Why Do Whites Think They Can Tell Us What The Problems in Black America Are?

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Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS.

Everybody else has got their slice of their cake


Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Reparations Package should start off at 40 Trillion.

That would be $Imillion going to every Foundational Black American who’s lineage traces back to the American slave trade that was enforced by the government Those payments can be dispersed in increments of $16k a month for 5 years

Meanwile North Carolina gave $846 million in taxpayer funds to white owned and run Apple (worth $2.3 trillion) to build a mainly white campus there. White owned and run Amazon (worth $1.7T) got $3.8B in subsidies across the U.S. When people get free money, it's "welfare." When white corporations do, it's "incentives."


But Cash payments are not enough. We have had 7 generation of black people being terrorized and cash payments is not enough.

This is the reparations package that needs to be implemented should also include 3 things and more

1. Permanent representative seats everywhere

That means black people don't have run for office against white and non black people. We are automatically given a certain seats in the US senate, in the US congress and we are given certain of number state representative seats and two US supreme court justices and that must be for eternity.

We still vote for who we want there. But we don't have to fight white and non black people to get to congress. We don't have to fight to get the state legislator. So we have seats in the senate, in the supreme court, seats in the house and we get a certain amount presidential cabinet positions

Because if white people give black people money ? They will change the law tomorrow.

2. That 350 grand must be every 10 years foundational black American are given out.

We get 350 grand every ten years. According to white economic experts the wealth gap between white and black Americans is so wide that it could not be closed in the next 100 years.

3. Black should have TOTAL control over all black music and all black publishing for ever.


That means we control the Motown, Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney, Biggie, Pac catalogues. All of it.

Because all black music is controlled white people (Mainly Jews) that is
  • Sony BMG
  • Warner Music Group
  • EMI
  • Universal Music Group
They run the record industry. Yeah sure, hip-hop artist like Jay Z, Drake, Kanye have their own record labels but they are owned and financed by one of the big four.

No, you didn't. The Chinese and the Irish built the country. You picked cotton.
You morons have never destroyed anything but your claim to be thinking people.

You can't think. You are all driven by racist extremism.
The national record shows that what you said to me applies only to the white population. Apparently you suffer from mental disorders that have you unable to deal with reality.
The national record shows that what you said to me applies only to the white population. Apparently you suffer from mental disorders that have you unable to deal with reality.

I know you are, but what am I!

Fuck, dude.

Grow up.
No, you didn't. The Chinese and the Irish built the country. You picked cotton.
Cotton was a prime export and it made money for this country. And blacks did more than pick cotton. Blacks built what are now called Ivy league universities. And railroads. You really are ignorant of American history.
I'm grown. You're the one making shit up and projecting.
Then be grown to stop blaming Whitey for your problems. You had a Black President for eight years. What did he accomplish for his people? How about your Vice, President Harris?
Back to posting the same NONSENSE arguments as before, huh? . You can post all the photos of White people who have committed crimes, but that does NOT change the FACT that Blacks commit Violent Crime at MUCH, MUCH higher rates than whites do. Every month, Blacks kill about 30 White people--EVERY MONTH. Yet, white kill less than 1 Black per Month. What do you think WE ought to do about Blacks, given that fact? Remember--a Black person is 47.6 TIMES more likely to violently victimize a White person than the other way around.
Then be grown to stop blaming Whitey for your problems. You had a Black President for eight years. What did he accomplish for his people? How about your Vice, President Harris?
Be grown and read this:

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

This says that policies whitey has made have caused great problems for black people. And understanding that we have 3 branches of government should make you realize how stupid your question about a black president is. For if Obama had tried a blacks only policy, YOU would be the first to holler about black racism. That's just how childish those like you are. You are another white racist idiot.
Just words on a piece of paper means nothing.

Yup, completely dismissive.

The link discusses what Citi has already accomplished in the colored neighborhoods. Hopefully none of that money makes it to your 'hood, because you don't deserve a fucking thing...

