Why is wanting to keep what you earned greed, but wanting what you didn't earn isn't?

Sorry, but the day I believe that living off of a measly welfare check is rewarding will be the day that Hell freezes over. As for paying taxes, I personally would love to be in the highest tax bracket rather than in the middle.

Are you playing us all for fools? Or are you the fool?

You know that it doesn't stop with just the welfare check.

Daycare - $ 0.00 - $10.00 / week per child The rest is subsidized by the tax payers.
Housing - Sliding scale based upon income. The rest is subsidized by the tax payer
Electric/Gas bills - Again, subsidized by the tax payer.
Transportation - Taxi Service subsided by tax payer.
Education - Subsidized by tax payer
SNAP - Subsidized by the Tax Payer.

I have never had a problem with those who are incapable of working receiving Government aid. It is those who are more than capable. I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears people refuse promotions, full time jobs, and even pay raises because it would reduce their Government checks.

If it's so great, why aren't you doing it? Are you that dumb that you can't even figure out that "easy street" is there for you to grab and you can't even figure out how to start "living the good life" like those "moochers" are.
Maybe because he has a shred or two of dignity?

Just a guess.
I don't get it liberals, please explain

Not wanting to contribute to the society that you benefit from is greed
The word "contribute" implies consent....It's taken from them by force, at gunpoint if necessary.

The concepts of "coercion" and "consent" are mutually exclusive.

You give that "consent" to your elected representatives. Those representatives have a Constitutional power to collect taxes for the greater good of the society
Not wanting to contribute to the society that you benefit from is greed
The word "contribute" implies consent....It's taken from them by force, at gunpoint if necessary.

The concepts of "coercion" and "consent" are mutually exclusive.

You give that "consent" to your elected representatives. Those representatives have a Constitutional power to collect taxes for the greater good of the society
Bullshit....The existence of politicians and bureaucrats only imparts obligations upon me under the rule of the mob.

And taxes are for the funding of legitimate functions of a de jure government, not for your hairy-fairy and purposefully nebulous "greater good of society".
Why are those who work for a living penalized, and those who don't rewarded?

You're living in the wrong country if you consider taxes to be a penalty.

You should consider it a privilege to live in such a great country, but nope...you see it as being penalized. Perhaps it's time you looked for another country that has no taxation and is more to your liking.

Taxes are not a penalty, but oppressive taxes are. which is the nature of my question.

My question wasn't about why do we have taxes, my question was why is wanting other people's money not greed. if you and I both chip in for roads, no one is taking someone else's money. if government takes my money and gives it to you, they are. According to liberals, when government does that, I'm greedy and the one who got my money isn't. That's the question, why?
How do we fund the government if you keep all your money?

How about you chipping in for a change?

Or, more reasonably, why don't we reduce government to a level that tax rates would not be an issue. But then, a whole lot of able bodied people would actually have to go to work to make a living.

What tax rate would you be happy with?

Through millenniums, in civil life AND in religion, 10% paid by EVERYBODY has been accepted as reasonable.
How do we fund the government if you keep all your money?

How about you chipping in for a change?

Or, more reasonably, why don't we reduce government to a level that tax rates would not be an issue. But then, a whole lot of able bodied people would actually have to go to work to make a living.

What tax rate would you be happy with?

No one should ever pay more than 10% of what they make to government.
Why are those who work for a living penalized, and those who don't rewarded?

You're living in the wrong country if you consider taxes to be a penalty.

You should consider it a privilege to live in such a great country, but nope...you see it as being penalized. Perhaps it's time you looked for another country that has no taxation and is more to your liking.

Taxes are not a penalty, but oppressive taxes are. which is the nature of my question.

My question wasn't about why do we have taxes, my question was why is wanting other people's money not greed. if you and I both chip in for roads, no one is taking someone else's money. if government takes my money and gives it to you, they are. According to liberals, when government does that, I'm greedy and the one who got my money isn't. That's the question, why?

But I only want to pay for the roads that I use. Why should you take MY money and use it on roads that other people get the advantage of? Why are they being greedy and want me to pay for their roads?
I don't get it liberals, please explain

Not wanting to contribute to the society that you benefit from is greed

right.. so those that pay no federal income tax while earning any income are greedy....

How true.....those 40% of Americans who share only 2 tenths of a percent of our wealth are being greedy

Sorry, but the day I believe that living off of a measly welfare check is rewarding will be the day that Hell freezes over. As for paying taxes, I personally would love to be in the highest tax bracket rather than in the middle.

