Why Republicans are so afraid of Obamacares

Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.
Republicans shut down the government, because they believe the Affordable Care Act will be bad for the economy.

Now the shutdown is costing hundreds of thousands of people their wages.

Which is bad for the economy.

Apparently the Republicans have irony poor blood.

A few hundred thousand government employees are going without pay when obiecare is causing millions to lose jobs, healthcare and cut to 28 hours or less per week. I'm not really missing these government employees.

I think the worst case scenario for you is the majority of people aren't going to even notice this shut down of non-essential government workers. And it will be harder to justify them coming back. Much like the sequester this shut down is pretty much nothing other than obie trying to shut down monuments. Once the people just walk through anyway they will realize it's total bullsh*t.

Since 2009 we have added 9 million private sector jobs.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

The Soviet Union was communist, not socialist.

Most countries in the world are a combination of capitalism and a social safety net. Most people realize that taking care of children, the old, and the sick is the right thing to do. That is why universal healthcare, Social Security, and aid to dependent children is important.

I hope someday your hard heart will change, and you will realize this.
Republicans shut down the government, because they believe the Affordable Care Act will be bad for the economy.

Now the shutdown is costing hundreds of thousands of people their wages.

Which is bad for the economy.

Apparently the Republicans have irony poor blood.

A few hundred thousand government employees are going without pay when obiecare is causing millions to lose jobs, healthcare and cut to 28 hours or less per week. I'm not really missing these government employees.

I think the worst case scenario for you is the majority of people aren't going to even notice this shut down of non-essential government workers. And it will be harder to justify them coming back. Much like the sequester this shut down is pretty much nothing other than obie trying to shut down monuments. Once the people just walk through anyway they will realize it's total bullsh*t.

Since 2009 we have added 9 million private sector jobs.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

Funny how this discussion always turns to Bush when you're being beaten in the ground, Chris.

For 5 years now, Obama has run trillion dollar deficits. He just made a $4 trillion budget proposal. Great Scott! 9 trillion in 5 years! That's almost all the debt accrued by every president from Washington to Dubya!
Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

Yeah, we have heard the Socialism argument before. It gets a bit old.

It must be nice to know that you can throw around the horrible S-word as an automatic response to any kind of government regulation. You can lump Marxism and affordable health care all together without a clue what they mean.

I suppose next you will be complaining about our Socialist infrastructure, highway, bridges and road system, our Socialist First Responders and Education system.

Let's not forget the Socialist post office, police force, libraries, parks and national monuments.

The hand of government has ruined them all. Find a flaw in the system, and blame it on Socialism.

If they were privatized, think of how much better they would be run; only the wealthy could have access to them. The police would send you a bill once they had responded to you call. We could even open their services to the public for free once a year as a gesture of good will.

And let's not forget the way Socialism has shipped the working-class jobs overseas, bet on risky derivatives with our maney and screwed the environment/natural resources for its own profits...

Oh yeah, that was the private sector that screwed us.

I suggest you take a hard look at what unregulated privatization of the health care system is capable of and the cost it has incurred on your own family, community, state and beyond.

Demand affordable health care! Do not allow the "health industry" to profit from your illness. This change is fully justified and long over due.
Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

Yeah, we have heard the Socialism argument before. It gets a bit old.

It must be nice to know that you can throw around the horrible S-word as an automatic response to any kind of government regulation. You can lump Marxism and affordable health care all together without a clue what they mean.

I suppose next you will be complaining about our Socialist infrastructure, highway, bridges and road system, our Socialist First Responders and Education system.

Let's not forget the Socialist post office, police force, libraries, parks and national monuments.

The hand of government has ruined them all. Find a flaw in the system, and blame it on Socialism.

If they were privatized, think of how much better they would be run; only the wealthy could have access to them. The police would send you a bill once they had responded to you call. We could even open their services to the public for free once a year as a gesture of good will.

And let's not forget the way Socialism has shipped the working-class jobs overseas, bet on risky derivatives with our maney and screwed the environment/natural resources for its own profits...

Oh yeah, that was the private sector that screwed us.

I suggest you take a hard look at what unregulated privatization of the health care system is capable of and the cost it has incurred on your own family, community, state and beyond.

