that is that democrats act like taxes are for revenue generation, but you have proven they are for behavior modification, which is bad, very bad. Companies either know how to run their business or they die, it shouldn't be interfered by the govt.

The government's job is to promote the welfare of the American people. It is not dedicated to the free market system.

If it helps the American people when business reinvests it's profits and grows than the government should implement a tax policy that promotes that.
No, that is not the governments job. Protecting you from predators, foreign and domestic, is the government's job. That's it's only legitimate function.

Try reading the preamble to the Constitution sometime. Promoting the general welfare is the responsibility of the Federal Government.
The Founding Fathers were wrong about that.

Who cares if you think the founding fathers were wrong! The rest of America believes they were 100% right.

If you don't like the Constitution, please leave the country!

ROFL! Sorry turd, but the Constitution you worship says I can stay as long as I like. You're correct that I don't think we should have approved the Constitution. It was a mechanism for marching us down the road to totalitarianism. Nothing good has come of it.
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well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

I'm trying to find the post that documented since the tax cuts were applied the revenues went down

Revenue rarely goes down after a tax cut, what does go down is the rate at which it was increasing. The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut revenue was increasing at 13% per year, the 5 years after it increased at a rate of 6% per year.

The reason for that is that Reagan began adjusting tax brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic tax increase becuase people where pushed into higher brackets even though they were making the same in inflation adjusted dollars.

Tax indexing did not start till 1985. That is 3 years where the rate of increase was less even without indexing.
We had some massive tax cuts during those years, and revenue still increased.
Reagan tripled the debt, ww.w. Bush doubled it. That is how they had "success"... Along with a bubble and bust...You are totally full of GOP propaganda.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government

Actually that's right wingers
left wingers want socialist utopia, which we right wingers call anarchy.
because we know we NEED govt, we just want it really really small.

How do you know what 'Left Wingers' want? Did some conservative politician tell you?

Did it occur to you that he was lying?

No, Obama told us that, Hillary was on the same page and Bernie continues to try to tell us that. So how about you tell us what "left wingers" want?
I'm trying to find the post that documented since the tax cuts were applied the revenues went down

Revenue rarely goes down after a tax cut, what does go down is the rate at which it was increasing. The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut revenue was increasing at 13% per year, the 5 years after it increased at a rate of 6% per year.

The reason for that is that Reagan began adjusting tax brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic tax increase becuase people where pushed into higher brackets even though they were making the same in inflation adjusted dollars.

Tax indexing did not start till 1985. That is 3 years where the rate of increase was less even without indexing.
We had some massive tax cuts during those years, and revenue still increased.
Reagan tripled the debt, ww.w. Bush doubled it. That is how they had "success"... Along with a bubble and bust...You are totally full of GOP propaganda.
Go play in the freeway. The adults are having a discussion.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government
Infinity is the "right size" as far as left-wingers are concerned.

Tell us what you believe the right size is.
Right sized is as determined by We the People
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government

Actually that's right wingers
left wingers want socialist utopia, which we right wingers call anarchy.
because we know we NEED govt, we just want it really really small.
The voters should decide how much or how little government they want
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

Since you obviously don't know what you are talking about let me explain it to you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family. You would know this if you ever attended a church.

There is nothing in there about having an obligation to have your money taken by force by a corrupt, bloated, out of control welfare state government and given to filthy ass special interest groups.


Here's something that JESUS DID SAY:

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

When God starts issuing currency then you can complain about paying taxes to the government.
How about if we go back to private banks issuing currency and banknotes. Did you know why they are called "banknotes?"
And when the bank goes belly up?
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

Since you obviously don't know what you are talking about let me explain it to you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family. You would know this if you ever attended a church.

There is nothing in there about having an obligation to have your money taken by force by a corrupt, bloated, out of control welfare state government and given to filthy ass special interest groups.


Here's something that JESUS DID SAY:

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

When God starts issuing currency then you can complain about paying taxes to the government.
How about if we go back to private banks issuing currency and banknotes. Did you know why they are called "banknotes?"
And when the bank goes belly up?
The discussion here is about Richard's theory that money has value only because government gives it value.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government

Actually that's right wingers
left wingers want socialist utopia, which we right wingers call anarchy.
because we know we NEED govt, we just want it really really small.
The voters should decide how much or how little government they want
Nope. The voters have no right to impose tyranny on me. They can go fuck themselves.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

Since you obviously don't know what you are talking about let me explain it to you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family. You would know this if you ever attended a church.

There is nothing in there about having an obligation to have your money taken by force by a corrupt, bloated, out of control welfare state government and given to filthy ass special interest groups.


