Why don't Dems support Hispanic/American Marco Rubio?

Why didn't Republicans step up and support Barack Obama as president?

I could go all Crusader Frank postulate on the Conservative 'lip service' they pay to civil rights. I know it's hollow and a poor attempt to get something down on paper vis-a-vis the Conservative position on civil rights, but you and I know differently.

It's politics. Just like Clarance Thomas, it's politics. Ever notice how Conservatives act all incredulous about the Democrat opposition to Thomas' nomination? They just don't get it and they never ever will.

We didn't support Obama because he is a Marxist.

There wasn't that easy?

You people didn't support Alan Keyes much either. The quintessential rightwinger, conservative on all the right issues.

And yet, you people kept voting for the white boys.

Who's the racist, again??

You... that's who.
Why didn't Republicans step up and support Barack Obama as president?

I could go all Crusader Frank postulate on the Conservative 'lip service' they pay to civil rights. I know it's hollow and a poor attempt to get something down on paper vis-a-vis the Conservative position on civil rights, but you and I know differently.

It's politics. Just like Clarance Thomas, it's politics. Ever notice how Conservatives act all incredulous about the Democrat opposition to Thomas' nomination? They just don't get it and they never ever will.

We didn't support Obama because he is a Marxist.

There wasn't that easy?

You people didn't support Alan Keyes much either. The quintessential rightwinger, conservative on all the right issues.

And yet, you people kept voting for the white boys.

Who's the racist, again??


We didn't support Clarence Thomas or Condi Rice either.

Oh, by the way who said,

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******.”

a. LBJ about Thugood Marshall
b. Dubya about Clarence Thomas
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Well, you know the problem is that Hispanics' native tongue is that of old, white European men. That's the problem.
We didn't support Obama because he is a Marxist.

There wasn't that easy?

You people didn't support Alan Keyes much either. The quintessential rightwinger, conservative on all the right issues.

And yet, you people kept voting for the white boys.

Who's the racist, again??


We didn't support Clarence Thomas of Condi Rice either.

Oh, by the way who said,

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******.”

a. LBJ about Thugood Marshall
b. Dubya about Clarence Thomas

Give us a credible source for the alleged LBJ comment. You have been asked before, and you failed. Maybe this time you can do better.
You people didn't support Alan Keyes much either. The quintessential rightwinger, conservative on all the right issues.

And yet, you people kept voting for the white boys.

Who's the racist, again??


We didn't support Clarence Thomas of Condi Rice either.

Oh, by the way who said,

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******.”

a. LBJ about Thugood Marshall
b. Dubya about Clarence Thomas

Give us a credible source for the alleged LBJ comment. You have been asked before, and you failed. Maybe this time you can do better.

You don't want to start getting on my nerves again do ya Jakey?

******: The Strange Career of a ... - Google Books
Why don't Dems support Hispanic/American Marco Rubio?

My hunch--and this is just a guess, mind you--would be that it's because he's a Republican.

However, that does raise an interesting question. Democrats have a decent number of old white men running--why don't Republicans support them?

Not to mention he's the worst of Republican factions, he's a tea partier.

We didn't support Clarence Thomas of Condi Rice either.

Oh, by the way who said,

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******.”

a. LBJ about Thugood Marshall
b. Dubya about Clarence Thomas

Give us a credible source for the alleged LBJ comment. You have been asked before, and you failed. Maybe this time you can do better.

You don't want to start getting on my nerves again do ya Jakey?

******: The Strange Career of a ... - Google Books

I asked for a credible source, and Randall Kennedy is not one.

Try again. I suspect you would use bugs bunny if you could get away with it.
Give us a credible source for the alleged LBJ comment. You have been asked before, and you failed. Maybe this time you can do better.

You don't want to start getting on my nerves again do ya Jakey?

******: The Strange Career of a ... - Google Books

I asked for a credible source, and Randall Kennedy is not one.

Try again. I suspect you would use bugs bunny if you could get away with it.
You asked for a credible source. Frank provided it.
Now STFU, Jake.
Why Democrats haven't asked Scott McAdams to step aside and help Independent Murkowski


Hmmm, why'd he ask Meeks but not McAdams to step aside...why'd he do that? Hmmm. it's as plain as black and white ain't it?

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CrusaderFrank, even your question is racist, you know? It adds nothing to the discussion whatsoever. Perhaps racists, like pedophiles, should be monitored by local law enforcement. What do you think?

Why is it racist to point out the hypocrisy of the left?