Demand affordable health care! Do not allow the "health industry" to profit from your illness. This change is fully justified and long over due.

Uh... what? Perhaps you should stay out of the caffeine.:coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:
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I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.
Gee, you wouldn't be like, making that up or anything, would you? :eusa_whistle:
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

I don't pay insurance for my healthcare. I walk into a hospital, I get treated. People pay for my health care via their taxes.
i have a republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote republican again.

don't lie. There are no policies for 50$ per month and you "forgot" to tell about 15k deductuble and amount of co-payment he is supposed to pay. Oh, and the services not provided - where and by whom

Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

Yeah, we have heard the Socialism argument before. It gets a bit old.

It must be nice to know that you can throw around the horrible S-word as an automatic response to any kind of government regulation. You can lump Marxism and affordable health care all together without a clue what they mean.

I suppose next you will be complaining about our Socialist infrastructure, highway, bridges and road system, our Socialist First Responders and Education system.

Let's not forget the Socialist post office, police force, libraries, parks and national monuments.

The hand of government has ruined them all. Find a flaw in the system, and blame it on Socialism.

If they were privatized, think of how much better they would be run; only the wealthy could have access to them. The police would send you a bill once they had responded to you call. We could even open their services to the public for free once a year as a gesture of good will.

And let's not forget the way Socialism has shipped the working-class jobs overseas, bet on risky derivatives with our maney and screwed the environment/natural resources for its own profits...

Oh yeah, that was the private sector that screwed us.

I suggest you take a hard look at what unregulated privatization of the health care system is capable of and the cost it has incurred on your own family, community, state and beyond.

Demand affordable health care! Do not allow the "health industry" to profit from your illness. This change is fully justified and long over due.

Ladies and gentlemen......here you have a perfect example of the public school system.:cuckoo:
A few hundred thousand government employees are going without pay when obiecare is causing millions to lose jobs, healthcare and cut to 28 hours or less per week. I'm not really missing these government employees.

I think the worst case scenario for you is the majority of people aren't going to even notice this shut down of non-essential government workers. And it will be harder to justify them coming back. Much like the sequester this shut down is pretty much nothing other than obie trying to shut down monuments. Once the people just walk through anyway they will realize it's total bullsh*t.

Since 2009 we have added 9 million private sector jobs.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

Funny how this discussion always turns to Bush when you're being beaten in the ground, Chris.

For 5 years now, Obama has run trillion dollar deficits. He just made a $4 trillion budget proposal. Great Scott! 9 trillion in 5 years! That's almost all the debt accrued by every president from Washington to Dubya!

Great Scott!
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Yep, free stuff always makes for a democrat voter. Not quite smart enough to figure out where the money comes from but sure as hell willing to sign up for the benefits. Obiecare is working perfectly.

Well, no, we know EXACTLY where the money comes from.

It comes from the rich people who ripped off working folks to start with.
Its a Socialist takeover of 18% of the United States economy.

Socialist as in Marx, Lenin, Stalin....as in the old collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

So, yea, I fear it. I admit it. I have children. I fear it for them.

WEll if they'd gone with Single Payer Universal HC INSURANCE, then it would have been a socialistic takeover of about 4% of GDP.

Because that 4% represents the money that the HC insurers gouge out of that 18% of the GDP that gets spent on HC.

The other 14% or so goes to the PRIVATE (not government run) health care providers.

Some day perhaps you right wingers might actually LEARN what socialism really is.

That would be nice.:eusa_shifty:

Funny how this discussion always turns to Bush when you're being beaten in the ground, Chris.

For 5 years now, Obama has run trillion dollar deficits. He just made a $4 trillion budget proposal. Great Scott! 9 trillion in 5 years! That's almost all the debt accrued by every president from Washington to Dubya!

No wonder, you can't hold down a job. YOu can't do math.
Since 2009 we have added 9 million private sector jobs.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

Funny how this discussion always turns to Bush when you're being beaten in the ground, Chris.

For 5 years now, Obama has run trillion dollar deficits. He just made a $4 trillion budget proposal. Great Scott! 9 trillion in 5 years! That's almost all the debt accrued by every president from Washington to Dubya!

Great Scott!

The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency.....

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (1 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)

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