Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Is your name Clark Kent?

Did Clark Kent have a career in helping the downtrodden and those locked out of society get a second chance in life?
You’re boring me to death with your bleeding heart, save the world bullshit.
I know plenty of druggies with great parents.
Many druggies may have genetic issues so stop blaming everybody else.

You have an ignore button. Since you don't seem to be smart enough to figure out how to use it, PM me. I'll give you directions.

If you READ the thread, I've pointed out several culprits for the drug culture. Parents are only ONE of them.
We need to bomb Drug Cities South of the Border one at a time until they learn their lesson.

Nuke them from space!
Nah! Up close and personal.
I see your philosophy is if you can't dazzle people with you brilliance you try to baffle them with your bullshit. You're doing a hell of a job on the latter.

Typical Liberal bullshit; If you need an explanation, you’re not smart enough to understand it.

I understand fear and your need to join a pack of wolves while not discussing any portion of the subject doth testify as to the fear you have.
And I understand your Liberal teachers trained you to need a select predetermined group of people to take the blame.

You understand nothing except to fear and use projection when you have nothing of substance to add to a conversation.
Uh huh.
I feel for drug addicts but many of them drink and fuck when they should be concerned with their education.
And people need to understand that, yes, they can earn 300K/year, but not if it forces you to snort cocaine from the pressure of earning that much.

I tell some of these people the same thing. If they're willing to work and sacrifice, I will help them. They cannot B.S. me or use me.
Typical Liberal bullshit; If you need an explanation, you’re not smart enough to understand it.

I understand fear and your need to join a pack of wolves while not discussing any portion of the subject doth testify as to the fear you have.
And I understand your Liberal teachers trained you to need a select predetermined group of people to take the blame.

You understand nothing except to fear and use projection when you have nothing of substance to add to a conversation.
Uh huh.
I feel for drug addicts but many of them drink and fuck when they should be concerned with their education.
And people need to understand that, yes, they can earn 300K/year, but not if it forces you to snort cocaine from the pressure of earning that much.

I tell some of these people the same thing. If they're willing to work and sacrifice, I will help them. They cannot B.S. me or use me.
Which people?
Did Clark Kent have a career in helping the downtrodden and those locked out of society get a second chance in life?
You’re boring me to death with your bleeding heart, save the world bullshit.
I know plenty of druggies with great parents.
Many druggies may have genetic issues so stop blaming everybody else.

You have an ignore button. Since you don't seem to be smart enough to figure out how to use it, PM me. I'll give you directions.

If you READ the thread, I've pointed out several culprits for the drug culture. Parents are only ONE of them.
We need to bomb Drug Cities South of the Border one at a time until they learn their lesson.

What we need is to lock mental incompetents behind four walls so you'd be happy and America would be safe from the stupidity.
I like dumb people and I enjoy explaining things to them to make them understand what’s going on.

So you spend your days standing in front of a mirror talking to yourself
Which is why they have been used for 18 centuries.

Sure, for 18 centuries our forefathers just couldn't come up with drones......Also, ask the Israelis how many tunnels have been dug under THEIR wall......lol
You’re boring me to death with your bleeding heart, save the world bullshit.
I know plenty of druggies with great parents.
Many druggies may have genetic issues so stop blaming everybody else.

You have an ignore button. Since you don't seem to be smart enough to figure out how to use it, PM me. I'll give you directions.

If you READ the thread, I've pointed out several culprits for the drug culture. Parents are only ONE of them.
We need to bomb Drug Cities South of the Border one at a time until they learn their lesson.

What we need is to lock mental incompetents behind four walls so you'd be happy and America would be safe from the stupidity.
I like dumb people and I enjoy explaining things to them to make them understand what’s going on.

So you spend your days standing in front of a mirror talking to yourself
Yes...You never watched Ally McBeal?
You have to practice what you’re going to preach so no one thinks you’re an asshole.
I understand fear and your need to join a pack of wolves while not discussing any portion of the subject doth testify as to the fear you have.
And I understand your Liberal teachers trained you to need a select predetermined group of people to take the blame.

