Why don't we have something like this in America?

In the UK and Canada there are awesome military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? Are American parents biased and prefer to have their children involved in athletics? Would American parents become angry if a cadet program was established in their community? I talked to my neighbor who has a son in high school and he said he wouldn't let his son join a program like the cadets. The training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this when I was in school! It sure beats the hell out of kicking a ball during your high school years.

cub scouts, weblows, bouyscouts

brownies, girl scouts


and so forth and so on.

How did you not know?
Learning yes.


Not so much.

There ARE good universities out there - but you have to look for them.
Is "indoctrination" like bias in news reporting? So long as you agree with it, no harm/no foul? What constitutes "indoctrination" as opposed to education?

Education results in development of marketable skills and increased lifetime earnings.

Indoctrination develops welfare dependency.
Learning yes.


Not so much.

There ARE good universities out there - but you have to look for them.
Is "indoctrination" like bias in news reporting? So long as you agree with it, no harm/no foul? What constitutes "indoctrination" as opposed to education?

Education results in development of marketable skills and increased lifetime earnings.

Indoctrination develops welfare dependency.
Does Harvard 'indoctrinate'? They are pretty Liberal up in Cambridge. How about UC Berkley? Anyone ever manage to increase their lifetime earnings with a B.A. from there?

I earned a degree from The Ohio State University. Did I endure indoctrination and not realize it?
In the UK and Canada there are awesome military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? Are American parents biased and prefer to have their children involved in athletics? Would American parents become angry if a cadet program was established in their community? I talked to my neighbor who has a son in high school and he said he wouldn't let his son join a program like the cadets. The training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this when I was in school! It sure beats the hell out of kicking a ball during your high school years.

Because the liberals decided the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are biased and should be done away with.
Don't forget athletics are a big part of American high school culture. The influence of athletics reaches even earlier into childhood. There is a show called Friday Night Tykes. I heard that some school administrators have the perception that a military program would interfere with the sacred cow of high school athletics. Do you think cadet programs are more popular in the UK because American parents want their children involved in athletics? I think the youth involved in these youth football teams would benefit more from a program like the UK's Air Training Corps. One advantage of a cadet corp over a youth football team is that cadets are inclusive to all youth. That means cadets would learn how to work with peers from different groups.
Who is supposed to pay for paramilitary training of children? the taxpayers? If we say we cannot afford universal pre-school, can we then say we can afford programs to train the next generation of troops?

Universal preschool is an unnecessary waste of money.
Prove it, because it is well documented that it works.

Are you serious???

It works about as well as every other lame-brained Liberal scheme.....

"......Has Obama read the impact study of his own Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Head Start and its less-than-stellar conclusion about the performance of the program?

With more than $167 billion spent by taxpayers on Head Start since it was launched in 1965 (and Obama’s 2011 budget increasing it by $1 billion), he certainly should have.

“However,” the report concluded, “the advantages children gained during their Head Start and age 4 years yielded only a few statistically significant differences in outcomes at the end of the first grade for the sample as a whole.” ("Head Start Impact Study, Final Report," January 2010, Executive Sumary, p. iv.)

More specifically, the study assessed 19 kindergarten outcomes and 22 first-grade outcomes, with no measurable effects on nine measures of language and literacy, two measures of the Spanish language, and literacy, and three measures of math skills. ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," pp. 4-10-4-13, Exhibit. 4.2.) In the cases of the 22 first-grade outcomes, none of them showed a measurable impact at the 5% level. ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," pp. 4-10-4-13, Exhibit 4.2.]

“By the end of the first grade,” noted the study, “only a single cognitive impact was found for each cohort [participant]. Head Start group children did significantly better on the PPVT (a vocabulary measure) for 4-year-olds and on the Woodcock-Johnson III test of Oral Comprehension for the 3-year-olds.” ("Head Start Impact Study," Executive Summary, p. iv.")

Although the report did find several positive aspects to participation in the Head Start program, its conclusions was “the benefits of access to Head Start at age 4 are largely absent by first grade for the program population as a whole [emphasis added].” ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," p. xxxviii.)"
Is Obama Clueless About Negative Head Start Study? | Human Events
In the UK and Canada there are awesome military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? Are American parents biased and prefer to have their children involved in athletics? Would American parents become angry if a cadet program was established in their community? I talked to my neighbor who has a son in high school and he said he wouldn't let his son join a program like the cadets. The training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this when I was in school! It sure beats the hell out of kicking a ball during your high school years.

Because the liberals decided the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are biased and should be done away with.


When did that happen?

