Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

The U.S. Treasury prints the money,
The U.S. Treasury (actually the BEP) prints physical federal reserve notes and mints coins (aka physical currency), the federal reserve controls the money supply, a tiny minority of which consists of physical notes and coins (see the components of M1).

not the federal reserve. The secretary of the Treasury's signature is what validates it.

Nice try though....
Another joker that doesn't understand the difference between currency and money or how the U.S. monetary system works. :rolleyes:

The government isn't the "source" of the peoples money, the people are the source of nearly everything that makes money useful, that is the ACTUAL VALUE that money is a store of

While it's true that a thing is worth what it will get, and the true value of U.S. currency is based on what it can buy, the fact that when people refer to 'my money' they are referring to U.S. currency - issued by the U.S. government.

You're splitting hairs over the abstract concept of 'money' vs. 'currency' is disingenuine. The fact is that without the U.S. government, 'your money' is worthless.
You do know that the U.S. government is the source of your money, right?

That your money is only worth anything because the U.S. government says so?

Maybe you should take a close look at your money. See who's picture is on it, see who has signed it, see who issued it.

Seriously, if you don't understand the relationship between your money and the U.S. government, the you're not very bright.

Hey, I understand...my dog LOVES Milkbones, she doesn't know what they are or where they comes from, she just knows that she loves them and wants more of them....

I'd like to think that you have a bit more intelligence and awareness than my dog. But maybe not.

No. The US Govt. isn't the source of our money. We are the source of the US Govt. money.

The Fed is its own entity and neither the govt or Congress control the Fed.

If that were true you could print your own money and everyone would value it.

U.S. federal currency get it's value because everyone believes that the U.S. government is the most stable and powerful institution in the world.

It prints the money and you accept it's money. You do not source any currency.

You could say that the source of the U.S. governments justification for existing is the will of the people of the U.S., so very indirectly the money sourced by the U.S. government comes from the People, but the direct source of U.S. currency is the U.S. government.

This is why Putin put Trump in the Presidency. He knows that Trump will destroy the federal government's financial legitimacy. Once that happens 'your money' will become worthless. Putin hopes that the Ruble will replace the dollar as the world currency reserve, and then Russia will be the most powerful nation on earth.

You are right about that. Our money hold value because the Govt. backs our currency.

Wonder how long the Govt. would last with out our money?? Not long I would wager.

The ugly truth about economics is that the dominant military entity determines the disposition of all wealth and ownership.

The U.S. government is the world most dominant military entity.

So, if push came to shove (and the government transformed to a dictatorship), the government would survive.

The fact is that the U.S. government is not a dictatorship yet and would let itself be destroyed before forcing itself upon it's people.

However, once it was destroyed, whatever became the dominant military power could and most likely would enslave the people and completely control the disposition of wealth and ownership. Then you'd all be calling that government's money 'your money'.

Well my friend. That's exactly why the FF put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution.

They feared our enemies and a tyrannical Govt. Oh and I'm sure some military warlord would try to take control but I doubt the majority of the military would go along. They would be busy protecting their families.

Nice hypothetical though and you are one polite poster. Nice to speak with you.

Thanks! No one ever accused me of being a polite poster....

I'm viewing this topic from the point of view that if the U.S. government collapsed due to financial instability, the U.S. military would dissolve...just as the Roman legions dissolved once the central Roman government was destroyed. No pay no army.

The all hell would break loose. No one's money would be worth anything. Out of the anarchy would eventually emerge a dominant military entity...possibly a few competing military entities. They would in turn control the disposition of wealth and ownership and they would issue their own currency.

The value of their currency would be based on the perceived stability and overall military strength.

Another fact is that the theory of 'free market economics' is no more realistic than the theory of 'utopian communism'. Neither can exist.

We'd like to think of ourselves as a free market economy or something close, but without the U.S. government we have nothing but misery.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We want only the rich to pay more, super duper... At the moment, if you count all taxes, they pay the same percentage as the middle class and get all the new wealth. And the middle class and the country Fall Apart. Great job scumbag Mega rich GOP and silly doops like you.
Define rich? To the slobs on welfare forever anyone who has a job is rich...………….

Why should I be paying for Mexicans to go to college
Same as anyone with a brain over $250,000. Blaming the poor is a scumbag move..
But thanks for the racist Outlook...
Tell me, why should I send your poor slob kids to college?

Because the world is not fair. Because almost certainly you've obtained much, much more wealth than you've truly earned - in terms of real productive work.

You've almost certainly gotten much more from this society than you've put into it (that would be called 'profit').

While there are millions of people who've put much more real productive work into society, yet have received almost no significant wealth in return.

Now we require that you make some contribution to the society that has benefited you so much.

That's why.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We want only the rich to pay more, super duper... At the moment, if you count all taxes, they pay the same percentage as the middle class and get all the new wealth. And the middle class and the country Fall Apart. Great job scumbag Mega rich GOP and silly doops like you.
Define rich? To the slobs on welfare forever anyone who has a job is rich...………….