See you are asking me to believe white people ? Now given the history between whites and blacks do you think that's smart thing to do ?

Let me ask you, Stymie: If all you're ever going to do is is accuse people of lying, and telling people that you don't believe the information you've requested when it's presented to you, what purpose do you serve? You're a waste of air.

Many of the people steering this program are black, you ignorant fuck. Marc Morial is heavily involved, as is Wole Coaxum.

Oh, and if you don't want to believe whites, will you believe Citi's CFO, Mark Mason? HE'S FUCKING BLACK, you ignorant ball of festering puss...

I don't believe it until I see it

Well, fuck you. It's happening, and whether you believe it or not is meaningless, just like you...

THE Boston Tea Party was a riot. You celebrate that.

The death of George Floyd began a series of non stop daily protests nationwide. Those protests were heavily policed. People were arrested, detained, tear gassed, faced rubber bullets and various other “crowd control” techniques. During the summer of 2020 the media and the administration tried presenting a narrative of Black Lives Matter violence in coordination with ANTIFA. Former President Donald Trump sent secret police to a city claiming to be using them to protect federal property. He bellowed loudly about how he was not going to tolerate such rioting. He tried pressuring cities with the threat he would send in troops to set things straight with a quickness. This sounded good to the far right portion of the white community because a story was set that described the stereotype of the violent black looter. In usual fashion, there was ignorance to why blacks were angry. But a funny thing happened, the protests were tracked and documented.

“The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.”This report also found that the over the top government response from president number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED found was that government intervened 3 times more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

A funny thing was discovered during these protests,(well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. Seems that most of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organization. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

In similar fashion the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3% of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported at all. In fact, they determined that the majority of the violence was directed at BLM protesters. There were arrests in 5% of the protests. Protesters/ bystanders were reported injured in 1.6 percent of the protests. Three Black Lives Matter protesters and one other person were killed while protesting in several cities. One anti-fascist protester killed a far-right group member in Portland. He was killed a few days later. Police were reported injured in 1% of the protests.
Yup, completely dismissive.

The link discusses what Citi has already accomplished in the colored neighborhoods. Hopefully none of that money makes it to your 'hood, because you don't deserve a fucking thing...

Let me ask you, Stymie: If all you're ever going to do is is accuse people of lying, and telling people that you don't believe the information you've requested when it's presented to you, what purpose do you serve? You're a waste of air.

Many of the people steering this program are black, you ignorant fuck. Marc Morial is heavily involved, as is Wole Coaxum.

Oh, and if you don't want to believe whites, will you believe Citi's CFO, Mark Mason? HE'S FUCKING BLACK, you ignorant ball of festering puss...

Well, fuck you. It's happening, and whether you believe it or not is meaningless, just like you...
Actually they haven't done very much yet and given the fact that 16 trillion was lost before they started you hanging on to this shows your mental lack.
Be grown and read this:

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

This says that policies whitey has made have caused great problems for black people. And understanding that we have 3 branches of government should make you realize how stupid your question about a black president is. For if Obama had tried a blacks only policy, YOU would be the first to holler about black racism. That's just how childish those like you are. You are another white racist idiot.
Criminal records do prevent a good wage.
Be grown and read this:

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

This says that policies whitey has made have caused great problems for black people. And understanding that we have 3 branches of government should make you realize how stupid your question about a black president is. For if Obama had tried a blacks only policy, YOU would be the first to holler about black racism. That's just how childish those like you are. You are another white racist idiot.
Criminal records prevent a good wage. Maybe black youth should stay out of trouble. Stop bashing whitey, and focus on improving themselves.
Criminal records do prevent a good wage.

Criminal records prevent a good wage. Maybe black youth should stay out of trouble. Stop bashing whitey, and focus on improving themselves.

"It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man's problem."

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr
You can't act like this and expect someone to respect you. And you can't blame white people for your actions.
The white man needs to shut the fuck up and take responsibility for what his racism has done.
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