Why Republicans are so afraid of Obamacares

In 2011, five years after being made law, 74 percent of the people in Massachusetts did not want RomneyCare repealed. It is very popular.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

The GOP better wake up to this fact, quickly. Since they don't have any alternatives on the table to fix a seriously broken healthcare system in America, they are going to get their asses handed to them if they continue to come up with...nothing.

People think "free" or heavily subsidized health insurance is free or cheap, and they like that. It isn't free, of course, any more than the roads are free. Other people have to pay for it. But if you are a taker, you don't care about any of that. You take your mortgage interest tax deduction someone else has to pay for, or you take your health insurance subsidy someone else has to pay for. No difference. You suck on a tit and never give a thought to the other guy carrying your ass. And then you bitch your whiny little ass off about someone getting something for "free" while completely oblivious to the fact you are a load being carried, too. That 17 trillion debt didn't happen because of other people. You played a part.

So enjoy ObamaCare. Enjoy your "tax cuts" and your tax expenditures. You sucked $17 trillion off the tit to keep 535 people employed.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

You call your hand your Republican friend?

he is lying.

as usual.

he is a leftard.
there re no insurance premiums for 50$.
id there is - he should have provided the link to insurance exchange with this type of policy, not some BLOG :D
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I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

You call your hand your Republican friend?

he is lying.

as usual.

he is a leftard.
there re no insurance premiums for 50$.
id there is - he should have provided the link to insurance exchange with this type of policy, not some BLOG :D

Having not needed this crap (knock on wood) as of yet, I haven't bothered to check them out. I heard that Minnesota had plans for $99 per month with EXTREMELY HIGH deductibles, bit I "believe" that most plans are running around $250 per month yet still have high deductibles.

Hell, if there WERE plans for $50 - they would STILL be too high....they don't cover a damned thing...
Is there too much written history and too late that Republicans can't start claiming they created Obamacare?
I always thought it strange Republicans haven't claimed that Social Security was a Republican program; maybe too much written history there too. Still, they could try and a certain percentage of Americans would believe them. How about Romneycare?
You call your hand your Republican friend?

he is lying.

as usual.

he is a leftard.
there re no insurance premiums for 50$.
id there is - he should have provided the link to insurance exchange with this type of policy, not some BLOG :D

Having not needed this crap (knock on wood) as of yet, I haven't bothered to check them out. I heard that Minnesota had plans for $99 per month with EXTREMELY HIGH deductibles, bit I "believe" that most plans are running around $250 per month yet still have high deductibles.

Hell, if there WERE plans for $50 - they would STILL be too high....they don't cover a damned thing...

I checked the plans in 2 states - my own and California.

There are no plans for 50$ per month even on somebody under 30( for catastrophic type) with heavy subsidies - because there are a lot of co-pays, deductibles and other payments with lower premiums.
Even with high premiums like 1000$ per month for a family of 2 in California there are plenty of additional costs - that plan is a PPO type, so it SHOULD be somewhat close to the PPO types offered through employers right now - but it is not - there are tons of co-payments and big ones which are nonexistent now for similar type of coverage.

In my state this is a total racket - the amount of co-payment can reach 25K for a family of two - and 25K is the limit, not 6K like our leftard liars have been parading around
It is a law. It was a bill until it was passed in both houses and signed by your President. Then it became a law.

Only if you are a corrupt government supremacist parasite:

1) the Senate took up H.R. 3590, a bill regarding housing tax breaks for service members;

2) the Senate took up this bill since it was first passed by the House as a revenue-related modification to the Internal Revenue Code

H. R. 3590

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees, and for other purposes.

3)The bill was then used as the Senate's vehicle for their healthcare reform proposal, completely revising the content of the bill.[90] The bill as amended would ultimately incorporate elements of proposals that were reported favorably by the Senate Health and Finance committees.

Prima Facie Evidence that we are being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise.

I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

You call your hand your Republican friend?

he is lying.

as usual.

he is a leftard.
there re no insurance premiums for 50$.
id there is - he should have provided the link to insurance exchange with this type of policy, not some BLOG :D

For as little as $50/month, you may be eligible for a mini medical plan that will cover a predetermined number of doctors visits, many prescription medications, daily hospital benefits, and limited accident coverage. If traditional comprehensive plans like HMOs and PPOs are too costly for your budget, consider talking to an insurance broker to see if mini medical insurance is right for you and your family's needs.

