Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government

Actually that's right wingers
left wingers want socialist utopia, which we right wingers call anarchy.
because we know we NEED govt, we just want it really really small.
It is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of facts. Was the budget Trump submitted larger or smaller than the budget the year before?
sure, and he brought in more revenue with the tax cuts. so?

To quote you...you can't collect enough money. the economists already stated such. spending cuts is all that will decrease the deficit. and all that is needed is five percent across the board to achieve.

Not to mention that tax cuts do not bring in more revenue. That is just a lie that your party masters tell you to keep you happy and dumb
well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

I'm trying to find the post that documented since the tax cuts were applied the revenues went down

Revenue rarely goes down after a tax cut, what does go down is the rate at which it was increasing. The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut revenue was increasing at 13% per year, the 5 years after it increased at a rate of 6% per year.

The reason for that is that Reagan began adjusting tax brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic tax increase becuase people where pushed into higher brackets even though they were making the same in inflation adjusted dollars.
sure, and he brought in more revenue with the tax cuts. so?

To quote you...you can't collect enough money. the economists already stated such. spending cuts is all that will decrease the deficit. and all that is needed is five percent across the board to achieve.

Not to mention that tax cuts do not bring in more revenue. That is just a lie that your party masters tell you to keep you happy and dumb
well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

He did not bring in even more revenue to pay for the increases, that is why the deficit has gone up almost a trillion dollars this FY, with 4 months to go.

You are repeating talking points that have no basis in fact.
so you say the revenue in April didn't go up? you going with that?

Yes, revenue in April went up. Now prove the tax cut was the cause and also prove that it went up at a higher percent than it did last April.

The deficit for this FY is $855,247,480,853.
The deficit for this CY, the year in which the tax cuts took effect is $607,400,950,713

Here is some more facts for you. Between 1 Oct 2017 and 1 Jan 2018, when the tax cuts kicked in we added $2,693,984,023 per day to the deficit.

Since 1 Jan 2018, when the tax cuts kicked in we have added $4,188,972,073 per day to the deficit.

In other words since the tax cuts took effect we have added $ 1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts.

So, please explain how those tax cuts have helped deal with the debt.
You're ignoring the spending boondoggle Congress passed.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I don't want to pay more taxes - I want TRUMP to pay any taxes at all!
That makes no sense

I want TRUMP to pay any taxes at all![/


Trump doesn't pay taxes - That makes him "smart" :rolleyes:

Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government
Infinity is the "right size" as far as left-wingers are concerned.

Tell us what you believe the right size is.

Can I answer for them? Welfare checks for everybody that votes for Democrats would be the right size.
You do know that the U.S. government is the source of your money, right?

Er...um.....You do know that the Federal Reserve System is the source of your currency, right?

… .and that it's private banking cartel and that money is only a medium of value exchange (i.e. a tool) that is only worth something if can be exchanged for something of actual value.

The U.S. Treasury prints the money,
The U.S. Treasury (actually the BEP) prints physical federal reserve notes and mints coins (aka physical currency), the federal reserve controls the money supply, a tiny minority of which consists of physical notes and coins (see the components of M1).

not the federal reserve. The secretary of the Treasury's signature is what validates it.

Nice try though....
Another joker that doesn't understand the difference between currency and money or how the U.S. monetary system works. :rolleyes:

The government isn't the "source" of the peoples money, the people are the source of nearly everything that makes money useful, that is the ACTUAL VALUE that money is a store of

While it's true that a thing is worth what it will get, and the true value of U.S. currency is based on what it can buy, the fact that when people refer to 'my money' they are referring to U.S. currency - issued by the U.S. government.

You're splitting hairs over the abstract concept of 'money' vs. 'currency' is disingenuine. The fact is that without the U.S. government, 'your money' is worthless.
Hillarious. Do you know that for about the first 100 years of this country we had privately issued money? That should be impossible according to your imbecile's theory of money.
To quote you...you can't collect enough money. the economists already stated such. spending cuts is all that will decrease the deficit. and all that is needed is five percent across the board to achieve.

Not to mention that tax cuts do not bring in more revenue. That is just a lie that your party masters tell you to keep you happy and dumb
well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

He did not bring in even more revenue to pay for the increases, that is why the deficit has gone up almost a trillion dollars this FY, with 4 months to go.

You are repeating talking points that have no basis in fact.
so you say the revenue in April didn't go up? you going with that?

Yes, revenue in April went up. Now prove the tax cut was the cause and also prove that it went up at a higher percent than it did last April.

The deficit for this FY is $855,247,480,853.
The deficit for this CY, the year in which the tax cuts took effect is $607,400,950,713

Here is some more facts for you. Between 1 Oct 2017 and 1 Jan 2018, when the tax cuts kicked in we added $2,693,984,023 per day to the deficit.

Since 1 Jan 2018, when the tax cuts kicked in we have added $4,188,972,073 per day to the deficit.

In other words since the tax cuts took effect we have added $ 1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts.

So, please explain how those tax cuts have helped deal with the debt.
You're ignoring the spending boondoggle Congress passed.

