Why I dont want the govt to send checks to americans

I didn't even BR(ING UP "general Wlelfare", Dumbass. If you're not even going to bother to look up the reference then don't bother to post.

You reference Art 1 Sec 8. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT STATES?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Impostsand Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

I didn't even BR(ING UP "general Wlelfare", Dumbass. If you're not even going to bother to look up the reference then don't bother to post.

You reference Art 1 Sec 8. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT STATES?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Impostsand Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

NOW he goes and looks it up. Meanwhile you CUT OUT the question I was answering ---- which wasn't even your question in the first place but which stated, quote:

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
Only a Trumpleton could call Big Fat Don's plan to send helicopter money a far left policy. BTW, it isn't unconstitutional nitwit.
Where does the constitution give the gov the power to give taxes to americans [sic] for relief?

Article 1, Section 8.

Now I've given away the answer to the riddle in post 105. Didn't think it was that hard.
Lol where does it state it can give certain ibdividuals money?

Nothing there about "general Welfare", white knight, so again cram it.

I might add that certain ibdividuals* also were given money when Katrina happened, in addition to George W. Bush giving all ibdividuals money and Gerald Ford apparently giving all ibdividuals money, which has been cited here although I don't remember it, which memory gap is kind of amazing given it was such a FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS and shit.

* they write like that in Tennessee, ya gotta roll wid it. That's why we kicked them out of Norf Cackalackee.
I didn't even BR(ING UP "general Wlelfare", Dumbass. If you're not even going to bother to look up the reference then don't bother to post.

You reference Art 1 Sec 8. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT STATES?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Impostsand Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

NOW he goes and looks it up. Meanwhile you CUT OUT the question I was answering ---- which wasn't even your question in the first place but which stated, quote:

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
Only a Trumpleton could call Big Fat Don's plan to send helicopter money a far left policy. BTW, it isn't unconstitutional nitwit.
Where does the constitution give the gov the power to give taxes to americans [sic] for relief?

Article 1, Section 8.

Now I've given away the answer to the riddle in post 105. Didn't think it was that hard.
Lol where does it state it can give certain ibdividuals money?

Nothing there about "general Welfare", white knight, so again cram it.

I might add that certain ibdividuals* also were given money when Katrina happened, in addition to George W. Bush giving all ibdividuals money and Gerald Ford apparently giving all ibdividuals money, which has been cited here although I don't remember it, which memory gap is kind of amazing given it was such a FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS and shit.

* they write like that in Tennessee, ya gotta roll wid it. That's why we kicked them out of Norf Cackalackee.
You are dumb as shit.
Makes no sense

Most Americans are working or are somewhat wealthy. They will just waste the money.

Instead of $1000 to everyone, why not $10,000 to the people who really need it? Send it to those who lost their jobs due to the virus, small businesses that were forced to shut down, those who have to take care of sick members of their family

Hold on to your hat.... are you sitting down? :D

I agree with this. It is a waste of money. We don't need $2000 (for my wife and I).
It would be better served if used precisely as you say, IF they lost their job due to CV-19, small businesses that are experiencing losses etc.
Totally agree.
I didn't even BR(ING UP "general Wlelfare", Dumbass. If you're not even going to bother to look up the reference then don't bother to post.

You reference Art 1 Sec 8. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT STATES?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Impostsand Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

NOW he goes and looks it up. Meanwhile you CUT OUT the question I was answering ---- which wasn't even your question in the first place but which stated, quote:

Only a Trumpleton could call Big Fat Don's plan to send helicopter money a far left policy. BTW, it isn't unconstitutional nitwit.
Where does the constitution give the gov the power to give taxes to americans [sic] for relief?

Article 1, Section 8.

Now I've given away the answer to the riddle in post 105. Didn't think it was that hard.
Lol where does it state it can give certain ibdividuals money?

Nothing there about "general Welfare", white knight, so again cram it.

I might add that certain ibdividuals* also were given money when Katrina happened, in addition to George W. Bush giving all ibdividuals money and Gerald Ford apparently giving all ibdividuals money, which has been cited here although I don't remember it, which memory gap is kind of amazing given it was such a FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS and shit.

* they write like that in Tennessee, ya gotta roll wid it. That's why we kicked them out of Norf Cackalackee.
You are dumb as shit.

If you could, you know, go ahead and link us to the Supreme Court challenges to the "unConstitutional" Gerald Ford giveaway, or the "unConstitutional" Shrub giveaway, or the "unConstitutional" Katrina $2000 Citicorp debit cards ---- that'd be great.