Low Income Health Insurance
You call your hand your Republican friend?

he is lying.

as usual.

he is a leftard.
there re no insurance premiums for 50$.
id there is - he should have provided the link to insurance exchange with this type of policy, not some BLOG :D

Having not needed this crap (knock on wood) as of yet, I haven't bothered to check them out. I heard that Minnesota had plans for $99 per month with EXTREMELY HIGH deductibles, bit I "believe" that most plans are running around $250 per month yet still have high deductibles.

Hell, if there WERE plans for $50 - they would STILL be too high....they don't cover a damned thing...

Health care for $50 a month?- MSN Money
he is lying.

as usual.

he is a leftard.
there re no insurance premiums for 50$.
id there is - he should have provided the link to insurance exchange with this type of policy, not some BLOG :D

Having not needed this crap (knock on wood) as of yet, I haven't bothered to check them out. I heard that Minnesota had plans for $99 per month with EXTREMELY HIGH deductibles, bit I "believe" that most plans are running around $250 per month yet still have high deductibles.

Hell, if there WERE plans for $50 - they would STILL be too high....they don't cover a damned thing...

I checked the plans in 2 states - my own and California.

There are no plans for 50$ per month even on somebody under 30( for catastrophic type) with heavy subsidies - because there are a lot of co-pays, deductibles and other payments with lower premiums.
Even with high premiums like 1000$ per month for a family of 2 in California there are plenty of additional costs - that plan is a PPO type, so it SHOULD be somewhat close to the PPO types offered through employers right now - but it is not - there are tons of co-payments and big ones which are nonexistent now for similar type of coverage.

In my state this is a total racket - the amount of co-payment can reach 25K for a family of two - and 25K is the limit, not 6K like our leftard liars have been parading around

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Yep, free stuff always makes for a democrat voter. Not quite smart enough to figure out where the money comes from but sure as hell willing to sign up for the benefits. Obiecare is working perfectly.

PolitiFact | 'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.


I agree with you. Fuck those Republicans in Red States stealing our money. 150 years of conservative rule and all they do is drive up the debt and take away our money. If only the fuckers would secede, we could finally have a balanced budget.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Yep, free stuff always makes for a democrat voter. Not quite smart enough to figure out where the money comes from but sure as hell willing to sign up for the benefits. Obiecare is working perfectly.

PolitiFact | 'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.


I agree with you. Fuck those Republicans in Red States stealing our money. 150 years of conservative rule and all they do is drive up the debt and take away our money. If only the fuckers would secede, we could finally have a balanced budget.

Bigotry creates poverty.
There ARE no $50 policies, the ONLY way for that premium is after subsidy.
Having not needed this crap (knock on wood) as of yet, I haven't bothered to check them out. I heard that Minnesota had plans for $99 per month with EXTREMELY HIGH deductibles, bit I "believe" that most plans are running around $250 per month yet still have high deductibles.

Hell, if there WERE plans for $50 - they would STILL be too high....they don't cover a damned thing...

I checked the plans in 2 states - my own and California.

There are no plans for 50$ per month even on somebody under 30( for catastrophic type) with heavy subsidies - because there are a lot of co-pays, deductibles and other payments with lower premiums.
Even with high premiums like 1000$ per month for a family of 2 in California there are plenty of additional costs - that plan is a PPO type, so it SHOULD be somewhat close to the PPO types offered through employers right now - but it is not - there are tons of co-payments and big ones which are nonexistent now for similar type of coverage.

In my state this is a total racket - the amount of co-payment can reach 25K for a family of two - and 25K is the limit, not 6K like our leftard liars have been parading around

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance

LMAO, geeeezus Chris....a Temp plan is not ACA compliant and only lasts for 10 months.

You are an idiot.
I checked the plans in 2 states - my own and California.

There are no plans for 50$ per month even on somebody under 30( for catastrophic type) with heavy subsidies - because there are a lot of co-pays, deductibles and other payments with lower premiums.
Even with high premiums like 1000$ per month for a family of 2 in California there are plenty of additional costs - that plan is a PPO type, so it SHOULD be somewhat close to the PPO types offered through employers right now - but it is not - there are tons of co-payments and big ones which are nonexistent now for similar type of coverage.

In my state this is a total racket - the amount of co-payment can reach 25K for a family of two - and 25K is the limit, not 6K like our leftard liars have been parading around

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance

LMAO, geeeezus Chris....a Temp plan is not ACA compliant and only lasts for 10 months.

You are an idiot.

It's called google......

Low Income Health Insurance

Health care for $50 a month?- MSN Money

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance

New Dallas County health care plan offers coverage for $50 a month | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth

Madville Times
The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.

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