Why Republicans are so afraid of Obamacares

Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

The Soviet Union was communist, not socialist.

Most countries in the world are a combination of capitalism and a social safety net. Most people realize that taking care of children, the old, and the sick is the right thing to do. That is why universal healthcare, Social Security, and aid to dependent children is important.

I hope someday your hard heart will change, and you will realize this.


The folks who named the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) sure seem to have thought they were socialists.

Socialism and communism are virtually synonymous, though one speaks more to an economic system and the other to the type of government best suited by ideology to run that system. And you are obviously a numbskull.

Taking care of people who can't take care of themselves is something all societies do, and something all Conservatives believe in....out of compassion.

Taking care of people who don't take care of themselves is something Socialist Democrats do....to buy votes.
Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

The Soviet Union was communist, not socialist.

Most countries in the world are a combination of capitalism and a social safety net. Most people realize that taking care of children, the old, and the sick is the right thing to do. That is why universal healthcare, Social Security, and aid to dependent children is important.

I hope someday your hard heart will change, and you will realize this.


The folks who named the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) sure seem to have thought they were socialists.

Socialism and communism are virtually synonymous, though one speaks more to an economic system and the other to the type of government best suited by ideology to run that system. And you are obviously a numbskull.

Taking care of people who can't take care of themselves is something all societies do, and something all Conservatives believe in....out of compassion.

Taking care of people who don't take care of themselves is something Socialist Democrats do....to buy votes.
Compassion does not take care of people who can't take care of themselves. It takes dollars and lots of them.
I find it amazing any citizen in this country who VALUES their Freedoms even ASK THIS QUESTION

you can BET your ass if Romney had tried to this, THIS QUESTION wouldn't be being asked, they WOULD OUT MARCHING in the streets over him Invading our Privacy and RIGHTS from this intrusion ON our right to CHOOSE from the FEDERAL GOVENMENT
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Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

The Soviet Union was communist, not socialist.

Most countries in the world are a combination of capitalism and a social safety net. Most people realize that taking care of children, the old, and the sick is the right thing to do. That is why universal healthcare, Social Security, and aid to dependent children is important.

I hope someday your hard heart will change, and you will realize this.


The folks who named the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) sure seem to have thought they were socialists.

Socialism and communism are virtually synonymous, though one speaks more to an economic system and the other to the type of government best suited by ideology to run that system. And you are obviously a numbskull.

Taking care of people who can't take care of themselves is something all societies do, and something all Conservatives believe in....out of compassion.

Taking care of people who don't take care of themselves is something Socialist Democrats do....to buy votes.

the leftards are ignorant on the basics.

there were no communist country yet. all the ones that are misnomered as "communist" were, in fact, pure socialism.

the ones which the ignorant left is naming "socialist" are typical capitalist countries with strong social-democratic principles. But the latter ones can be changed, if the people feel like it by electing other political parties, and that what happened in recent years in Sweden ( a "poster one" for our stupid leftards) in order to sustain economic prosperity.
Nothing can be changed in the socialist country - only what the government decides it feels like it. People have no say.
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?
Funny how this discussion always turns to Bush when you're being beaten in the ground, Chris.

For 5 years now, Obama has run trillion dollar deficits. He just made a $4 trillion budget proposal. Great Scott! 9 trillion in 5 years! That's almost all the debt accrued by every president from Washington to Dubya!

Great Scott!

The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency.....

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (1 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)
There ya go, blame Bush. :lol:
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Don't lie. There are no policies for 50$ per month and you "forgot" to tell about 15K deductuble and amount of co-payment he is supposed to pay. Oh, and the services NOT provided - where and by whom

One is that the cheaper plans come with big deductibles and lots of other out-of-pocket costs. Now, if you don't think you're going to have much in the way of medical expenses, that may be fine. But people should be aware that if they buy a plan that only costs $40 or $50 a month, they may have a $5,000 deductible before the plan starts paying benefits.

Insurance Exchange 101: Here's What You Need To Know : Shots - Health News : NPR
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?

Being in the military is the ultimate mommy and daddy government.
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?

It is a law. It was a bill until it was passed in both houses and signed by your President. Then it became a law.

