Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

This information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.”

This was written 9 years ago and nothing has been done about it. Yet we see people like you taking about blacks. Remove that beam out of your eye.,
and 95 percent of blacks are killed by other blacks. again, blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks.
RE: the thread title

Anyone who is forced to be around African Americans every day could tell you stories that would raise the hair on your head.

People who are basically isolated from African Americans cannot possibly understand.

I've been among them. I've sat at a table of five, all pretty rough-looking black folks, passing a crack pipe, myself being the only white cracker in the room at 2:30 in the morning in the nether-parts of Dallas, TX that most white folks wouldn't dare show their faces in. Dope doesn't give a fuck if you're black or white. We're all addicts under the skin. I've cruised parts of the Dallas suburbs looking for black women standing on street corners, knowing that they had the best connections. The sex I had with them was ok, but usually cost me a couple hundred dollars worth of crack cocaine by the end of the night.

And once the crack was gone, so were all your friends. I actually came close to marrying a decent black woman back in 2005. She was a decent girl who had a career, but I found her to be too materialistic for me, and we split up after I cheated on her with a Jewish white woman.

Yeah, I was once a liberal Democrat myself. It was only by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that I've been clean and drug-free for the last 17 years. Fuck that shit. Drugs will rob you and everyone around you of everything you love.
. Every yuear when yu look atthe FBI UCR blacks are the number one group who are victims of hate crmes regardless of category and the number one perpetrators of race based crimes are whites.
That is because blacks are not charged with hate crimes, even though most of their attacks against whites could be charged as such and never are
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
I will kick start this by putting blame on two or three things. First the media. The media insists that things like murder are always front row. Minor crimes almost never get mentioned. Black men are not raised to remain married. They are raised to have sex with many women who they get pregnant. Black men are not scorned for bailing out on women. Blacks are told over and over by Democrats they are downtrodden. This is a major problem for blacks. Democrats tell them they are for them, but they will tell them how bad they have it and only Democrats help them. But blacks are learning as time passes that the so called help is not available at all. It is a sham by democrats.
It's the basis of psychosis given the history of this country. We have more reason to fear whites than whites have to fear us.
We are superior fighters to you blacks is your claim???
That is because blacks are not charged with hate crimes, even though most of their attacks against whites could be charged as such and never are

No. Because whites get away with hate crimes on blacks. Most white hate crimes against blacks don't get reported. Stop making excuses. Whites have been and continue to be, the most violent and criminal group in this country. The example of this is the fact that part of the white population who are Republican will be voting for a criminal to be the Presdent of this country.
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
There is not ..I’ve traveled through the USA across the country… our neighbors are nice people

The media , corporations and Hollywood are racist against whites wrt their hiring quotas that favor minorities. And with regards to their racial ideas that all white people including homeless whites are privileged.
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Blacks: 12% of the population, commit over 50% of all murders and more than 33% of all non-murder violent crimes.

Plus, all the ongoing looting being passed off as shoplifting is way majority black.
^These issues have to be addressed same with the fact that most school shooters are young white men hooked on marijuana and violent video games.

Stats are not racist

Inner city black majority communities deserve better..they got far left politicians making things more difficult.
Whites started this, and built a system that denied others based on race.
Whites didn’t start racism. FFS there are tribes on Africa still killing each other due to slight differences in ethnicity. Racism is as universal as slavery was.

Whites were also the people who built a system that dismantled slavery and systemic racism. You are either to ignorant or to committed to hating white people to recognize this. Why else would you like a mass grave of victims of racial violence?

I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?

He is a throughly brainwashed, guilt-ridden white lib

Probably listens to gansta rap on is car radio
The problem you have is this, Whites commit 61 percent of the violent crime and lead annually in 27 to 28 out ofte 30 categores of crime listed n the UCR. There are more, but I'll make this short.
61% of the population SHOULD statistically commit 61% of crime.

When 13% of the population commits 50% of all murders...statistically, that indicates there is a big problem among that 13%.

Should we be painting all black folks with that brush? No...of course not.

But the OP asked a question...why is this a reality.

Just to expound ... it doesn't help that crime seems to be celebrated in the inner-cities. In culture and in music.

Not a good look.
Thug Culture has Legions of Dazzling Urbanite Knuckleheads propagating it
Far left & Left took over a huge section of a major US City ( CHOP / CHAZ ) for months , 1/6 lasted Hours
61% of the population SHOULD statistically commit 61% of crime.

When 13% of the population commits 50% of all murders...statistically, that indicates there is a big problem among that 13%.

Should we be painting all black folks with that brush? No...of course not.

But the OP asked a question...why is this a reality.

Just to expound ... it doesn't help that crime seems to be celebrated in the inner-cities. In culture and in music.

Not a good look.
The problem is that 2.1 percent of the population commits crimes. And out of that 2.1 percet, 1.09 percent are whites. 0.6 percent are black. So when you examine the actual numbers of criminal offenders, whites are number 1. You don't get to excuse whites committing more crimes because you have more people. 13 percent of the population is not committing 51 percent of the murders, and murder is just one crime. Let's expound about celebrating crime, because right wing whites want to put a criminal in the office of the presidency. That's is the ultimarte celebration of crime. And since the Sopranos were not black, maybe yu need to understannd that whites have celebrated crime on the bg screen and on TV.

Whites who think like you ignore the vast violence and criminality of your own race. It's a legacy handed down through generations of whites comitting crimes, making excuses, white describing non whites as savages, animials, immoral, violent or criminal.
Far left & Left took over a huge section of a major US City ( CHOP / CHAZ ) for months , 1/6 lasted Hours
The problem with this false equvalence is that the people who did that were protesting actual police murders while the 1-6 people were doing what they did for nothing.
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