Otheriwise......... yammer yammer yammer
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

Easily solved. Just sign yours over to me. :D
Are you that desperate to get a government handout?
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

Easily solved. Just sign yours over to me. :D
Are you that desperate to get a government handout?

Hey, the OP came in whining about being given money. I gave him a way out.
I don't see you volunteering to ease his angst. Guess I'm just compassionate. You know, a giver.
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

Easily solved. Just sign yours over to me. :D
Are you that desperate to get a government handout?

Hey, the OP came in whining about being given money. I gave him a way out.
I don't see you volunteering to ease his angst. Guess I'm just compassionate. You know, a giver.
I will give up my handout if everyone else does

my guess is you were already not working

so have no lost income to make up for

if so no one in your situation - or mine - deserves free money from the Dollar trees along the Potomac

and millions of others should not qualify either
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Let me guess, this is going to put you into a higher tax bracket.
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Let me guess, this is going to put you into a higher tax bracket.
did I hurt your feelz?
How would someone take advantage?

They would be taking advantage by accepting money that they know they don't necessarily need. Money that is meant for people who are facing financial impacts by either losing their job or losing pay because of coronavirus. It would be an integrity issue for me.

Isn't everyone effected by the coronavirus?

I'm not.

You live under a rock?

Today, as I have done for the past 2 months, I got up, had a shower, cooked some rice and ate it, went to work, did my work, went home, posted some stuff, watched a few programs, and went to bed.

Nothing has changed. Nothing.

I don't know anyone with Corona, don't know anyone who died of Corona, nothing at work has changed, went to the store last night, and bought some goods I needed. No problems. No issues. Nothing has changed.

In case you haven't heard, Ohio is under a state of emergency. All of your bars and restaurants are closed.
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

First thing that comes to mind is how many fucktards will take the money and go buy more chinese manufactured shit that they don't even NEED.

Because of Republicans and corporate America keeping wages flat, working Americans can't afford the American made shit.
I didn't even BR(ING UP "general Wlelfare", Dumbass. If you're not even going to bother to look up the reference then don't bother to post.

You reference Art 1 Sec 8. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT STATES?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Impostsand Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

NOW he goes and looks it up. Meanwhile you CUT OUT the question I was answering ---- which wasn't even your question in the first place but which stated, quote:

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
Only a Trumpleton could call Big Fat Don's plan to send helicopter money a far left policy. BTW, it isn't unconstitutional nitwit.
Where does the constitution give the gov the power to give taxes to americans [sic] for relief?

Article 1, Section 8.

Now I've given away the answer to the riddle in post 105. Didn't think it was that hard.
Lol where does it state it can give certain ibdividuals money?

Nothing there about "general Welfare", white knight, so again cram it.

I might add that certain ibdividuals* also were given money when Katrina happened, in addition to George W. Bush giving all ibdividuals money and Gerald Ford apparently giving all ibdividuals money, which has been cited here although I don't remember it, which memory gap is kind of amazing given it was such a FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS and shit.

* they write like that in Tennessee, ya gotta roll wid it. That's why we kicked them out of Norf Cackalackee.
Where did I or TNHarley praise W or Gerry Ford for that unconstitutional shit?

Unlike you, we call out EVERYONE who ass fucks the Constitution.

Because of Republicans and corporate America keeping wages flat, working Americans can't afford the American made shit.
Do you really think that is the case? Obviously SOMEBODY is buying "American Shit" or there would be none produced.

If nobody can afford to purchase an American Made car, none get sold and THEN what happens?

Do you think about this shit or are you pre-programmed to always blame upper management?

Because of Republicans and corporate America keeping wages flat, working Americans can't afford the American made shit.
Do you really think that is the case? Obviously SOMEBODY is buying "American Shit" or there would be none produced.

If nobody can afford to purchase an American Made car, none get sold and THEN what happens?

Do you think about this shit or are you pre-programmed to always blame upper management?

I'm not programmed to blame China for all of our woes, but increased profit by American companies to buy VERY cheap with huge mark-ups for the American market.
Makes no sense

Most Americans are working or are somewhat wealthy. They will just waste the money.

Instead of $1000 to everyone, why not $10,000 to the people who really need it? Send it to those who lost their jobs due to the virus, small businesses that were forced to shut down, those who have to take care of sick members of their family

Or suspend the payroll tax for a while. I’d rather have my money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

People who are not working DONT NEED a Payroll tax holiday.. That's moronic.. What they NEED is QUICK and EXPANDED Unemployment benefits...

SSecurity/Medicare are ALREADY bleeding money and are the LARGEST burden on increasing debt.. THe "leaders" pushing that idea should be laughed at...
Your interpretation of the Constitution is extreme and not consistent with current legal case law.

