Why In The World Are They Spraying?...

They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:
Don'tSayIt is wrong as usual.

Bill Gates funds scheme to spray artificial 'planet-cooling' sulfur particles into atmosphere
Geo-engineers are finally coming out of the "chemtrail" closet, as reports are now emerging about deliberate plans in the works to dump untold tons of sulfate chemicals into the atmosphere for the purported purpose of fighting so-called "global warming (hoax)."
Former Obama Science Czar (And Scumbag) John Holdren says:
Obama?s Science Adviser Says Chemtrails Will Save the Planet | Pakalert Press
Holdren sees geo-engineering as a perfectly viable way to cool the planet’s temperature. He fully supports the process of releasing particles of barium, magnesium, aluminum, nano-fibers, bacillus blood spores and other chemicals to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.
Holdren also believes in forced abortions and sterilization as a way to eventually reduce Earths population (his words).
Let's just pretend that jet exhaust trails are supposed to hang around for hours on end and then turn into clouds.
Here is what I wrote nine years ago.

218. Chemtrail and covert climate war (4/4/04)

In many web sites, there is a common topic: "chemtrail". People puzzled what is it for. They worried the chemistry will hurt human's health and pollute the nature.

Here is a typical post about chemtrail in a discussion.

Quote, "Chemtrail, the name given to non-dissipating vapor-like trails left in our skies in grid like patterns by high altitude, unmarked aircraft. People all over the world have now witnessed these, and they've been so concerned that they have contacted their governmental representatives.

Dennis Kucinich has included this phenomenon as part of his protest statements against U.S. space weapon development. Other senators have been involved, too.

So, what is going on? Are these just harmless jet vapor trails? Is it a hoax and just airplane pollution? i wish NPR or Bill Moyers would cover the subject thoroughly... Go to the link and scroll down to see images and read material to decide for yourselves: Aerosol Crimes & Cover Up

With my experience, (see "210. Create rain day"; "211. Create windy day (3/4)"; "217. Create a heat climate") I say it is the experiment to control climate. Pentagon use climate change as a weapon. It has been used in pratical life already.

I allege:

1. The hurricane which took place last summer in mid US which caused more than a dozen loss of lives was an experiment of how to create a devastating wind. And the cold weather in North-east early this year was one, too. Because they were historical extreme. Like what I've talked in last message about heat. For consecutive days, the heat record were broken, not only one degree or two, but 4 to 6 degrees. It's unusual.

2. The climate war has been in practice already. North Korean is a victim. North Korean suffered histrical drought for years then followed by flooding. The famine caused millions of deaths. The purpose is to weak the ruling government. Just like the sanction applied on Iraq. But the victims are always the civilians.

3. The historical flood in German last summer, it happened soon after Iraq war. German and France are the two main countries against Bush's invasion of Iraq. The revenge was swift, though in a covert way.

4. The historical heat wave attacked France last summer. The heat wave lasted for weeks. The news reported unusual deaths caused by heat were more then ten thousands. French is the strongest opposer to Bush's Iraq war, it suffered a strong revenge from US inside group.

5. An intimidation to Britain and Europe under the cover of climate change. Here is a news
Quote, "25.01.2004
Britain is likely to be plunged into an ice age within our lifetime by global warming, new research suggests.

If that happens, Britain and northern Europe are expected to switch abruptly to the climate of Labrador - which is on the same latitude - bringing a nightmare scenario where farmland turns to tundra and winter temperatures drop below -20C. The much-heralded cold snap predicted for the coming week would seem balmy by comparison.

NZ Herald: New Zealand's Latest News, Business, Sport, Weather, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Politics, Finance, Health, Environment and Science "

But is Tony Blair an honest ally of Bush? Yes, he was. But read this news not reported by mainstream media of US, you may realise why Blair's figure rarely seen in media recently. They censor news which may reveal how unpopular the war policy of US is. Watch the time of two news, you'll understand why I say it is an intimidation.


Dec 21 2003
Relations in 'deep freeze' since Saddam caught
By Chris Mclaughlin, Political Editor

TONY Blair and George Bush's love-in has collapsed over the rebuilding of Iraq. The two leaders have fallen out over plans for the reconstruction of the country and the heavy-handed action of American troops against the civilian population. And the rift has been deepened by a Washington ban on a proposed morale-boosting visit by the PM to British troops in Iraq during the Christmas holiday.