Here's something that JESUS DID SAY:

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

When God starts issuing currency then you can complain about paying taxes to the government.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you ever did go to church would know the context of that. He was challenging the leaders of the church to decide between God or the worldly life.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government

Actually that's right wingers
left wingers want socialist utopia, which we right wingers call anarchy.
because we know we NEED govt, we just want it really really small.
The voters should decide how much or how little government they want
Nope. The voters have no right to impose tyranny on me. They can go fuck themselves.

The entire point of constitutionally limited government is to prevent the majority from running roughshod over our rights. Some people want to change that - they want to remove such restrictions and allow the majority to do any damned thing it wants.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

Since you obviously don't know what you are talking about let me explain it to you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family. You would know this if you ever attended a church.

There is nothing in there about having an obligation to have your money taken by force by a corrupt, bloated, out of control welfare state government and given to filthy ass special interest groups.

Charity doesn't work... overheads r often ridiculous and it runs out when the GOP starts another depression or recession.

LOL! Charity doesn't work because you greedy little socialist bastards don't want to be charitable with your own money. You only want to be "charitable" with somebody else money.

Government transfer payments are very seldom used for the real needy. It is mostly used to buy votes and political support from the welfare queens for the corrupt politicians.

Actually, if we weren't taxed so much all of us would have much more money to give to those in need.

The combined cost of government in this out of control country is almost 40% of the GDP. With that much money taken away from the productive economy and out of the pockets of Americans we don't have too much money to spend on thins that really count, like helping the real needy.

The cost of combined government (direct and indirect) is usually the highest household expense of every American family regardless of income.

...and you stupid Liberals want to make it more. Despicable!

How about we do this. I give money to those I chose to help and you give money to those you chose to help. Leave the filthy corrupt bloated government out of it. That is called Liberty. You up for Liberty Moon Bat?
Revenue rarely goes down after a tax cut, what does go down is the rate at which it was increasing. The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut revenue was increasing at 13% per year, the 5 years after it increased at a rate of 6% per year.

The reason for that is that Reagan began adjusting tax brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic tax increase becuase people where pushed into higher brackets even though they were making the same in inflation adjusted dollars.

Tax indexing did not start till 1985. That is 3 years where the rate of increase was less even without indexing.
We had some massive tax cuts during those years, and revenue still increased.

Yes revenue did increase it just increased slower

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When they started adjusting the brakets for inflation, that was inevitable.

The problem with this is that there was a sharp decrease in the rate of increase before and after the Bush II tax cuts...and indexing had been going on for a long time.

No matter how you spin it, tax cuts bring in less money than before the tax cuts...
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government

Actually that's right wingers
left wingers want socialist utopia, which we right wingers call anarchy.
because we know we NEED govt, we just want it really really small.
The voters should decide how much or how little government they want
Nope. The voters have no right to impose tyranny on me. They can go fuck themselves.

The entire point of constitutionally limited government is to prevent the majority from running roughshod over our rights. Some people want to change that - they want to remove such restrictions and allow the majority to do any damned thing it wants.

Right now the Govt is adding an average of $4,188,972,073 to the national debt...every single day. Pretty much everyone says they do not want this to be happening yet it is still going on...is the government itself not running roughshod over us right now?
Looking at IRS site, which actually works unlike your link, you are spouting complete BS, as usual.

Rich may pay less taxes only to the extent which they have capital gains. But then that money is taxed twice in a row, while salary isn't. Franco is full of deception and lies as always.

The concept that taxes on capital gains is taxed twice is disingenuine.

The original idea was that it would be taxed partially when it is declared as profit by the company, and then the rest of the tax would be imposed when it was distributed as a dividend.

The idea was to give companies incentive to not distribute their profits, but to hold onto them and reinvest the money. That means expansion, job creation and a booming economy.
The problem with that is that democrats act like taxes are for revenue generation, but you have proven they are for behavior modification, which is bad, very bad. Companies either know how to run their business or they die, it shouldn't be interfered by the govt.

The government's job is to promote the welfare of the American people. It is not dedicated to the free market system.

If it helps the American people when business reinvests it's profits and grows than the government should implement a tax policy that promotes that.
No, that is not the governments job. Protecting you from predators, foreign and domestic, is the government's job. That's it's only legitimate function.

In a far better society far far away at least. Today the government does whatever it can get away with. In a modern democracy there is little hope to tame this beast apart from a revolution.

In democracy where everyone gets to vote, we ultimately all dragged to the lowest common standard, which the leftists of the board of course have fully absorbed. As such, the idiots are having kids at the expense of the decent people, and each year the populace becomes dumber and dumber. There is no limit to the regress...


This is the recipe how to become a 3rd world country. And the leftists are of course cheering on every step.

What a fucking bullshit graph. Let's see the data behind it.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Most liberals are convinced its someone ELSE who will end up paying the higher taxes. Look at Trump's tax reform bill liberals in high tax blue states squealed like stuck pigs.
Well they demonstrated their stupidity by voting for Bobble-head Hillary so we're only talking gradations of degree here.

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