What's the hypocrisy? That Democrats don't support rightwingers, no matter what their race or ethnicity?

Tell us, specifically, what the hypocrisy is. Or shut the fuck up.:lol::lol:

The hypocrisy that I see is that you guys claim that you do not support Rubio not because of his race but rather because of his politics. I can understand that and agree that this is why you do not support him. However, two years ago when conservatives such as myself did not support Barack Obama, many on the left accused us of being racists because per their claim, no one could possibly not support his politics and therefore the only reason we did not support him was because of his color. That was hogwash!

I'm here to tell you that I did not support Barack Obama because of his politics not because of his race. When he first threw his hat in the ring, my impression was "now there is a man I can vote for". As time went on I got more and more dissatisfied with both parties and refused to vote for either one. My decision had nothing to do with his race. He could have been my uncle and if he ran under the Democratic Party's banner, I would not have voted for him.

So, why is it that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama, yet, no liberals are racists who do not support Marco Rubio?

There is just a slight... okay, not so slight, double standard here.

Why is it racist to point out the hypocrisy of the left?

What's the hypocrisy? That Democrats don't support rightwingers, no matter what their race or ethnicity?

Tell us, specifically, what the hypocrisy is. Or shut the fuck up.:lol::lol:

The hypocrisy that I see is that you guys claim that you do not support Rubio not because of his race but rather because of his politics. I can understand that and agree that this is why you do not support him. However, two years ago when conservatives such as myself did not support Barack Obama, many on the left accused us of being racists because per their claim, no one could possibly not support his politics and therefore the only reason we did not support him was because of his color. That was hogwash!

I'm here to tell you that I did not support Barack Obama because of his politics not because of his race. When he first threw his hat in the ring, my impression was "now there is a man I can vote for". As time went on I got more and more dissatisfied with both parties and refused to vote for either one. My decision had nothing to do with his race. He could have been my uncle and if he ran under the Democratic Party's banner, I would not have voted for him.

So, why is it that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama, yet, no liberals are racists who do not support Marco Rubio?

There is just a slight... okay, not so slight, double standard here.


Yeah and it's fucking pathetic that people like Frank here are now spouting the same bullshit they were hellbent on denying before.
Dems only support the "right" kind of Hispanic, either a Progressive or an Illegal Alien. Dems will even support former Klansmen if they're Progressive
Why is it racist to point out the hypocrisy of the left?

What's the hypocrisy? That Democrats don't support rightwingers, no matter what their race or ethnicity?

Tell us, specifically, what the hypocrisy is. Or shut the fuck up.:lol::lol:

The hypocrisy that I see is that you guys claim that you do not support Rubio not because of his race but rather because of his politics. I can understand that and agree that this is why you do not support him. However, two years ago when conservatives such as myself did not support Barack Obama, many on the left accused us of being racists because per their claim, no one could possibly not support his politics and therefore the only reason we did not support him was because of his color. That was hogwash!

I'm here to tell you that I did not support Barack Obama because of his politics not because of his race. When he first threw his hat in the ring, my impression was "now there is a man I can vote for". As time went on I got more and more dissatisfied with both parties and refused to vote for either one. My decision had nothing to do with his race. He could have been my uncle and if he ran under the Democratic Party's banner, I would not have voted for him.

So, why is it that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama, yet, no liberals are racists who do not support Marco Rubio?

There is just a slight... okay, not so slight, double standard here.


Let me answer that by posing another question.

How many liberals ever said that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama and (okay 2 questions)

why would whatever tiny number of those people you might actually come up with then appropriately inflate to cover all liberals?
What's the hypocrisy? That Democrats don't support rightwingers, no matter what their race or ethnicity?

Tell us, specifically, what the hypocrisy is. Or shut the fuck up.:lol::lol:

The hypocrisy that I see is that you guys claim that you do not support Rubio not because of his race but rather because of his politics. I can understand that and agree that this is why you do not support him. However, two years ago when conservatives such as myself did not support Barack Obama, many on the left accused us of being racists because per their claim, no one could possibly not support his politics and therefore the only reason we did not support him was because of his color. That was hogwash!

I'm here to tell you that I did not support Barack Obama because of his politics not because of his race. When he first threw his hat in the ring, my impression was "now there is a man I can vote for". As time went on I got more and more dissatisfied with both parties and refused to vote for either one. My decision had nothing to do with his race. He could have been my uncle and if he ran under the Democratic Party's banner, I would not have voted for him.