Why should I be paying for Mexicans to go to college
Same as anyone with a brain over $250,000. Blaming the poor is a scumbag move..
But thanks for the racist Outlook...
Tell me, why should I send your poor slob kids to college?
Because you are a patriotic American citizen who wants the best for the country. Not a hateful brainwashed functional moron LOL
Plus we're not asking for you to pay more in taxes unless you earn over $250,000, super duper. For the billionth time...
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Weird that Lowlifes always seem to be Econ majors...they have all the answers for balancing a budget don’t they?
“Just tax the wealthy more.”
Wouldn’t it make more sense to demand that .GOV spend less money on bullshit like illegal wetbacks and such? Shouldn’t we start there?
Weird that filthy LefTards never, EVER mention anything like that...huh?

So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...
That's good at least you won't be disappointed in the near term, well not until the change agent ultimately does manifest itself at which point you might be in for a bit of a shock.

As I said, I do not expect it to happen, thus there will be no shock.

I understand, your goal is laudable and your reasoning is not unsound, the citizenry should pay for the services it demands from government and do it in a direct, pay as you go and transparent way. Unfortunately that doesn't work when you add in a welfare state, a giant military-industrial complex and fiat currency and trying make it work under those circumstances will have achieve the opposite of your goal as well as dumping the economy into a severe depression (at best) and causing massive political upheaval.

I think that a massive political upheaval might be inevitable, as I see our country as schizophrenic, we cannot decide what we are, and we try to be everything at once. Sooner or later it will all come to head, that might be through a silent revolution where the new generation of power has had enough or it might be a violent one not unlike the last Civil War.

I think our current system of "winner take all" elections will eventually leave enough people out in the cold that there will be a move to change it.

We will eventually have to decide what to do with our healthcare system. ObamaCare fucked it up enough that something will have to be done, and there is no going back to the mess we had before. We as a society have to decide if healthcare is a service or a commodity, this hybrid model of trying to do both is failing.

And sooner or later our national debt will be such a large number that people will no longer be able to ignore it. We will add more than trillion dollars to it this year, in a year when the economy is still doing well, if not great. Just imagine what a down year will do to the deficit.
You're dreaming. If we have any kind of "upheaval," the result will be a dictatorship. Nothing will happen in this country until people stop getting their government checks.
Which they deserve, unless they are criminals and you should blow them in.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We don’t. We want the ultra-wealthy to pay WAY more taxes.

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We want only the rich to pay more, super duper... At the moment, if you count all taxes, they pay the same percentage as the middle class and get all the new wealth. And the middle class and the country Fall Apart. Great job scumbag Mega rich GOP and silly doops like you.

Well folks, there you have it...atleast the Free Shit Beggars aren’t trying to hide it anymore.
Lowlifes- “We want our free shit, we demand MORE free shit now!”
I’m curious, do “the rich” use more roadways and such...you know, all those things THEIR taxes pay for?
OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
The usual federal income tax GOP propaganda. If you count all taxes everyone pays basically the same percentage now.

Enlighten us...Prove that shit Loon
No problem, super duper.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

We have a rusting and corroding infrastructure, out of control costs for college, health care and fees, and a Congress whose goal seems to be to drown government in a bathtub.

That may be the way it seems to you, but they weren't even able to repeal ACA, so I don't think reducing the size of government is a serious concern for the Republicans.

We need to elect rational persons of good will and common sense to serve as our representatives, and We the People will have that opportunity in November.

Nope. Just the majority. The rest of We the People will be at their mercy.

The current Congress is in chaos, and it is easy to understand why. The GOP loves the power of being in charge, until they are. Then they can't figure out how to use it.

Take Trump for example, he's like a CHP officer who graduated from the academy and on his way to his first day on the job, in civilian clothing and driving his personal car, pulled over a driver for speeding.

He was fired on the spot.
I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Weird that Lowlifes always seem to be Econ majors...they have all the answers for balancing a budget don’t they?
“Just tax the wealthy more.”
Wouldn’t it make more sense to demand that .GOV spend less money on bullshit like illegal wetbacks and such? Shouldn’t we start there?
Weird that filthy LefTards never, EVER mention anything like that...huh?

So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...

Looking at IRS site, which actually works unlike your link, you are spouting complete BS, as usual.

Rich may pay less taxes only to the extent which they have capital gains. But then that money is taxed twice in a row, while salary isn't. Franco is full of deception and lies as always.
I didn't spend it. You pay for it. I want government cut. I don't want to reward it for fiscal malfeasance with more revenue.

You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words
Are you claiming Hillary would have cut the size of government?

Nope, I am claiming the man you voted for and worship wants to spend even more than the guy that came before him
your entitled to your opinion. as we are to ours.

Your entitled to your opinion when that opinion is based on truth, honesty and a basic sense of human morality.

Otherwise your opinion is worthless.
That's why no one pays attention to any of your posts.
You say you want the government cut but your voted for an support a guy that wants to spend even more. Your actions do not match your words
Are you claiming Hillary would have cut the size of government?