You understand nothing except to fear and use projection when you have nothing of substance to add to a conversation.
Uh huh.
I feel for drug addicts but many of them drink and fuck when they should be concerned with their education.
And people need to understand that, yes, they can earn 300K/year, but not if it forces you to snort cocaine from the pressure of earning that much.

I tell some of these people the same thing. If they're willing to work and sacrifice, I will help them. They cannot B.S. me or use me.
Which people?

Lazy ass pieces of scatalogical waste, druggies, those who got locked out of society over a 20 year old irrelevant misdemeanor. I run into the good and the bad, but we need to get Americans back into the work force.
Obviously you don't know what Socialism is. Keeping people out of the country is not socialism, it's protection of the citizens.

You don't bother to read, do you? It is YOUR position that the jobs created are for the American people. That has nothing to do with your immigration argument. You are afraid to separate the two.

You have FINALLY been half honest with me, Ray. Your REAL objective is to keep people out of the United States. If you look back, it wasn't that hard, Ray.

I've always been honest about it, but you never cared for what I said.

Me being against immigration is for several reason, not just one. I've listed several of them, but there are actually more. And if you list those negatives of immigration vs so-called positives, you will find the negative beats the positive three to one.

If you were being honest, then you were ignorant and need to do some reading in several areas: general civics, history, law and constitutional interpretation.

That, most likely, explains why you try to pass me off as a liberal or a moderate instead of answering questions as they are asked of you.

Pretexts are not reasons. They are just that. For example, in my neighborhood, there are PLENTY of jobs almost anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size can get. Most pay between $20 and $40 an hour. When they don't take them and Hispanics show up, I work them.

NOWHERE in that scenario does it give you any indication of where I stand on the issue. But, sometimes I need things done and have to work within a budget. If Americans don't apply for the jobs, I either get the help I need or lose what I own. It's that simple. Do you realize I've been at this for four decades now and not one single time has one of the people wanting a wall and bitching about jobs EVER walked away from their computer and applied for a job that I told them about?

Then perhaps it's the state you live in with extraordinary high cost of living. In my state, if you offer somebody 20 bucks an hour, not only will you have Americans applying for the job, but probably a line of them. $40.00 an hour for manual labor? Better get chairs for the people outside waiting to get in.

There is an employment problem in this country, but it's caused by drugs and not lazy Americans. Better paying jobs usually drug test and many can't pass the test. These drugs come from other countries because we have limited border protection on our southern end.

So the long term solution is to get Americans off the drugs first, and that takes harsh measures to rid our country of these narcotics. Your solution is to keep allowing those drugs in, and then importing people to take the jobs American junkies can't get.

I have submitted TWO bills to legislators recently regarding the control of drugs. They are not interested. The know that the government is creating the junkies, but nobody wants to do anything about it.

I don't know if you call being a handyman "manual labor," but most illiterate Mexicans figure it out within six months of training and build decks, paint houses, do basic concrete work, and make small repairs around the house. We got plenty of kids in my neighborhood. Like you, they spend their time on the computer while their mommy pays the Mexican to cut the freaking grass.

And, while you're driving a truck, I work with people trying to resolve family problems. I'm telling you, for a fact, most drug addicts are created by their mommy, an absent or abusive father and the government that thinks drugs are the cure all for every problem.

I've always said there are two wars the US will never win, the war on poverty and the war on drugs, the government imports adequate supplies of both daily.

And I understand your Liberal teachers trained you to need a select predetermined group of people to take the blame.

You understand nothing except to fear and use projection when you have nothing of substance to add to a conversation.
Uh huh.
I feel for drug addicts but many of them drink and fuck when they should be concerned with their education.
And people need to understand that, yes, they can earn 300K/year, but not if it forces you to snort cocaine from the pressure of earning that much.

I tell some of these people the same thing. If they're willing to work and sacrifice, I will help them. They cannot B.S. me or use me.
Which people?

Lazy ass pieces of scatalogical waste, druggies, those who got locked out of society over a 20 year old irrelevant misdemeanor. I run into the good and the bad, but we need to get Americans back into the work force.
Let’s hear your plan minus open borders.
You have an ignore button. Since you don't seem to be smart enough to figure out how to use it, PM me. I'll give you directions.

