Why Republicans are so afraid of Obamacares

I take it back, you ARE a liar.

The plan does not cost 50 bucks.

NO permanent plan costs 50 bucks...and no Temp plan satisfies the ACA requirement...not everyone is as stupid as you are.

Reading the South Dakota Medicaid Task Force's final report, I find this really good example of how the Affordable Care Act can save working families good money.

A family of 3 with income below 138% FPL ($26,344) will likely incur the following out of pocket costs for a Silver Plan (assuming premium costs of $9,000 per year):
•Family Pays $526 Premium (2% of Income)
•Government Pays $8,474
•Maximum Out-of-Pocket Cap - $4,500
•Premium Plus Out-of-Pocket Cap - $5,026
•Required Actuarial Value: 94%

Under this example, a low-income family with significant Medical expenses during a particular year could potentially face significant out-of-pocket costs, although the maximum out-of-pocket costs will not exceed $5,026 [South Dakota Medicaid Challenges and Opportunities Task Force, final report, 2013.09.16, p. 15].

Madville Times

And here is the same example on the government website...

http://sd.gov/governor/docs/Medicaid Task Force FINAL 9-16-13.pdf

So stop insulting me and admit you were wrong.

....and the plan costs how much?

(assuming premium costs of $9,000 per year

You lose kid.

Like I said, you don't have the balls to admit you were wrong.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

When he realizes how high his deductible is, how difficult authorizations are to get, and the absolutely immense red tape he experiences he'll vote Libertarian for the rest of his life.

(This is assuming you actually have any friends, much less a Republican friend)

I think it is kind of silly to insult someone you don't know on the internet.

Don't you?

Sure it's silly. Still fun though.
Oct 2008: "You'll never get elected and pass healthcare."
Nov 2008: "We'll never let you pass healthcare."
Jan 2009: "We're gonna shout you down every time you try to pass healthcare."
July 2009: "We'll fight to death every attempt you make to pass healthcare."
Dec 2009: "We will destroy you if you even consider passing healthcare."
March 2010: "We can't believe you just passed healthcare."
April 2010: "We are going to overturn healthcare."
Sept 2010: "We are going to repeal healthcare."
Jan 2011: "We are going to destroy healthcare."
Feb 2012: "We're gonna elect a candidate who'll revoke healthcare NOW."
June 2012: "We'll go to the Supreme Court, and they will overturn healthcare."
Aug 2012: "American people'll never re-elect you-they don't want healthcare."
Oct 2012: "We can't wait to win the election and explode healthcare."
Nov 2012: "We can't believe you got re-elected & we can't repeal healthcare."
Feb 2013: "We're still going to vote to obliterate healthcare."
June 2013: "We can't believe the Supreme Court just upheld healthcare."
July 2013: "We're going to vote like 35 more times to erase healthcare."
Sept 2013: "We are going to leverage a government shutdown into defunding, destroying, obliterating, overturning, repealing, dismantling, erasing and ripping apart healthcare."
I rather like living and I prefer not to have some beauracrat in Washington messing up my health care and there by putting that living condition in jeopardy. I especially dont like the thought of my daughter growing up in a state run system with piss poor medical treatment because people wanted to ruin our current system by outsourcing their responsibility to take care of themselves to the government.


That is why we rank so highly when compared to other nations in healthcare, longevity, and infant mortality.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
I rather like living and I prefer not to have some beauracrat in Washington messing up my health care and there by putting that living condition in jeopardy. I especially dont like the thought of my daughter growing up in a state run system with piss poor medical treatment because people wanted to ruin our current system by outsourcing their responsibility to take care of themselves to the government.


That is why we rank so highly when compared to other nations in healthcare, longevity, and infant mortality.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]

I'm shocked by your love for fake statistics.
Oct 2008: "You'll never get elected and pass healthcare."
Nov 2008: "We'll never let you pass healthcare."
Jan 2009: "We're gonna shout you down every time you try to pass healthcare."
July 2009: "We'll fight to death every attempt you make to pass healthcare."
Dec 2009: "We will destroy you if you even consider passing healthcare."
March 2010: "We can't believe you just passed healthcare."
April 2010: "We are going to overturn healthcare."
Sept 2010: "We are going to repeal healthcare."
Jan 2011: "We are going to destroy healthcare."
Feb 2012: "We're gonna elect a candidate who'll revoke healthcare NOW."
June 2012: "We'll go to the Supreme Court, and they will overturn healthcare."
Aug 2012: "American people'll never re-elect you-they don't want healthcare."
Oct 2012: "We can't wait to win the election and explode healthcare."
Nov 2012: "We can't believe you got re-elected & we can't repeal healthcare."
Feb 2013: "We're still going to vote to obliterate healthcare."
June 2013: "We can't believe the Supreme Court just upheld healthcare."
July 2013: "We're going to vote like 35 more times to erase healthcare."
Sept 2013: "We are going to leverage a government shutdown into defunding, destroying, obliterating, overturning, repealing, dismantling, erasing and ripping apart healthcare."

