why is helping 1.2% of Americans important enough to destroy 98.7%

Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??
Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


Welp, I always love a chance to drop this in a thread:


i love the chance to drop this one.....the nanny state is a creeping incremental threat....

Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??

Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?
Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??

Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?

Obama STOLE almost a TRILLION from Medicare to fund his trainwreck called Obammycare.....nice guy....seniors are getting screwed......especially since Medicare is ALREADY GOING BROKE.....
Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


Welp, I always love a chance to drop this in a thread:


i love the chance to drop this one.....the nanny state is a creeping incremental threat....


Do you get that even if your Medicare was privatized, aka the end of Medicare...

...you'd just be trading one what you call a 'nanny' for another?
NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??

Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?

Obama STOLE almost a TRILLION from Medicare to fund his trainwreck called Obammycare.....nice guy....seniors are getting screwed......especially since Medicare is ALREADY GOING BROKE.....

No he didn't. He didn't take a nickel out of the payroll taxes that go to Medicare. That is the only scenario under which you could make the argument that anything was being 'stolen'.
Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


Welp, I always love a chance to drop this in a thread:


These "DEDUCTION"S are actually called "EXPENDITURES" by the Federal Govt.!
What are the largest tax expenditures?

WHO the f...k PAID the TAXES on Sue's public school!!! NOT THE GOVT! Sue's DAD!!!
WHAT tax credit for child care??? This simply means Sue's DAD keeps more of his own
money then sending to the govt.!
And dumb fu...K LOAN! NOT FREE LOAN SHE PAYS IT BACK for college!
"Learning CREDIT"??? THAT MEANS SHE KEEPS MORE of her hard earned money rather then govt. taking it!
"Employer TAX Exclusion"??? WHAT THE.. F>>>K is this?
If you mean the employer can deduct what the employer PAYS in health insurance THAT could have
gone to SUE as wages... Employer DOESN"T pay taxes keeps more to buy the health insurance!
MORTGAGE DEDUCTION??? IT 's her OWN MONEY that she doesn't have to pay to the GOVT!
Child care... we covered that... SHE KEEPS MORE of her OWN MONEY instead of paying taxes!
TAX free savings??? THE GOVT. would have confiscated it for idiots' like you food stamps!
IT's HER OWN MONEY!!! Sue AND her employer paid at least 13% of HER WAGES to the govt. they
return it ! HER MONEY NOT the govt!!!
MEDICARE??? ITS and her employers 3% deducted from her WAGES NOT THE Govt. money! HER!

GEEZ THIS is such a classic gross ignorance on the mass of people like YOU!

YOU actually THINK the Government MAKES the money and redistributes to YOU??

Man this country is really really sucking with such 180 degrees of ignorance of the REAL world!
Tell you what you idiot!!! Tell the govt. you won't pay your SS/Medicare/Income taxes!
WHAT happens ! THEY'll TAKE your money!!!

YOU make the money you send to the government...
YOU don't have to send the money you deduct from the govt for child care... deductions! NOT the govt's money YOUR money!
YOU don't have to pay higher taxes because YOU deduct what YOU paid in interest! YOU paid it not the govt!
You didn't get the student loan money FREE... IT's your money you are paying BACK!!!

I really don't know WHY people like YOU are so blind!
I am on Medicare.
Next year I will be paying a minimum of $1,156.80 MORE for my Medicare.
Then in addition my co-pay for doctor/hospital will increase from zero right now for doctor to something more... So I personally will be limiting my preventative regime BECAUSE I'll be paying more. All because
Obamacare supporters can't seem to do simple math.. i.e.
Of the 46 million Obama used to get ACA passed that he said were uninsured were:

18 million are under 34! Make over $50k CAN AFFORD but don't want to spend more on employers plans.. so bogus number!
Yet idiot supporters use the term "free loaders" on these RESPONSIBLE people who's credit would be destroyed IF they didn't pay their health
I'm not saying it CHECK THIS source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

14 million are already covered all need to do is register with Medicaid! SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_...ed-America.pdf

10 million are NOT citizens! SOURCE: US Census Bureau

This adds up 42 million that don't want, don't know they are covered and aren't legal!