Link please.
In the UK and Canada there are awesome military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? Are American parents biased and prefer to have their children involved in athletics? Would American parents become angry if a cadet program was established in their community? I talked to my neighbor who has a son in high school and he said he wouldn't let his son join a program like the cadets. The training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this when I was in school! It sure beats the hell out of kicking a ball during your high school years.

Because the liberals decided the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are biased and should be done away with.


When did that happen?

Link please.

Haven't you been paying attention? There is no boy scouts at our local elementary school anymore. The public decided they need to pay for the gym because they require kids to believe in God.
In the UK and Canada there are awesome military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? Are American parents biased and prefer to have their children involved in athletics? Would American parents become angry if a cadet program was established in their community? I talked to my neighbor who has a son in high school and he said he wouldn't let his son join a program like the cadets. The training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this when I was in school! It sure beats the hell out of kicking a ball during your high school years.

You've never heard of ROTC or NROTC? Amazing:



How about this:

Don't forget athletics are a big part of American high school culture. The influence of athletics reaches even earlier into childhood. There is a show called Friday Night Tykes. I heard that some school administrators have the perception that a military program would interfere with the sacred cow of high school athletics. Do you think cadet programs are more popular in the UK because American parents want their children involved in athletics? I think the youth involved in these youth football teams would benefit more from a program like the UK's Air Training Corps. One advantage of a cadet corp over a youth football team is that cadets are inclusive to all youth. That means cadets would learn how to work with peers from different groups.


In the UK and Canada there are awesome military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? Are American parents biased and prefer to have their children involved in athletics? Would American parents become angry if a cadet program was established in their community? I talked to my neighbor who has a son in high school and he said he wouldn't let his son join a program like the cadets. The training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this when I was in school! It sure beats the hell out of kicking a ball during your high school years.

Because the liberals decided the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are biased and should be done away with.


When did that happen?

Link please.

There is JROTC

My son is forbidden from joining the military.

And why would that be?

Because this country doesn't have a war or conflict that my family hasn't been involved in. I come from a long line of vets. Long. If and when they come home, it takes 20 years for them to come to grips with it and people do not give a damn. They talk a good game when it suits them. Patriotism and the like. The vets get hauled out a few times a year and people act like they are treasured and then they set about to jack them out of benefits such as medical/mental health care. Some of the medical problems the government denies are even occurring.

And for what? We will no longer fight corporate wars. If the bastards want to get involved then they can first send their own children.

Ahh that is not forbidden. You don't want him to.
Universal preschool is an unnecessary waste of money.
Prove it, because it is well documented that it works.

Are you serious???

It works about as well as every other lame-brained Liberal scheme.....

"......Has Obama read the impact study of his own Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Head Start and its less-than-stellar conclusion about the performance of the program?

With more than $167 billion spent by taxpayers on Head Start since it was launched in 1965 (and Obama’s 2011 budget increasing it by $1 billion), he certainly should have.

“However,” the report concluded, “the advantages children gained during their Head Start and age 4 years yielded only a few statistically significant differences in outcomes at the end of the first grade for the sample as a whole.” ("Head Start Impact Study, Final Report," January 2010, Executive Sumary, p. iv.)

More specifically, the study assessed 19 kindergarten outcomes and 22 first-grade outcomes, with no measurable effects on nine measures of language and literacy, two measures of the Spanish language, and literacy, and three measures of math skills. ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," pp. 4-10-4-13, Exhibit. 4.2.) In the cases of the 22 first-grade outcomes, none of them showed a measurable impact at the 5% level. ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," pp. 4-10-4-13, Exhibit 4.2.]

“By the end of the first grade,” noted the study, “only a single cognitive impact was found for each cohort [participant]. Head Start group children did significantly better on the PPVT (a vocabulary measure) for 4-year-olds and on the Woodcock-Johnson III test of Oral Comprehension for the 3-year-olds.” ("Head Start Impact Study," Executive Summary, p. iv.")

Although the report did find several positive aspects to participation in the Head Start program, its conclusions was “the benefits of access to Head Start at age 4 are largely absent by first grade for the program population as a whole [emphasis added].” ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," p. xxxviii.)"
Is Obama Clueless About Negative Head Start Study? | Human Events

"Shortly after the report was released, at a Heritage Foundation panel dubbed “Is Head Start Helping Children Succeed and Does Anyone Care?” Nicholas Zill, who had been a lead analyst on the impact study, noted that the HHS report was largely ignored by the press."

Way to be a disinfo shill, PoliticalChic.

Now go away and let the non-trolls talk.
Actually, Obama, during his first term, wnted to create an inner-city youth corps. The rightwingers went absolutely batshit. With Alex Jones and the other loss leaders at the helm, they bombarded Youtube with fear and violence threats of what would come from Obama's Gangsta Thug Army.

You must have missed that.

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