Why hasn't Atheism been more influencial through history.

Yeah, let's be clear about, at least, one person on your list there:

Read the date when he was alleged to have made that statement.
It was early in his rise to power. Years later he expressed views that contradicted it.
.... :cool:
Yeah, let's be clear about, at least, one person on your list there:

Read the date when he was alleged to have made that statement.
It was early in his rise to power. Years later he expressed views that contradicted it.
.... :cool:
And you can cite those? Or, are we just supposed to take your word for it? Because, according to Albert Speer:

Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide.
He was never Atheist. His only conflict with "The Church" was political. Hell, he even planned to return to the Church when he proved victorious:

"Once I have settled my other problem," [Hitler] occasionally declared, "I'll have my reckoning with the church. I'll have it reeling on the ropes." But Bormann did not want this reckoning postponed [...] he would take out a document from his pocket and begin reading passages from a defiant sermon or pastoral letter. Frequently Hitler would become so worked up... and vowed to punish the offending clergyman eventually... That he could not immediately retaliate raised him to a white heat...
Meanwhile, I look forward to your evidence that he had given up Christianity in favour of Atheism...
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