Simple math Subtract from 46 million Obama's number 42 million leaves 4 million on 1.2% of Americans!
So I'm going to pay more to cover 4 million?

(1) very few believe you because

(2) you don't produce objective, peer reviewed evidence

A) The Census is not believable??? They counted 10 million people who said they were uninsured BUT THEY WERE ALSO not citizens!
US Census Bureau

B) The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC), estimates that almost 14 million of the uninsured estimated by the CPS in 2004 were reachable through public programs – 9 million through Medicaid and 5 million through SCHIP and other programs.
DO YOU comprehend what is being described is people were asked by The Census are you uninsured? They said yes...
BUT they are also according to the above study at the poverty level to be ELIGIBLE for Medicaid!!!

C) Yet it’s young people like Smeal that Barack Obama's administration has said are most needed to make health care reform a success. The new insurance exchanges, which open Tuesday, hope to attract at least 2.7 million of the 17 million uninsured 18-to-34-year-old Americans. That age group is dubbed the young invincibles and is the demographic least likely to be insured. Enrolling young adults, who often pay for but rarely use health insurance, is needed to keep premiums low overall.
'I don't need health care': Millennials threaten success of reform | Al Jazeera America

DO you still believe there are 46 million people that WANT, that are Citizens and KNOW they are covered??
10 million not citizens.. SEE A
14 million don't know they are eligible SEE B
18 million DON"T WANT See C.
42 million subtracted from 46 million leaves 4 million NOT 46 million!!!


That is nut so evidence.

Give us actual peer-reviewed objective evidence, I ask again.
Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?

Obama STOLE almost a TRILLION from Medicare to fund his trainwreck called Obammycare.....nice guy....seniors are getting screwed......especially since Medicare is ALREADY GOING BROKE.....

No he didn't. He didn't take a nickel out of the payroll taxes that go to Medicare. That is the only scenario under which you could make the argument that anything was being 'stolen'.

you libs get so frikken prissy literal to make a point....:eusa_hand:

the money is being 'stolen' in the sense that future savings from Medicare will be used to offset the costs of Obamacare......this is the bigger picuture...

and deviously this is being done just when millions of Boomers are about to retire.......:cuckoo:
Obama STOLE almost a TRILLION from Medicare to fund his trainwreck called Obammycare.....nice guy....seniors are getting screwed......especially since Medicare is ALREADY GOING BROKE.....

No he didn't. He didn't take a nickel out of the payroll taxes that go to Medicare. That is the only scenario under which you could make the argument that anything was being 'stolen'.

you libs get so frikken prissy literal to make a point....:eusa_hand:

the money is being 'stolen' in the sense that future savings from Medicare will be used to offset the costs of Obamacare......this is the bigger picuture...

and deviously this is being done just when millions of Boomers are about to retire.......:cuckoo:

So you would repeal Obamacare but keep the Medicare 'cut'?
Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??

Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?

I knew he would dodge this
No he didn't. He didn't take a nickel out of the payroll taxes that go to Medicare. That is the only scenario under which you could make the argument that anything was being 'stolen'.

you libs get so frikken prissy literal to make a point....:eusa_hand:

the money is being 'stolen' in the sense that future savings from Medicare will be used to offset the costs of Obamacare......this is the bigger picuture...

and deviously this is being done just when millions of Boomers are about to retire.......:cuckoo:

So you would repeal Obamacare but keep the Medicare 'cut'?

definitely repeal Obamacare and reinstate the old Advantage program...
Read this thread carefully and you will see that the author of this thread,

Mr. Anti-government healthcare,

admits that he himself is on Medicare, and then the kicker...