Nope, I am claiming the man you voted for and worship wants to spend even more than the guy that came before him
your entitled to your opinion. as we are to ours.

Your entitled to your opinion when that opinion is based on truth, honesty and a basic sense of human morality.

Otherwise your opinion is worthless.
That's why no one pays attention to any of your posts.

If you weren't paying attention to my posts your wouldn't have replied...DIM WIT!
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
Weird that Lowlifes always seem to be Econ majors...they have all the answers for balancing a budget don’t they?
“Just tax the wealthy more.”
Wouldn’t it make more sense to demand that .GOV spend less money on bullshit like illegal wetbacks and such? Shouldn’t we start there?
Weird that filthy LefTards never, EVER mention anything like that...huh?

So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...

Looking at IRS site, which actually works unlike your link, you are spouting complete BS, as usual.

Rich may pay less taxes only to the extent which they have capital gains. But then that money is taxed twice in a row, while salary isn't. Franco is full of deception and lies as always.

The concept that taxes on capital gains is taxed twice is disingenuine.

The original idea was that it would be taxed partially when it is declared as profit by the company, and then the rest of the tax would be imposed when it was distributed as a dividend.

The idea was to give companies incentive to not distribute their profits, but to hold onto them and reinvest the money. That means expansion, job creation and a booming economy.
Nope, I am claiming the man you voted for and worship wants to spend even more than the guy that came before him
your entitled to your opinion. as we are to ours.

Your entitled to your opinion when that opinion is based on truth, honesty and a basic sense of human morality.

Otherwise your opinion is worthless.

everyone is entitled to their opinion, irregardelss of anything else. What anyone else does with that opinion is up to the individual

People may hold whatever opinions they want, but that doesn't change the fact that if those opinions are not based on truth, honesty and good will, those opinions are worthless. Those people are just blowing hot air and should be ignored.

I hold the opinion that pineapple on pizza is amazing, my wife holds the opinion that it is gross. Which one of our opinions is based upon truth, honesty and good will?
That's obviously an issue that's purely subjective. However, whether 2 + 2 = 5 is not subjective. If your opionion differes, it's because you're a moron.
So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...

Looking at IRS site, which actually works unlike your link, you are spouting complete BS, as usual.

Rich may pay less taxes only to the extent which they have capital gains. But then that money is taxed twice in a row, while salary isn't. Franco is full of deception and lies as always.

The concept that taxes on capital gains is taxed twice is disingenuine.

The original idea was that it would be taxed partially when it is declared as profit by the company, and then the rest of the tax would be imposed when it was distributed as a dividend.

The idea was to give companies incentive to not distribute their profits, but to hold onto them and reinvest the money. That means expansion, job creation and a booming economy.
The theory that higher taxes cause the economy to grow is too stupid for words to describe.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government
your entitled to your opinion. as we are to ours.

It is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of facts. Was the budget Trump submitted larger or smaller than the budget the year before?
sure, and he brought in more revenue with the tax cuts. so?

To quote you...you can't collect enough money. the economists already stated such. spending cuts is all that will decrease the deficit. and all that is needed is five percent across the board to achieve.

Not to mention that tax cuts do not bring in more revenue. That is just a lie that your party masters tell you to keep you happy and dumb
well that is correct! You claimed he spent more. I then stated he brought in more revenue to pay for the increases. that's as far as the conversation went. spending cuts will be necessary to cut the deficit.

I'm trying to find the post that documented since the tax cuts were applied the revenues went down
There was an entire thread on the subject that revenues have gone up.
So where was your concern of the children when leftists enacted social security, medicaid and medicare, now debt into the tune of 150 trillion? Much more than the projected cost of global warming...

Trump takes debt because he wants to end all your nonsense. That's a sound investment. If he was a president before all the nonsense was enacted we would have saved trillions and trillions. Since that is no longer possible we will save civilization.
Really silly stuff, Dupe. If you count all taxes and fees the rich now pay no no more percentage wise than the middle class and the country is going broke.
You have a link? And who sets the taxes and fees?
Of course and it has gotten worse with trumps tax cut for the rich...

Looking at IRS site, which actually works unlike your link, you are spouting complete BS, as usual.

Rich may pay less taxes only to the extent which they have capital gains. But then that money is taxed twice in a row, while salary isn't. Franco is full of deception and lies as always.

The concept that taxes on capital gains is taxed twice is disingenuine.

The original idea was that it would be taxed partially when it is declared as profit by the company, and then the rest of the tax would be imposed when it was distributed as a dividend.

The idea was to give companies incentive to not distribute their profits, but to hold onto them and reinvest the money. That means expansion, job creation and a booming economy.
The problem with that is that democrats act like taxes are for revenue generation, but you have proven they are for behavior modification, which is bad, very bad. Companies either know how to run their business or they die, it shouldn't be interfered by the govt.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.
We don’t want bigger government

We want the right sized government
Infinity is the "right size" as far as left-wingers are concerned.

Tell us what you believe the right size is.

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