Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

"Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?"
Lets get all factual and make the LefTarded filth piss themselves....Here goes:
Brown and Black folks have freedom in the U.S.. What would our jail/prison populations look like without Brown and Black folks here?
Men look to be the problem when you look at the stats...

The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.

Yes, because if I hand a person a gun, I am obviously forcing him to rob the gas station down the street and shoot the clerk. He had absolutely no choice or free will in the matter.

You are actually getting dumber with every fucking post.
Probably because the USA has the most lawyers...

A very real possibility.

Too Many Lawyers: The Legal Profession Needs A Cull

How the Fuck Are There Too Many Lawyers?
Alright, so a while back I wrote in a post about how there were approximately 1,315,000 licensed and practicing attorneys in the United States. There are roughly 321,400,000 people in general in the United States. That comes out to about 1 lawyer for every 244 people in the United States. That means that when you’re in a crowded theater, you’re guaranteed to be sitting in a room with at least 1-3 lawyers, depending on the size of the venue. If someone trips down the stairs at a 30,000 stadium from a little too much beer, 122 lawyers could come rushing out the woodwork to hand out business cards.

You do get that there are a lot more types of lawyers than just criminal attorneys and personal injury attorneys, right?
Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?
Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.

Maybe we're also just really good at catching criminals. No one ever considers that.
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.

Yes, because if I hand a person a gun, I am obviously forcing him to rob the gas station down the street and shoot the clerk. He had absolutely no choice or free will in the matter.

You are actually getting dumber with every fucking post.
Poor kids in urban environments have far fewer choices than middle class rural kids have.
Most inner-city kids, many with single mothers, can't afford the fees to let their kids play sports even, ( most are so busy working 2 jobs they can't stay home to discipline them either )whereas rural kids largely take it for granted being able to play baseball or soccer. ( that's just one example of the cultural divide)

My kids had guns. They grew up in the country with 4-wheelers and deer rifles.
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Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

We finally agree on something.
It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

In 1980, when Reagan was elected, there were 30,000 black and brown men in federal prisons. Today there are over 300,000 black and brown men in federal prisons.

Two things have lead to the current size of the prison population:

1. Minimum sentencing; and

2. The zero tolerance policies of the war on drugs.

Toss in over-policing in poor neighbourhoods, and "for profit" prisons which have minimum occupancy requirements, and you have the current situations.

Do I even need to repeat yet again that literally no one gives a fuck about how you "think" things are being done in a country you're not in, or how you "think" they should be done?

We'll deal with the problems that come with being the most free, most diverse, and most powerful nation on Earth without any "help" from the third-tier non-entities who will never matter enough to have those problems. Thanks anyway.
Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had 2 actual DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.

And what people don't realize is how it affects the families of those locked up. Thousands in fines and attorney fees, the cost of travelling for visitation, commissary money ( inmates can't live on the shit they feed them) every week...etc. Our attorney was $7000.

So what I'm hearing you say is, "You're all mean for punishing people like me who don't bother to obey the law".

We actually DO realize how it affects the families of the CRIMINALS WHO BROKE THE LAW. We just feel like that is appropriately THE CRIMINALS' responsibility to be concerned about, not ours. If they didn't give enough of a fuck about their own families to not break the law, I fail to see why I should care more about their families than they do.
Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Because we have a lot of damn people who break the law....


And, as I've pointed out, we're apparently really good at catching them.
"Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?"
Lets get all factual and make the LefTarded filth piss themselves....Here goes:
Brown and Black folks have freedom in the U.S.. What would our jail/prison populations look like without Brown and Black folks here?
Men look to be the problem when you look at the stats...

Men commit the most crimes and are most the prison population.
You think that everyone who doesn't do drugs now will start doing them if drugs are decriminalized?

The evidence disagrees

Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer

Let me ask you: do you think we had more alcohol related deaths during prohibition or after? Did we have more drunk driving accidents and deaths during or after? Did we create more alcoholics during prohibition or after?

Marijuana use in Colorado rises for adults, stays the same for kids

Marijuana-related hospital visits up for adolescents - UCHealth Today

Let me ask you this

Did we have more crime during prohibition ?

People are going to do the drugs they want to do and there will always be a black market for anything the government deems illegal.
Legalize it and it can be regulated and yes taxed. Billions of dollars annually can be saved, the courts will be freed up violent crimes related to the black market will decrease and with just a fraction of the money saved treatment can be offered for those who want it.

Anytime you make something legal that was illegal before, expect more people to participate.