"And it is all your fault because you won't negotiate now!"

Well, if the Teabaggers take this to default, with really bad results, make sure that everyone in their district knows where they are at at all times. I am sure that some of their constituents will like to express their gratitude for the Second Great Republican Depression.
Republicans shut down the government, because they believe the Affordable Care Act will be bad for the economy.

Now the shutdown is costing hundreds of thousands of people their wages.

Which is bad for the economy.

Apparently the Republicans have irony poor blood.

A few hundred thousand government employees are going without pay when obiecare is causing millions to lose jobs, healthcare and cut to 28 hours or less per week. I'm not really missing these government employees.

I think the worst case scenario for you is the majority of people aren't going to even notice this shut down of non-essential government workers. And it will be harder to justify them coming back. Much like the sequester this shut down is pretty much nothing other than obie trying to shut down monuments. Once the people just walk through anyway they will realize it's total bullsh*t.

Dumb fuck. It is all over the news about small towns near the National Parks that are losing major money from this shutdown already.

But really, I think we should do it your way. Since you think that government workers will not be missed, shut down the FAA, and ground all the planes in the US. We should also shut down all sewage and water systems that recieve Federal money for their upkeep. And furlough all the military. Yah boys, really shut the government down.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

When he realizes how high his deductible is, how difficult authorizations are to get, and the absolutely immense red tape he experiences he'll vote Libertarian for the rest of his life.

(This is assuming you actually have any friends, much less a Republican friend)
Having a high deductible insurance plan is far better than having no insurance at all. In all plans I have seen on the exchange in my state, the insurance companies have large networks of providers. If you get your healthcare within the network, you will be dealing with contracted providers. This means your cost will be at a contracted rate. This can make a huge difference in your medical cost. For example, my primary care doctor's fee for an intermediate level visit is $125. The contracted rate is about $75 which is what I pay when I'm in the deductible phase. These contract rates reduce all your medical expenses, drugs, doctors, hospitals, labs, etc.

In addition, there are many preventive services that have no copay or coinsurance and are not subject to the deductible. Some plans also include a fixed number of doctor visits which aren't subject to the deductible.

If you have the financial resources to cover the deductible and coinsurance up the yearly maximum, then high deductible and high coinsurance insurance is the way to go.
Republicans shut down the government, because they believe the Affordable Care Act will be bad for the economy.

Now the shutdown is costing hundreds of thousands of people their wages.

Which is bad for the economy.

Apparently the Republicans have irony poor blood.

A few hundred thousand government employees are going without pay when obiecare is causing millions to lose jobs, healthcare and cut to 28 hours or less per week. I'm not really missing these government employees.

I think the worst case scenario for you is the majority of people aren't going to even notice this shut down of non-essential government workers. And it will be harder to justify them coming back. Much like the sequester this shut down is pretty much nothing other than obie trying to shut down monuments. Once the people just walk through anyway they will realize it's total bullsh*t.

Dumb fuck. It is all over the news about small towns near the National Parks that are losing major money from this shutdown already.

But really, I think we should do it your way. Since you think that government workers will not be missed, shut down the FAA, and ground all the planes in the US. We should also shut down all sewage and water systems that recieve Federal money for their upkeep. And furlough all the military. Yah boys, really shut the government down.
This shutdown isn't going to reduce spending at all since workers that are being furloughed will be paid for time they are off. When some of these workers and contractors go back to work, they will be paid overtime to reduce the backlog of work.

This shutdown is pointless. Congress knows it. The administration knows. And the American people know it. It's time to get rid of all the incumbents in the midterms. Both sides have proven then can't work together.
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Here's a good QUESTION for all you in love with the unaffordable care act

Why are YOU afraid of BANNING ABORTION?
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Republicans are afraid of Obamcare because they know it will improve the overall healthcare of the nation and once fully implemented will lower the nation's healthcare bill. If they really thought it was going to be a disaster, they wouldn't be trying to block the implementation. They would allow it fail, ride to victory at the polls,and overturn it. What they're doing now in the House makes no sense.

