Why Do White Democrats Keep Trying to Tell Blacks About the Republican Party?

It's called pandering for votes, we do not discriminate, the demonrats manipulate different minority groups for votes, then do nothing for them, consider how things are not better for blacks after 60 to 70 years of giving their votes to demonrats.
Demofks promise promise at election time, and do nothing after elected. Even blacks say it. Yet, keep voting for them. Insanity
Yeah that's a whole lot of people. So far your argument is shit. There is no real argument that Black Americans weren't victims of social and economic injustice under Jim Crow and segregation. There's no argument that many of those victims and their direct descendants are still around. You just don't want to pay them what they're owed because you're a racist. But you're a racist losing demographic and political power so who gives a shit? We only have to entertain you ignorant pieces of shit for but so much longer.
It is not a whole lot of people. Your argument is shit.
Dependencies. Demofks control blacks. Just look at the big four cities, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, and Baltimore. You all still can’t explain the lack of business in the blacks neighborhoods. It’s done purposely
Racists who have infested the GOP become hysterical when conservatives in the Party call them out.

Trump has transformed the party of Lincoln into a racist, nationalist movement that

divides and destroys. And silent Republicans are letting him do it.

Their descendants have nothing to do with it.
They do. Their parents were robbed of equal opportunity to employment, to education and housing which absolutely directly affected their children. I'm not negotiating with you however. You're just a piece of shit racist. We'll have the demographic and political power to just take it eventually.
They do. Their parents were robbed of equal opportunity to employment, to education and housing which absolutely directly affected their children. I'm not negotiating with you however. You're just a piece of shit racist. We'll have the demographic and political power to just take it eventually.
Not paying for what happened in the past does not make me racist. It does make you stupid.
Your are strutting your impotence.

I have cited the empirical data that the vast majority of Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, as well as most women and college-educated Americans, reject your Party of White Men, and you can contrive no credible data to refute that reality.
You have done nothing of the sort, you have shown your opinion based on no facts.
Demofks promise promise at election time, and do nothing after elected. Even blacks say it. Yet, keep voting for them. Insanity
They keep the status quo, not sure what will shake the black community out of their blind support of people who continue to enslave them.
You have done nothing of the sort, you have shown your opinion based on no facts.
It's unfortunate that you are incapable of dealing with the objective reality.

Your impotence in citing any credible data that support your falsehoods makes you appear very silly, indeed.

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