What will you do when all of the things you believe about the law turn out to be bullshit? Will you ever evaluate this law honestly? I doubt it. You still think Medicare and SS are freedom grabbing gubmint programs.

That is because you are irrational.
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?

Being in the military is the ultimate mommy and daddy government.
Your thread topic was about Obamacare not being in the military and FYI serving in the military is voluntary with no fines or penalties attached if you choose not to join unlike Obamacare.
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?

It is a law. It was a bill until it was passed in both houses and signed by your President. Then it became a law.

What will you do when all of the things you believe about the law turn out to be bullshit? Will you ever evaluate this law honestly? I doubt it. You still think Medicare and SS are freedom grabbing gubmint programs.

That is because you are irrational.

A bill being passed into law does not make it good as far as medicare or SS go point out one example where I have ever claimed they were freedom grabbing gubmint programs. Don't ever presume to tell me what think about something try not being such a partisan and take a honest look at the law you seem to so blindly support.
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?
Our government has been mandating that people do things they don't like since the day it was formed. The very first Congress passed a law that required ship owners to buy medical insurance for their seamen. A government without mandates is not a government but rather an anarchy.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Yep, free stuff always makes for a democrat voter. Not quite smart enough to figure out where the money comes from but sure as hell willing to sign up for the benefits. Obiecare is working perfectly.

He can also likely get an obamaphone too

Luck dude
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?
Our government has been mandating that people do things they don't like since the day it was formed. The very first Congress passed a law that required ship owners to buy medical insurance for their seamen. A government without mandates is not a government but rather an anarchy.

Perhaps so but mandates can go to far no mandates as you say is anarchy to many and it's no longer a government either but a dictatorship. Every mandate from the government coming from either the left or the right takes us just a little closer to this in my view.
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?
Our government has been mandating that people do things they don't like since the day it was formed. The very first Congress passed a law that required ship owners to buy medical insurance for their seamen. A government without mandates is not a government but rather an anarchy.

Perhaps so but mandates can go to far no mandates as you say is anarchy to many and it's no longer a government either but a dictatorship. Every mandate from the government coming from either the left or the right takes us just a little closer to this in my view.
People are demanding more from government and the only way more government services can be provided is through mandates. If the public demands that no one need fear the loss of basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, police protection, medical services, and a clean and healthy environment, then you're going to have big government.

I don't see this trend changing as the demand for high skilled workers increases along with a decrease in demand for low and semi-skilled workers.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

No you don't.

One is that the cheaper plans come with big deductibles and lots of other out-of-pocket costs. Now, if you don't think you're going to have much in the way of medical expenses, that may be fine. But people should be aware that if they buy a plan that only costs $40 or $50 a month, they may have a $5,000 deductible before the plan starts paying benefits.

I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.
Gee, you wouldn't be like, making that up or anything, would you? :eusa_whistle:

You don't do a lot of reading, do you?

You can read about it from this report from NPR....

One is that the cheaper plans come with big deductibles and lots of other out-of-pocket costs. Now, if you don't think you're going to have much in the way of medical expenses, that may be fine. But people should be aware that if they buy a plan that only costs $40 or $50 a month, they may have a $5,000 deductible before the plan starts paying benefits.

Insurance Exchange 101: Here's What You Need To Know : Shots - Health News : NPR
I don't like any bill that increases the governments influence and control in my life some of you may like having mommy and daddy government making most of your decisions for you i don't. How are people who support Obamacare going to feel when the government mandates you have to do something you don't like and they use Obamacare as the precedent for what they are trying to do?

It is a law. It was a bill until it was passed in both houses and signed by your President. Then it became a law.

What will you do when all of the things you believe about the law turn out to be bullshit? Will you ever evaluate this law honestly? I doubt it. You still think Medicare and SS are freedom grabbing gubmint programs.

That is because you are irrational.

A bill being passed into law does not make it good as far as medicare or SS go point out one example where I have ever claimed they were freedom grabbing gubmint programs. Don't ever presume to tell me what think about something try not being such a partisan and take a honest look at the law you seem to so blindly support.

Do you know that the opposition to SS was every bit as passionate as the opposition to Obamacare?

Time.........give it some time.

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