Republicans are listening to the people that are being harmed by the New Health Care bill.
Going from full time to part time, losing their Company Insurance, losing their Doctors.
Medicare patients who can't find doctors that will take them.
Doctor's that are closing their practices.
This is all happening before it is even begun.
Once it is fully implemented the harm done by it, will be much harder to correct.
Republicans are afraid of Obamcare because they know it will improve the overall healthcare of the nation and once fully implemented will lower the nation's healthcare bill. If they really thought it was going to be a disaster, they wouldn't be trying to block the implementation. They would allow it fail, ride to victory at the polls,and overturn it. What they're doing now in the House makes no sense.

Republicans are listening to the people that are being harmed by the New Health Care bill.
Going from full time to part time, losing their Company Insurance, losing their Doctors.
Medicare patients who can't find doctors that will take them.
Doctor's that are closing their practices.
This is all happening before it is even begun.
Once it is fully implemented the harm done by it, will be much harder to correct.

they don't care about any of that
this is Obama's baby and it MUST be DEFENDED by his loyal stooges
A few hundred thousand government employees are going without pay when obiecare is causing millions to lose jobs, healthcare and cut to 28 hours or less per week. I'm not really missing these government employees.

I think the worst case scenario for you is the majority of people aren't going to even notice this shut down of non-essential government workers. And it will be harder to justify them coming back. Much like the sequester this shut down is pretty much nothing other than obie trying to shut down monuments. Once the people just walk through anyway they will realize it's total bullsh*t.

Dumb fuck. It is all over the news about small towns near the National Parks that are losing major money from this shutdown already.

But really, I think we should do it your way. Since you think that government workers will not be missed, shut down the FAA, and ground all the planes in the US. We should also shut down all sewage and water systems that recieve Federal money for their upkeep. And furlough all the military. Yah boys, really shut the government down.
This shutdown isn't going to reduce spending at all since workers that are being furloughed will be paid for time they are off. When some of these workers and contractors go back to work, they will be paid overtime to reduce the backlog of work.

This shutdown is pointless. Congress knows it. The administration knows. And the American people know it. It's time to get rid of all the incumbents in the midterms. Both sides have proven then can't work together.

You are seeing the Republicans taking a stand and not lying down or rolling over to Dems demands for a refreshing change. This is what I always hated about the Republicans always caving in to Dems demands.
We can't keep printing 1 Trillion every year and borrowing 1 Trillion every year.
The spending has to be brought under control.
Reid and Obama have refused to deal with a long term budget solution since 2009.
I'm not a Republican and the ACA scares the shit outta me.

Just saw on the news that this POS bill is going to be way more expensive than projected and I have a feeling the taxpayers of America are going to be the ones picking up the tab.

If that doesn't scare the shit outta ya then nothing will.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

When he realizes how high his deductible is, how difficult authorizations are to get, and the absolutely immense red tape he experiences he'll vote Libertarian for the rest of his life.

(This is assuming you actually have any friends, much less a Republican friend)
Having a high deductible insurance plan is far better than having no insurance at all. In all plans I have seen on the exchange in my state, the insurance companies have large networks of providers. If you get your healthcare within the network, you will be dealing with contracted providers. This means your cost will be at a contracted rate. This can make a huge difference in your medical cost. For example, my primary care doctor's fee for an intermediate level visit is $125. The contracted rate is about $75 which is what I pay when I'm in the deductible phase. These contract rates reduce all your medical expenses, drugs, doctors, hospitals, labs, etc.

In addition, there are many preventive services that have no copay or coinsurance and are not subject to the deductible. Some plans also include a fixed number of doctor visits which aren't subject to the deductible.

If you have the financial resources to cover the deductible and coinsurance up the yearly maximum, then high deductible and high coinsurance insurance is the way to go.

except when you pay CASH - the doctor's visit is 75-100$ without any monthly premium. Lab work ( which ALL has to be co-payed by this crap obamacare) is also within the range of that copay. heck, the CT of the abdomen and chest for cash is 250-300$.
Why do you need insurance for outpatient at all? while this obamacare crap doe not provide the inpaitient services unless it is very high co-pay, deductible and high premium.
If you set aside a roll-over pre-tax medical account and pay a 1000$ per month there( instead of obamacare premium) - you can have money for medical emergencies as well.
This whole obamacare crap is a rip-off of the middle class for the benefit of big corporations.
Nothing else.
and the "rich" start at yearly income of 45,001$ for a single and 60,001$ for a couple.
Milionaires, aren't they?
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I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

BTW no matter how much Democrats might want to believe otherwise, fictional characters are not entitled to vote.
Republicans are afraid of Obamcare because they know it will improve the overall healthcare of the nation and once fully implemented will lower the nation's healthcare bill. If they really thought it was going to be a disaster, they wouldn't be trying to block the implementation. They would allow it fail, ride to victory at the polls,and overturn it. What they're doing now in the House makes no sense.