...he complains that the government is not compensating him enough through Medicare!!!!!!!


NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??

Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?

I said MY MEDICARE PART B payment would NOW be deducted from my SS check because of Obama's hatred of Profits and hatred of profit making advantage plans!

Your comment shows so vividly how totally shrift in knowledge you are of Medicare health insurance etc.....
Advantage plans BILL Medicare a flat monthly fee won by lowest bid of an average of $800 per month!
THAT's it! Medicare knows exactly how much to pay .. don't have to have for Profit companies manage the 1 billion claims or pay them.
Very very efficient use of tax money! NO fraud. No waste!
$800 / month. That's all Medicare pays!

So again idiots like you have NO idea how Medicare works much less the ADVANTAGES of Advantage plans and this goes for the idiot Obama
who has NO concept of how insurance much less a business operates... DID I also say my advantage plan pays:
Federal. State. Local taxes! Great Obama cuts my Advantage plan AND YOUR TAXES will go up and YOU deserve!
NO I Said it would be taken away! Just as almost EVERYONE's health programs will be reduced ALL because people like you defend
millionaire lawyers that have CAUSED the problem by forcing health care providers to order $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, in specialists referrals as THEY complain about ! Idiots like you say they are making money! Then why are 90% of doctors saying they order these
duplicate wasteful tests $850 billion a year out of FEAR of lawsuits!

Don't you guys get it??? This behavior fear of lawsuits make waste of $850 billion a year because fear of lawyers filing suit!
OK if ACA taxed tanning salons 10% cause tanning causes cancer WHY not tax lawyers?
Take that $27 billion and buy $5,000 policy for each of the 4 million that want!
YET this who ACA is a sham! The purpose is to destroy health care all in the name of WHAT??

I am 100 times more knowledgeable about health care costs, etc. then MOST people on this board because of my business.
And idiots like YOU get YOUR information from the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM!

Again... prove differently that 18 million under 34 making over $50K WANT and NEED Health insurance?
Prove to me as the experts have that 14 million people answered they don't have insurance yet they qualify for Medicaid ...why are they included?
Finally you want 10 million people that INVADED our country to be covered????

Prove me I'm wrong on those simple basics but you can't! And because I'm right, this is an absolutely wasteful destructive law!
Disgusting how totally stupid people like you are!

OH by the way... who tracks the preventative care exams? Medicare????
My Advantage plan also provides me $600 a year in OTC items... does Medicare?

Finally guess dumb fu..k Advantage plans pays in Federal/state/local income taxes nearly $10 billion a year... Is that wrong??

Were you or were you not complaining that what you called, incorrectly, your Medicare costs were going up about 1100?

yes or no?

And if that is even true, isn't true that that is actually because the government is reducing its handouts to Medicare Advantage?

yes or no?

I said MY MEDICARE PART B payment would NOW be deducted from my SS check because of Obama's hatred of Profits and hatred of profit making advantage plans!

Your comment shows so vividly how totally shrift in knowledge you are of Medicare health insurance etc.....
Advantage plans BILL Medicare a flat monthly fee won by lowest bid of an average of $800 per month!
THAT's it! Medicare knows exactly how much to pay .. don't have to have for Profit companies manage the 1 billion claims or pay them.
Very very efficient use of tax money! NO fraud. No waste!
$800 / month. That's all Medicare pays!

So again idiots like you have NO idea how Medicare works much less the ADVANTAGES of Advantage plans and this goes for the idiot Obama
who has NO concept of how insurance much less a business operates... DID I also say my advantage plan pays:
Federal. State. Local taxes! Great Obama cuts my Advantage plan AND YOUR TAXES will go up and YOU deserve!

Why does every post you make have to be made almost entirely incomprehensible by your interminable rants?

You do not pay for Medicare Part B when you are eligible for Medicare.
Health might be right on some things but its hard to take him seriously when his posts look like a kidnappers ransom note

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