If you READ the thread, I've pointed out several culprits for the drug culture. Parents are only ONE of them.
We need to bomb Drug Cities South of the Border one at a time until they learn their lesson.

What we need is to lock mental incompetents behind four walls so you'd be happy and America would be safe from the stupidity.
I like dumb people and I enjoy explaining things to them to make them understand what’s going on.

So you spend your days standing in front of a mirror talking to yourself
Yes...You never watched Ally McBeal?
You have to practice what you’re going to preach so no one thinks you’re an asshole.

I remember the series about a white chick that wanted to boink everything with a penis. It scared me that people actually watched it.
You don't bother to read, do you? It is YOUR position that the jobs created are for the American people. That has nothing to do with your immigration argument. You are afraid to separate the two.

You have FINALLY been half honest with me, Ray. Your REAL objective is to keep people out of the United States. If you look back, it wasn't that hard, Ray.

I've always been honest about it, but you never cared for what I said.

Me being against immigration is for several reason, not just one. I've listed several of them, but there are actually more. And if you list those negatives of immigration vs so-called positives, you will find the negative beats the positive three to one.

If you were being honest, then you were ignorant and need to do some reading in several areas: general civics, history, law and constitutional interpretation.

That, most likely, explains why you try to pass me off as a liberal or a moderate instead of answering questions as they are asked of you.

Pretexts are not reasons. They are just that. For example, in my neighborhood, there are PLENTY of jobs almost anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size can get. Most pay between $20 and $40 an hour. When they don't take them and Hispanics show up, I work them.

NOWHERE in that scenario does it give you any indication of where I stand on the issue. But, sometimes I need things done and have to work within a budget. If Americans don't apply for the jobs, I either get the help I need or lose what I own. It's that simple. Do you realize I've been at this for four decades now and not one single time has one of the people wanting a wall and bitching about jobs EVER walked away from their computer and applied for a job that I told them about?

Then perhaps it's the state you live in with extraordinary high cost of living. In my state, if you offer somebody 20 bucks an hour, not only will you have Americans applying for the job, but probably a line of them. $40.00 an hour for manual labor? Better get chairs for the people outside waiting to get in.

There is an employment problem in this country, but it's caused by drugs and not lazy Americans. Better paying jobs usually drug test and many can't pass the test. These drugs come from other countries because we have limited border protection on our southern end.

So the long term solution is to get Americans off the drugs first, and that takes harsh measures to rid our country of these narcotics. Your solution is to keep allowing those drugs in, and then importing people to take the jobs American junkies can't get.

I have submitted TWO bills to legislators recently regarding the control of drugs. They are not interested. The know that the government is creating the junkies, but nobody wants to do anything about it.

I don't know if you call being a handyman "manual labor," but most illiterate Mexicans figure it out within six months of training and build decks, paint houses, do basic concrete work, and make small repairs around the house. We got plenty of kids in my neighborhood. Like you, they spend their time on the computer while their mommy pays the Mexican to cut the freaking grass.

And, while you're driving a truck, I work with people trying to resolve family problems. I'm telling you, for a fact, most drug addicts are created by their mommy, an absent or abusive father and the government that thinks drugs are the cure all for every problem.

I've always said there are two wars the US will never win, the war on poverty and the war on drugs, the government imports adequate supplies of both daily.


If you quit creating the drug users, the importers have no market.
I have not asked you about inalienable rights. The question is about unalienable Rights. There's a legal difference. Our constitutional Republic was founded on two very important foundational principles that you know nothing about:
* The Right to own private property
* Unalienable Rights which include, but are not limited to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Porter, let me set you straight.

An UNalienable right (as in the DOI) is an ABSOLUTE RIGHT. God given. Part of your being. Cannot be taken away. Your birthright given to you when you were born. It can be trod upon by force, but not taken away so long as you are alive.

An INalienable right is a right which cannot be taken away. It cannot be lawfully removed. While not actually part of you, it is in your possession for all time.

