Why should I vote for Obama


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2008
No lies, no exaggerations, no reasons why I shouldn't vote for Romeny. Why should I vote for Obama? What is he going to do for me? How is this next 4 years going to be any different than these last 4 years?
No lies, no exaggerations, no reasons why I shouldn't vote for Romeny. Why should I vote for Obama? What is he going to do for me? How is this next 4 years going to be any different than these last 4 years?

you probably shouldn't vote for him. you didn't vote for him; have no intention of voting for him so the question is kind of moot.

on the other hand... he wouldn't cut programs that help kids like your son.

just saying.
the Obama Administration curtailed the 07-09 Great (pub) Recession and prevented a World Wide Depression.
No lies, no exaggerations, no reasons why I shouldn't vote for Romeny. Why should I vote for Obama? What is he going to do for me? How is this next 4 years going to be any different than these last 4 years?

obama is going to help with entitlments, keeping people on the government tab and telling people what kind of cars to drive, when to buy life insurance, and pretty much pimp the life of the government curtails.

So unless if any of that appeals to you, than no dont vote obama, but if it does than hes your guy.

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