So, why is it that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama, yet, no liberals are racists who do not support Marco Rubio?

There is just a slight... okay, not so slight, double standard here.


Yeah and it's fucking pathetic that people like Frank here are now spouting the same bullshit they were hellbent on denying before.

I can agree with you there as well. But then, how would one point out that two years ago conservatives were considered racists for not supporting Obama, yet, liberals deny being racists for not supporting Rubio for the exact same reasons?

The fact is that Marco Rubio is the anti-thesis of what Democrats believe. Why on earth would Democrats vote for Rubio? They would not. They are hell bent on defeating him.

The fact is that Barack Obama is the anti-thesis of what Republicans believe. Why on earth would Republicans vote for Obama. In fact, when I announced that I would not vote for McCain or Obama, I had dozens of conservatives come down on me saying because of people like me, Obama would win the election.

Between you and me, I am still not so sure we are not better off with Obama than that weasel McCain, but that is my personal opinion.

One more thing that I am not so sure CF understands. When Crist dropped the Republican Party, he was wooed by the Democrats. I would not be surprised to find out that just days after the election, he will become a Democrat. I am not so sure he has not already let the Democrats know that. This is one reason, Crist will not get my vote this time around.

By the way, I am voting for Rubio. Mostly because he opposes President Obama's health insurance reform.

What's the hypocrisy? That Democrats don't support rightwingers, no matter what their race or ethnicity?

Tell us, specifically, what the hypocrisy is. Or shut the fuck up.:lol::lol:

The hypocrisy that I see is that you guys claim that you do not support Rubio not because of his race but rather because of his politics. I can understand that and agree that this is why you do not support him. However, two years ago when conservatives such as myself did not support Barack Obama, many on the left accused us of being racists because per their claim, no one could possibly not support his politics and therefore the only reason we did not support him was because of his color. That was hogwash!

I'm here to tell you that I did not support Barack Obama because of his politics not because of his race. When he first threw his hat in the ring, my impression was "now there is a man I can vote for". As time went on I got more and more dissatisfied with both parties and refused to vote for either one. My decision had nothing to do with his race. He could have been my uncle and if he ran under the Democratic Party's banner, I would not have voted for him.

So, why is it that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama, yet, no liberals are racists who do not support Marco Rubio?

There is just a slight... okay, not so slight, double standard here.


Let me answer that by posing another question.

How many liberals ever said that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama and (okay 2 questions)

why would whatever tiny number of those people you might actually come up with then appropriately inflate to cover all liberals?

I don't think I said anywhere in my post, "All liberals."

I can tell you that it was a majority of the liberals (at least the extreme liberals) that were posting on the boards that I was on that stated that "all" conservatives who did not vote for Obama only did so because of his color.

The hypocrisy that I see is that you guys claim that you do not support Rubio not because of his race but rather because of his politics. I can understand that and agree that this is why you do not support him. However, two years ago when conservatives such as myself did not support Barack Obama, many on the left accused us of being racists because per their claim, no one could possibly not support his politics and therefore the only reason we did not support him was because of his color. That was hogwash!

I'm here to tell you that I did not support Barack Obama because of his politics not because of his race. When he first threw his hat in the ring, my impression was "now there is a man I can vote for". As time went on I got more and more dissatisfied with both parties and refused to vote for either one. My decision had nothing to do with his race. He could have been my uncle and if he ran under the Democratic Party's banner, I would not have voted for him.

So, why is it that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama, yet, no liberals are racists who do not support Marco Rubio?

There is just a slight... okay, not so slight, double standard here.


Let me answer that by posing another question.

How many liberals ever said that conservatives are all racists because they did not support Barack Obama and (okay 2 questions)

why would whatever tiny number of those people you might actually come up with then appropriately inflate to cover all liberals?

I don't think I said anywhere in my post, "All liberals."

I can tell you that it was a majority of the liberals (at least the extreme liberals) that were posting on the boards that I was on that stated that "all" conservatives who did not vote for Obama only did so because of his color.


Oh, so somewhere on the internet you heard some liberal call all conservatives racists for not voting for Obama, so that justifies calling all Democrats racists who don't support Rubio?

Did you think those 'extreme' liberals who said that were making an excellent point, or did you think they were morons?
Why Democrats haven't asked Scott McAdams to step aside and help Independent Murkowski


Hmmm, why'd he ask Meeks but not McAdams to step aside...why'd he do that? Hmmm. it's as plain as black and white ain't it?


So they won't be called anti-fatfuck bigots.

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