Republicans are listening to the people that are being harmed by the New Health Care bill.
Going from full time to part time, losing their Company Insurance, losing their Doctors.
Medicare patients who can't find doctors that will take them.
Doctor's that are closing their practices.
This is all happening before it is even begun.
Once it is fully implemented the harm done by it, will be much harder to correct.
A recent study by the Stanford School of Medicine and published this week estimate that 37 million people may dump their employer-based coverage and buy insurance on the Obamacare exchanges because they could get a better deal. The lose of employer sponsored health insurance is a myth. What is not a myth is that many people who work for small employers are finding that the exchanges are offering a better deal than the employee sponsored plan.

Your claim that people will not be able find doctors and doctors are giving up their practice has been shot down many times.

Fact Check: 30 million people will lose their employer health insurance under Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
I'm not a Republican and the ACA scares the shit outta me.

Just saw on the news that this POS bill is going to be way more expensive than projected and I have a feeling the taxpayers of America are going to be the ones picking up the tab.

If that doesn't scare the shit outta ya then nothing will.

And you should be because it controls all of us, as well as it will eventually bankrupt us.
Our businesses and each and everyone of us are now under Government control.
The Health Care Bill has changed working hours down to 30.
Has put a cap on 50 employees so that small businesses can't afford to expand.
The government can now change that amount anytime they want to, as to how many employees whenever it wants, in order to draw back or expand the growth of small companies.
You as an individual will now get penalized for not going along with the rules and regulations that Government wants you to do.
If you violate them your premium payment will go up.
We are also seeing Doctor's Offices becoming assembly lines, in and out with no relationship between the Doctor's and Patients.
Republicans are afraid of Obamcare because they know it will improve the overall healthcare of the nation and once fully implemented will lower the nation's healthcare bill. If they really thought it was going to be a disaster, they wouldn't be trying to block the implementation. They would allow it fail, ride to victory at the polls,and overturn it. What they're doing now in the House makes no sense.

Republicans are listening to the people that are being harmed by the New Health Care bill.
Going from full time to part time, losing their Company Insurance, losing their Doctors.
Medicare patients who can't find doctors that will take them.
Doctor's that are closing their practices.
This is all happening before it is even begun.
Once it is fully implemented the harm done by it, will be much harder to correct.
A recent study by the Stanford School of Medicine and published this week estimate that 37 million people may dump their employer-based coverage and buy insurance on the Obamacare exchanges because they could get a better deal. The lose of employer sponsored health insurance is a myth. What is not a myth is that many people who work for small employers are finding that the exchanges are offering a better deal than the employee sponsored plan.

Your claim that people will not be able find doctors and doctors are giving up their practice has been shot down many times.

Fact Check: 30 million people will lose their employer health insurance under Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

They can say anything they want to because they are for the bill.
The Fact is;
We lost our Doctor. She was forced to close her practice. She could not afford the cuts in payments to Medicare.
Unions are very upset at losing theirs.
Many people wrote in to congress at the harm this bill is doing.

Only 34% are for this bill, so expect a fight over it.
I have a Republican friend who went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Well, sure. Dems know that once people benefit from glomming off others, they have more voters. The guy should be thinking that it's too good to be true. While it will seem better for some - for a while - the liberals are unable to understand how things will work in the long run. Just like social security, Medicare and other programs, this is unsustainable. They only care about their careers today, not about America's future.

Unfortunately, those who still work for a living are going to bear the brunt of Obamacare. I know too many who have lost their insurance, are going to be paying more or plan to pay the fine for not having it. Seems like those who had good plans are now left in the cold. Only approved plans are allowed and this administration frowns on the so-called Cadillac plans, well, except for themselves. They don't believe any person should be better off than the next guy, regardless of the effort they put in to making their own lives better.

So, a few will get cheap or even free insurance. They will get what they pay for. The rest of us will pay for way more than we'll get.

No liberal has the courage to even address the fact that congress and the president exempted themselves because they do not like Obamacare. Liberals also avoid the subject of Obama delaying Obamacare for the wealthiest companies. Not a word from liberals on those issues and that is telling.
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