If you want to pout about it, you are welcome to do so
Well, how do you know what my interpretation would be. You won't answer that simple question:

Is growing food in your own backyard for your own consumption in your own home and nowhere else considered "interstate commerce" allowing the FedGov can regulate?

I am asking. You won't answer because you have deficient knowledge and you are way out of your league.

I will answer for you.

In Wickard v. Filburn (1940s), the SCOTUS (8 of the 9 justices were appointed by commie FDR) INCORRECTLY determined that it WAS interstate commerce and the FedGov could regulate it. That Court ignored the specific limitations the Founders intended and basically expanded Interstate Commerce to mean ANYTHING Congress wants to control and NOTHING to the States.

FINALLY, that bullshit holding was overturned in the 1990s, but it took THAT LONG to correct bullshit from the commie-appointed Court. The Correct holding from the 90s Court was that if EVERYTHING is Interstate Commerce, the FedGov has NO LIMITS on power, which is CLEARLY contrary to the intent.

Now, given the CORRECT interpretation of the Commerce Clause, how should the SCOTUS interpret the General Welfare clause??? Should it mean ANYTHING Congress wants to control, or do we continue to try ignoring the 9th and 10th Amendments?

Explain your answer, if you can.


Doesn’t matter
The COURTS decide on constitutionality NOT internet posters
Makes no sense

Most Americans are working or are somewhat wealthy. They will just waste the money.

Instead of $1000 to everyone, why not $10,000 to the people who really need it? Send it to those who lost their jobs due to the virus, small businesses that were forced to shut down, those who have to take care of sick members of their family

Or suspend the payroll tax for a while. I’d rather have my money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

People who are not working DONT NEED a Payroll tax holiday.. That's moronic.. What they NEED is QUICK and EXPANDED Unemployment benefits...

SSecurity/Medicare are ALREADY bleeding money and are the LARGEST burden on increasing debt.. THe "leaders" pushing that idea should be laughed at...

Payroll tax holiday is a gimmick that doesn’t help those who have been hurt

Plus, it hurts SS and Medicare
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

Easily solved. Just sign yours over to me. :D
Are you that desperate to get a government handout?

Hey, the OP came in whining about being given money. I gave him a way out.
I don't see you volunteering to ease his angst. Guess I'm just compassionate. You know, a giver.
I will give up my handout if everyone else does

my guess is you were already not working

so have no lost income to make up for

if so no one in your situation - or mine - deserves free money from the Dollar trees along the Potomac

and millions of others should not qualify either

Number one, you do whatever you want with whatever you get, and count on me to do the same.

Number two, my work has already been curtailed;
Number three, your "guesses" are already on record as equating honesty with, your term, quote, "stupidity";

Number four, see number two.

And number five, see if you can guess what I call "stupidity". :1peleas:
I didn't even BR(ING UP "general Wlelfare", Dumbass. If you're not even going to bother to look up the reference then don't bother to post.

You reference Art 1 Sec 8. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT STATES?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Impostsand Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

NOW he goes and looks it up. Meanwhile you CUT OUT the question I was answering ---- which wasn't even your question in the first place but which stated, quote:

Only a Trumpleton could call Big Fat Don's plan to send helicopter money a far left policy. BTW, it isn't unconstitutional nitwit.
Where does the constitution give the gov the power to give taxes to americans [sic] for relief?

Article 1, Section 8.

Now I've given away the answer to the riddle in post 105. Didn't think it was that hard.
Lol where does it state it can give certain ibdividuals money?

Nothing there about "general Welfare", white knight, so again cram it.

I might add that certain ibdividuals* also were given money when Katrina happened, in addition to George W. Bush giving all ibdividuals money and Gerald Ford apparently giving all ibdividuals money, which has been cited here although I don't remember it, which memory gap is kind of amazing given it was such a FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS and shit.

* they write like that in Tennessee, ya gotta roll wid it. That's why we kicked them out of Norf Cackalackee.
Where did I or TNHarley praise W or Gerry Ford for that unconstitutional shit?

Unlike you, we call out EVERYONE who ass fucks the Constitution.

I don't know if anyone "praised" it. You can maybe extrapolate that from the simple fact that I DIDN'T POST ANYTHING LIKE THAT.


But, according to the OP all those must have been "unConstitutional" as well. Somehow I don't recall any Constitutional crises at ANY of those times. The Ford one I don't even remember at all. You'd think the crumbling of the Republic -- insert
here --- would have left some kind of a mark. Can you find any?

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