Like I said, 80,000 US deaths last year from overdoses, and you want to see it reach 800,000. Sorry, I don't.

We may never be able to stop drug usage, but we can limit it as much as possible.
So...you support a return to Prohibition, then?

No I don't, why would you ask?
Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Because we have a lot of damn people who break the law....


Funny how I keep reading about thousands of pounds of illegal drugs being seized often in this phony war against illegal drugs, drug use, and massive death toll numbers. Perhaps to liberals this, like our border issue, is not a crisis, nothing to it...

You missed the point completely.
They didn't teach you not to judge a book by the cover in your school ?
Watch at least some of the fucking video or shut up.

Consider the possibility that people watched ALL of your fucking video . . . and still think you're a whining imbecile. So why don't you take your video, shove it into the orifice of your choice, and YOU shut up? Don't ask questions if you don't want to receive answers; it's one of the first things people learn when they grow up, and maybe you should try it.
If I was the governor of Illinois, I'd send in the National Guard and set up a cash and amnesty for guns program.
When an individual turns in his illegal firearm we pay him and clear his record, send him to the counselling and vocational department and so on. Call it new start or second chance or something.
The gangster to banker program.

The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.

Yes, because if I hand a person a gun, I am obviously forcing him to rob the gas station down the street and shoot the clerk. He had absolutely no choice or free will in the matter.

You are actually getting dumber with every fucking post.
Poor kids in urban environments have far fewer choices than middle class rural kids have.
Most inner-city kids, many with single mothers, can't afford the fees to let their kids play sports even, ( most are so busy working 2 jobs they can't stay home to discipline them either )whereas rural kids largely take it for granted being able to play baseball or soccer. ( that's just one example of the cultural divide)

My kids had guns. They grew up in the country with 4-wheelers and deer rifles.

If you expect me to start pussyaching over how people "had" to commit crimes the way you are, Nancy, I hope you're holding your breath waiting.

Do not - NOT - have the fucking nerve to come to me and tell me how ANYONE in the United States of America was forced to commit crimes and harm other people because "he lived in a poor neighborhood", "his mom fucked without having the self-respect to get married first", "couldn't get into Little League", boo fucking hoo, life isn't perfect so I have to beat some poor granny to death for the contents of her medicine cabinet.

Bottom line, asshole. If you find it so "horrible" that all those "poor misguided souls" are in prison, feel free to take 'em home to your place with you.
Consider the possibility that people watched ALL of your fucking video . . . and still think you're a whining imbecile. So why don't you take your video, shove it into the orifice of your choice, and YOU shut up? Don't ask questions if you don't want to receive answers; it's one of the first things people learn when they grow up, and maybe you should try it.
^^Party pooper with a feminine-sounding name.:abgg2q.jpg:
"Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?"
Lets get all factual and make the LefTarded filth piss themselves....Here goes:
Brown and Black folks have freedom in the U.S.. What would our jail/prison populations look like without Brown and Black folks here?
Men look to be the problem when you look at the stats...

Men commit the most crimes and are most the prison population.

You will find that in any country. However minorities have far more criminals than whites. All you have to do is look at the statistics; one of which I already provided.
"Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?"
Lets get all factual and make the LefTarded filth piss themselves....Here goes:
Brown and Black folks have freedom in the U.S.. What would our jail/prison populations look like without Brown and Black folks here?
Men look to be the problem when you look at the stats...

Men commit the most crimes and are most the prison population.

You will find that in any country. However minorities have far more criminals than whites. All you have to do is look at the statistics; one of which I already provided.
Yes, sounds like men are the problem.
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.

Yes, because if I hand a person a gun, I am obviously forcing him to rob the gas station down the street and shoot the clerk. He had absolutely no choice or free will in the matter.

You are actually getting dumber with every fucking post.
Poor kids in urban environments have far fewer choices than middle class rural kids have.
Most inner-city kids, many with single mothers, can't afford the fees to let their kids play sports even, ( most are so busy working 2 jobs they can't stay home to discipline them either )whereas rural kids largely take it for granted being able to play baseball or soccer. ( that's just one example of the cultural divide)

My kids had guns. They grew up in the country with 4-wheelers and deer rifles.

It's less the environment than it is the parenting. Nobody forces people to be single parents. They make that decision on their own. True, some find themselves in a situation they couldn't control, but for the most part, especially in minority communities, single parenting is a choice they make. That being said, you can't blame anybody but the parent and child themselves for their plight.

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