Why Republicans are so afraid of Obamacares

The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.

Low Income Health Insurance

Health care for $50 a month?- MSN Money

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance

New Dallas County health care plan offers coverage for $50 a month | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth

Madville Times

The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.
Reading the South Dakota Medicaid Task Force's final report, I find this really good example of how the Affordable Care Act can save working families good money.

A family of 3 with income below 138% FPL ($26,344) will likely incur the following out of pocket costs for a Silver Plan (assuming premium costs of $9,000 per year):
•Family Pays $526 Premium (2% of Income)
•Government Pays $8,474
•Maximum Out-of-Pocket Cap - $4,500
•Premium Plus Out-of-Pocket Cap - $5,026
•Required Actuarial Value: 94%

Madville Times
The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.

Low Income Health Insurance

Health care for $50 a month?- MSN Money

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance

New Dallas County health care plan offers coverage for $50 a month | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth

Madville Times

The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.

Not true....

Madville Times
In 2011, five years after being made law, 74 percent of the people in Massachusetts did not want RomneyCare repealed. It is very popular.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

The GOP better wake up to this fact, quickly. Since they don't have any alternatives on the table to fix a seriously broken healthcare system in America, they are going to get their asses handed to them if they continue to come up with...nothing.

People think "free" or heavily subsidized health insurance is free or cheap, and they like that. It isn't free, of course, any more than the roads are free. Other people have to pay for it. But if you are a taker, you don't care about any of that. You take your mortgage interest tax deduction someone else has to pay for, or you take your health insurance subsidy someone else has to pay for. No difference. You suck on a tit and never give a thought to the other guy carrying your ass. And then you bitch your whiny little ass off about someone getting something for "free" while completely oblivious to the fact you are a load being carried, too. That 17 trillion debt didn't happen because of other people. You played a part.

So enjoy ObamaCare. Enjoy your "tax cuts" and your tax expenditures. You sucked $17 trillion off the tit to keep 535 people employed.
I don't think comparing healthcare to a mortgage is a fair comparison. Most people can live their entire lives without a mortgage, but not healthcare. I think subsidies for healthcare are far more important than mortgage interest deductions.
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The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.

Not true....

Madville Times

You are an amatuer.

From your link....

[•Government Pays $8,474/B]

THAT is the subsidy kid...and a Silver plan is not a Temp plan you moron.
Having not needed this crap (knock on wood) as of yet, I haven't bothered to check them out. I heard that Minnesota had plans for $99 per month with EXTREMELY HIGH deductibles, bit I "believe" that most plans are running around $250 per month yet still have high deductibles.

Hell, if there WERE plans for $50 - they would STILL be too high....they don't cover a damned thing...

I checked the plans in 2 states - my own and California.

There are no plans for 50$ per month even on somebody under 30( for catastrophic type) with heavy subsidies - because there are a lot of co-pays, deductibles and other payments with lower premiums.
Even with high premiums like 1000$ per month for a family of 2 in California there are plenty of additional costs - that plan is a PPO type, so it SHOULD be somewhat close to the PPO types offered through employers right now - but it is not - there are tons of co-payments and big ones which are nonexistent now for similar type of coverage.

In my state this is a total racket - the amount of co-payment can reach 25K for a family of two - and 25K is the limit, not 6K like our leftard liars have been parading around

New Lower Cost Short Term Health Insurance

repeating - there are no low-cost full term insurance.
The plan will last 10 months then he has to go off of it for 6....it is not ACA compliant and he will have to pay the fine.

I write these plans every day as a bridge policy til Jan 1.

Sorry kid.

Not true....

Madville Times

You are an amatuer.

From your link....

[•Government Pays $8,474/B]

THAT is the subsidy kid...and a Silver plan is not a Temp plan you moron.

Yes, it's a subsidy.

But you said no such plan existed, called me a liar and a moron.

That is what people do when they are caught in a lie.
This tread is a perfect example of Republican thinking.

First they said I was lying.

Then they said no such plan existed.

Then when I proved them wrong, they called me a moron.

Then they called the working poor moochers.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

You are an amatuer.

From your link....

[•Government Pays $8,474/B]

THAT is the subsidy kid...and a Silver plan is not a Temp plan you moron.

Yes, it's a subsidy.

But you said no such plan existed, called me a liar and a moron.

That is what people do when they are caught in a lie.

I don't think you are a liar, but you ARE a moron.