Mirror Online: Number one for news, opinion, sport & celebrity gossip

I think the intimidation aimed at Britain, as well as Europe. Because the war policy of US inside group is more and more lonely in this world.
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They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:

I thought you were just brainwashed and ignorant. But now i think you're just plain dumb. I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to watch the movie.
Let's just pretend that jet exhaust trails are supposed to hang around for hours on end and then turn into clouds.

Yeah, this is incredibly disturbing. Weather/Climate Modification is very dangerous.
hey looks like rand may run against hillary. he should team up early with paul ryan, santorum, et al.
too bad rubio's not eligible.

They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:

I thought you were just brainwashed and ignorant. But now i think you're just plain dumb. I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to watch the movie.

I'd say one would have to be a flaming CT loon to bother watching 1 hr and 12 mins of that but you will likely watch it again. :cuckoo:
They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:

I thought you were just brainwashed and ignorant. But now i think you're just plain dumb. I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to watch the movie.

I'd say one would have to be a flaming CT loon to bother watching 1 hr and 12 mins of that but you will likely watch it again. :cuckoo:

Ok, you're willfully ignorant and dumb. Case closed on that. Whatever.

They're Drones now dummy. Big Brother has new toys to play with. But hey i know, it's all just our imaginations. All just 'Crazy Tinfoil Hat' stuff. ;)

Wow,agent Candyass's handlers have done a lousy job keeping him informed on what they are doing and what they're up to obviously.:lol::D:rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah, he or she is definitely out of the loop. That's why i doubt it's a paid Big Brother Troll. He or she just isn't very good at it. "black helicoptors?" What, is it 1980? :lol:
They're Drones now dummy. Big Brother has new toys to play with. But hey i know, it's all just our imaginations. All just 'Crazy Tinfoil Hat' stuff. ;)

Wow,agent Candyass's handlers have done a lousy job keeping him informed on what they are doing and what they're up to obviously.:lol::D:rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah, he or she is definitely out of the loop. That's why i doubt it's a paid Big Brother Troll. He or she just isn't very good at it. "black helicoptors?" What, is it 1980? :lol:

candyass is definetely a HE and a paid shill.He just forgot to check with his handlers before making the post.he does that quite often actually. He goes to SEVERAL other message boards and trolls as well.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands if they're not a paid shill.

wouldnt be surprised if Sayit is his new sock puppet here.He got exposed socking at this other message board he used to post at constantly day and night at all time once posting under quite a few socks and as you can see from my sig below,he already has one sock puppet he uses once in a while here so would not surprise me if thats his NEWEST sock puppet he is posting under now. we already know sayit is someones sock puppet so my first guess, is its him.
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They are doing more than seeding....In our area jets covered the sky with cloud cover for six months of the year and people developed Seasonal Affective Disorder...One year we had 9 days of sunshine from October to February. They are still trying, but it does not work as even a light wind will blow the fake clouds from the area. The person who posted this video is doing a service for people who do not have personal knowledge of what is happening. Actually, I was thanking the original person posting...
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Wow,agent Candyass's handlers have done a lousy job keeping him informed on what they are doing and what they're up to obviously.:lol::D:rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah, he or she is definitely out of the loop. That's why i doubt it's a paid Big Brother Troll. He or she just isn't very good at it. "black helicoptors?" What, is it 1980? :lol:

candyass is definetely a HE and a paid shill.He just forgot to check with his handlers before making the post.he does that quite often actually. He goes to SEVERAL other message boards and trolls as well.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands if they're not a paid shill.

wouldnt be surprised if Sayit is his new sock puppet here.He got exposed socking at this other message board he used to post at constantly day and night at all time once posting under quite a few socks and as you can see from my sig below,he already has one sock puppet he uses once in a while here so would not surprise me if thats his NEWEST sock puppet he is posting under now. we already know sayit is someones sock puppet so my first guess, is its him.

"We" meaning you and all the little munchkins who live in your pinhead?
Your paranoia now has complete control of what's left of your mind. Your "knowledge" of me is exactly the same as your "knowledge" of 9/11 ... just a figment of your paranoid imagination.
Get out of your Mommy's basement, Princess, and get a life ... TODAY! :D
"I'm scared that I might have to confront the fact that my own country may be conducting experiments on it's own people so I'm just gonna' call anyone who brings this up a Conspiracy Theorist".
"I actually think if I go along with the system I can't get hurt by it".

"All this stuff couldn't possibly be true because we won WWII and our flag is Red, White and Blue!"

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