What is the difference? A distinction with subtle legal ramifications but really looking at the same thing from two slightly different angles. As to the right to own property? Better think again. That is one of the most debatable human rights, subject to different interpretations all around the world, ESPECIALLY in the USA. Try telling the judge when they seize your property that they are depriving you of a human right. You're still free to live at the Y.
We need to bomb Drug Cities South of the Border one at a time until they learn their lesson.

What we need is to lock mental incompetents behind four walls so you'd be happy and America would be safe from the stupidity.
I like dumb people and I enjoy explaining things to them to make them understand what’s going on.

So you spend your days standing in front of a mirror talking to yourself
Yes...You never watched Ally McBeal?
You have to practice what you’re going to preach so no one thinks you’re an asshole.

I remember the series about a white chick that wanted to boink everything with a penis. It scared me that people actually watched it.
It was radical and brutally honest the first few seasons and probably helped a sexual revolution amongst high earners.
You understand nothing except to fear and use projection when you have nothing of substance to add to a conversation.
Uh huh.
I feel for drug addicts but many of them drink and fuck when they should be concerned with their education.
And people need to understand that, yes, they can earn 300K/year, but not if it forces you to snort cocaine from the pressure of earning that much.

I tell some of these people the same thing. If they're willing to work and sacrifice, I will help them. They cannot B.S. me or use me.
Which people?

Lazy ass pieces of scatalogical waste, druggies, those who got locked out of society over a 20 year old irrelevant misdemeanor. I run into the good and the bad, but we need to get Americans back into the work force.
Let’s hear your plan minus open borders.

My plan? Academic studies that I have access to don't play well on discussion boards. TLDR.

The real solutions, however, would be obvious if the build the wall guys simply admitted that some of their initial thoughts were in error.
Uh huh.
I feel for drug addicts but many of them drink and fuck when they should be concerned with their education.
And people need to understand that, yes, they can earn 300K/year, but not if it forces you to snort cocaine from the pressure of earning that much.

I tell some of these people the same thing. If they're willing to work and sacrifice, I will help them. They cannot B.S. me or use me.
Which people?

Lazy ass pieces of scatalogical waste, druggies, those who got locked out of society over a 20 year old irrelevant misdemeanor. I run into the good and the bad, but we need to get Americans back into the work force.
Let’s hear your plan minus open borders.

My plan? Academic studies that I have access to don't play well on discussion boards. TLDR.

The real solutions, however, would be obvious if the build the wall guys simply admitted that some of their initial thoughts were in error.
Sorry, bud, my community is fraught with 100s of MDs and PhDs and they disagree with your assessment.
Trump will NEVER get money to build his ineffective "solution" to his re-election problems.

What will happen....eventually.....is that republicans in the senate will smarten up to save their own sorry asses and over-ride Trump's vetoes....
I have not asked you about inalienable rights. The question is about unalienable Rights. There's a legal difference. Our constitutional Republic was founded on two very important foundational principles that you know nothing about:
* The Right to own private property
* Unalienable Rights which include, but are not limited to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Porter, let me set you straight.

An UNalienable right (as in the DOI) is an ABSOLUTE RIGHT. God given. Part of your being. Cannot be taken away. Your birthright given to you when you were born. It can be trod upon by force, but not taken away so long as you are alive.

An INalienable right is a right which cannot be taken away. It cannot be lawfully removed. While not actually part of you, it is in your possession for all time.

What is the difference? A distinction with subtle legal ramifications but really looking at the same thing from two slightly different angles. As to the right to own property? Better think again. That is one of the most debatable human rights, subject to different interpretations all around the world, ESPECIALLY in the USA. Try telling the judge when they seize your property that they are depriving you of a human right. You're still free to live at the Y.

Let me set YOU straight:

An unalienable Right is one given by your Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) It is natural, inherent, God given, absolute and irrevocable.) It is not given by man and, according to most ORIGINAL legal precedents, it is above the law.

An inalienable can be forfeited. That it is the basic difference.

You should read this thread. We deal with your issue in post # 2806

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