When you got busted on the subsidy you switched to a temp policy...and then when busted on that you reversed your self again.

My first repnose was that are NO permanent plans for 50 bucks and there aren't..

You lose.

My second response was that Temp are not compliant and they aren't...he will still pay the penaly...AND lose it at the ten month mark.

You lose all the way around kid.

Next time just take your correction like a man.
This tread is a perfect example of Republican thinking.

First they said I was lying.

Then they said no such plan existed.

Then when I proved them wrong, they called me a moron.

Then they called the working poor moochers.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

I take it back, you ARE a liar.

The plan does not cost 50 bucks.

NO permanent plan costs 50 bucks...and no Temp plan satisfies the ACA requirement...not everyone is as stupid as you are.
This tread is a perfect example of Republican thinking.

First they said I was lying.

Then they said no such plan existed.

Then when I proved them wrong, they called me a moron.

Then they called the working poor moochers.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

I take it back, you ARE a liar.

The plan does not cost 50 bucks.

NO permanent plan costs 50 bucks...and no Temp plan satisfies the ACA requirement...not everyone is as stupid as you are.

I never said there was no subsidy.

You were wrong, and you don't have the balls to admit it.
This tread is a perfect example of Republican thinking.

First they said I was lying.

Then they said no such plan existed.

Then when I proved them wrong, they called me a moron.

Then they called the working poor moochers.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

I take it back, you ARE a liar.

The plan does not cost 50 bucks.

NO permanent plan costs 50 bucks...and no Temp plan satisfies the ACA requirement...not everyone is as stupid as you are.

Reading the South Dakota Medicaid Task Force's final report, I find this really good example of how the Affordable Care Act can save working families good money.

A family of 3 with income below 138% FPL ($26,344) will likely incur the following out of pocket costs for a Silver Plan (assuming premium costs of $9,000 per year):
•Family Pays $526 Premium (2% of Income)
•Government Pays $8,474
•Maximum Out-of-Pocket Cap - $4,500
•Premium Plus Out-of-Pocket Cap - $5,026
•Required Actuarial Value: 94%

Under this example, a low-income family with significant Medical expenses during a particular year could potentially face significant out-of-pocket costs, although the maximum out-of-pocket costs will not exceed $5,026 [South Dakota Medicaid Challenges and Opportunities Task Force, final report, 2013.09.16, p. 15].

Madville Times

And here is the same example on the government website...

http://sd.gov/governor/docs/Medicaid Task Force FINAL 9-16-13.pdf

So stop insulting me and admit you were wrong.
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This tread is a perfect example of Republican thinking.

First they said I was lying.

Then they said no such plan existed.

Then when I proved them wrong, they called me a moron.

Then they called the working poor moochers.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

I take it back, you ARE a liar.

The plan does not cost 50 bucks.

NO permanent plan costs 50 bucks...and no Temp plan satisfies the ACA requirement...not everyone is as stupid as you are.

Reading the South Dakota Medicaid Task Force's final report, I find this really good example of how the Affordable Care Act can save working families good money.

A family of 3 with income below 138% FPL ($26,344) will likely incur the following out of pocket costs for a Silver Plan (assuming premium costs of $9,000 per year):
•Family Pays $526 Premium (2% of Income)
•Government Pays $8,474
•Maximum Out-of-Pocket Cap - $4,500
•Premium Plus Out-of-Pocket Cap - $5,026
•Required Actuarial Value: 94%

Under this example, a low-income family with significant Medical expenses during a particular year could potentially face significant out-of-pocket costs, although the maximum out-of-pocket costs will not exceed $5,026 [South Dakota Medicaid Challenges and Opportunities Task Force, final report, 2013.09.16, p. 15].

Madville Times

And here is the same example on the government website...

http://sd.gov/governor/docs/Medicaid Task Force FINAL 9-16-13.pdf

So stop insulting me and admit you were wrong.

....and the plan costs how much?

(assuming premium costs of $9,000 per year

You lose kid.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

When he realizes how high his deductible is, how difficult authorizations are to get, and the absolutely immense red tape he experiences he'll vote Libertarian for the rest of his life.

(This is assuming you actually have any friends, much less a Republican friend)
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

When he realizes how high his deductible is, how difficult authorizations are to get, and the absolutely immense red tape he experiences he'll vote Libertarian for the rest of his life.

(This is assuming you actually have any friends, much less a Republican friend)

I think it is kind of silly to insult someone you don't know on the internet.

Don't you?
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