Who signed it?
We can easily cut 90% of what government spends, so that's pure bullshit. Welfare is not "key," and neither is Social Security.
You are a member of the country's smallest and stupidest party LOL...
I'm a Republican, dumbass.

Well at least you have the courage to openly admit it.

There are far too many Republican (and Democrat) dumbasses that stubbornly refuse to concede what they really are.

Personally I think we need a national 12 step program to cure people of the stupidity that's brought on by partisanship.
There are far more Democrats who refuse to admit it.
Republicans don't want to cut the budget 90%. Absolutely idiotic. Try real news.
Some do. I'm a libertarian mole in the Republican party. There are lots of us.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

He did not bring in even more revenue to pay for the increases, that is why the deficit has gone up almost a trillion dollars this FY, with 4 months to go.

You are repeating talking points that have no basis in fact.
so you say the revenue in April didn't go up? you going with that?

Yes, revenue in April went up. Now prove the tax cut was the cause and also prove that it went up at a higher percent than it did last April.

The deficit for this FY is $855,247,480,853.
The deficit for this CY, the year in which the tax cuts took effect is $607,400,950,713

Here is some more facts for you. Between 1 Oct 2017 and 1 Jan 2018, when the tax cuts kicked in we added $2,693,984,023 per day to the deficit.

Since 1 Jan 2018, when the tax cuts kicked in we have added $4,188,972,073 per day to the deficit.

In other words since the tax cuts took effect we have added $ 1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts.

So, please explain how those tax cuts have helped deal with the debt.
You're ignoring the spending boondoggle Congress passed.

Who signed it?
It doesn't matter. You're blaming the deficit entirely on the tax bill, which is clearly wrong.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government
Infinity is the "right size" as far as left-wingers are concerned.

Tell us what you believe the right size is.

Can I answer for them? Welfare checks for everybody that votes for Democrats would be the right size.
No. I wanted him to answer so I could laugh my ass off.
sure, and he brought in more revenue with the tax cuts. so?

To quote you...you can't collect enough money. the economists already stated such. spending cuts is all that will decrease the deficit. and all that is needed is five percent across the board to achieve.

Not to mention that tax cuts do not bring in more revenue. That is just a lie that your party masters tell you to keep you happy and dumb
well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

I'm trying to find the post that documented since the tax cuts were applied the revenues went down

Revenue rarely goes down after a tax cut, what does go down is the rate at which it was increasing. The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut revenue was increasing at 13% per year, the 5 years after it increased at a rate of 6% per year.

The reason for that is that Reagan began adjusting tax brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic tax increase becuase people where pushed into higher brackets even though they were making the same in inflation adjusted dollars.

Tax indexing did not start till 1985. That is 3 years where the rate of increase was less even without indexing.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

Since you obviously don't know what you are talking about let me explain it to you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family. You would know this if you ever attended a church.

There is nothing in there about having an obligation to have your money taken by force by a corrupt, bloated, out of control welfare state government and given to filthy ass special interest groups.

Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...

Looking at IRS site, which actually works unlike your link, you are spouting complete BS, as usual.

Rich may pay less taxes only to the extent which they have capital gains. But then that money is taxed twice in a row, while salary isn't. Franco is full of deception and lies as always.

The concept that taxes on capital gains is taxed twice is disingenuine.

The original idea was that it would be taxed partially when it is declared as profit by the company, and then the rest of the tax would be imposed when it was distributed as a dividend.

The idea was to give companies incentive to not distribute their profits, but to hold onto them and reinvest the money. That means expansion, job creation and a booming economy.
The problem with that is that democrats act like taxes are for revenue generation, but you have proven they are for behavior modification, which is bad, very bad. Companies either know how to run their business or they die, it shouldn't be interfered by the govt.

The government's job is to promote the welfare of the American people. It is not dedicated to the free market system.

If it helps the American people when business reinvests it's profits and grows than the government should implement a tax policy that promotes that.
I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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Weird that Lowlifes always seem to be Econ majors...they have all the answers for balancing a budget don’t they?
“Just tax the wealthy more.”
Wouldn’t it make more sense to demand that .GOV spend less money on bullshit like illegal wetbacks and such? Shouldn’t we start there?
Weird that filthy LefTards never, EVER mention anything like that...huh?

So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...
Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justicekeeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


That's really what the American tax system looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans paying between 25 percent and 30 percent of their income -- which is, by the way, a lot more the 13.9 percent Mitt Romney paid in 2011*.

When politicians try to convince you that half of Americans aren't really paying taxes, it's usually because the real data undermines their preferred policies. For instance, you wouldn't look at these numbers and think tax cuts for the rich need to be a huge priority. And that's one reason people who want more tax cuts for the rich don't like to show you these numbers.

* Romney's 13.9 percent rate only counts his federal taxes. He hasn't released his state and local returns for 2011, so we can't say how that would change his total tax rate. But given the state and local averages for someone in his income group, it's likely to remain well below the 25-30 percent that is typical.

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