Are you playing us all for fools? Or are you the fool?

You know that it doesn't stop with just the welfare check.

Daycare - $ 0.00 - $10.00 / week per child The rest is subsidized by the tax payers.
Housing - Sliding scale based upon income. The rest is subsidized by the tax payer
Electric/Gas bills - Again, subsidized by the tax payer.
Transportation - Taxi Service subsided by tax payer.
Education - Subsidized by tax payer
SNAP - Subsidized by the Tax Payer.

I have never had a problem with those who are incapable of working receiving Government aid. It is those who are more than capable. I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears people refuse promotions, full time jobs, and even pay raises because it would reduce their Government checks.

If it's so great, why aren't you doing it? Are you that dumb that you can't even figure out that "easy street" is there for you to grab and you can't even figure out how to start "living the good life" like those "moochers" are.

The wife and I have figured out that if we both quit our jobs, her one and either one of the two I have, our son could have gone to College for free.

But then neither one of us is willing to go on the public tit unless we are incapable of working we will do so.
Are you playing us all for fools? Or are you the fool?

You know that it doesn't stop with just the welfare check.

Daycare - $ 0.00 - $10.00 / week per child The rest is subsidized by the tax payers.
Housing - Sliding scale based upon income. The rest is subsidized by the tax payer
Electric/Gas bills - Again, subsidized by the tax payer.
Transportation - Taxi Service subsided by tax payer.
Education - Subsidized by tax payer
SNAP - Subsidized by the Tax Payer.

I have never had a problem with those who are incapable of working receiving Government aid. It is those who are more than capable. I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears people refuse promotions, full time jobs, and even pay raises because it would reduce their Government checks.

If it's so great, why aren't you doing it? Are you that dumb that you can't even figure out that "easy street" is there for you to grab and you can't even figure out how to start "living the good life" like those "moochers" are.
Maybe because he has a shred or two of dignity?

Just a guess.

Can't be...someone with dignity doesn't blame their problems on poor people.
You're living in the wrong country if you consider taxes to be a penalty.

You should consider it a privilege to live in such a great country, but nope...you see it as being penalized. Perhaps it's time you looked for another country that has no taxation and is more to your liking.

Taxes are not a penalty, but oppressive taxes are. which is the nature of my question.

My question wasn't about why do we have taxes, my question was why is wanting other people's money not greed. if you and I both chip in for roads, no one is taking someone else's money. if government takes my money and gives it to you, they are. According to liberals, when government does that, I'm greedy and the one who got my money isn't. That's the question, why?

But I only want to pay for the roads that I use. Why should you take MY money and use it on roads that other people get the advantage of? Why are they being greedy and want me to pay for their roads?

You're very clever. Do you think of all these penetrating points to contribute to these discussions on your own or do you have a team of political experts who brainstorm points for you? Maybe you should work for Obama. He has a team of idiots who keep him in the dark and then tell him things that are wrong, like that Benghai was a spontaneous attack. That'd never have happened had your team been in the Oval office advising him, eh RW? Then again, Obama is a bit conservative for your taste.
Not wanting to contribute to the society that you benefit from is greed

right.. so those that pay no federal income tax while earning any income are greedy....

How true.....those 40% of Americans who share only 2 tenths of a percent of our wealth are being greedy


Ehhh.. wrong answer.. because contributing involuntarily to society is done in taxation.. and those earning an income and not paying anything in income tax, or paying less than others in income tax are the ones being greedy as they are receiving benefit at the expense of others...

The savings or wealth is not taxed and is not the property of society nor government... those assets are not to be SHARED for the use of others... and remember it is not OUR wealth, it is THEIR wealth as individuals... your little commie thinking just wants to believe it is EVERYONE's wealth
The word "contribute" implies consent....It's taken from them by force, at gunpoint if necessary.

The concepts of "coercion" and "consent" are mutually exclusive.

You give that "consent" to your elected representatives. Those representatives have a Constitutional power to collect taxes for the greater good of the society
Bullshit....The existence of politicians and bureaucrats only imparts obligations upon me under the rule of the mob.

And taxes are for the funding of legitimate functions of a de jure government, not for your hairy-fairy and purposefully nebulous "greater good of society".

That mob you so disdain is "We the People"

Those politicians and bureaucrats are our elected representatives

If you don't like how they perform, you are free to take their place

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